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沪教版2020年中考英语题型专练:阅读理解(二)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共86分)1. (8分)阅读理解 Over 80G of the ancient forests have already been destroyed. Thousand-year-old trees are cut down just to make everyday goods. More and more wild animals are in danger now. Wild animals are our friends, and we cannot live without them. If we take no action, more and more wild animals will disappear in the future. It is time for us to save and protect endangered animals. Then what can we do? Here are some steps.Step one: Find out what animals are living near your place. Spend some time learning about the animals.Step two: Help to build more nature reserves and other wilderness areas. Protecting the living areas of wild animals is one of the best ways to help protect endangered animals. You can raise money for them or spend some time helping build nature reserves.Step three: Buy foods and goods that are made from materials which do not harm endangered animals or their living areas.Step tour: Join a local Wild Animals Club. You can take action to protect wild animals. There are many global groups that try to call on people to protect the environment by changing peoples ideas and behaviours. Children, teenagers, teachers and schools from all over the world can help to save the animals. Everyone can do a little to help them, and every little bit of help is important!(1)What should we do first to save and protect endangered animals? A . Spend some money learning about the animals.B . Spend some time learning about the animals.C . Spend some money helping the animals.D . Spend some time helping the animals.(2)Which of the following is NOT mentioned to help the animals in the passage? A . Raising money.B . Spending your time helping build nature reserves.C . Buying environmental-friendly goods.D . Keeping wild animals at home.(3)The writer gives us steps to protect endangered animals. A . threeB . fourC . fiveD . six(4)The writer wrote the article to .A . encourage people to protect endangered animalsB . build more reserves for endangered animalsC . join a local Wild Animals ClubD . raise money for endangered animals2. (10分) Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information, and to relax in their free time. But some of them are not using in a good way. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.Make rules for Internet use with your parents. For example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you can go online.Dont give your password (密码) to anyone else, and never leak out the following information-your real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information.Check with your parents before giving out a credit (信用) card number.Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say its OK.Check with your parents before going into a chat room. Different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people. You and your parents must make sure its a right place for you.Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your parents permission (允许). Never meet anyone you met on line alone. Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat everyone online as strangers.If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. Tell a parent or teacher right away.。Treat other people as youd like to be treated. Never use bad language.Remembernot everything you read on the Internet is true.(1)If you want a true friend on the Internet , you can _ .A . tell the people what your name is .B . meet the people on line alone.C . write an e-mail about yourself .D . get your parents permission.(2)Its good for children to _ on the Internet.A . give password to othersB . get useful knowledge and informationC . give out a credit card numberD . go into a chat room as theyd like to(3)The underlined phrase “leak out” in the second paragraph may mean “_.”A . 赠送B . 泄露C . 拿走D . 出示(4)If your parents dont agree, never _.A . read anything on the InternetB . relax in your free timeC . have a face-to face meeting with anyone you met onlineD . treat other people as youd like to be treated(5)This passage is mainly about “_”.A . How to use ComputersB . Surfing on the InternetC . Information on the InternetD . Internet Safety Rules3. (8分)(2015江苏扬州)Jane Austen(1775-1817),an English novelist, started writing young and completed six novels in her life. Today Austens books are more popular than ever. In the last 10 years, five of her six novels have been made into Hollywood films, while her books continue to be best-sellers.Richard Jenkyns, a professor of English at Oxford University, says that her novels are about marriage, friendships and the family, which are still with us today. “The stories are timeless, Jenkyns said.Pride and Prejudice(偏见)(1813) is Austens most famous work. It is a love story about Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. At first, these two dislike each other. Elizabeth is pretty ,smart and lively. She is proud because Darcy doesnt know about her family. Mr. Darcy is handsome, rich and has a better family background. So, he is proud as well. At the same time, Darcy holds a prejudice against the Bennet family. He has no understanding of why the family, especially its mother and daughters should try so hard to find wealthy and powerful husbands. He thinks they are vulgar. Anyway, Elizabeth and Darcy finally fall in love and become a romantic couple but their families dont want them to.In Pride and Prejudice, some of the main things that Jane Austen wants to teach people are as follows. Opposites can attract each other. Lovers should not ony make each other feel relaxed or comfortable, but also educate and improve each other.Austen is often called the greatest romanti writer, so it is surprising she remained unmarried. Maybe she was too romantic, waiting for the perfect man,”Jenkyns says.