2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Lesson 12 John and Jack 教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Lesson 12 John and Jack 教案 (新版)冀教版课题 John and Jack课型新授课课时1教学目 标知识目标1.学生能够听懂和理解这个简单的故事。2.学生能就故事进行提问和回答。3. 学生能够分角色,并用自己的语言表演故事。能力目标在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话情感目标在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。重点同知识目标1-2难点同知识目标3教具教学光盘、一个球、一支牙刷、筷子、一个玩具狗 教 学 过 程 二次备课开始上课和复习Class opening and review问候Greeting:What do you do no Saturday?课文导入Lesson hook:过去的一周我们都非常努力,今天我们娱乐一下,读一个故事。这是关于一个男孩,一只狗和一只遇到麻烦的小鸟的故事。谁想帮助这只遇到麻烦的小鸟呢?让我们听一听,读一读,了解故事中三个角色的幸福结局吧!新概念New concepts:Story time: John and Jack读前活动Prepare to read:看图讨论Look and talk about it.看教科书28页,快速浏览每一幅图,讨论故事梗概。思考问题:Where is the boy? Whats the boy doing? What can you see from these pictures?阅读活动Read the story:依次浏览每幅图,引导学生做出评论。Panel 1: Whats the boys name? Who is Jack? What is Jack doing? Panel 2: Whats John doing? When does he brush his teeth? What does Jack do while John brushes his teeth?Panel 3: What do you see in this picture? 举起筷子,教学新词:chopstick Panel 4: What do they do in the afternoon?Panel 5: What is the boy playing with? Panel 6: What happens now?(John throws the ball and it goes in to the grass. He cant find it.)Panel 7: What do you see in the grass?Panel 8: What do you see in the picture? Are they happy? Why?大声朗读Read aloud:1.教师范读,速度要慢,辅以动作和手势。适时解释个别不懂的单词。2.播放光盘,学生大声跟读,读出韵味。读后活动After reading:用汉语复述故事。巩固检验Check for understanding:分角色表演故事。3人一组,一人旁白,一人表演杰克,一人表演约翰。给学生一些时间来练习语言和动作,然后在全班展示。结束课堂教学Class closing:Good-bye!教学反思板书设计John and JackJohnJackgood friendhave breakfastbrush his teethplay catch with a ballsee a birdput the bird up in the tree 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Lesson 13 at school 教案 (新版)冀教版课题At school课型新授课课时1教学目 标知识目标1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:school, classroom, library, playground, where2. 学生能听懂、会说下列句子:Wheres the puter room? I can show you.能力目标在日常生活中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。情感目标1.培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。2.找机会练习学生的听力技巧。3.在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。重点同知识目标12难点特殊疑问词where的用法教具教学光盘、school, classroom, library, playground的图片或课件 教 学 过 程 二次备课开始上课和复习Class opening and review问候Greeting Hello, class! Wele to our classroom.课文导入Lesson hook:我们学习新的单元。今天我们将会了解学校,并学会在学校附近如何找到路。新概念New concepts:1.My school(1)教授新单词school, classroom, library, playground课件出示和平东路小学正门教学楼图片,问:What do you see in the picture?(生:学校大楼)出示并板书单词school,拼读并记忆s-c-h o-o-l-school. 下面让我们一起来参观一下我们的学校吧!其余三个单词也用以上方法教学。拓展学习:puter room(微机室),science lab(科学探究室),skilled(巧手吧),musicroom(音乐室),art room(美术室),dance hall(舞蹈厅)(2)教师演示用新词汇组成对话:Look! This is my school/classroom/ library/ playground/ puter room/ science lab/ skilled/ musicroom/ art room/ dance hall. Your_is(looks) great.(3)练习:角色扮演:学生甲:Look! This is our library. 学生乙:It looks great!2.Where is the puter room?(1)看书35页,讨论图片情节:How to Jenny ask the way? (2)播放录音跟读第二部分。(3)强调礼貌用语的重要性:同Thank you 和Youre wele一样,Excuse me也是常见的礼貌表达方法。练习:角色扮演:甲:Excuse me.Wheres the classroom/ desk? 乙: I can show you. Here it is. 甲:Thanks. 乙:Youre wele.教师先与一名志愿者做练习,再让其他学生2人一组练习并展示。3.Lets do it!Draw and talk. Wheres your classroom? I can show you. 还可以谈论图书馆、操场微机室等。画出地址。巩固检验Check for understanding:活动手册34结束课堂教学Class closing 教师问一个同学: Wheres the door?教学反思板书设计At schoolWheres the school/classroom/ library/ playground?I can show you.


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