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人教版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(十五)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 语法选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 When learning English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. It is the groundwork of reading and writing. Youd better 1your best to speak while doing much listening. Dont be 2of making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop you from improving your 3.While you are doing this, a good 4is to keep diaries, write notes or letters. Then 5you can, ask others to go through what you have written and tell you where it is wrong. Many mistakes in your speaking will be 6found when you write. Through correcting mistakes, you can do better in learning English.If you are slow in speaking, dont 7about it. One of the helpful ways is reading, either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose 8interesting to read. It wont be too difficult for you. When you are reading 9this way, dont stop to 10the new words if you can guess their meanings or they have nothing to do with the sentences.(1)A . have B . send C . try (2)A . sure B . afraid C . proud (3)A . English B . Chinese C . Japanese (4)A . end B . opinion C . way (5)A . and B . if C . so (6)A . happily B . easily C . really (7)A . talk B . fear C . worry (8)A . something B . everything C . anything (9)A . by B . in C . at (10)A . look at B . look for C . look up 二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)2. (15分)完形填空 My name is Jenny. There are 1people in my family: my father, my mother and I. Everyone in my 2likes buying things. We often 3things in a supermarket near our home. The things there are4. And its5for us to buy the things we need. My6likes reading, so he buys some7there. My mother likes to buy fruit and8there, She thinks they are fresh(新鲜的). I love playing9, so I often buy some balls there. There are many kinds of balls10they are very good. We hire shopping in that supermarket.(1)A . three B . four C . five D . six (2)A . class B . school C . family D . room (3)A . call B . buy C . have D . say (4)A . boring B . well C . nice D . bad (5)A . same B . hard C . sure D . easy (6)A . father B . teacher C . friend D . sister (7)A . pens B . books C . rulers D . keys (8)A . apples B . shoes C . vegetables D . clothes (9)A . sports B . cards C . tapes D . CDs (10)A . too B . but C . so D . and 三、 阅读理解 (共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) (共4题;共40分)3. (10分)阅读理解 A smile will let people around you think you are a kind and friendly person. However, many people dont smile because they think they have ugly teeth. For example, one of my classmates, Mike, doesnt have nice teeth, so that is why he seldom opens his mouth. He even says that he has lost confidence because of his teeth. So it is very important for us to look after our teeth. In fact, a lot of people have this problem. Some people get teeth problems from their parents, while others teeth are bad because of bad habits, like heavy smoking, eating too much sugar or not brushing teeth often. If your teeth are in bad shape, you should see a dentist and ask for help. They can help improve your teeth and tell you how to take care of them.Smiling can help you to feel more confident and make other people think of you a more friendly person. If you want to keep healthy, you should not only smile but laugh. An Indian doctor called Kaiaria said that young children should laugh about 300 times a day, while adults should laugh between 7 and 15 times a day. So please take this chance to smile and laugh now!(1)What has made Mike lose his confidence? A . His bad habit.B . His bad teeth.C . Not smiling.D . Eating too much sugar(2)Many people dont smile because _. A . they dont like smilingB . they think they are uglyC . their teeth are not beautifulD . they cant open their mouths(3)What can a dentist do according to the passage? A . A dentist can tell you how to improve your bad teeth.B . A dentist can help you to take care of your bad teeth.C . A dentist can tell you how to brush your teeth.D . Both A and B(4)If you want to keep healthy, you had better_. A . not smile oftenB . laugh all the timeC . neither smile nor laughD . smile and even laugh often(5)How many times should a child laugh every day in doctor Katarias opinion? A . Either 300 or 30 times a day.B . Between 7 and 15 times a day.C . Around 300 times a day.D . Only 30 times a day.4. (10分)阅读理解 For as long as I can remember I have always loved the stage: I was always in school plays and took part in anything the school was organizing for open events.When I started my stage school in April 1999 I was quiet, shy, timid and lacked confidence. Since I have been there I have learnt a lot more about dance, singing and drama. What is the most important is that I have become bold and active, and my life has been always full of hope and happiness since then.In dance I would learn a mixture of Jazz and Modern. In drama I would learn about improvisations(即席创作), role play, character hot sea and focus on scene. In a word, I would learn everything about the stage. In singing I would learn how to hold a note, how to send a breath, how to hit the impossible how to make a song your own and how to sing in confidence without going wrong.Before I started practicing these techniques with my teachers I was pretty much stupid about what any of those things meant.I have achieved so much since I have been there. I have participated in many plays with my performing arts school in theatre. I have played a jester(小丑) in Cinderella, Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, danced and sung solo(独唱) in local performances and even gained a casting agent(选择演员代理人) for acting.I have sung in my new school choir and I have been awarded the top award because of my years hard work and great achievement in my stage life.