Unit4 What can you do B Read and writeppt课件

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Unit4Whatcanyoudo PartBReadandwriteZhiyuanPrimarySchoolZhaona 1 Readthewordsorphrasesloudlyasquicklyasyoucan Whenyouread showthe OK sign please 以最快的速度大声读出单词或词组 并在读的过程中做出 OK 的姿势 2 funny kind polite hard working helpful clever washmyclothes playfootball singEnglishsongs playthepipa dokungfu dance drawcartoons playping pong speakEnglish cook swim 3 4 5 1 What sRobinlike 2 WhatcanRobindo 3 Whatcan tRobindo Listenandanswer 听音 回答问题 Tips Listencarefullyandthinkaboutthequestions Remembertomarkouttheanswersinthetext 提示 仔细听 思考问题 记得在文中标出答案句子 6 1 What sRobinlike Let scheck 核对答案 Heisfriendlyandfunny 7 2 WhatcanRobindo Let scheck 核对答案 speakEnglishandChinese can dosomekungfu friendlyandfunny can playping pong can can t swim 3 Whatcan tRobindo 8 Let sread Tips Trytocorrectthewrongsentences 提示 尝试改正错误的句子 9 Let scheck can 10 Listenandrepeat 听音 跟读 11 Readingroup 小组内读 尝试模仿Robin的语气读 12 Let sretell 复述Robin的信息 speakEnglishandChinese can dosomekungfu friendlyandfunny can playping pong can can t swim 13 14 Pleasesendmeanemailatrobin 15 Pleasesendmeanemailatrobin 邮件地址 16 Pleasesendmeanemailatrobin Listenandrepeat 听音 跟读 17 Writeanemail DearRobin Mynameis I mastudentfromZhiyuanPrimarySchool Iamand Ican Ican Ican butIcan t Iwanttobeyourfriend Tryme Pleasesendmeanemailat 寄信人姓名 正文要顶格写 18 Writeanemail DearRobin Mynameis I mastudentfromZhiyuanPrimarySchool Iamand Ican Ican Ican butIcan t Iwanttobeyourfriend Tryme Pleasesendmeanemailat 19 Anewemailfromrobin 20 robin 21 Iwanttotry 我想试一试 22 Trytomakefriendswitheveryone 试着与每个人做朋友 23 Homework 1 Expressyourlovetoyourfriends buildafriendshipbridge 向朋友表达自己的爱 共建友谊的桥梁 2 Writeanemailtoyourfriends tellthemsomethingaboutyours 给你的朋友们写电子邮件 告诉他们你的事情 24


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