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2019年六年级英语模拟卷一. Listen and choose听音,选择你所听到的内容。(4%)( ) 1.A. BDJB. BDGC. IRL( ) 2.A. 34982B.65783C.98341( ) 3.A. 4:30B. 7:10C. 12:00 ( ) 4. A. / i: / B. / I / C. / e / ( ) 5.A. / leit / B. / feit / C. / lait / ( ) 6. A. turn left B. turn right C. go straight( ) 7. A. pick up leaves B. have a picnic C. wash clothes ( ) 8.A. 114cm B. 140cm C. 141cm二. Listen and number 听音给图片标号。(4%) 1. 2.3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( )三Listen and choose.听单词,选择正确的音标。3%( ) 1. A. /bt/ B. /b:t/ ( ) 2. A. /bd/ B. /dd/( ) 3. A. /w:k/ B. /w:k/ ( ) 4. A. /lat/ B. /nat /( ) 5. A. /swem/ B. /swm/ ( ) 6. A. /bz / B. /tz/四、Listen and judge. 听音,判断,对的打“”,错的打“”。4% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6. 7.8. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、Listen and choose 听问句,选答句 ( 6% )1. ( ) A. Im going at 8:00. B. Im going to be a doctor.2. ( ) A. I did my homework. B. I do my homework.3. ( ) A. I want that red one. B. Its a green bag.4. ( ) A. She likes watching TV. B. She is tall and thin.5. ( ) A. Its in May. B. Its June 1st.6. ( ) A. I am going to the cinema. B. Im reading a book.六、Listen and choose 根据你所听到的对话,选出正确的答案 ( 5% )( ) 1. What did Tom do last Saturday? A. Watch TV. B. Washed the clothes. C. Played football.( ) 2. Where did Mike go on his holiday? A. Harbin. B. Xian C. Hainan.( ) 3. How does Class 2 feel at the beginning of the football match? A. Sad. B. Excited. C. Angry.( ) 4. How did Jim go to Beijing? A. By train. B. By plane. C. By bus.( ) 5. What did Jim do in Beijing? A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her friends.七、Listen and choose. 听音,选择意思相近的句子。4%( )1. A. Which season do you like best? B. What colour is it?( )2. A.Whats your father? B.Where is your father?( )3. A.Chen Jie is taller than Sarah. B.Sarah is taller than Chen Jie.( )4. A.Today is Sunday. B. Today is Monday.八、Listen and write. 听音填空。5%1. Amy is _1_ than Sarah.2. John is _2_. His throat is _3_.3. Zhang Peng _4_ English at home last weekend. 4. Did you _5_ the room last weekend?九、Listen and judge. 听短文,判断。对的打“”,错的打“”。5% ( ) 1、Sarah has six lessons a day. ( ) 2、Sarah has P.E. on Wednesdays.( ) 3、Sarah doesnt like eating tofu. ( ) 4、Bai Ling is Sarahs friend. ( ) 5、Bai Ling often goes boating in spring.Written Part笔试部分(60)一、Write the letters.写出下列字母的左邻右舍,并注意大小写。4% Vv Hh M s 二、Read and choose选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。5%( )1. bike A. mine B. milk C. pig( )2. nose A. long B. no C. orange( )3. look A. book B. food C. tooth( )4. Monday A. day B. May C. Sunday( )5. flower A. brown B. yellow C. grow 三、Read and write.将下列单词添加或替换一个字母,变成一个新单词。4%e.g. be bee (1-4题为添加一个字母成为一个新单词)1. now _ 2. here _ 3. salt _ 4. wind_e.g. foot food( 5-8题为替换一个字母变成一个新单词)5.pan_ 6.dig _ 7. shirt_ 8. bad _四、Read and choose 找出不同类的一个选项,把序号填入前面的括号中 ( 6% )( ) 1. A. seed B. sprout C. soil D. flower( ) 2. A. matter B. bigger C. shorter D. nicer( ) 3. A. bored B. learned C. wrote D. played( ) 4. A. salty B. fresh C. sweep D. tasty( ) 5. A. bus B. foot C. taxi D. jeep( ) 6. A. skate B. swim C. sports D. dance五、Read and write.按要求写出下面单词的适当形式。5%1. photo (复数) _ 6. child (复数形式) _2. stronger (反义词) _ 7. can not (缩写形式) _3. lets(完整形式)_ 8. wash ( 第三人称单数) _4. won (同音词) _ 9. leaf(复数形式)_5. September(缩写)_ 10. big(比较级)_六、Read and choose.单项选择。