2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 9 unit 2 I bumped my head教学设计1 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 9 unit 2 I bumped my head教学设计1 外研版一、 教学目标与要求1、 知识与能力目标能够熟练运用所学句型2、 情感态度目标(1)培养学生合作学习的意识,以小组为单位描述或表演候诊室一幕。2)培养学生助人为乐、团结互助的品质。二、 教学重点及难点 1.教学重难点:1、功能句: What happened to you ? What happened to you /your ?I did sthWhat happened to this boy/girl? He/She did sth2.掌握重点词 、短语:bump bumped my head bumpedhurt hurt my knee hurtcut cut my finger cut fell fell off fell over三、 课前准备:课件,录音机(磁带),剪刀,红纸,演出道具:护士帽,包扎伤口纱布四、 教学过程:Step1: Warming-upSing the song“head,knee and toes ”Step2: Presentation and practiceT : Look, this is a star.(展示一颗星星)(1)Did you like it?I can cut papers.I can cut stars. Look!(老师剪纸并不小心剪到手指)Oh, my god, I cut my finger.Read after me“cut my finger”(2)(播放动画片:蜡笔小新碰头)Oh, he bumped his head.Read after me“bump” “bump my head”(3)hurt my knee(4)Practice: Read and do the actions quickly.“bump my head”. “cut my finger”“hurt my knee”The textListen and repeat.Chant: What happened to you?What happened to your?Practice(1)Guessing.(电脑显示图片一角)T : What happened to this boy?Ss guessStep3: Consolidation and extension(2)Acting(老师当护士,三个学生当伤员)T : What happened to you ?S1 : I hurt my knee.T : Did you fall over?S1 : Yes.T : What happened to you?S2 : I bumped my head.T : Did you fall off your bike?S2 : Yes.T : What happened to you?S3 : I cut my finger.T : Did you cut papers?S3 : Yes.Practice in groups.(3)Activity book P36 P37Step4: SummaryRead together.Step5: HomeworkAsk and answer with your partner: What happened to you? Did you ?Step6: Blackboard designWhat happened to you?I cut my finger.I hurt my knee.I bumped my head.Did you ?Yes, I did.No, I didnt.五 、教学反思:有些学生还不能完全掌握“What happened to ?”,不能根据实际情况做出相应的回答,课后需要多加强训练。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 9 unit 2 I bumped my head教学设计2 外研版教学目标 :1.认知目标:学习动词的规则变化和不规则变化,学习使用动词过去式,过去式动词词组。bump bumped my head bumpedhurt hurt my knee hurtcut cut my finger cut fell fell off fell overb 掌握功能句What happened to you ? What happened to your ?I did sthWhat happened to this boy/girl? He / She did sth 2.能力目标:向他人说明描述过去发生的意外事故,培养学生的发散思维能力、分析、迁移等综合运用英语的能力。3.情感目标:激发学生学习语言的兴趣,培养合作意识与创新精神。对学生进行安全教育,培养学生的安全意识。教学重难点:1.功能句: What happened to you ? What happened to you /your ?I did sthWhat happened to this boy/girl? He/She did sth2.掌握重点词 、短语:bump bumped my head bumpedhurt hurt my knee hurtcut cut my finger cut fell fell off fell over设计理念:根据学生已有的知识结构,以及学生对自己亲身经历的事情比较感兴趣、或是身边的发生的事情比较关心。根据学生的认知规律,有效的英语教学方法设计本课。教学设备:录音机 教材配套磁带 自制课件教学方法:听说法、情景教学法、TPR教学法、游戏活动教学法 、多媒体电教手段、听唱法、教具: 单词、句型卡片、图片、电教设备。教学时间:一节课 (40分钟)教学过程: Warming -up (热身活动)1.Listen、sing and do the actions :The song: head shoulders knees and toes. 课件辅助2. Listen and touch :Touch your head Touch your Presentation (任务呈现)1. 运用简笔画或出示图片、课件创设教学情景,呈现任务,运用体态语、卡片辅助教学。fingerI hurt my finger fingers.I cut my finger.cutI cut my finger.Be careful .Dont cut your finger.This boy/girl cut his/her finger.bumpI bumped my head.He bumped his head.hurthurt my kneeWhat happen to this girl?She hurt her knee.2. 练习 (运用体态语、简笔画图片和卡片)朗读、练说词、短语。每教完一个单词、短语,以及教学完以上新知,就紧跟着操练。操练的形式可以是全班的、分组和单人的等等。bumped my head bumpedhurt my knee hurtcut my finger cutfellfell off fell over fell3句型练说:先看课件,再提问:What happened to the girl? 引出What happened to you /your ? 教学I did sth.I (bumped my head )I (hurt my knee)I (cut my finger )I (fellfell off、 fell over ) Practice the drills. (句型巩固练习 )1. 说唱活动:What happened to you ?What happened to your ? II2. 大组活动,同桌看图问答, 传递图片,问答活动比赛。What happened to you ? I3两人、小组互动练习,巩固句型。4看图问答。(课件辅助、简笔画图片和卡片)What happened to youyour?I did sth.I (bumped my head )I (hurt my knee)I (cut my finger )I (fellfell off、 fell over )看图问答,句型练习活动:What happen to this boy/girl? He / She5猜图游戏活动:What happened to this boy/girl? He / She5.真实情景 运用任务,先看课件,课件辅助。What happened to her finger?What happened to his finger?.课文学习。1.听活动1的录音对话2就对话提问:What happened to this boy/girl? He /She3. 小组表演对话。(用医生的白帽子和白大褂做道具。).欣赏歌曲Be careful.作业:完成练习册上的练习.板书设计:Module 9 Unit 2 I bumped my head.What happened to you? bumped my head bumpcut I cut my fingerknee Hurt my knee.教学反思在这堂课中通过创设情境教学,让学生们在学中玩,在玩中学,效果不错。


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