2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Lesson 7(1)教案 陕旅版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Lesson 7(1)教案 陕旅版本课谈论的仍然是买东西的话题,但主要侧重于买衣服。同时,也就涉及到了衣服的大小、颜色和价钱等。学会说 What can I do for you? What size do you wear? What colour do you want? Its cheapexpensive. 掌握单词和短语 size, expensive, a clothes shop, looking for, slippers, sunglasses, sneakers.教学目标:1. 会说会用在服装店买衣服时询问衣服颜色,尺寸大小,价钱等表达方式。 What can I do for you? Im looking for What size does she wear? I wear small size. What colour do you like? I like pink. How much is it? Its expensive.2.理解会说会用会写以下单词 size, expensive, a clothes shop, slippers, sneakers, sunglasses, looking for.教学重点难点分析: 1. 学习,识记,熟练运用四会单词。 2. 创设实际情景,灵活运用在服装店买衣服的句型。课前准备:教师准备关于服装的图片,录音机和磁带。教学过程:1.热身(Warming up)(主页图上有两个主要人物,A: Mum, B: Saleswoman)教师利用手偶的对话来引出本课学习的重点内容。A: Good morning, what can I do for you?B: Good morning. I want a T- shirt.A: What color do you like?B: I like yellow. A: What size do you wear? B: Middle A: How about this one? B: Wonderful. Thats what I want. How much? A: 50 yuan. B: Here is the money.2.新课展示(New Presentation)1)句型词汇学习:讲解人A和B利用主页图上的人物介绍本课中心句型和词汇。(图中是一个服装店,里面有衣服鞋子) 利用单词卡片教授单词。教师出示服装店的图片,教授短语 a clothes shop ,这个短语还可以说成a clothes store.教师引导学生观察服装店的图片,观察里面都有什么。What can you see in a clothes shop? 在一个服装店里我们经常会看到什么?学生回答,可以说汉语也可以是英语。教师出示拖鞋的图片,slippers. We can see slippers. 我们也可以说 a pair of slippers.(出示运动鞋的图片)sneakers. We can see sneakers.我们也可以说 a pair of sneakers.(出示太阳镜的图片) sunglasses. We can see sunglasses. Sun-太阳;glasses- 玻璃 。 同样的我们还可以说 a pair of sunglasses.教师讲授完单词,引导学生巩固单词,教师做出不同的动作,学生快速反应。 T points to the eyes. Ss: a pair of sunglasses. T points to the foot. Ss: a pair of slippers. T pretends to do the action of running. Ss: a pair of sneakers.教师还可以复习以前学过的衣服类单词, a T- shirt, a dress, a skirt, a pair of trousers. 教师还可以让学生之间进行互动,一起复习所学的所有衣服类单词。教师向学生讲解基本句型: 当我们走进店里的时候,店员都会问我们想要什么,最基本的表达法是 What can I do for you? 或者Can I help you?当店员问我们想要什么时,我们通常可以回答 Im looking for a 或者 I want 在这里 looking for 有寻找和挑选的意思。教师将这几个句型都写在黑板上给学生展示。在买衣服的时候还有很多细节的方面。2)询问衣服颜色,价钱和尺寸大小的句型当我们想要知道别人衣服的码时,我们一般可以这样问 What size do you wear? (出示图片 size,码)L- large size 大码 I wear large size.M- middle size 中码 I wear middle size.S- small size 小码 I wear small size. 当我们想要知道别人喜欢的颜色时,我们可以这样说: What colour do you like best? I like 当我们想要知道衣服的价钱时,我们可以说 How much is it are they? Its yuan pounds dollars. 在这里我们还可以简单对价钱做出评价,Its cheap (便宜的). Its expensive (贵的).3.小结 本节课我们继续学习了如何买东西,尤其是在服装店买衣服时和店员之间的最基本的对话,包括询问衣服的颜色,尺寸大小,价钱等。4. 巩固练习教师引导学生模拟实际生活中的情景,进行对话练习,用到本节课中所有学到的句型。 A: What can I do for you? B: Im looking for a dress. A: What color do you like, blue or pink? B: I like pink.A: How about this one? B: Thats good. A: What size do you wear? B: I wear middle size. A: How much is it? B: Its 70 yuan. Its cheap. Here you are. 5. 听录音学习课文。(播放课文录音)。A: What is Miss Zhang looking for?B: She is looking for a dress in a clothes shop for her daughter.A: What size does she wear?B: She wears small size.A: What colour does she like?B: She likes green.A: How much is the dress?B: 55 yuan.A: Is it expensive?B: No , it sint.6. Do the exercises.Lets practise ()Model: A: What can I do for you?B: I want a pair of sneakers.A: What size do you wear?B: L.A: What colour do you like?B: White.A: What about this one?B: Wonderful! How much?A: 280 yuan .B: OK. I ll take it.Lets practise ()Model: A: How much is your yellow skirt?B: Its about 50 yuan.A: Its very nice. Where did you buy it?B: In the clothes shop.