5%( ) 1.In the USA, drivers drive on the_ side of the road. A. left B. right C. each( ) 2. When its fall in China, its _in Australia. A. fall B. winter C. spring( ) 3. Hello, _ Mike speaking. A. this is B. Im C. is it ( ) 4. My throat is _. My arm_. A. sore, hurt B. sore, hurts C. hurt, sore ( ) 5. Are there _boats on the river? A. any B. many C. some ( ) 6. What _your father going to do this weekend? A. does B. is C. are ( ) 7. _ time is it now?A、How B、What C、When( ) 8. What do you do on Sundays? I _ .A、play violin B、play the violin C、plays the violin( ) 9. Is she _ university student?A、a B、the C、an( ) 10. _your parents going to take a trip tomorrow? A. Do B. Are C. Did七.Read and write. 读一读,用所给单词的适当形式填空。5%1. I_(have) a good time yesterday.2. Does he like_(plant) flowers?3. I _ (buy) a dictionary next weekend.4. Listen! The girl (sing) in the music room.5. How many (strawberry) can you see?八、 Read and choose补全对话。(5%) A. Did you go to see the doctor ? B. What are you going to do there? C. How are you? D. No, sorry.E. How did you go there? F. Whats the matter?G. How are you going there?A: 1 ?You look tired.B:Yes, Im tired. I have a cold today.A: 2 ?B:Yes, I went to see the doctor. He told me to take some medicines.A:Were going to a park tomorrow. Are you going with me ?B: 3 I will stay at home.A:Thats fine.(那么好)B: 4 ?A:Were going to climb mountains and have a picnic.B: 5 ?A:We are going there by bus.九、Read and write. 连词成句,注意标点及大小写。5%1. taller I than thinner and am you (.) _2. family, How, going, get, is, your, to, there (?) _3. parents presents bought my holiday I for many on my (.)_4. many, people, there, are, family, in, How, your (?) 5. are in the many clothes closet ( . ) _十、Read and write. 按要求改写句子,每格一词。5%1. My father is going to climb mountains next weekend. (改成一般疑问句) _ your father _ _ climb mountains next weekend? 2. Mike goes to school by bike. (对划线部分提问) Mike to school?3. There are some birds in the tree.(改为否定句) There _ _ birds in the tree.4. Jim has breakfast at nine. (用yesterday来改写)Jim _ breakfast _.十一、Read and correct.找出句中的错误,并在横线上改正。5%( ) 1. Is your father walk to work? _ A B C( )2、There are a little dog and two cats under the tree. _ A B C ( ) 3. Mr Hu teach us English. _A B C ( ) 4Lets go home. Its time to dinner. _ A B C ( ) 5How heavier are you? Im 48 kg. Youre heavier than me . _ A B C 十二、Read and choose. 完形填空。 6%Tom is an _boy. Hes twelve years old. Hes two years _ than his brother, Jim. Tom is 150 cm and Jim is 160 cm. Jim is 30kg and Tom is 40kg. Tom wants _ lose some weight(减轻体重), so he tries not to eat too much food. He also _ more exercises than before. Every morning he _ earlier than Jim and he goes jogging(慢跑)for thirty minutes. After dinner, Tom often goes for a walk, and Jim likes _ at home. Now Tom is much stronger than Jim. ( ) 1. A. China B. England C. American( ) 2. A. old B. young C. younger( ) 3. A. to B. for C. with( ) 4. A. does B. do C. did ( ) 5. A. goes to bed B. goes to school C. gets up( ) 6. A. skiing B. swimming C. watching TV小学英语毕业复习模拟卷答卷Listening Part (40%)一、 Listen and choose. (听音,选择你所听到的内容。)4%序号1234Class Name Number - 装 - 订 - 线 -答案序号5678答案二、 Listen and number.听音,给图标号。4%图片号1234答案图片号5678答案三、 Listen and choose.听单词,选择正确的音标。3%序号123456答案四、 Listen and judge. 听音,判断,对的打“”,错的打“”。4%序号12345678答案五、Listen and choose. 听问句,选出合适的答句。6%序号123456答案六Listen and choose. 听对话,选择。5%序号12345答案七、 Listen and choose. 听音,选择意思相近的句子。4%序号1234答案八、Listen and write. 听音填空。5%1._ 2. _3. _4. _5. _九、Listen and judge. 听短文,判断。对的打“”,错的打“”。