北京市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练(一).doc

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课时训练(一)(限时:30分钟).单项填空1.Alan is a lovely boy and his classmates like very much.A.she B.he C.her D.him2.The Belt and Road Summit was held in Beijing May xx.A.to B.in C.on D.at3. is the moon away from the earth?It is about 383,000 kilometers.A.How far B.How soonC.How much D.How often4.Do you know Lake Superior is lake in the world?Yes, I hear that it is almost 82,414 km2.A.large B.largerC.largest D.the largest5.Aron Ralston kept on climbing mountains he lost his arm.A.because B.butC.although D.since6.How was your trip to the Yellowstone National Park?Fantastic.We a good time.A.have B.hadC.will have D.are having7.Must I take the PE test today, Mr.White?No, you .You can take it later if you are not feeling well today.A.neednt B.cantC.shouldnt D.couldnt8.Robin when the earthquake happened at 11:00 last night.A.was sleeping B.sleepsC.slept D.is sleeping9.Tony knows China very well because he in China for more than twenty years.A.works B.was workingC.has worked D.will work10.The show is starting.The teacher is telling the children quietly.A.sat down B.sit downC.sitting down D.to sit down 11.Mr. Green to sing an English song at the party and he sang well.A.was invited B.invited C.is invited D.invites12.Do you know ?Next Friday.A.when will he come backB.when he came backC.when did he come backD.when he will come back.xx东城二模 完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。A Sweet Lessona metal braceletMany people have clear memories of their school years.What I remember most was meeting Christopher, who had diabetes(糖尿病) at the age of four.Christopher came to my 13 right after Christmas break.He wasnt shy at all.He stood in front of the class and introduced himself with 14.Weeks passed and I realized Christopher was exactly like me.We both were funny and liked sports! But Christopher always wore a metal bracelet, which made him quite different.My classmates didnt 15 it.They stayed away from Christopher.The day before spring break, we had a class party.Mrs.Rose invited our parents too.All kinds of candies were passed out.I tasted every kind and got some for Christopher too, but he didnt even 16 them.“Why arent you eating, Christopher?” I asked.He answered seriously, “I cant.”I kept giving candies to him then he got 17,“I told you I cant! Stop it!” He then stormed out of the room and his mother followed.I went home that night with a million questions.My mom told me Christopher had diabetes and that was why he couldnt eat as much sugar as everyone else.She also 18 he wore the bracelet because it had all his medical information in it, in case(万一) he was in serious danger.I felt so sorry for Christopher.When we returned to school after spring break, I asked Mrs.Rose if I could tell the class Christophers medical condition.She agreed.I told them about his diabetes.I also suggested that every snack or sweet that we brought to class should be OK for Christopher.Months went by and Christopher was 19 than ever.He had even more friends and didnt feel so left out during snack time because everyone was eating the same treat.I realized this was exactly what Christopher wantedfriends who could 20 him and love him for who he was.13.A.home B.club C.school D.party14.A.pride B.confidence C.thankfulness D.care15.A.believe B.value C.notice D.like16.A.touch B.pass C.share D.buy17.A.surprised B.excited C.mad D.afraid18.A.guessed B.doubted C.proved D.explained19.A.braver B.happier C.busier D.funnier 20.A.accept B.protect C.trust D.miss .xx东城二模 阅读短文,根据短文回答问题P.I.C.K.the Right Books for YouThe secret to learn how to choose the right book is simple.Its one word you can depend on when youre in a library or a bookstore.All you need to remember is “P.I.C.K.”.“P.I.C.K.” stands for Purpose, Interest, Comprehend, and Know the Words.P=Purpose. Why are you looking for a bookreading for pleasure or trying to learn something? Reading silently for yourself or reading out loud for someone else? Most often, your purpose for reading can be found with a quick answer.I=Interest. With the many millions of books on shelves today, there must be something out there for everyone.If you are interested in cars, consider books about history of racing, race car drivers, or car design.Even if you have a short amount of time to choose books, you can determine interest by looking at the front cover, flipping through(快速翻阅) the pages to have a quick look at photos or illustrations, or reading the back cover or the chapter titles.C=Comprehend. Its important to choose a book right for your level or ability.How to choose such a book? If you read books at Level A, for example, youd better not choose a book at Level D.If the book isnt labeled(贴标签) with a level, you can open the book and choose a pagethen you can decide whether the book is at a right level for you by asking yourself:Did I understand what I just read?Do I remember what I read?Was I able to read most of the words?This brings us to our final letter: K.K=Know the Words. Readers should be able to understand most of the words on the page.The key is the“Five Finger Rule”: Choose a book you would like to read, look at a page in the middle and put one finger down for every word you dont understand.The“Five Finger Rule” shows a general idea of the relationship between the number of unknown words and the difficulty level of a book:01 unknown word=too easy23 unknown words=just right45 unknown words=too difficultYou want to know how to choose books right for youbooks that are enjoyable, fun, and exciting. P.I.C.K.is all about giving you the tools to be a strong and confident reader.21.What does “P.I.C.K.” stand for?22.According to the passage, what is one possible purpose for reading?23.What books does the writer advise you to read if youre interested in cars?24.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?25.If you put three fingers down when youre reading a page, whats the difficulty level of the book?参考答案.16DBADCB712AACDAD.主旨大意 本文讲述的是“我”和Christopher,一个患糖尿病小孩的故事。“我”和新转来的自信的Christopher成为了好朋友,但是因为他带着一个金属手链,同学们不喜欢他。在春假前的班级晚会上“我”让Christopher吃糖,他拒绝并且很生气地离开了,直到晚上妈妈告诉“我”Christopher因为有糖尿病不能和其他孩子一样吃那么多的糖以及他为什么带那个手链,“我”才明白了一切。返校后“我”告诉了同学们这件事并建议大家带Christopher也能吃的点心和糖到学校。Christopher最终成为了“我们”中的一员,“我”也明白了Christopher需要的是接受他并且爱他的朋友。13.C根据下一句“He stood in front of the class”可知他来到“我们”学校。故选C。14.B根据上一句“He wasnt shy at all.”可知他自信地做自我介绍。故选B。15.D根据下一句“They stayed away from Christopher.”可知同学们不喜欢他。故选D。16.A根据上半句“我”拿糖给他,后半句的转折连词but,以及下一句“Why arent you eating, Christopher? I asked.”可知,Christopher没有碰那些糖。故选A。17.C根据下一句“I told you I cant! Stop it!”并且他离开了晚会可知他生气了。故选C。18.D根据下半句他带手链是因为手链记录了他的病情以免出现危险可知,妈妈向“我”解释了这一切。故选D。19.B根据下一句“He had even more friends and didnt feel so left out during snack time because everyone was eating the same treat.”可推知他变得更快乐了。故选B。20.A文章最后作者和同学们和Christopher相处融洽使他明白了Christopher想要的是朋友们能接受他并且爱他。故选A。.21.It stands for Purpose, Interest, Comprehend, and Know the Words.22.For pleasure./Trying to learn something./Reading silently for oneself./Reading out loud for someone else.23.Books about history of racing, race car drivers, or car design.24.How to choose a book for a readers level or ability.25.The level of the book is just right.


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