2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三教学案:Unit 2 Section 4(含答案).doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三教学案:Unit 2 Section 4(含答案)原文呈现读文清障E AND EAT HERE (2)A week later, Wang Pengs restaurant was nearly full and he felt happier. Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant. He did not look forward to beingin debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. He smiled as he weled some customers warmly at the door but the smile left his face when he saw Yong Hui walking in. She did not look happy but glared at him. “May I ask what you were doing in my restaurant the other day? I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you only came to spy onme and my menu,” she shouted. “Please excuse me,” he calmly explained, “I wanted to know where all my customers had gone last week. I followed one of them and found them in your restaurant. I dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food. Why dont you sit down and try a meal?”earn ones living谋生也可以说make a/ones living。after all意为“归根结底;毕竟;终究;仍然”。look forward to (doing) sth.期望/盼望(做)某事in debt欠债debt/det/n.债;债务no longernot .any longer不再(时间上)no morenot .any more不再(数量上)saw Yong Hui walking in 为see sb. doing sth. (看见某人正在做某事)结构,现在分词短语walking in作宾语补足语。glare/le/vi.怒目而视;闪耀n.怒视;炫目的光glare at瞪着;怒目而视stare at凝视the other day意为“那天;几天前”,常与一般过去时连用。I thought .表示“我原以为”,该用法常在时态中考查。spy on暗中监视;侦查spy/spaI/vi.&vt.窥探;秘密监视n.间谍;侦探limited/lImItId/adj.有限的limit/lImIt/vt.限制;限定 n界限;限度so .that .如此以至于,that引导结果状语从句。benefit/benIfIt/n.利益;好处vt.&vi.有益于;有助于;受益be of benefit to对有益,相当于be beneficial to。到这里来用餐吧 (2)第1段译文一周后,王鹏的餐馆里几乎坐满了人,他感到高兴些了。也许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于关闭自己的餐馆。他可不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。他微笑着站在餐馆门口热情地迎接他的客人。但他一见到雍慧走进来,脸上的笑容马上就消失了。雍慧瞪着他,看上去不高兴。“请问你几天前到我餐馆里来干什么?”她大声地问道,“我本来以为你是一位新顾客,现在我才知道你只是过来打探我和我的菜谱的。”王鹏心平气和地解释说:“很对不起,上周我想知道我的顾客上哪儿吃饭去了。我跟着一位顾客走,发现他们在你的餐馆里。我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你菜谱上的菜太有限了,所以我也就不担心了,我也开始宣传我的餐馆的食物的好处了。你为什么不坐下来吃顿饭呢?”Yong Hui agreed to stay and soon they were both enjoying dumplings and breast of chicken cooked with garlic. When they were served the ice cream, Yong Hui began to look ill. “I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food,” she said, “I miss my vegetables and fruit.” Wang Peng was enjoying a second plate of dumplings so he sighed. “Yes,” he added, “and I would miss my dumplings and fatty pork. Dont you get tired quickly?”“Well, I do have to rest a lot,” admitted Yong Hui. “But dont you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner? Im sure youd feel much healthier.”enjoy dumplings品尝水饺;津津有味地吃水饺breast/brest/n.胸部;乳房breast of chicken鸡胸肉garlic/lIk/n大蒜过去分词短语cooked with garlic作定语,修饰breast of chicken。serve sb. sth.给某人端上食物a second plate of又一盘;再一盘a second不表示顺序,而表示数量、次数,意为“再一;又一”。sigh/saI/vi.叹息;叹气 n叹息;叹息声It would be better if .如果会更好一些(表示委婉地提出建议,句子用了虚拟语气)。第2段译文雍慧同意留下来,一会儿他们就津津有味地吃起水饺和蒜蓉鸡胸来。到吃冰淇淋时,雍慧开始感到不舒服了。她说:“吃了这么油腻的、难消化的食物,我都觉得恶心了。我想吃我的蔬菜和水果。”王鹏正在吃另一盘水饺,他叹了口气,说道:“同样,(如果在你的餐馆)我还想吃我的水饺和肥肉呢。你不觉得自己很容易疲倦吗?”“是的,我的确不得不需要经常地休息,”雍慧承认了,“不过,难道你不认为你瘦一点儿更好吗?我相信,那样你会觉得健康得多。”They began to talk about menus and balanced diets. “According to my research, neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet,” explained Wang Peng. “I dont offer enough fibre and you dont offer enough bodybuilding and energygiving food. Perhaps we ought to bine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.” So that is what they did. They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled the potatoes rather than fried them. They served fresh fruit with the ice cream. In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal. Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight. After some time the two found that their business cooperation had turned into a personal one. Finally they got married and lived happily ever after.according to根据neither .nor .既不也不,为并列连词,连接两个平行并列的成分。此处连接两个并列的主语,主谓一致采用“就近一致”原则。bine/kmbaIn/vt.&vi.(使)联合;(使)结合bine A with Bbine A and B把A和B结合/联合起来with复合结构(withn.adj.),作定语,修饰a balanced menu。what引导的表语从句,what在表语从句中作did的宾语。rather than意为“而不是”,连接并列成分。in this wayby this means/with this method用这种办法cut down削减;删节a success中的success为可数名词,此处意为“成功的事”。before long不久以后put on weight增加体重(gain weight)cooperation/kpreIn/n合作;协作cooperate v合作;协作turn into成为;变成第3段译文他们开始谈论菜谱和均衡膳食的问题。王鹏解释道:“根据我的研究,你我两家的餐馆所提供的都不是均衡的膳食。我没有提供足够的膳食纤维,而你提供的食物没有足够的营养和热量。也许我们应该把我们的想法结合起来,提供一份富含热量和纤维的均衡食谱。”于是,他们就照此做了。他们用生蔬菜配汉堡包,煮土豆而不是油炸土豆,还拿新鲜的水果配上冰淇淋。这样,他们减少了饭菜中脂肪的含量,增加了纤维素。他们的均衡膳食非常有效,王鹏不久之后就瘦了,而雍慧也增加了些体重。过了不久,这两个人发现,他们生意上的合作变成了私人的合作了。最后,他们结了婚,从此过上了幸福美满的生活。Step 1True (T) or False (F)1Yong Hui came to Wang Pengs restaurant in order to spy on him.()2Yong Hui stayed in Wang Pengs restaurant and enjoyed dumplings and breast of chicken.()3Wang Peng and Yong Hui quarrelled in the end.()答案:1.F2.T3.FStep 2Read the text and choose the best answers.1Wang Peng was worried when he thought _.Ahe would be in debtBhe could no longer earn his livingChe would lose his job Dhis friends would not visit him2Yong Hui was very angry when she came to Wang Pengs restaurant because _.Ashe thought he was a new customer Bshe thought he had spied on her restaurantCshe was told he was a spyDhe was too fat3Wang Pengs research showed _.Ahis menu was balancedBboth menus were balancedCYong Huis menu was balancedDneither menu was balanced4He suggested they provide a bined menu because _. Ahe liked Yong Hui Bhe didnt want to lose his customersChe thought her menu was betterDthis would provide a balanced diet5Whats the final result of the petition of the two restaurants?AYong Huis restaurant won.BWang Pengs restaurant won.CThey bined their menus and created a new one.DThey lowered their own food price to win more customers.答案:15BBDDC一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1consultvt.咨询;请教;商量2debtn. 债;债务3glarevi. 怒目而视;闪耀n. 怒视;炫目的光4spyvi.&vt. 窥探;秘密监视n. 间谍;侦探5sighvi. 叹息;叹气n. 叹息;叹息声.拓展词汇1digestvi.&vt.消化 n摘要;概要digestion n消化2poisonousadj.有毒的poison n毒药;毒物3limitvt.限制;限定 n界限;限度limited adj.有限的4benefitn利益;好处 vt.&vi.有益于;有助于;受益beneficial adj.有益处的;有利的;受益的5binevt.&vi.(使)联合;(使)结合bination n联合;结合;化合(物)6cooperationn合作;协作cooperate vi.合作;协作 1.consult vt.咨询;请教;商量;参考;查阅图片记忆2debt n债务;债词块in debt负债out of debt 不欠债pay off ones debt 还清某人的欠款或债务3“看”之大集合see v. 看见;看到watch v. 注意看;观察;注视observe v. 观察;注意到gaze v. 凝视;盯着看(常指无意识地)stare v. 盯着看;凝视witness v. 目击;亲眼看见glance v. 瞥一眼;很快的一看glare vi.&n. 怒目而视;闪耀;怒视;炫目的光二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.earn_ones_living谋生2in_debt 负债;欠债3glare_at 瞪着;怒目而视4spy_on 暗中监视;侦查5cut_down 削减;删节6before_long 不久以后7put_on_weight 增加体重8turn_into 变成;成为1.after all毕竟;终究;归根结底;仍然2no longer 不再(时间上)3the other day 几天前;那天4enjoy dumplings 品尝水饺;津津有味地吃水饺5a second plate of 又一盘;再一盘6according to 根据7rather than 而不是8in this way 用这种办法三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.I dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你的菜谱上的菜太有限了,所以我也就不担心了,我也开始宣传我的餐馆的食物的好处了。so .that .“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。The little girl is so_lovely_that we all like her.这个小女孩如此可爱,以至于我们都喜欢她。2.“According to my research, neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet,” explained Wang Peng.王鹏解释道:“根据我的研究,你我两家的餐馆所提供的都不是均衡的膳食。”neither . nor .“既不也不”,连接两个并列成分。Neither_John_nor_Tom knows how to spell the word.约翰和汤姆都不知道怎样拼写这个单词。3.Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.他们的均衡膳食非常有效,王鹏不久之后就瘦了,而雍慧也增加了些体重。such .that .