附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Lesson 7教案 陕旅版本课谈论的仍然是买东西的话题,但主要侧重于买衣服。同时,也就涉及到了衣服的大小、颜色和价钱等。学会说 What can I do for you? What size do you wear? What colour do you want? Its cheapexpensive. 掌握单词和短语 size, expensive, a clothes shop, looking for, slippers, sunglasses, sneakers.教学目标:1. 会说会用在服装店买衣服时询问衣服颜色,尺寸大小,价钱等表达方式。 What can I do for you? Im looking for What size does she wear? I wear small size. What colour do you like? I like pink. How much is it? Its expensive.2.理解会说会用会写以下单词 size, expensive, a clothes shop, slippers, sneakers, sunglasses, looking for.教学重点难点分析: 1. 学习,识记,熟练运用四会单词。 2. 创设实际情景,灵活运用在服装店买衣服的句型。课前准备:教师准备关于服装的图片,录音机和磁带。教学过程:1.热身(Warming up)(主页图上有两个主要人物,A: Mum, B: Saleswoman)教师利用手偶的对话来引出本课学习的重点内容。A: Good morning, what can I do for you?B: Good morning. I want a T- shirt.A: What color do you like?B: I like yellow. A: What size do you wear? B: Middle A: How about this one? B: Wonderful. Thats what I want. How much? A: 50 yuan. B: Here is the money.2.新课展示(New Presentation)1)句型词汇学习:讲解人A和B利用主页图上的人物介绍本课中心句型和词汇。(图中是一个服装店,里面有衣服鞋子) 利用单词卡片教授单词。教师出示服装店的图片,教授短语 a clothes shop ,这个短语还可以说成a clothes store.教师引导学生观察服装店的图片,观察里面都有什么。What can you see in a clothes shop? 在一个服装店里我们经常会看到什么?学生回答,可以说汉语也可以是英语。教师出示拖鞋的图片,slippers. We can see slippers. 我们也可以说 a pair of slippers.(出示运动鞋的图片)sneakers. We can see sneakers.我们也可以说 a pair of sneakers.(出示太阳镜的图片) sunglasses. We can see sunglasses. Sun-太阳;glasses- 玻璃 。 同样的我们还可以说 a pair of sunglasses.教师讲授完单词,引导学生巩固单词,教师做出不同的动作,学生快速反应。 T points to the eyes. Ss: a pair of sunglasses. T points to the foot. Ss: a pair of slippers. T pretends to do the action of running. Ss: a pair of sneakers.教师还可以复习以前学过的衣服类单词, a T- shirt, a dress, a skirt, a pair of trousers. 教师还可以让学生之间进行互动,一起复习所学的所有衣服类单词。教师向学生讲解基本句型: 当我们走进店里的时候,店员都会问我们想要什么,最基本的表达法是 What can I do for you? 或者Can I help you?当店员问我们想要什么时,我们通常可以回答 Im looking for a 或者 I want 在这里 looking for 有寻找和挑选的意思。教师将这几个句型都写在黑板上给学生展示。在买衣服的时候还有很多细节的方面。2)询问衣服颜色,价钱和尺寸大小的句型当我们想要知道别人衣服的码时,我们一般可以这样问 What size do you wear? (出示图片 size,码)L- large size 大码 I wear large size.M- middle size 中码 I wear middle size.S- small size 小码 I wear small size. 当我们想要知道别人喜欢的颜色时,我们可以这样说: What colour do you like best? I like 当我们想要知道衣服的价钱时,我们可以说 How much is it are they? Its yuan pounds dollars. 在这里我们还可以简单对价钱做出评价,Its cheap (便宜的). Its expensive (贵的).3.小结 本节课我们继续学习了如何买东西,尤其是在服装店买衣服时和店员之间的最基本的对话,包括询问衣服的颜色,尺寸大小,价钱等。4. 巩固练习教师引导学生模拟实际生活中的情景,进行对话练习,用到本节课中所有学到的句型。 A: What can I do for you? B: Im looking for a dress. A: What color do you like, blue or pink? B: I like pink.A: How about this one? B: Thats good. A: What size do you wear? B: I wear middle size. A: How much is it? B: Its 70 yuan. Its cheap. Here you are. 5. 听录音学习课文。(播放课文录音)。A: What is Miss Zhang looking for?B: She is looking for a dress in a clothes shop for her daughter.A: What size does she wear?B: She wears small size.A: What colour does she like?B: She likes green.A: How much is the dress?B: 55 yuan.A: Is it expensive?B: No , it sint.6. Do the exercises.Lets practise ()Model: A: What can I do for you?B: I want a pair of sneakers.A: What size do you wear?B: L.A: What colour do you like?B: White.A: What about this one?B: Wonderful! How much?A: 280 yuan .B: OK. I ll take it.Lets practise ()Model: A: How much is your yellow skirt?B: Its about 50 yuan.A: Its very nice. Where did you buy it?B: In the clothes shop.


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