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译林牛津版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择. (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)What is Cindy doing now? She is writing e-mail on Internet .A . a; anB . an; aC . an; theD . the; an2. (2分)Whats that on the table?I _its a book.A . knowB . thinkC . seeD . say3. (2分)Is that beautiful sweater yours?Yes. I it for two years.A . boughtB . have boughtC . have hadD . kept4. (2分)Paul suggested seeing the wild animals. I _ tigers, so I didnt go.A . was mad atB . was angry withC . was afraid ofD . was good at5. (2分)In 1969, the first men landed on the moon._, I was twelve. A . At a timeB . At timesC . At that timeD . At one time6. (2分)I wonder if its similar _ the festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.A . forB . atC . inD . to7. (2分)Helen, have a good day. _.A . Good morningB . Thanks. You, tooC . Nice to meet youD . I m fine8. (2分)A little wine wont be _ to our health.Just dont drink too much.A . helpfulB . hopefulC . harmful9. (2分)- I came first in the long jump.- . Im so proud of you.A . Good luckB . Have funC . Well doneD . Youre joking10. (2分)I bought a new pair of shoes and I have been ready _ the sports. A . forB . toC . withD . about11. (2分)Could I have the television on? _.A . Yes, you canB . Yes, you couldC . No, you couldntD . No, you can12. (2分)Dudley,how many stamps have you got so far?I have got 1,000 already nowA . since nowB . any timeC . untiI now13. (2分)My mother has a bad cold. She cant go to work. _. A . I hope not.B . Never mind.C . OK.D . Im sorry to hear that.14. (2分) _ the way, did you meet Danny _ your way home yesterday afternoon? Yes, I did.A . On; byB . By; onC . On; inD . By; in15. (2分)(2015兰州) This is your order, a sandwich and an apple pie. _ Ill have it here.A . For here or to go?B . Something to drink?C . Anything else? D . Is that OK?二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) Where did you go yesterday? Did you hear music at any of those places? Today most shops and restaurants play music.Scientists believe that music1 peoples behavior(举止). According to some scientists, the sound of western classical(古典的) music makes people 2richer. When a restaurant plays classical music, people spend 3 money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays modern music, people spend less money. With4 music, people spend even less.Scientists also 5 that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. In fact, people 6 their food faster when the music gets faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their7hours. This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants8 make people spend even less.The 9 time you hear music somewhere, be 10. It might change the way you do things.(1)A . changes B . makes C . tells D . takes (2)A . become B . get C . feel D . look (3)A . much B . more C . little D . less (4)A . no B . much C . any D . some (5)A . know B . hope C . realize D . believe (6)A . cook B . order C . eat D . make (7)A . free B . busy C . happy D . sad (8)A . can B . should C . cant D . neednt (9)A . first B . second C . next D . last (10)A . quiet B . quick C . happy D . careful 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17. (8分)阅读理解A wealthy man asked an old scholar to tell his son away from his bad habits. The scholar took the young man for a walk through a garden. Stopping suddenly, he told the boy to pull out a tiny plant growing there.The young man made it easily. The old man then asked him to pull out a little bigger plant. The young man pulled hard and the plant came out with its roots. “Now pull out that one,” said the old man, pointing to a little tree. The boy had to use all his strength to pull it out.“Now take this one out,” said the old man, pointing at a big orange tree. The young man held the trunk (树干) and tried to pull it out. But it would not move. “Its impossible”, said the boy, panting (喘息) with the effort.“So it is with bad habits,” said the old man. “When they are young, it is easy to pull them out. But when they go deeply, they cannot be uprooted.”The conversation with the old man changed the boys life.