2019年(春)二年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 1 It’s Children’s Day today教案 外研版.doc

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2019年(春)二年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 1 Its Childrens Day today教案 外研版教学过程一、 热身复习a. 歌曲:Im listening to music.b. Simon says: do your homework, play the drums, play the flute, watch TV, listen to music, sing a song 教师发出指令,学生做动作,然后教师喊stop,提问:what are you doing?学生用Im doing来回答 二、 阅读a. 听力环节:看课文(video),回答问题Whats Xiaohu talking about?A danceB playC Childrens Dayb. 细节理解:默读课文,连线Daming sing a songLingling do a playSam danceAmy say a poemChildren from class two do a dragon dance核对答案三、 重难点突破单独出示表演时的图片,理解词组含义,不同的词组设计不同的动作帮助学生理解,并操练然后过渡到句子,教师提问,so, can you tell me, whats doing? 逐渐引出五个关键句:Daming is doing a play Lingling is singing a song. Sam is saying a poem. Amy is dancing. They are doing a dragon dance. 每个句子完结后由老对一个表演,一个介绍四、 跟读正音(指读)跟读课文,老对齐读自练,然后检测,请学生挑自己喜欢的图片介绍五、 应用a. 学生抽动词卡片,到前边表演,同学猜他在做什么b. 课前发给每个学生一张关于儿童节表演节目的小卡片,做调查先用what are you doing?调查同桌在干什么?接着小组活动,向小组成员介绍自己的老对在做什么?做好记录。找几个代表到台前做reporter向全班展示活动记录,使用 is doing 在这一环节中,我通过这样一个教学活动,让学生当小记者,去采访组员理想的职业。通过设计场景,让学生扮演角色,让他们经历将来会成为他们真实问题的情境,释放他们的潜能。我国著名教育家陶行知先生曾经指出,儿童的生活才是儿童的教育,要从成人的束缚中把儿童解放出来。让学生面临对他们个人有意义的或有关的实际问题是促使学习的有效方式之一。学生们都喜欢这种在小组间无拘无束的学习方式。附送:2019年(春)二年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1 Turn left教学设计 外研版教案背景本课是英语(新标准)一年级起点第四册Module 9Unit1是Module8知识上的衔接与递进。怎样运用恰当的表示指令性动作的语言来描述去往某地的准确路线,是学习本课的重点,在讲解学习时加上丰富的练习巩固所学的知识,使学生头脑中形成描述事物的条理性。 教学课题Module 9 Unit1 Turn Left!教材分析本课教授的是新标准英语第四册(一年级起点)第九模块第一单元,教学内容是与方向有关的句子和问路的礼貌用语。1. 学习并掌握“Turn left .”、“Turn right .”和“Go straight on .”的表达方法;2. 让学生学会如何问路与指路:A:Wheres Road ? B:Go straight on ! Turn left / right !3. 通过学习培养学生的观察能力与理解能力。在各种训练活动中,培养学生运用语言的能力。通过学习,增强学生的交通安全意识。渗透生活中要互相帮助、助人为乐。教学方法本课运用任务型教学法,使用了能够激发、引导学生主动参与的TPR、Group work、Pair work等教学方式,调动学生的各种感官参与学习,让学生在合作与交流、体验与实践中发展智力、提高能力。利用小组互评与自评等多种方式激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助他们建立学习外语的自信心,促进学生的全面发展。教学过程 Step 1: GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello.T: Im very happy today. How are you today?S1: Very well. Thank you.T: Excuse me, what day is today?S2: Its .T: Excuse me, whats the weather like?S3:Its Lets say a chant, follow me, please. I have a beautiful song. Lets sing and do the actions. You did very well. Now lets learn Module 9 Unit 1 Turn left.Step 2: Presentation1. Please look at my cards. a. left Ask individuals to repeat. T: This is my left hand. Show me your left hand, please. This is my left eye. Touch your left eye, please. This is my left ear. Touch your left ear.b. right Ask individuals to repeat.T : This is my right hand. Show me your right hand, please. This is my right eye. Touch your right eye, please. This is my right ear. Touch your right ear.Well done. Now I say you do.Touch your left eye. Touch your right ear. Touch your