八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks(第5课时)教案 人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks(第5课时)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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Unit 2 Ill help to clean the city parks课程标准P15.(1)能正确的使用标点符号。(2)能写出简短的文段。学习目标1)通过复习复习动词不定式的不同用法,4/5的学生能准确辨别生词strong, sir, madam。2) 通过完成3b及模仿2b,2/3的学生能够正确使用英语表述常见的志愿活动, 能用本单元所学的语言简单表达对自己所喜欢的志愿活动的一些看法。教学重点1) 能运用所学的语言知识来简单地表达自己想做什么样的志愿活动。2) 总结本单元学到的重点词组及句型。3) 复习总结动词不定式的用法,并能完成相关练习题。教学难点运用所学的语言知识来写一封简短的信,表达自己想做什么样的志愿活动,以及做些活动的原因及自己的一些想法。教学方法任务型教学教学准备课本,粉笔,ppt课前作业Let Students talk about: What kind of activities do you think is meaningful and why?教学过程教学环节课堂合作交流二次备课(修改人: )环节 一 Step 1 Revision Read the passage in 2b loudly and then finish the exercises.课中作业Fill in the blanks with the proper words. Ben Smith is a _ man. He has many _ in his life. He cant _ his _ or legs well. Some normal things like answering the telephone, _ and closing the doors, or _ things are difficult for him. But “Lucky”, the dog-helper, makes _ to his life. Lucky is a fantastic dog. Its very _ and _ many English words. It can understand him when he gives him order. Check the answers with the Ss. 环节二 Step 2 3a. Look at these kinds of volunteer work. Can you add more? What would you like to do? Discuss it with a partner. e.g. Working in an old peoples homeHelping kids in an after-school programBeing a guide at a museum Talk with your partner about what kinds of volunteer work you would do.Step 3 Ask and answer What would you like to do?Why do you like to do that?课中作业Finish 3a,3b的练习环节三Step 4 Writing Work on 3b: 1. Let one student write his or her answer to the questions. 2. Using these answers as a model, write a short letter as a model for the Ss. 写作指导: 本文为写自己所喜欢的志愿活动,并说明原因。 因此,人称为第一人称;时态应用一般现在时态; 应先开门见山地表明自己所喜欢的志愿活动。 然后,说明自己所擅长的事情,并表明自己想做这些活动的简单原因。 3. Ss try to write down their answers and write a short letter by themselves. 4. Walk around the class and give any help Ss may need. 5. Let some Ss read their letters and correct them. Finish the passage.环节四Step 5 Self Check Work on Self Check 1: 1. Fill in each blank with a possible verb to make a phrasal verb. 2. Fill in the blanks and try to say the meaning of it. 3. Make a new sentence with each phrase. Work on Self check 2 1. Tell Ss to read the short passage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs or infinitives. 2. Tell Ss should try to read the short article first and try to know the main meaning. Then read carefully and try to understand the meaning of each blanks. 3. Ss work and by themselves and try to fill in the blanks. 4. Check the answers with the class. Self-check:1,2(修改人: )课后作业设计: Homework Finish the letter or e-mail in 3b, using the useful sentences.板书设计:Unit 2 Ill help to clean the city parks. SectionB(2)What would you like to do?Why do you like to do that?Working in an old peoples homeHelping kids in an after-school programBeing a guide at a museum 教学反思:


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