(1)From Paragraph 1and Paragraph 2,we can know .A . Jane Austen passed away in her fiftiesB . Austens works remain popular todayC . all of Austens works have been made into Hollywood films.D . Austens works are mostly about war and the family.(2)Which of the following sentences is True?A . Elizabeth and Darcy fall in love at first sight.B . Elizabeth has a better family background than Darcy.C . Darcy has a first good impression of Elizabeths family.D . Elizabeth and Darcy become a romantic couple in the end.(3)What does the underlined word”vulgar”in Paragraph 3 mean?A . 粗俗的B . 鲁莽的C . 吝啬的D . 伪善的(4)From what Jenkyns says,we can learn _.A . opposites can attract each otherB . opposites can attract each otherC . Austens works go beyond her timesD . Austen married a perfect man at last4. (8分)阅读理解Once there was a parrot on sale in a pet store. It was a beautiful red and blue bird. It sat on a perch in the middle of the store so that everyone could see it when they came in. The owner was very proud of it and asked a high price for it.One day a man went into the store. Thats a beautiful bird, he said to the pet store owner. But why is it so expensive? Is it an unusual bird?No, its not very unusual. Its expensive because it can talk, the pet store owner said.I see. How can I make it talk? the man asked.The pet store owner asked him, Do you see those strings tied to each of the birds legs?Yes, the man answered.Well, you pull those strings, the pet store owner told him.That will make the parrot talk.The man asked, Do you mind if I try?Not at all, the pet store owner said.The man walked up to the parrot and pulled the string on its left leg. The parrot said, Good morning.The man pulled the string on the parrots right leg. This time the parrot said, How are you today?Thats not very interesting, said the man.Any parrot could do that. Then he laughed, But what would happen if I pulled both strings at the same time?Ill fall off my perch, you fool!the parrot said.(1)The parrot was expensive because _ . A . it was pretty beautifulB . it could talk with peopleC . it was a very unusual birdD . it was in the middle of the store(2)The parrot would talk when _. A . people came into the pet storeB . it saw the pet store ownerC . people said it was beautifulD . people pulled the strings on its legs(3)Which is the first sentence that the parrot said to the man? A . Good morning.B . How are you today?C . That wasnt interesting.D . Ill fall off my perch, you fool!(4)From the story we know the parrot was _ . A . kindB . sillyC . cleverD . crazy(5)The best title (题目) for the passage should be _ . A . Unusual ParrotB . Parrot TalkC . Silly ManD . Clever Owner5. (8分) You can buy chewing gum in nearly every country of the world. But it wasnt always like that.The American Indians were the first people to chew gum. This gum came from a special tree that grew on their land. In 1848, a sailor called John Curtis began selling it. He was the first person to sell chewing gum. The gum he sold cost just a few cents for two pieces. It became popular very quickly even though it was very hard to chew. Nowadays, other things are added to the gum to make it soft and sweet.By 1890, there were hundreds of different chewing gums. The most famous name in chewing gum, however, is probably William Wrigley. He spent a lot of money in advertising and even sent free pieces of gum to children on their birthdays. He also said that chewing gum helped people work better and that it stopped people from feeling tired.Although today many millions of people chew gum, not everyone thinks it is a good thing to do. Many people think it is dirty. The Singapore government does not allow people to buy chewing gum. One reason for this is that when some people have chewed all the taste out of their piece of gum, they take it out of their mouths and put it on to the backs of seats or other places. (1)请将处翻译成汉语(2)请根据处内容完成下面句子。People make chewing gum soft and sweet _something to it.(3)把处改为直接引语。He also said“, Chewing gum_ people work better and it _people from feeling tired.”6. (8分)Teeth are important. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew foods that help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And, they help you look your best. Here are some advice for you to take care of your teeth Brush your teeth the right way.Brush your teeth at least twice a day after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after sweet snacks(快餐), too. Brush all your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend time brushing teeth along the sides and back of your mouth. Brush away from your gums(齿龈), too.Spend at least three minutes each time you brush. Play a song you like to help pass the time.Get a new toothbrush every three months. When you buy your tooth brush, be sure it has soft bristles(鬃毛). Learn how to floss your teeth.Flossing is a very important way to keep your teeth healthy. Food may hide in places where a toothbrush cannot get to, like the space between the teeth. Flossing can help get rid of it. Carefully move the floss between two teeth, up and down. You need to floss your teeth at least once a day. Have good eating habits.You need to be careful about what you eat and drink. Eating sugar is a major cause of tooth decay(腐朽). Eating sugar before you go to bed can make things even worse. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink water instead of soda.(1)is helpful to your teeth.A . Eating fruit and vegetablesB . Eating sweet snacksC . Eating sugarD . Drinking soda(2)Which is the right way of brushing the teeth?A . We should brush our teeth once a day.B . We should keep our toothbrush away from our gums.C . When we brush our teeth, at least three minutes is needed.D . Brush our teeth before breakfast.