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2019年(人教版)小学五年级英语上册期末试题9(含答案)学校_班级_姓名_评价等级_ Listening (60%)一、Listen and choose the word you hear on the tape (听录音选出你听到的内容。) (念两遍)(20%)( )1、a. February b. October c. January( )2、a. a birthday card b. a birthday present c. a birthday cake ( )3、a. nine b. ninth c. nice( )4、a. go to the cinema b. go to the bank c. go to the restaurant( )5、a. beside the window b. above the window c. on the window ( ) 6、a. see the doctor b. see my friends c. see Grandpa ( ) 7、a. let me have a look b. let me think c. let me see( )8、a. You can have a cup of apple juice or a cup of orange juiceb. You can have a bowl of noodles or a bowl of dumplingsc. You can have some fried chicken or fried eggs. ( )9、a. Are you going to visit families ?b. Are you going to see your friends ?c. Are you going to visit friends ? ( )10 a. We like some chocolate ice cream .b. We can buy some chocolate ice cream .c. We want some chocolate ice cream .二、 Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear on the tape.( 根据所听到的内容和问题,选择最佳答案;用A、B、C或D表示,填入括号内。)(念两遍)(8%)( )1. A. May B. January C. October D .August ( ) 2. A. flowers B. a card C. flowers and a card D. birds ( ) 3. A. G/F B. 1/F C.2/F D. 3/F ( ) 4. A. 3 B. 6 C. 2 D. 4三、 Listen and choose the best answer.(选择最佳的问句或答句。)(念两遍)(10)( )1. a. Today is National Day . b. No, it is. c. No, its National day.( )2. a. What are Koko and tim going to do on Mothers Day ? b. What are we going to do on Teachers Day ? c. What are you going to do on Fatherrs Day ?( )3. a. Theyre going to play tennis . b. Shes going to play the piano . c. Hes going to play badminton .( )4. a. No, there isnt any meat . b. Yes, there are. c. There are some.( )5. a. He always makes his bed. b. I get up at six thirty. c. I sometimes sweep the floor.四、 Listen to the passage and decide if the following sentences are ture or false.(根据你听到的短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确;正确的用“T”表示,不正确的用“F”表示。12%)(念两遍) ( ) It is not National Day today.( ) Therere four people in the family.( ) Dad wants two chicken legs.( ) The child would like three hot dogs.( ) Mum is very thirsty but hungry.( ) Mum wants some vegetables. 五、 Listen and choose the best answer.(选择最佳答案)(10)( )1. Is there any water _ juice ? Theres some water _theresno juice.a . and, and b. or, but c. but, or( )2. What can we _? We can make a plate of fried rice. a. make b. makes c. making( )3. What _ you like ? Id like some strawberries. a. do b. can c. would( )4. What _ supper, Mum? Soup and meat. a. for b. with c. to ( )5. There isnt _money in my wallet . a. no b.any c.some .Writing (40%)六、 Fill the blanks with a suitable word.(根据提示,用适当的单词填空。)(10%)i. Today is C_ Day.ii. Im h _ and thirsty .iii. My mother looks a_ me all year .iv. The birds are flying a_ the bridge.v. Whats the m _ with you ?vi. Hes going to s_ in Shenzhen for a week .vii. Christmas is on D_ 25 .viii. The boy is l_ . He never helps at home.ix. October 1st is our N_ Day .x. July is the s_ month of year .七、.Rewrite the sentences according to the requirements.(按要求改写句子。)(10)1. The bank is above the coffee shop. (就画线部分提问)_2. Tom is going to write a poem . (改成现在进行时)_3. We can have a cup of tea. (改成一般疑问句)_4.They are drinking glasses of juice. (改成单数形式)_5.National Day is on Oct. 1st. (就画线部分提问)_八. Theres one mistake in each sentence. Find out and correct.(下列每句均有一处错误,找出来并加以改正。)(10%)( )1. My teachers birthday is on the fouth of June. A B C D _ ( )2. I d like three piece of cake. How about you ? A B C D _( )3. Were haveing dinner now. Mum is esting a bowl noodles .A B C D _( )4.Whose sunglasses are these ? Theyre me sunglasses. A B C D _( )5.I am going to draws a picture tomorrow, and you? A B C D _九. Read and tick (根据短文内容,把参加体育项目的人名与之相对应的日期的方框内打“”) (10%) Sports Day is ing soon. What are the children going to do? Let me see .Tom is going to thro w a ball on Monday . He is not going to do the high jump on Tuesday . Hes going to skip with Peter on Thursday . Peter is going to run in a race on Thursday , too. Is Sue going to run in a race on Tuesday ? No, she isnt. Shesgoing to swim on Tuesday and do the long jump on Wednesday. Mr.Chen is going to give the prize on Thursday .DayNameMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayPeterTomSueMr.Chen五年级录音材料及参考答案Listening (60%)一、1. (b) October 2. (a) a birthday card 3. (b) ninth 4. (c) go to the restaurant 5. (b) above the window 6. (a) see the doctor 7.