2019-2020年牛津7B Unit5 Abilities教案(表格式).doc

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2019-2020年牛津7B Unit5 Abilities教案(表格式)总 课 题Unit 5 Abilities总课时10第1 课时课 题The first lesson comic and welcome to the unit教学目标1. ability , Superdog , fly , careful , collect elderly2. to revise vocabulary about helping people in the community 3. to generate ideas about ways to care for and help other 教学重点How to stimulate the students how to care about others and help.教学难点1.Giving a seat to someone on the bus.2. Talking about what people can do教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记Step 1. GreetingsTeaching aims and demands:New words:ability , Superdog , fly , careful , collect elderlyTeaching methods: task-based approachTeaching task: 1.to revise vocabulary about helping people in the community 2. to generate ideas about ways to care for and help others Teaching aids: tape recorderTeaching procedures: 一. Warm-up Talk to students about Superman . Guide students to understand the meanings of “can” and “cant” .二. Main task 1.Ask for suggestions of some typical ways students help you ,the school, the common unity and others .Write the words everyday hero on the board and then brain storm situations in which students can be helpful . 学生活动Ss listen and ask and answer.Ss complete the table on their own.Get the Ss to listen and understand.课时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记2.Ask students to look at the pictures on page73 . Explain the context .Check understanding of the words “ planting , clean up ,elderly “ .Then ask students to read descriptions and the task . 3. Check answers with the class . 4. Ask students to look at the pictures and statements and consider how often they engagein the activities .ask them to respond using thewords “ regularly / sometimes / never “ . 三 Exercises 练习一.Welcome to the unit 一、词汇1. Thank you for (bring) me presents and cards 2. He is a (细心的)boy . 3. I saw a lot of smoke (come)from next door . 4. I poured some water over my jacket .Thats what I did for my (safe).5. Fire can be very (danger) .6. It is important to be (care)with the fire .7. Children should not play with (match)二、翻译句子1 我们可以为希望工程捐款。 We can for 2 她是一位细心的学生,课堂上她总能认真听讲。 She is a student . She always to the teachers . 3 少先队员们为老人们一周两次打扫房间。 The Young Pioneers the rooms for twice a week . Let the Ss compare “its”and “its”.Get the Ss to listen and say.Complete the conversation.Ss practice the dialogues.课时设计活页纸总 课 题Unit 5 Abilities总课时10第 2课时课 题The second lesson Reading (1)教学目标1. To introduce and expand vocabulary to describle situations2. To guess content from text type, title and picture3. To skim the text for overall meaning and scan for detail教学重点How to find information from the text教学难点1.To respond to statements expressing surprise ,interest and amazement2.To describe factual details教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记Step 1. GreetingsAsk one student to give a duty report, the other students try to ask several questions according to the report. Teaching procedures: 一. Warm-upTalk about danger and potential hazards at home .ask if any students have ever had an accident at home. talk about what to do in caseof emergency二 Main task 1.Review vocabulary which is relevant for this context e.g. “smoke ,rush ,danger “ . 2.Encourage students to draw on their own knowledge about such incidents Have they heard about similar incidents ? Ask:1. Who had the accident ?2. Who helped in the emergency ?3. How did it end ? 学生活动Ss listen and ask and answer.Ss listen and try to answer.课时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记3. Listening the text and repeat after the tape , then tell the you the name of the hero in the text . 4.Ask six students to read one paragraph each . then ask at least “Yes /No” about the article to check understanding 5. Read the text carefully again then answer the following questions : 1. What happened on 10th May ? 2. Who saved Mr. Sun ? 3. Why could Mr. Sun not get out of the kitchen ? 4. How did Wang Fang put out the fire ? 5. Why was Wang Fang in hospital ? 6. Explain the useful expressions in the text help her neighbor out of a fire / danger e.g. Yesterday Jim helped a little girl out danger . alone = by oneself My parents were out just now. I am alone / by myself now .Peter can do his homework alone /by himself hear someone shouting see /watch /find /hear sb do sth (doing sth ) e.g. I often see them play football on the playground .三 Exercise一、词汇1. That man (quick)ran away .2. Dont (抽烟) here , please . 3. Jack fell (跌倒) off the ladder and (hurt) himself . 4. We should (study) hard . 5. Its important (learn) English we .6. We went to visit Uncle Wang and (bring) some flowers to him . Play the tape and ask Ss to repeatSs do it by themselves.Ss practise the dialogue.课时设计活页纸总 课 题Unit 5 Abilities总课时10第3 课时课 题The third Lesson Reading BCD (2)教学目标1. To identify names of specific places and actions2. To infer general meaning from pictures keywords and context教学重点To fill the black according to the text教学难点To identify and recognize different stress patterns in words. 教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记预习要求:学生活动Step 1. Warm-up1 Make sure that students understand the concept of opposites ,Give some similar e.g. hot /cold ,fast / slow , big / small 2 Explain the concept of prefixes and suffixTell students that when we add the prefix un- in front of some adjectives , it uually means not .Give some examples friendly / unfriendly , healthy / unhealthy , lucky / unlucky ,usual /unusual .When we add the suffixful to the end of some adjectives , 3 Ask students to look at the words in the left column of Part A and do the task on their own . 4. Have one student read out a word from the left column and another student give the opposite word from the right column. Write the correct answer5 Explain the context of Part B. on the board .Ss listen and ask.Ss try to tell how many syllables there are in the the words.Let the Ss try to understand.