left leg. Show me your right hand. Youre very clever.2. Please look at the screen. (Show flash) Call some students to repeat. T: Look at me please. Turn left. (Say it and do the actions)Call a student to the front. Then I say the sentence, let her do the actions. Show “Turn left(画图标).” on the blackboard.The same way to teach “Turn right.” Show “Turn right(画图标).” on the blackboard.Call 1 student to do the actions (Go straight on) in the front.And other students say “Go straight on”. Then show “Go straight on(画图标).” on the blackboard.3. Play a game. Now, lets play a game. Ill call some students to the front. And I say the action and they do.(1)Who wants to e here and play a game?Stand in a line, please. I say the actions and they do. (2) To find a student to instead of me. And play again.You know the directions. How about Sam? Lets listen.a. Listen to the text.b. Listen and repeat.c. Show the questions. I have some questions. Lets look at the screen, please.(PPT)Who can read the first /second/ third/one? Whats the meaning? Discuss in your group and find the right answer please.d. Then answer the questions. e. Read in role.4. To find some mon traffic signs on the net. Then try to say the signs in English in pairs. (baidu)Step 3: Tasks 1. Task 1: GameTheres a rabbit in our classroom. Who can help me and find it.The class guides him (her) to find the toy rabbit. Then call another one to find the toy dog. 2. Task 2. (PPT)T: Excuse me, wheres the book store, please?S1: Go straight on .Turn right. Thats the book store.T: Thank you so much.S1: Youre wele. Talk about with your neighbor. How can you get to the park and hospital? You did a good job. Who wants to show here? (3 pairs)3. To surf on the net and find a zoo, park or square in Dalian, try to say how to get there from the train station. Make their own dialogues in groups then show us. (dalian.dqccc/mend/5139.html)Step 4: Sum up1. What have we learnt today?2. Homework:Tell your classmates and friends where your home is and how to go there. 板书设计:Module 9 Unit1 Turn Left!Wheres Road ?Turn left! Go straight on ! Turn right !时间分配4 15183教学反思本节课我围绕“寓教于乐、在玩中学,在学中玩”的英语新课改理念组织教学。根据课文内容设计了“问路”活动,创设了学习的情境,巩固了学生对句子的学习,也加强了对话练习;组织学生在教室中找玩具,轻松愉悦的游戏中边玩边学,边学边乐。整节课的课堂氛围都很活跃,学生的参与性与积极性都很高,达到了三化:1、内容灵活化2、教学情景化3、学习活动化完成了本课教学后,在教学中,我认为以下两点做得比较成功:1、师生互动,加强情感沟通 在本节课我注意让学生有被重视和被关爱之感,体会到老师是真诚的、可信赖的。对他们提出的每一个问题,我都及时的给予指导和关心,对他们取得的每一点成绩,都用嘉许的目光,亲切的微笑,和赞扬的手势等方式向他们表达出来,以提高孩子对英语学习的兴趣,增强他们的自信心。 2、关注学生个体的发展。本课我采用的两人小组和四人小组的活动方式落到实处、扎实有效 ,两种小组活动都不同程度的发挥了学生的主体性作用。给学生提供了独立的思考空间,让各种层次学生的智慧都得到了尽情的发挥。仍有2方面存在不足,值得思索与提高:1、句子教学中对话练习不够,不利于学生学以致用,还有的同学发音不正确。West lake road 和 East lake road训练不到位,学生说的不是很好。还有一部分学生不能用英语区分左右。2、本课的活动比较多,教学环节比较紧凑,出示学校的路线图做对话, 这个活动较难,应该用小人呈现路线,这样有助于帮助学生区分Turn left, Turn right.在网上查询大连名胜古迹时,部分同学弄不清楚从火车站出发到某一景点的具体路线,个别小组的对话没有实效性。


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