(1)The scholar asked the young man to take a walk with him in the_.A . forestB . parkC . gardenD . school(2)The scholar asked the young man to pull out plants for _times.A . fourB . twoC . threeD . five(3)According to the passage, the scholar must be _.A . a stupid manB . a lazy manC . a wise manD . a funny man(4)This passage mainly talks about_.A . we need exercise more to pull trees outB . how to get away from bad habitsC . talking with a scholar is very importantD . the earlier getting away from bad habits, the better18. (10分)阅读理解BJenny wanted to encourage students to read more famous books, so she decided to put an introduction to some interesting childrens story books in the school newspaper.The Little Prince (小王子) is a famous work written by French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupry. In the book, the little prince leaves his own planet to explore the universe (宇宙). In his journey, he finds that the adult world is really strange and boring. Finally, he goes back to his planet which is full of love. The book is really popular all over the world.Charlottes Web (夏洛特的网) is a famous childrens novel written by American author E. B. White. The novel tells the story of a pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a spider named Charlotte on a farm. When Wilbur is in danger of being killed for his meat by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages to praise (赞扬) Wilbur in her web and saves him. Wilbur becomes famous in the village and he is safe in the end. When it came out in 1952, the book was welcomed by both adults and children. And it is still very popular today.The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (爱德华的奇妙之旅)is a 2006 novel written by Kate DiCamillo. The book is about an unusual journey of a china (瓷) rabbit named Edward Tulane. He travels from one place to another, meeting many people. During his journey, he learns to love and finally finds love again. This book is popular nowadays and was mentioned many times in the famous South Korean TV series My love from the Star (来自星星的你). The warm and sweet story will surely make you understand more about love. (1)Why did Jenny introduce the three books? A . Because the boss asked her to do so.B . Because she liked the three books very much.C . Because she wanted to sell the three books.D . Because she wanted to encourage students to read famous books.(2)Who wrote Charlottes Web? A . Antoine de Saint-Exupry.B . E. B. White.C . Kate DiCamillo.D . Guo Jingming.(3)What does The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane tell us? A . An unusual journey of a china rabbit.B . A pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a spider named Charlotte.C . The little prince leaves his own planet to explore the universe (宇宙).D . The story of Snow White.(4)Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? A . The three books mentioned in the passage are popular today.B . The writers of the three books are all Americans.C . When Charlottes Web came out, it was only popular with adults.D . My Love from the Star is a famous Chinese TV series.(5)Whats the best title of this passage? A . Three story books for the elderlyB . How to read story booksC . Three story books for childrenD . Why story books are useful19. (10分)阅读下文,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。CAmerican schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms (学期) in a school year; the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.High school students take five or six subjects each term. They usually go to different classrooms every day, and they have lots of homework for every subject. After school, they do many interesting things.After high school, many students go to college. They usually have to pay a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get money for their studies.(1)In America, summer holidays begin in _. A . SeptemberB . JulyC . MayD . February(2)When a boy is six years old, he _. A . has to stay at homeB . can go to high schoolC . is old enough to go to schoolD . goes to work(3)American high school students _ after school. A . have lessonsB . go to workC . help the oldD . do lots of interesting things(4)In order to (为了) _, many American college students work after class. A . help their parentsB . get money for their studiesC . help othersD . learn some useful things(5)Which of the following is true?A . American students usually only have a two-month holiday every year.B . American students have four terms in a year.C . A 16-year-old child usually has five or six subjects each term at school.D . High school students go to the same classroom each term.四、 词汇。 (共2题;共7分)20. (2分)十分钟后太阳开始变成金黄色。Ten minutes later, the sun started to_21. (5分)我爷爷经常腿疼。(have) 五、 中译英. (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)看!他钢琴弹得多认真啊! 六、 写作。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)每年的8月8日是全民健身日, 为了让这项运动更加深入人心, 某英文杂志的运动与健康栏目正在以Lets Do Exercise为题, 向广大中学生征文, 请根据下列表格中的要点提示写一篇文章, 向栏目投80词左右的英文稿件。(参考词汇: keep fit, train a persons character, PE classes)运动的重要性运动的时间与方法保持健康培养个人性格上学时步行或骑自行车体育课做各种锻炼(跑步, 打篮球)周末和朋友去爬山、游泳等第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择. (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 词汇。 (共2题;共7分)20-1、21-1、五、 中译英. (共1题;共5分)22-1、六、 写作。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、


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