2019-2020年牛津译林版7B Unit8 Grammar(2)教案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版7B Unit8 Grammar(2)教案课 题7B U8 Grammar(2)主 备主核使用者课 型new使用日期【学习目标】1. To know the meanings of indefinite pronouns.2,.To use indefinite pronouns correctly. 第一次集体备课(通案)第二次备课(个案)【导入新课】The teacher show some words. Ask the students to match them:(some, any, no, every);(one, body, thing).【板书课题】 7B U8 grammar(2)【学习目标】1. To know the meanings of indefinite pronouns.2. To use indefinite pronouns correctly. 【自学指导】Task1someone/somebody, anyone/ anybody and no one/ nobody, everyone/ everybody1. Show the students some sentences to read and understand.2. Work in groupsto discuss the use of them.3. Summary: A. We use someone/somebody in positive sentences to refer to people.B. We use anyone/anybody in negative sentence to refer to people. Its the negative form of someone/somebody.Task2:something, anything, nothing , everything 1. Show the students some sentences to read and understand.2. Work in groupsto discuss the use of them.3. Summary: A. Something, anything and nothing are used to refer things. B. Something is used in positive sentence while anything is used in negative sentence. C. When we are offering something or when we expect the answer to be “yes” we can use “something” in questions.Task3: Finish the exercises on Page 98.1.Prepare by yourselves. 2. Work in groups to read the conversation aloud and understand it. 3. Each group reads a sentence once. 4.Ask some questions about the letter and pick out some language points. 5.Work in groups to solve your problems. 6. Master the useful expressions. 【堂清知识】我们常用不定代词代指某个不特定的人或物。 1,不定代词some-常用于肯定句。疑问句中,如果 希望得到对方肯定回答,也会用some-。 2,不定代词any-常用于否定句或疑问句中。 3,不定代词no-有否定含义,nobody=not anyone, nothing=not anything。 4,不定代词every-可用于各种句式中。 5,不定代词一般都被视作单数。 6,形容词或else常放在不定代词后。 【当堂检测】1. -What a big box! Can I help you? - No, thanks. Theres _ in it. Its empty.2. - Did the doctor live alone in his home? - He has two sons and a daughter. But lives with him.3. - Theres _ wrong with my clock. It doesnt work. - Dont worry. Let me have a look.4. - _ is in the classroom. Where are they? - They are all on the playground.5. - How easy the Maths exam was! - Yes. But I dont think _ could pass it. 6. - Listen! _ is knocking at the door.7. -What do you think of Kitty? - She is my true friend. She never tells my secrets to _.8. - Helen, what did you talk with Bob? - He asked me to tell him _ I knew. Read and remember the words and understand the meanings.学生指导;1,学生独立完成。2,小组合作,解决疑难。3,C号同学站起,参与回答。学生活动:1. Learn by themselves and finish the exercises.2. Check in groups and help Cs.3.Check some Cs.Remember and remember the languages points.日清内容用不定代词填空:1. I have important to tell you.2. Did _ happen?3. There is _ wrong with the machine.4. The question is difficult, and can answer it.5. Is _ here? No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave. (全国卷)A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody6. I will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will _. (江苏卷)A. anyoneB. anyone elseC. no one D. no one else第三次备课(反思)得:大部分学生能掌握住不定代词的拼写和含义,基本能完成各项任务。失:在做肯定句、疑问句和否定句时,要注意转换。改:对一些后进生严格要求,让他们多读,多练,。

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