八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays Lesson 9 Thanksgiving教案 (新版)北师大版.doc

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Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays Lesson 9 Thanksgiving 教材分析本课是北师大版教材八年级英语下册第三单元第九课,话题为感恩节。本课为本单元的第三课,主要讲述了主人公一家人发生在感恩节的故事。本课通过口语问答的形式了解学生对感恩节的认识,从而引导到本课的内容。通过观看视频,使学生了解感恩节的历史,知道感恩的来源,加深对感恩的认识。经过粗读和细读的方式,引导学生获取主人公家庭在感恩节发生的故事的具体信息。在进行输出性活动的同时,注意对学生进行情感教育,要尊重不同国家节日的风俗习惯,感恩节最重要的不仅仅是吃到什么,而要懂得感恩,于此同时,家庭成员之间的情感沟通更为重要。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Key vocabulary2. Key structures【过程与方法目标】1.说出关于度过感恩节的相关词汇,如:turkey, reunion, be proud of 等。2.通过阅读完成相关任务,获取作者一家过感恩节的相关信息。【情感态度价值观目标】通过学习课文,了解西方国家度过感恩节的风俗习惯,并尊重各国的文化差异 教学重难点【教学重点】1、说出关于度过感恩节的相关词汇,如:turkey, reunion, be proud of and so on.2、通过阅读完成相关任务,获取作者一家过感恩节的相关信息。【教学难点】通过板书复述本课故事中的主要信息 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-upDo you know any important western festivals?What else do you know about Thanksgiving?Step 2. Pre-reading1. Show a form about thanksgiving.2. Play a video about the history of thanksgiving.3. Show some pictures.Step 3. Reading1 Fast-reading: Provide two questions to help students get the main idea of the text.Did the authors family eat turkey on Thanksgiving day?Why? What happened to the family?2. Read and complete the table: Help students get specific information in the story and then complete the table on page 34.Step 4.Practice1. Guessing the wordsAsks students to read the words in the box. Then read the passage and find out the words.Have students to guess the meaning of the words according to the text.Have students to complete the sentences:Check the answer.Making a report: Lead students to make a report about their festival experiences.Show the table about the spring festival.Ask students to make a survey in pairs.Provide them some key words, a blank table and an exampleStep5 WritingDo we have the similar festivals in China?Have you had any interestingsadexciting holiday experiences? Tell the class your story.Example:Say thank you to those who have helped you. Cherish every single day you have with your family members. Your classmates are your family members as well. Cherish every day at school!Step 6 HomeworkRetell the story according to mothers perspective 教学反思略。


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