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Unit15That snotfair Lesson29 CanyoudescribeClaire snewdrawings Dailyreport Theyareallatthe sportsacademy WhatdoesPaulliketodo Helikestoplayfootball Whataboutyou Doyouoften 经常 watchfootballmatches 比赛 watch Wheredotheyplayfootball Onthefootballfield fi ld Whichoneisafootballfield B A footballfield basketballcourt k t oneside theotherside sidenicefinekitewide Howmanypeoplearethereinafootballteam 足球队 Doyouknow Let scount footballplayer足球运动员 Thereareelevenplayersinateam Whoarethey Theyarethecaptains k pt n 队长 oneside theotherside thecaptainof ref ri Whoisthemanwitharedcard He sthereferee 裁判 足球小知识 红牌 是在一场足球比赛中 当一名球员在比赛中严重犯规 裁判员会举起红牌 Redcard 下令球员离场 还有 如果该球员本场比赛已经领取到一张黄牌 后来的比赛中又因为犯规领取到一张黄牌 此时裁判会按照 两张黄牌等于一张红牌 的规定将其罚出场 Whatdoeshehave awhistle Whoisimportant 重要的 inafootballteam Thefootballplayers referee captainandthecoach 教练 Listenandanswer Who sliketwoplayers Mr Fordisliketwoplayers Why Heisvery andvery Hecanplayvery big strong well Watchandanswer Howmanypeoplearethere 2 Whatis notfair watch Therearethirteenpeople Therearesevenononesideandsixontheotherside That snotfair Listen readandimitate Happyreading Readinpairs 两两读 Readbyyourselves 自己读 Readinroles 分角色朗读 Readingtip Reademotionallyandpayattentiontothemoodofthepeople 有感情地朗读 注意人物的语气和心情 Readingshow Readinpairs 两两读 Readbyyourselves 自己读 Readinroles 分角色朗读 Readingtip Reademotionallyandpayattentiontothemoodofthepeople 有感情地朗读 注意人物的语气和心情 Canyoukickagoal 进球 A B C A ExampleA ArePaulandGaryatthecollege No theyaren t AretheywithWilliam AretheywithTomandMr Ford CanRobertandSamplayfootballwithPaul IsTomthecaptainofoneside IsRobertthecaptainofoneside IsSamthecaptainoftheotherside IsPaulthereferee Aretheretwelveplayers No theyaren t Yes theyare Yes theycan No heisn t Yes heis Yes heis Yes heis No therearen t 9 Aretherethirteenplayers 10 IsMr Fordsmall 11 Ishebigandstrong 12 Isheliketwoplayers A Yes thereare No heisn t Yes heis Yes heis Wow whatagoal B ExampleB ArePaulandGarywithWilliam No theyaren t They rewithTomandMr Ford IsTomthecaptainofoneside IsPaulthecaptainoftheotherside IsRobertthereferee Aretherefourteenplayers No heisn t Robertisthecaptainofoneside No heisn t Samisthecaptainoftheotherside No heisn t Paulisthereferee No therearen t Therearethirteenplayers 5 AretheresevenplayersonSam sside 6 IsMr Fordliketenplayers No therearen t TherearesixplayersonSam sside No heisn t He sliketwoplayers B Wonderful C ExampleC WherearePaulandGary They reoverthereonthefootballfield Who sthecaptainofoneside Who sthecaptainoftheotherside Who sthereferee WhosesideisMr Fordon What sMr Fordlike Robert sthecaptainofoneside Sam sthecaptainoftheotherside Paul sthereferee He sonSam sside He sliketwoplayers Hurray Robert Where PaulandGary Sam They re onthe They re TomandMr Ford Robert Great wecanplayfootball Fillintheblanks are overthere footballfield with withthem Robert Hey Paul Canwe withyou Paul That s Robert playfootball agoodidea Paul Right You rethe of Robert AndSam you re I mthe captain oneside thecaptainoftheotherside referee Paul Now howmany arethere Robert One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve players thirteen Robert Sothereare onmyside and on side Sam That snot Robert Yes onyourside seven six Sam s fair itis Mr Ford s Robert He s and Hecanplay He twoplayers verybig verystrong verywell islike Canyouactoutthestory Tip 注意人物的语气 神情和动作哦 Canyoutranslate 踢足球 在足球场上 一个好主意 和他们一起玩 多少 两名裁判员 在我这边 一方的队长 那不公平 他像个体操运动员 playfootball onthefootballfield agoodidea playwiththem howmany tworeferees onmyside thecaptainofoneside That snotfair He slikeagymnast Homework Oral Readandrecitethetext Trytoactitout Written Copythenewwordsandfinishtheworkbook


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