(3)From the passage, do you know how to floss the teeth?A . Go to see a dentist.B . Fix a floss on the teeth.C . Move the floss between two teeth.D . Chew the floss in the mouth.(4)Which of the following is NOT true ?A . Flossing can help get ride of the food that hides between two teeth.B . Healthy teeth can help you look more beautiful.C . We dont have to brush our teeth if we eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.D . Your toothbrush should be changed every three months.(5)The best title for the passage is .A . How to floss your teeth.B . How to have good eating habits.C . How to brush your teeth.D . How to take care of your teeth.7. (8分)阅读理解 From the Forbidden City to the Great Wall, ancient Chinese People have always been praised for their building skills and wisdom. Their great skills have been passed down to modern Chinese people. Evidence of this can be seen in recent buildings, such as the Birds Nest in Beijing, and the Shanghai Tower. And recently, Chinese has created even more evidence of its great building skillsThe Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) was opened on Oct 24, 2018, which is a huge sea crossing bridge, connecting the Hong Kong SAR, Zhuhai City and the Macao SAR.As the worlds longest sea-based project, the 55-kilormstre bridge is the result of six years of research and another nine years of building Builders had to make artificial islands in the Pear River Delta to hold up the bridge. There is also a 6.7-kiloametre underwater tunnel in the middle of the bridge. This is to allow ships to sail through the Delta. It has been named as one of the seven wonders of the modern world by The Guardian.It is designed with a service life of 120 years. It can stand against a strong wind equal to a maximum Beaufort scale 16, Zhu Yougling, a project manager, told The Guardian. It can also survive a magnitude-8 earthquake. Meanwhile, the Y-shaped bridge could reduce travel time from Hong Kong to Zhuhai and Macao from more than three hours to about 45 minutes. The bridge will not only be a transport connection. It will be a social, economic, cultural, and tourism connection among the three areas. Yu Lie, director of the HZMB Authority, said.The bridge is open to tourists to drive across it. Most visitors can take a shuttle bus to make the journey with 300 yuan for a single trip. However, local car owners can not cross the bridge unless they have a special permit(1)Why does the author mention some famous buildings? A . To show Chinese building skills.B . To make an introduction of them.C . To explain the history of building.D . To describe the difficulty in building.(2)What were the artificial islands build fox? A . Serving as resting places.B . Being used as a place for tourists.C . Allowing ships to sail safely.D . Providing supports for the bridge.(3)The official Zhu Yongling mainly tell us .A . where the HZMB liesB . how strong the HZMB isC . what the HZMIB is made up ofD . when the HZMB was completed(4)The passage might be found in .A . social newsB . medical adviceC . a research reportD . a product introduction8. (8分)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A,B,C,D,选出最佳选项。 What? You too? I thought I was the only one. Have you ever said to someone? If so, you may have ended up becoming friends.It seems that similarity often helps form a friendship. Aristotle once said, Some define (给下定义) it (friendship) as a matter of similarity; they say that we love those who are like ourselves.Now, there are some scientific explanations for this idea. The scientists from the University of California said friends have similar brains, Scientific American reported.The scientists invited 42 university students to take part in a scientific test. Each student watched the same set of videos. At the same time, the scientists scanned (扫描) their brains and recorded their brain activities.According to their study, friends who watched the same videos reacted (反应) in similar ways. Similar parts of their brains lit up while watching the videos, especially the parts that were connected with motivation, learning and memory. However, people who werent friends had different reactions to the same videos.Having close friends whose brains react like ours may be rewarding because it reinforces (加强) ones own values, opinions and interests, lead scientist Carolyn Parkinson told Business Insider.But brain similarity is not the only thing that can result in a friendship. Scientists from the University of Leipzig, Germany, found that a friendship is also based on how physically close you are to someone. They did a scientific test on first-year college students who met in class for the first time. In this test, students who sat next to each other were more likely to become friends.(1)According to Aristotles words, we can know thatA . We love those who like us first.B . All friends have similar brains.C . Friends may be like each other.D . Good friends all have similar habits.(2)What does the underlined word rewarding mean? A . GoodB . DifficultC . EasyD . meaningful(3)Which of the following can help form a friendship according to the passage? A . Being cheerful and popular.B . Being physically close.C . Living on the same street.D . Going to the same university.(4)What does the passage mainly tell us? A . How we pick our friends.B . Why we need friends.C . Whose brains are similar.D . Friendship means everything.9. (10分) Mr Smith had a weeks vacation, so he said,“Im going to the seaside by train. ”He put on his best clothes, took a small bag, went to the railway station(车站)and got into the train. He wore a beautiful hat, and he often put his head out of the window during the trip and looked at the beautiful scenery. Suddenly, the wind p


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