5% 序号12345答案Written Part笔试部分(60)一、Write the letters.写出下列字母的左邻右舍,并注意大小写。4% Vv Hh M s 二、Read and choose.选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。5%序号12345答案三、Read and write.将下列单词添加或替换一个字母,变成一个新单词。4%e.g. be bee (1-4题为添加一个字母成为一个新单词)1. now _ 2. here _ 3. salt _ 4. wind_e.g. foot food( 5-8题为替换一个字母变成一个新单词)5. pan _ 6.dig _ 7. shirt_ 8. bad _四、 Read and choose. 找出下列四个选项中不同类的一项。6序号123456答案五、Read and write.按要求写出下面单词的适当形式。5%1. _6. _2. _7. _3. _8. _4. _9._5. _10. _六、Read and choose.单项选择。5%序号12345答案序号678910答案七.Read and write. 读一读,用所给单词的适当形式填空。5%序号123456答案八、Read and choose补全对话。(5%) 序号12345答案九、Read and write. 连词成句,注意标点及大小写。5%1. _2. _3. _4. 5. _十、Read and write. 按要求改写句子,每格一词。5%1. _ _ _ 2. _ _ _3. _ _ 4. _ _ 十一、Read and correct.找出句中的错误,并在横线上改正。5%1. ( ) _ 2. ( ) _ 3. ( ) _ 4. ( ) _ 5. ( ) _ A B C 十二、Read and choose. 完形填空。 6%序号12345答案听力材料一、听音,圈出你所听到的内容。(4分) 1. BDG 2. 34982 3. 4:30 4. / I / 5. / lait / 6. turn right 7. pick up leaves 8. 141cm 二、听句子,给图标号。(4分) 1. The elephants are drinking water with their trunks. 2. Chen Jie feels cold, because she has a fever. 3. There is a big lake near our village. 4. Chen Jie likes skiing. 5. Our principal is very strong and short. 6. Mike likes playing the piano. 7. Its time for drinking. 8. Whats your hobby, mom ? I like painting.三、听单词,选择正确的音标。(4分) 1. beat 2. bed 3. work 4. night 5.swim 6.toys四、听音,判读图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符。(4分) 1. Today is Jan. 1st. 2. My aunt is answering the phone. 3. Its cold and snowy in winter. 4. The girl has a sore throat. 5. Look, the flowers are very beautiful. 6. My father is an artist. Look, he is painting. 7. Mike is playing the violin. 8. Its nine oclock in the evening. Its time for sleeping.五、听问句,选答句。(6分)1. What are you going to be?2. What did you do?3. Which one do you want?4. Whats your mother like?5. When is the Childrens Day?6. What are you doing?六、听对话,选择正确的答案。(5分) 1. B: Hi, Linda! What did you do last Saturday?G: I washed the clothes. Tom, did you watch TV last Saturday?B: No, I played football with my father. 2. G: Good morning, Mike! Where did you go on your holiday? Did you go to Harbin? B: No, I didnt. Its too cold in Harbin. I went to Hainan. Its warm there. 3. G: There is a football match between Class 1 and Class 2 today. B: Yes. All the students in Class 2 are so excited. Because they want to win the game. 4. G: Hi, Jim! Did you go to Beijing last weekend? B: Yes. G: How did you go there ? Did you go by train? B: No, I went by plane. 5. G: What did you do in Beijing,Jim ? B: I like swimming . But my friends like skiing. So I went skiing with my friends.七、听句子或对话,选择意思相近的选项,(4分) 1. Whats your favourite season? 2. What does your father do? 3. Chen Jie is 154cm. And Sarah is 145cm. 4. Today is the first day of the week.八、听句子,填单词。(5分)1. Amy is _thinner_ than Sarah.2. John is _sick_. His throat is _sore_.3. Zhang Peng _learned_ English at home last weekend. 4. Did you _clean_ the room last weekend?九、听短文,判断。(5分) Hello! My name is Sarah. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I have six lessons a day. I like Wednesdays, because I have P.E. on Wednesdays and I like P.E. very much. I also like Thursdays, because I have tofu on Thursdays. Tofu is healthy for me. I have a good friend. Her name is Bai Ling. We often go boating and go swimming in summer. Summer is my favourite season. Which season do you like best?


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