(1)What did the author learn in the school? A . Organizing performance activities.B . Adapting some dramas.C . Reading aloud on the stage.D . Singing and dancing.(2)The underlined word timid in paragraph 2 probably means . A . gentleB . kindC . of little courageD . inexperienced(3)We can infer from the text that stage life A . can change ones characterB . is always full of funC . means a bright futureD . needs clever children(4)What can we learn about the author? A . She will soon become a solo singer.B . She is very satisfied with her stage life.C . She was always the leading actress in the plays.D . She has a good understanding of what she learned at school.5. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 When he was a teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy, and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s hospital for people with mental (精神的) health problems.When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he went to Medical School in Virginia, USA. But when he was there he did things in a different way. For example, he didnt like the doctors white coats. He preferred to wear shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients, and he tried to make them laugh. The doctors at the medical school didnt like Adams very much because he was too different.But Adams believed that people in hospital need more than medicine. He saw unhappy and lonely people, and he tried to help them as patients, but as people too. He spent a lot of time with children in the hospital, and often put a special red nose on his face to look like a clown and to make the children laugh.When he finished medical school and became a doctor, Adams opened his own hospital, called the Gesundheit Institute, together with some other doctors. They wanted it to be a place in a different way of working with sick people.Hunter Adams became famous during the 1980s, and in 1998, Universal Pictures made a film about his life. It was very successful. In the film (called Patch Adams), Robin Williams played Adams. Williams said, Hunter is a really warm person, who believes that patients need a doctor whos friend. I enjoyed playing him.(1)What probably made Hunter decide to be a doctor? A . His interest in medicineB . His idea to open a hospitalC . His early experience as a teenagerD . His love for the lonely children around(2)How was Hunter different from other doctors? A . He was famous before working in hospitalB . He liked to wear shirts with flowers in them every dayC . He treated his patients as friends in every way possibleD . He was good at dealing with people who were mentally ill.(3)What does the underlined word clown in paragraph 3 probable mean? A . 木偶B . 小丑C . 外星人D . 蜘蛛侠(4)What can we know from Robin Williams words? A . He thought highly of Hunter.B . Every doctor needs a patient friendC . He became a warm person ever afterD . A good actor makes a successful film.6. (10分)阅读理解 A garden of inventionsVisitors of all ages are welcomed to Port Discovery to see the new exhibit a garden of small inventions. There will also be many activities and gadgets (小器械)for the environmental protection. The exhibit will be on Saturday, July 8. It is $10.75 for each person and its free for kids under the age of two. Call 410-727-8120 if you want to know more information.The rain-barrel (雨水桶) meetingThe Parks and People Foundation will- hold a meeting on building rain-barrels for houses between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Wednesday at the foundations Stieff Silver Building. It will cost each person $50 and it includes the barrel and all materials. Call 410-448-5663 to learn more information.Priming (修剪) plantsVisitors can attend a meeting on pruning plants between 9:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. on Tuesday at Ladew Topiary Gardens. They should meet at the Visitors Center at Ladew, Jarrettsville Pike, Monkton. The price of the ticket is $10 which includes the money of visiting the gardens and Ladew members are free to go. Call 410-557-9570 or visit the website www.ladewgardens.com to get more information.ExhibitionPhotographs, paintings and drawings will be shown on July 9 at the University of Maryland. The show will be from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Call 301-985-7937 to know more information.(1)What may Port Discovery be? A . A cinema.B . A school.C . A museum.D . A store.