“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。This is such_an_interesting_book_that we all enjoy reading it.这本书非常有趣,我们都喜欢看。1(教材P12)However, as she was so afraid of being laughed at by her friends, she did not consult a doctor but lived on a diet of rice, raw vegetables, bananas and lemons. 然而,因害怕被朋友们嘲笑,她没有向医生咨询,而是以米饭、生蔬菜、香蕉和柠檬为主食。consult vt.咨询;请教;商量;参考;查阅consult sb.about sth. 就某事请教/咨询某人consult sth. about sth. 就而查阅某物consult with sb. about/on sth. 就某事与某人商量 Youd better consult him before you made up your mind.在你下决心之前最好向他咨询一下。If you wish good advice, consult an old man about it. 如要忠告向老人请教。She consulted with her parents about/on the way to do the matter.她同父母商量了做这件事的方法。辨析比较consult, look up两者均有“查阅”之意consult相当于refer to或turn to,后面接查询的工具look up后面接需查询的问题或内容选用上述词语填空I consulted the telephone book for his number.When you meet with any new words, youd better look_up the words in the dictionary.2(教材P14)Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant.也许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于关闭自己的餐馆。earn ones living谋生earn/make a living谋生;维持生计earn/make ones own living 自食其力How hard it was toearn her living in those days.那时她度日维艰。Many people here make a living by boarding students.这儿的许多人靠租房子给学生维持生计。He said that he had grown up and could earn_his_own_living.他说他已经长大了,能够自食其力。3(教材P14)He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.他可不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。debt n债;债务;欠款in debt负债out of debt 不欠债pay off ones debt 还清某人的欠款或债务Her debts amount to over $1,000.她欠的钱超过1 000美元。Many people experience difficulty in paying_off_their_debts.许多人在还债时都遇到困难。Ill be_out_of_debt next year.我明年就没有欠债了。4(教材P14)I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you only came tospyon me and my menu .我本以为你是一位新顾客,现在我才知道你只是过来打探我和我的菜谱的spy on暗中监视;侦查spy on sb.暗中监视某人spy out sth. 查清楚/搞明白某事He saw a man spying_on him from behind a tree. 他看见一个人躲在树后监视他。They spied out the secret of her success. 他们查清楚了她成功的秘密。语境串记The tall man was a spy, who had been given the task of spying on the woman and spying out her identity. 那个高个子男人是个间谍,他受命监视那个女人并且查清楚她的身份。5(教材P14)I dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefitsof my food.我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你的菜谱上的菜太有限了,所以我也就不担心了,我也开始宣传我的餐馆的食物的好处了。limit n&vt.界限;限度;限定;限制(1)put/set a limit to .对限制within the limits of 在的范围内without limit 无限(制)地(2)be limited to sth. 受限制于limit sth. to sth. 把限定在的范围内(3)limited adj. 有限的;不多的limitless adj. 无限制的;无界限的Our life has a limit, but knowledge is without limit.生命有限,知识无涯。Ive limited myself to 1,000 calories a day to lose weight.我为了减肥限定自己每天摄入1 000 卡的热量。We must make good use of our limited (limit) time and money.我们必须好好利用我们有限的时间和金钱。语境串记 A mans life is limited, but there is no limit to serving the people. I will devote mylimited life to the limitless job of serving the people.一个人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的。我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务之中去。benefit n利益;好处vt.有利于;有益于;受益(1)for the benefit of for ones benefit为了的利益be of benefit to 有益于;对有好处have the benefit of 得益于(2)benefit sb./sth. 使某人或某物受益benefit from/by. 从中受益/获益(3)beneficial adj. 有利的;有益的;受益的be beneficial to ( be of benefit to .)对有益;对有利As we know, books are the source of knowledge. I benefit a great deal from reading.我们都知道书是知识的源泉。我从读书中获益匪浅。Doing exercise every day is of great benefit to health.天天做运动对健康有好处。They can benefit from/by the technology.他们可以从这项技术中获益。The doctor considered that the change would be beneficial (benefit) to her health.医生认为这个改变会对她的健康有益。语境串记It is known to us all that doing eye exercises benefits our eyes, and that is to say, our eyes can benefit fromdoing eye exercises.众所周知,做眼保健操对我们的眼睛有好处,也就是说,我们的眼睛会受益于做眼保健操。