人教版(新起点)小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 Have a great trip Lesson 2 同步练习3(I)卷.doc

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人教版(新起点)小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 Have a great trip Lesson 2 同步练习3(I)卷.doc_第1页
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人教版(新起点)小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 Have a great trip Lesson 2 同步练习3(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 汉译英 (共1题;共1分)1. (1分)Tom is a p_ and takes a lot of photos every day. 二、 写出单词的过去式 (共1题;共1分)2. (1分)写出下列单词的过去式 talk_ walk_ listen_jump_ laugh_ dance_三、 翻译下列句子 (共4题;共20分)3. (5分)Daming and Simon made a model of Chinese spaceship. 4. (5分)My father goes to work at six oclock every morning. 5. (5分)Its time to go to school. 6. (5分)Last summer, I went to Hangzhou with my classmates and my teacher. 四、 单项选择 (共5题;共10分)7. (2分)Lots _ people saw it. A . ofB . toC . from8. (2分)My mother _ home at nine last night. A . gotB . getC . gets9. (2分)_Tom feel _? Yes, he does. A . does; tiredB . Do; tiredC . Does; tired10. (2分)Mr Black _ come to our school next week. A . will B . is11. (2分)当你介绍埃米会唱英文歌时,你应该说: A . Can she sing English songs?B . We can sing English songs.C . She can sing English songs.第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 汉译英 (共1题;共1分)1-1、二、 写出单词的过去式 (共1题;共1分)2-1、三、 翻译下列句子 (共4题;共20分)3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、四、 单项选择 (共5题;共10分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、


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