(2)People can know more things about the rain-barrel meeting by_. A . calling 410-727-8120B . calling 410-448-5663C . visiting a websiteD . calling 301-985-7937(3)If Mrs White likes growing flowers, she will probably be interested in_. A . visiting Port DiscoveryB . attending the rain-barrel meetingC . the meeting at Ladew Topiary GardensD . seeing the exhibition at the University of Maryland(4)Which of the information is NOT true? A . It will cost a couple with their one-year-old daughter $21.5 to visit Port Discovery.B . The rain-barrel meeting will last two hours in the evening.C . Not all the people need to pay for the meeting at Ladew Topiary Gardens.D . The exhibition at the University of Maryland will be on Saturday.四、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)7. (5分)阅读下面的短文,在思维导图中填入恰当的内容完成阅读摘记。Candy is ill and the doctor gave her some medicine. Here are the directions of the medicine.Candy is ill and the doctor gave her some medicine. Here are the directions of the medicine.Name : John Smith 08/09/2018ID No: S2010254333 For 3 daysDirections Take one dose(剂量)before each meal. Take one dose after each meal. Take one dose before going to bed. Take the medicine with warm water. Take one dose when having a fever.Keep the medicine away from children.Take the medicine under the doctors directions.If you dont feel well after taking the medicine. Youd better see your doctor right now.If the medicine goes into your eyes, wash them with lots of water right now.The business hours and the address of the hospitalTime : MondaySaturday 9:0012:00 am, 2:006:00 pm, 7:0010:00 pmAddress: 26, Taiyuan Street, HarbinTelephone: (03) 3705071Read and fill in the blanksProblemThe doctor gave Candy medicine because of her_ Take the medicine _ times a day.Dont take the medicine with _ water.If Candy doesnt feel well after taking the medicine, its a good idea to _ right now.五、 单词拼写 (共6小题,每小题1分,满分6分) (共6题;共6分)8. (1分)They go to the _(电影) theatre on Sundays. 9. (1分)I like potato chips very much, because they are_(咸的). 10. (1分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容及括号中所给中文提示拼写单词,补全短文。 Some students are talking about the inventions.Lucy: The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. He was born in 1847. In 1875, Mr. Bell learnt how to send _(音乐的)notes through an _(仪器)similar to a telephone. Finally he invented the telephone in 1876.Today the telephone is used around the world.Jin Long: The abacus is an _(古老的,古代的) invention, but we still use it today. It was invented a few _(世纪) ago. Though China is a _(发展) country now. I am proud of being a Chinese.Tom: I think the invention of basketball is the best. Because I like basketball and I think it is an _(活泼的, 积极的) sport. When we play basketball, we should _(分开) into two groups. Players on the same team must work together to get the ball into the other teams _(篮筐). At the same time, they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their _(自己的) basket. It was invented by a _(加拿大人) called James Naismith.11. (1分)Lets keep the door _ (充分地) open to welcome our visitors. 12. (1分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容及括号中所给中文提示拼写单词,补全短文。 How I have changed! I have changed a lot! I used to be shy, but now Im outgoing. I used to _(造成) a lot of trouble. I always _(浪费) my time in the past. I didnt use to _(面对) my problems. I always made some _(错误). I used to be _(害怕的) of the dark, but now I am terrified of being alone. I _(慢慢地) realize that I need to spend more time studying. So I made a _(决心) to study hard in this term. Now I can _(处理) with my problems. I always _(将视为) my problems as challenges. My parents are _(自豪) of me.13. (1分)The l_in the room was too weak. We couldnt see things. 六、 完成句子 (共7小题,每小题2分,满分14分) (共7题;共14分)14. (2分)你计划看访谈节目还是看喜剧? Do you_watch a talk show or a_?15. (2分)现在,乌鲁木齐的房价比以前低。我能买得起一套更大的。 _, the price of the houses in Urumqi is lower than before. I can afford a larger one.16. (2分)Well be able to rise over _ _ (交通堵塞) on the land in the future. 17. (2分)当他醒来时, 他爸爸正在看着他。 When he_, his father was watching him.18. (2分)这水有点儿甜。The water is_sweet19. (2分)幸运的是司机和乘客在此次车祸中都没有受伤。 20. (2分)你会骑马吗?Can you _ _ _?七、 书面表达 (共15分) (共1题;共15分)21. (15分)10月4日是世界动物日(World Animals Day),请你用英语写一则倡议书,来呼吁大家一起行动保护野生动物。内容包括: 1)简介野生动物的现状,分析其数量减少的两个原因。2)谈谈保护野生动物的重要性,并提出保护的方法(至少两种)。3)呼吁大家一起行动保护野生动物,保护我们美丽的家园。要求:1)不能照抄原文;不得在文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。2)语句连贯,词数80-100个左右。文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Save the wild animalsAnimals are peoples friends. But many wild animals are facing the danger of dying out. 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 语法选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)2-1、三、 阅读理解 (共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) (共4题;共40分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、四、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) (共1题;共5分)7-1、五、 单词拼写 (共6小题,每小题1分,满分6分) (共6题;共6分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、六、 完成句子 (共7小题,每小题2分,满分14分) (共7题;共14分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、七、 书面表达 (共15分) (共1题;共15分)21-1、


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