名师点津benefit一般为不可数名词,但意为“具体的好处”时是可数名词,可用复数形式。Building the bridge has brought many benefits to our economy.修建这座桥为我们的经济带来很多好处。6(教材P15)Perhaps we ought to bine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.也许我们应该把我们的想法结合起来,提供一份富含热量和纤维的均衡食谱。bine v(使)联合;(使)结合(1)bine .with .把与结合起来(2)bination n. 结合;联合;化合(物)a bination of . 一种的结合(物)in bination with 与联合起来Efforts and confidence bine to make a full man.努力与信心结合造就完人。We consider it necessary to bine theory with practice.我们认为理论联系实际是必要的。The club is supported by a bination (bine) of people from all social classes.该俱乐部受到社会各阶层的民众团体的支持。7(教材P15)In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.这样,他们减少了饭菜中脂肪的含量,增加了纤维素。cut down削减;删节;砍倒cut off剪除;割掉cut across 穿过;抄近路cut up 切碎cut out 删去cut in 插话You smoke too much you should try to cut down.你抽烟太凶了,你应该尝试着少抽点。You must cut up the vegetables before you eat it.吃之前,你必须把蔬菜切碎。The water supply has been cut off because of the terrible earthquake.因为可怕的地震,水供应被切断了。I wish Marie would stop cutting in on our conversation.我希望玛丽不要一直打断我们的谈话。8(教材P15)Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.他们的均衡膳食非常有效,王鹏不久之后就瘦了,而雍慧也增加了些体重。before long不久以后long before很久以前It was/will be long before . 过很久后才It was not/will not be long before . 不久就I hope well meet again before long.我希望不久我们再见面。 The story had happened long_before.故事发生在很久以前。 It_wont_be_long_before we meet again.不久我们将会再次相见。语境串记Before long he had to return to the village where he once livedlong before.不久以后,他不得不回到他很久以前住过的那个村子。1I dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food. 我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你的菜谱上的菜太有限了,所以我也就不担心了,我也开始宣传我的餐馆的食物的好处了。(1)本句中包含so .that .结构,意为“如此以至于”。该结构主要有以下几种用法:soadj./adv.that从句soadj.a/an单数可数名词that从句so many/much/few/little (少)名词that从句It is so heavy a box thatI cant lift it.箱子如此重以至于我提不起来。This teacher is so_kind_that we all like him. 这个老师非常和蔼,我们都喜欢他。He has so_many_books_that I cant count them. 他有很多书,我数也数不清。(2)such .that .的用法:sucha/anadj.可数名词单数that从句suchadj.不可数名词 that从句suchadj.可数名词复数that从句He is such_a_little_boy_that he cant lift the bag. 他是这么小的一个男孩,提不起那个包。It was such_cold_weather_that I had to stay at home.天气如此冷,以至于我不得不待在家里。They are such_interesting_books_that I want to read them once again.这些书非常有趣,我想再读一遍。2“According to my research, neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet,” explained Wang Peng.王鹏解释道:“根据我的研究,你我两家的餐馆所提供的都不是均衡的膳食。”(1)句中neither . nor .“既不也不”,连接的是句子的两个主语,句子的谓语动词与nor后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。这就是主谓一致中的“就近一致原则”。Neither wenor she eson time. 她和我们都没有按时到。Neither dad nor mum is (be) at home today.今天父母都不在家。(2)遵循“就近一致原则”的结构有:there be .有either .or . 或者或者not .but . 不是而是whether .or . 无论还是not only .but also . 不但而且There are (be) some pencils and a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书和一些铅笔。Either I or they are (be) responsible for the result of the matter.不是我,就是他们要对那件事的结果负责。Not only he but also all his family are (be) keen on concerts.不仅仅是他,而且他全家人都很热衷于音乐会。名师点津neither或nor连接两个句子,且放在句子开头时,句子要用部分倒装。He doesnt go to school by bike. Neither/Nor do I.他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。.单句语法填空1It is said that Yoga is of great benefit to health.2Learn to bine your knowledge with experience,and you are sure to succeed. 3People cut down too many trees and leave rubbish everywhere.4In my opinion, we should limit our expense to what we can afford.5He consulted a number of books about the subject in the library before he gave his speech. 6Why are you spying on me all the time? What do you want to spy out?.补全句子1They asked so_many_questions_that I got confused.他们问了那么多问题,都把我弄糊涂了。2Harry has been out of work for six months, so he has difficulty earning_his_living.哈里已经失业六个月了,因此他谋生有困难。