(c) let me see 8.(b) You can have a bowl of noodles or a bowl of dumplings.9.(a) Are you going to visit families?10.(c) We want some chocolate ice cream.二、(8%)1 Girl: My birthday is in July. Boy: Oh! Whens your Dads birthday ? Girl: Its three months later . Whens the girls Dads birthday ? ( C )2 My mother is a teacher. Today is Teachers Day .Im going to buy her a card. Dad is going to buy some flowers for her . Whats the child going to buy ? ( B )3 Im in the bank on 1/F . There is a toy shop above it. Tim is buying the gift beside the toy shop. There are two pet shops on the 3/F . And the camera shop is below the pet shops . Where is the camera shop ? ( C )4 Tomorrow is Xmas Day . Im going to make cake. My Mum is going to give a hand.I have some eggs and butter. But I dont have any suger and milk. Dad is going to buy it. How many things does the girl need ? ( D )三、(10) (c)1. Is today Childrens Day ? ( b) 2. We are going to buy some flowers for our teachers ( a ) 3.what are they going to do ? ( b ) 4. Are there any hamburgers ? ( b ) 5. when do you get up ?四、(12) F F T T F TToday is National Day. Were going to have a big meal at the restaurant.Waiter: Good afternoon. Are you ready to order now ?Dad: Hello. Id like a bowl of noodles and two chicken legs.Child: I dont want any Chinese food. Please give me three hot dogs、two packets of fries and a cup of coke. How about you, mum ?Mum: En! Im not very hungry but thirsty. May I have a glass of juice and some vegetable ?Waiter: OK! Please wait !五、(10) 1(b) 2. (a) 3(c) 4(a) 5(c)Writing (40)六、(10)1. Childrens 2. hungry 3. after 4.above 5. matter6.stay 7.December 8.lazy 9. National 10.seventh七、 (10)1. Where is the bank ?2. Tom is writing a poem .3. Can we have a cup of tea ?4. He/She is drinking a glass of juice .5. When is National Day ?八、(10) 1. C fourth 2. B pieces 3. A having4. D my 5.C draw九、(10)DayNameMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayPeterTomSueMr.Chen 附送:2019年(人教版)小学六年级数学上册期末测试题一、填空(26分)1. 12( )= = ( )%=( )折=0.62. 把5吨煤平均分成9份,每份煤重( ),每份是这堆煤的( )。3. 时27分,化简后是( ),比值是( )。4. ( )和它的倒数的和是2。5. 比4千克多是( ),4千克比( )千克多。6. 现在每件衣服的成本比过去降低了20%,是把( )看作单位“1”,现在每件衣服的成本是过去的( )%。7. 聪聪在教室的位置是(3,2),是在第( )列,第( )行,如果明明在他后面第4个位置,明明的位置用数对表示为( )。8. 走一段路,甲用了15分钟,乙用了20分钟,甲、乙的速度比是( )。9. 等底等高的平行四边形比三角形的面积大( )%。10. 一根绳子长10米,用去,剩( )米;用去米还剩( )米。11. 一个钟,时针长10厘米,12小时时针尖端走动了( )厘米,时针所扫过的地方有( )平方厘米。12. 一个半圆的半径是6dm,它的周长是( )dm,面积是( )dm。13. 笼子里有若干只鸡和兔,从上面数,有8个头,从下面数,有26只脚。鸡有( )只,兔有( )只。二、判断。(10分)1. 圆的周长总是它的直径的3.14倍。( )2. 水结成冰体积增加原来的,冰化成水后,体积减少。( )3. 100千克减少后再增加,结果还是100千克。( )4. 一根绳子长0.7米,也可以说是米,还可以写成70%米。( )5. 某人栽了101棵树,全部成活,其成活率为101%。( )6. 周长相等的正方形和圆,面积也相等。( )7. 甲比乙多,乙比甲少。( )8. 得数为1的两个数,互为倒数。( )9. 一个真分数乘一个假分数,积一定大于这个真分数。( )10. 如果a=b(a、b都不等于0),那么a B、 C、=5. 100克糖水中含糖10克,则水与糖的比是( )A、101 B、111 C、916. 三角形的一个顶点A,可以用数对(5,6)表示,如果把这个三角形向上平移4格,再向左平移3格,这时点A用数对( )表示。A、(9,9) B、(8,10) C、(2,10) D、(3,10)7. 在一张长6厘米,宽4厘米的长方形纸上剪一个面积最大的圆,这个圆的面积是( )cm2。A、28.26 B、12.56 C、50.248. 1000元存入银行3年,到期时取出1045元,则取出的1045元叫( )A、本金 B、利息 C、本金和利息9. 一项工程,甲队独做10天完成,乙队独做16天完成,甲队的工作效率比乙队快( )A、37.5% B、60% C、62.5%10. 下列说法错误的是( )A、半径一定比直径短 B、圆具有对称性 C、圆是曲线图形四、计算(26分)1、直接写出得数(4分)= 2= 80%-20%= 425%+1625%= = 72%= = = 2、怎样简便就怎样算(18分) 7 2.8() 101 55000254 23143、解方程。(4分)15=40 0.7=2.1五、按要求完成(5分)1、画一个半径2厘米的圆,并画出这个互相垂直的一组对称轴。(2分)B2、如图,半圆O内的三角形ABC的面积是80 cm2,BD=8cm。求阴影部分的面积。8cmDOAC六、解决问题。(共23分,第1、7小题4分,其余每题3分)1、吨菜籽可以榨油吨,菜籽的出油率是百分之几?要榨1吨菜油,需要菜籽多少吨?(4分)2、一支钢笔现价24元,比原价降低了,原价是多少元?3、修一条公路,第一次修全程的,第二次又修了全程的15%,这时离公路中点还有6千米。这条公路有多长?4、一个长方形的周长是48厘米,长和宽的比是75,这个长方形的面积是多少?5、右面是某小学六(五)班上期参加课外兴趣小组的情况统计图,已知参加武术组的有2人,参加课外阅读的有多少人?6、一筐梨,卖出30%后,连筐重20千克,卖出去50%后,连筐重16千克,这筐梨原有多少千克?7、正方形的面积是32 cm2,阴影部分的面积是多少cm2?本文由52求学网论坛微光整理


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