课时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记6.Ask students to read two reports on their own first .Ask them to try to make sense ofwhat is being said in the reports . 7. Then students read the first report again anduse the mixed-up letters to help them make suitable adjective . 8. Follow the same procedure for the second report .Ask students to read out the report one sentence at a time . Write the missing words on the board . 9. Ask students to write a report about one of the classmates using one of the reports in Part B on page 77 as a model. Encourage them to use as many adjectives as possible . Homework完成课堂作业纸Ss listen and repeat.课时设计活页纸总 课 题Unit 5 Abilities总课时10第 4 课时课 题The fourth Lesson Vocabulary 教学目标1. To develop an understanding of the use of adj.in fifferent contests2. To use suitable adj. to describle peoples behaviour and character教学重点To present factual information in writing 教学难点To present an article about an animal教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记预习要求:学生活动Step 1. GreetingsTeaching procedures: 1. Make sure that students understand the concept of opposites Give some similar examples . e.g. hot /cold , fast / slow , big / small 2. Explain the concept of prefixes and suffixes .Tell students that when we add the prefix un-in front of some adjectives , it usually means not. Give some examples eg. friendly / unfriendly , healthy / unhealt hy,lucky /unlucky ,usual /unusual . When w e add the suffix ful to the end of some adjectives , it means full of i.e. the person or Teaching procedures: 3. Ask students to look at the words in the left column of Part A and do the task on their own4. Have one student read out a word from the left colum .Ss listen,ask and answer.Have a discussion.课时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记5. Explain the context of Part B .You may want to remind students about prizes that can be won at your school and activate students knowledge about recommendation letters . 6. Ask students to read two reports on their own first .Ask them to try to make sense of what is being said in the reports . 7. Then students read the first report again and use the mixed-up letters to help them make a suitable adjective . 8. Follow the same procedure for the second report. Ask students to read out the report one sentence at a time . Write the missingwords on the board . .9 Ask students to write a report about one of the classmates using one of the reports in Part B on page77 as a model .Encourage them to use as many adjectives as possible . Homework完成课堂作业纸Ss listen and answer.Have a discussion课时设计活页纸总 课 题Unit 5 Abilities总课时10第5课时课 题The fifth Lesson Grammmer教学目标1. To recognize and understand how to use:can andcould to expressAbility in the present and past2. To recognize degrees of possiblitities may and might教学重点How to recognize and understand the use of “can and could”教学难点To assess approprite choice of vocabulary to complete aconversation describing feelings of surprise ,likes ,amazement and fear教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记Step 1. RevisionRevise the last lesson.Step 2.Warm-upAsk the student on duty to give a free talk.Teaching procedures: 1Revise the key vocabulary about leisure activities and introduce“row a boat/ride a bike /fly a kite “Talk to students about summer camps in general and the type of activities offered /. Elicit as much real information from studentsas possible . 2Students have already learned the use of “can”and“may” in making requests(Book7A unit2) therefore ,you need to introduce the idea that here,the word “can” is used to express ability . 3Ask students to identify activities that they can do well .Write students statements on the board .First write “I can “on the board4Ask students to say the things they can do ,and sort them into categories : sports/ leisure/school subjects 学生活动RevisionFree talkFill in the blankswrite in their answersLook at the picture and write the correct words中学课时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记5. Go through the tables at the top of page 78 and explain the use of “can/could” and their negative forms. We use “can” to say that we are able to do something .We use “could” to say that we were able to do something in the past . 6. Ask students to work out the rule on their own .Then they check with a partner and confirm that their answer is correct with the whole class . 7. Ask students to check the information table in Part1about the Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students abilities .Reinforce the use of “could/ could not” for the past and “can/can not” for the present .Then they complete the sentences on their own . 8. Students do Part A2 first on their own and then check their completed sentences with a partner ,Then ask students to read the conversation in pairs .9. Check answers as a class, remind them to write the pattern into their grammar pattern books together with their own examples. 完成课堂作业纸。Go through the new wordsLearn and practice课时设计活页纸总 课 题Unit 5 Ability总课时10第 6 课时课 题The sixth lesson Grammar B and C 教学目标1.To recognize and understand how to use can and could 2.To recognize and understand how to use can and could to talk about Possibility in the present and past 教学重点Can and could 教学难点Aim 2 教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记Teaching procedures: 1 Make sure that students understand the concept of opposites , Give some similar examples . eg . hot /cold , fast / slow , big / small 2 Explain the concept of prefixes and suffixes .Tell students that when we add the prefix un- in front of some adjectives , it usually means not. Give some examples eg. friendly / unfriendly , healthy / unhealthy , lucky / unlucky , usual / unusual . When we add the suffix ful to the end of some adjectives , it means full of i.e. the person or thing has that quality . When we add the suffix less to the end of some adjectives , it means without or lacking . 