3Long_before he stayed in Russia for half a year and he will go there before_long again.很久以前,他在俄罗斯待了半年,他不久还会再次去那里。4Neither his family nor he knows_anything_about it.他全家人和他都不知道那件事。5She was_in_debt when she was poor, but she has_been_out_of_debt since she got rich.以前她穷的时候欠了债,可是自从富了以后她就不再负债了。一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1They didnt fight, but stood there glaring (怒视) at each other.2In my opinion,keeping dogs should not be banned,but limited (限制) to certain areas. 3Wang Peng began to advertise the benefits (好处) of his food.4He consulted (查阅) his notebook repeatedly during his speech.5“I wish I didnt have so much to do.” she sighed (叹息)6Have you digested (理解) everything that is important in the book?7He spied (窥探) a man hiding in some bushes.8They bined (联合) to form a new government.单句语法填空 1It is not polite to spy on what girls are wearing.2He is so stubborn that no one can persuade him.3Neither the father nor the son is (be) interested in the film.4There is no doubt that the plants benefited from the rain. 5In order to save energy, they have decided to cut down the gas supplies to the city.6As a writer, he bines wisdom with passion.7David, Im tired of watching television; lets go for a walk. 8The mother was trembling with anger.She glared at her son and said nothing.9The speed of cars and trucks is limited to 30 kilometers per hour in large cities in China.10The experts consulted with each other about how to reduce the loss caused by the earthquake.11They didnt go to the park yesterday. Neither/Nor did we. 12Eating healthy will prevent you putting on weight.选词填空glare at, spy on, earn ones living, in debt, put on weight, cut down, be of great benefit, before long1.He earns_his_living by doing all kinds of things. 2The book is_of_great_benefit to you.3Dont get him to lend you any money any more, because he himself is in_debt.4Many big trees along the road have been cut_down for building houses.5He has put_on_weight after recovery.6The woman glared_at the young man coldly, which made him embarrassed.7Before_long he began to realize how serious mistakes he had made.8John admitted that he had followed Ms. Evans and spied_on her.本单元语言点温故练习.单句语法填填空1I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the village.2You cant get away with lying (lie) every time! 3I had my watch stolen (steal) last week.4Before long, our family moved and had to give the pet away.5She had a feeling that she was being watched, that is, spied on.6This is so expensive a camera that I cant afford it.7He has cut down his expenses to pay for his schooling.8I bought the coat at a discount of 60%. 9She asked the question out of curiosity (curious)10Dont always eat the same kind of food, because we should have a balanced (balance) diet.补全句子1This article is too long, so you have to cut_it_down_to_1,000_words.这篇文章太长了,因此,你得把它压缩到一千字才行。2I dont know where he has gone, nor do_I_care_about.我不知道他去哪里了,我也不关心。3He worked in the factory. And before_long_he_got_married.他在这家工厂工作,不久以后就结婚了。4She is such_a_good_teacher_that all of us love and respect her.她是一位如此好的老师,以至于我们都敬爱她。5No other book has_had_a_greater_effect_on_my_life.再没有别的书对我的生活有更大的影响了。6Life is like riding a bicycle. To_keep_your_balance you must keep moving. 人生就像骑自行车。为了保持平衡,你必须不断地向前进。7I hold the belief that this voluntary work will be_of_great_benefit_to/beneficial_to_me. 我坚信这项志愿者活动将对我大有裨益。8He should_have_finished_his_homework in such a long time.在这么长的时间里他本应该完成他的作业。9Dont believe her because she is_always_telling_lies.别信她,她总是说谎。10Her sister wants to lose_weight,_so she goes_on_a_diet.她的妹妹想减肥,所以她在节食。二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解A couple of weeks ago, my dad, who is se


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