2019-2020年牛津译林版7B Unit6 Grammar(1)教案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版7B Unit6 Grammar(1)教案课 题7B Grammar(1)主 备主核使用者课 型使用日期【学习目标】1.To use the past tense to make positive and negative sentences.2.To use the past tense in the dialogue. 第一次集体备课(通案)第二次备课(个案)【导入新课】In the story “Down the rabbit hole”,everything happened in the past,so we used the sample past tense. Do you remember the rules of this tense?【板书课题】 7B Grammar(1)【学习目标】1.To use the past tense to make positive and negative sentences.2.To use the past tense in the dialogue.【自学指导】写出下列动词的过去式sit run standfall try putgo see saylook find aremeet take replylisten spent teach点拨:一般疑问句: be 动词JWas/were+主语+其他? JYes,主语 +was/were. No,主语 +wasnt/werent.行为动词JDid+主语+动词原形+其他? JYes,主语+did. No,主语+ didnt.Practice:1. Alice sat by the river with her sister.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定和否定回答)_ by the river with her sister?_ _2. The rabbit took a watch out of its pocket. (对划线部分提问)_ out of its pocket?3. The rabbit ran after Alice.(改为否定句)_after Alice.4. Alice found a key on a small table. (对划线部分提问)_a key?5. Alice put the key into a small door.(对划线部分提问)_Alice_?6. The girl was at home last night. (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答)_at home last night? Yes, _. No, _Complete Part A。Show some pictures about Part A Ask then to talk about these pictures (play football / play volleyball Go fishing/ do some shopping go out / stay at home )S1:Did Millie go to the zoo last weekend?S2: No, she didnt.S1: What did Millie do last weekend?S2: She went to the park.Complete Part B。【堂清知识】点拨:一般疑问句: be 动词JWas/were+主语+其他? JYes,主语 +was/were. No,主语 +wasnt/werent.行为动词JDid+主语+动词原形+其他? JYes,主语+did. No,主语+ didnt.【当堂检测】I、 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. We (be not) in Beijing last week. We (be) at home. 2. Kitty and I (be not) happy because of the bad weather this morning.3. We always (go) to Shanghai when I was a child.4. They (not go) to school last Wednesday, they (have) a match.5. Mike (drive) to Nanjing three days ago, he_(not, take) a train there.6. She seldom (arrive) home late after work, but she (come) back at 10p.m. yesterday.学生活动指导:1. The students complete alone.2. Ds gets five points. 3. The group leader writes the points.4. Discuss in groups1. 自己准备,在疑难处做标记。2. 小组合作核对答案,解决疑难。3. 所有D号学生站起,参与回答。4. 小组长评价打分,给出分数。The students understand these knowledge and try to make some sentences.日清内容II、 按要求改写句子1. They had a good time in the park last weekend.(改成否定句)They _ a good time in the park last weekend.2. They were on the playground just now. (改成一般疑问句) _ on the playground just now?3. We met at the school gate yesterday.(对划线部分提问)_yesterday?4. The boy is crying in the bedroom.(用a moment ago改写)The boy _in the bedroom a moment ago.第三次备课(反思)得: 在第五单元中,学生已经学过了一般过去式,所以大部分学生都能掌握,并会变相应的句子。失:部分学生对过去式的变化规则不能记住,因此在做题当中经常出现错误。改:要求学生记住过去式的变化规则。

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