学生活动Introduction课时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记3 Ask students to look at the words in the left column of Part A and do the task on their own . 4 Have one student read out a word from the left column and another student give the opposite word from the right column. Write the correct answers on the board . 5 Explain the context of Part B . You may want to remind students about prizes that can be won at your school and activate students knowledge about recommendation letters . 6 Ask students to read two reports on their own first . Ask them to try to make sense of what is being said in the reports . 7 Then students read the first report again and use the mixed-up letters to help them make a suitable adjective . 8 Follow the same procedure for the second report . Ask students to read out the report one sentence at a time . Write the missing words on the board . Homework:完成课堂作业纸IntroductionAsk and answer questionscomplete the conversationDiscussion课时设计活页纸总 课 题Unit 5 Ability总课时10第 7 课时课 题The seventh lesson Integrated skills教学目标4. To identify and note specific details and guess meaning from text 5. To identify specific information presented in written and spoken form and make notes 6. To understand and respond to context .教学重点Cross the bridge and turn right/Take the second turning on the right.Cross the road at the traffic light./Walk past the police station.教学难点1.To recognize key expressions about directions.2.To use key information given instruction and identify the specific order of them from listening.教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记Teaching procedures: 1 Revise the key vocabulary about leisure activities and introduce “row a boat / ride a bike / fly a kite “ Talk to students about summer camps in general and the type of activities offered /. Elicit as much real information from students as possible . 2 Students have already learned the use of “can” and “may” in making requests(Book7A , unit2) therefore , you need to introduce the idea that here , the word “can” is used to express ability . 3 Ask students to identify activities that they can do well . Write students statements on the board . First write “ I can “ on the board . 4 Ask students to say the things they can do , and sort them into categories : sports/ leisure/school subjects学生活动Revision Play this gameListen 课时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记 5 Go through the tables at the top of page 78 and explain the use of “can/could” and their negative forms . We use “can” to say that we are able to do something . We use “could” to say that we were able to do something in the past . Step 7.ExercisesDo some exercisesHomework.完成课堂作业纸draw the route on the map Play the tape and ask Ss to repeatpractise课时设计活页纸总 课 题Unit 5 Ability总课时10第 8 课时课 题The Eighth Lesson Study Skills教学目标6. To develop students awareness about what they are learning 7. To develop the ability to work independently of the teacher 8. To develop a systematic recording system of progress 教学重点Aim1. 2教学难点Aim 3教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记预习要求:学生活动1 Tell students that they are now able to talk about their present and past abilities using “can/could” . Introduce the idea that we also use “can/could” to express possibilities . 2 Ask students to study the tables at the top of the page to clarify the use of “can/could” and their negative forms . 3 Explain to students the concept of possibility . We use “can” to say that something is possible . We use “could” to something was possibleHave a discussionHave a discussion课时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记. However, we are not talking about the chances that something will happen . Provide examples using students own experience : School finishes at 4 p.m. The bus leaves at 4:10p.m. we can take the bus home . 1. It will be warm tomorrow so we can wear short sleeves .4 Ask them to do PartB1 in pairs , For less able students , allow them refer to the table on the top of page 80 . 5 Check the answer as a class . Pay special attention to any common mistakes and clarify them . choose five students to read aloud . give their ideasLearn课时设计活页纸总 课 题Unit 5 Ability总课时10第 9 课时课 题The Ninth Lesson Main task 教学目标3. To adapt language to write descriptions for a specific purpose and audience 4. To practice writing formal letters 5. To discuss suitable date and time for a farewell party.教学重点Aim1 .2教学难点Aim 3教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记预习要求:学生活动1 Introduce the idea that we also use “may” and “might” to express possibilities . Students probably know how to use “may” for making polite requests but possibly will not know the meaning of “might” . Tell them that “might” is the past tense form of “may” .However , we also use “might” to talk about possibility2 Explain the context by talking to students about the Class 1 Grade 7 students summer Camp and what the students may / may not or might / might not de there .Talk students through some examples using questions about everyday events at your school .Have a discussionread the questionnaire课时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备课札记3 Ask students to study the tables at the top of the page , and explain to them the difference between the uses of “may” and “might” . 4 Have more able students provide other sentences to illustrate “may” and “might” .Encourage them to think of their own examples to express degrees of possibilities . 5 Explain the context of Part C . Ask students to read what each person is saying and underline the keywords in each speech bubble . i.e. ”maybe” , “only a small chance” , “ Im sure” and “highly possible” . These words will determine the use of specific modal verbs . 6 Then ask students to complete sentences 1-4 at the bottom of the page . Check the answer as a class activity . Clarify any possible problems .write instructionsHave a discussion课时设计活页纸总 课 题Unit 5 Ability总课时10第 10 课时课 题The Tenth Lesson Check


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