2019年小升初英语专项强化训练 完形填空9.doc

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2019年小升初英语专项强化训练 完形填空9 Dear Jackie, I am happy to receive(收到)your letter. Do you want _1_ about my school life this week? This week I _2_ three English classes. I learn some new words. And we also _3_ an interesting movie in the class. _4_ name is Home Alone. I like it very much. I like having P.E. very much _5_ Mr. White is my P.E. teacher. He is my favorite teacher. He is a very _6_ man. We all like to play _7_ him. In his class, he teaches us _8_ basketball, soccer and ping-pong. This week, our class has a basketball game with Class 3 and we win(赢). I like playing _9_ best and I want to be a great basketball player. What about you? Can you _10_ me something interesting in your school? Write to me soon. Yours, Tom (C)1. A) to say B) learn C) to know D) know 【详解】want to do sth .ph.想要做某事。句意:你想了解这周我在学校的生活吗?只能接不定式作宾语的动词,如want, wish, hope等。 (A)2. A) have B) has C) learn D) learns 【详解】have three English classes 上了三节英语课。动词和主语在单、复数形式上一致,主语为I, 谓语用have. (C)3. A) look B) look at C) see D) sees 【详解】see a movie .ph.看电影。动词和主语在单、复数形式上一致,主语为we, 谓语用see. (C)4. A) It B) Its C) Its D) It is 【详解】its表示“它的(事物)”。it is表示“它是”,its为it is的缩写形式。 (A)5 A) because B) so C) of D) but 【详解】句意:我非常喜欢体育课,因为怀特先生是我的体育老师。可推断为因果关系。 (D)6. A) boring B) tiring C) interest D) funny 【详解】funny .adj.有趣的。后文提到“我们都喜欢和他玩”,由此可推断答案。 (A)7. A) with B) and C) of D) for 【详解】play with sb .ph.与某人玩。 (B)8. A) play B) to play C) playing D) plays 【详解】teach sb. to do sth. 表示“教某人做某事”。 (B)9. A) soccer B) basketball C) ping-pong D) tennis 【详解】后文提到“我想成为篮球运动员”,可知答案。 (A)10. A) tell B) speak C) call D) ask 【详解】tell sb. sth .ph.告诉某人某事。 B Jim is a _1_. He goes to school five days a week. He has classes from Monday to _2_. Usually he _3_ at six and has breakfast at seven in the morning. He leaves _4_ at seven thirty. He usually gets to school at about eight. Classes start at 8:10. There are four classes in the _5_ and two in the afternoon. His mother is a Chinese teacher in the same _6_. He _7_ with his mother in the dining room (餐厅) in the school. Jims favorite subjects are history, music, _8_ sports. After school he often plays football with his classmates. In the evening Jim can usually _9_ his homework at six, and then he can _10_ TV for an hour. He usually goes to bed at about nine oclock. (B)1. A) girl B) student C) teacher D) man 【详解】从后面的He goes to school five days a week可知,Jim是一个学生。 (D)2. A) Saturday B) Thursday C) Sunday D) Friday 【详解】通常上课是从星期一到星期五。 (A)3. A) gets up B) goes to work C) goes home D) has lunch 【详解】六点应当是起床时间。 (D)4. A) the school B) the shop C) the classroom D) home 【详解】联系上下文,此处离开家去学校,leave home。 (A)5. A) morning B) afternoon C) night D) evening 【详解】联系句子后半段,此处是指早上,即in the morning。 (C)6. A) hotel B) bus C) school D) store 【详解】联系上文,吉姆和他妈妈应是在同一个学校里面。 (A)7. A) has lunch B) learns history C) does shopping D) plays basketball 【详解】在餐厅里,当然是吃饭。 (C)8. A) but B) or C) and D) so 【详解】列举并列事项时,最后一个用and连接。 (B)9. A) find B) finish C) think D) write 【详解】完成家庭作业,finish ones homework。 (A)10 A) watch B) make C) sell D) buy 【详解】看电视 watch TV。附送:2019年小升初英语专题一字母单词复习:国家、城市(countries & cities):China/PRC中国America/USA美国UK联合王国England英国Canada/CAN加拿大Australia澳大利亚New York纽约London伦敦Sydney悉尼Moscow莫斯科Cairo开罗课程(classes):sports体育运动science科学Moral Education思想品德课Social Studies社会课Chinese语文math数学PE体育课English英语课概述英语中有26个字母。其中有5个元音字母和剩余的20个辅音字母。Y y 为半元音字母,有时用作元音字母,有时用作辅音字母 。 小热身: 1. 按顺序默写出26个字母的大小写 , 并画出元音字母和半元音字母. 2. 根据你所掌握的字母知识 , 完成下列各题 。(1) 六个两笔完成的小写字母是 _,i , j , _ , _ , x (2) 五个元音字母的大小写形式是 _ , Ee , _ , _ , _(3) 六个三笔完成的大写字母是 _ , E , _ , H , I , _ 字母及读音 字母大小写及读音A a /ei/G g /d i:/M m /em/S s /es/Y y /wai/B b /bi:/H h /eit /N n /en/T t /ti:/Z z /zed/C c /si:/I I /ai/O o /U u /ju:/D d /di:/J j /dei/P p /pi:/V v /vi:/E e /i:/K k /kei/Q q /kju:/W w /dblju:/F f /ef/L l /el/R r /:/X x /eks/字母的大写 英文句中首单词首字母要大写。 例: How are you ? 人名中名和姓的首字母要大写。 例: Jim Green , Wang Yadan 国名、城市名的首字母要大写。 例: China , Zhengzhou 语言及民族首字母要大写。 例: English , Chinese 职务或称呼的首字母要大写。 例: Dr Wang , Miss Li 专用名词的首字母要大写。 例: Class Two , Grade Six 表示“ 我 ”的单词(主格) , 即“ I ” , 无论在什么情况下都要大写 。 例: Lucy and I are friends三常见缩略词星期:Mon星期一 Tue星期二 Wed星期三 Thur星期四 Fri星期五Sat 星期六 Sun星期日 月份:Jan一月 Feb 二月 Mar三月 Apr 四月 Jun六月 Jul七月 Aug八月 Sept九月 Oct十月 Nov十一月 Dec十二月 AM(am)上午 PM(pm)下午 WC厕所 UN联合国 TV电视 USA美国 CCTV中国中央电视台 OK好,行 IT信息技术 RMB人民币 CD光盘 VIP重要人物 ID身份证WTO世界贸易组织 ABC基础知识 UFO不明飞行物大显身手一. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。_d_; O_ _; _L_; _ _X; _ Hh_; _N_; V_ _; _Dd_; r _ _; Mm _ _; _Oo_; a _ _; _ Ff _; _ Xx _; Kk _ _; _ i_ ; q _ _ ; _ t_ ; _ Pp _; _ Rr _ ;二选词填空。 1_morning! ( Good , good ) 2Is _your ruler ? ( this ,This ) 3Yes ,_am ( i , I )4I want to go to _ ( shanghai ,Shanghai ) 5How old are you ,_? ( Kate ,kate ) 6This is _ ( miss Wang ,Miss Wang ) 7I am in _ ( class one ,Class One ) 8_ do you do ? ( How ,how ) 9I am _ ( Hu SuJie ,Hu Sujie )10She es from _ ( japan ,Japan )11I can speak _ ( Chinese ,chinese )12She is in _ ( Grade four ,Grade Four )13What is this in _? ( English ,english )14Jim,_is Lucy ( This ,this ) 三选择正确答案。 ( )1下面哪个字母是元音字母? ABb BYy COo DHh ( )2Basketball中共有_个辅音字母? A6 B7 C8 D9 ( )3字母g占四线三格的_ A. 第二格 B第一、二格 C第二、三格 D第一、二、三格 ( )4eye中共有_个元音字母? A1 B2 C3 D0 ( )5字母f占四线三格的_A第三格 B第一、二格 C第二、三格 D第一、二、三格 ( )6字母H书写时由_笔完成? A1 B2 C3 D4( )7下列字母中上端顶第一线的字母是_ Ae Bg Cd Dm ( )8下列字母中书写时由两笔完成的是_ AJ BD CW DG ( )9umbrella中共有_个元音字母? A1 B2 C3 D4 ( )10字母q在四线格里的位置与下列哪个字母相同? Ar Bd Cf Dp四根据中文选择正确的词。1联合国() AUK BUN CUSA2一月 () AJan BJan CJane3医生 () Adoctor BDocter CDoctor4星期日()ASaturday BSun CSat5五年级() Agrade five BGrade five CGrade Five63班 ( ) Aclass three BClass Three CClass three7法国 ( ) Afrench BFrench CFrance8北京 ( ) ABeiJing BBeijing Cbeijing9厕所 ( ) AWc Bwc CWC10九月 ( ) Aseptember BSept. CSep五判断正误,正确的写“ T ”,错误的写“ F ”,并加以改正。( )1字母a由两笔写成。 _ ( )2student里只有 u,e两个元音字母。 _( )3mother里只有3个辅音字母。 _ ( )4M书写时由三笔完成。 _ ( )5字母e 占四线三格的第二格。 _ ( )6Z书写时由一笔完成。 _ ( )7G书写时由两笔完成。 _ ( )8J 的书写是由两笔完成的。 _ ( )9young里有1个半元音字母,2个元音字母 ,2个辅音字母 _ ( )10excellent里有3个元音字母。 _ 六请将一周七天的缩写词按周日到周六的顺序填写在表格里 。A WEEK七请将十二月份的缩写词按顺序写在下面横线上。 _


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