2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 4 How many are there教案 湘少版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 4 How many are there教案 湘少版教学目标:1、 语言功能:用“How many are there?”询问物品的数量,并用“There are”对询问做出回答。2、 语言结构:How many are there? There are3、 词汇:ruler、book教学重、难点:1、 教学重点:用“How many are there?”询问物品的数量,并用“There are”对询问做出回答。2、 教学难点:语言结构:How many are there? There are一、教学目标1、 能熟练地运用英语数数;2、 能用“How many?”就物品的数量提问,并用“There are”对该询问做出回答。二、教学重点及难点1、 教学重点:用英语数数。2、 教学难点:用“How many?”就物品的数量提问,并用“There are”对该询问做出回答。三、教学准备PowerPoint教学课件、书、尺子等实物; 打印有“How”、“many”、“are”、“there”五个单词的纸片。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1、 师生问候。2、Lets count。(数数游戏) 引导学生从0数至10,再从10数到0。 不断地用“Lets count”发出命令,反复两次,让学生慢慢体会到单词count的中文意思:数数。为下段教学做好铺垫工作。Step 2 Presentation and drill1、 向学生分别出示手中的实物:书及尺子。T:Hello, everyone! I have many things in my hand. Whats it? 如果学生说对了就示意全体同学拍手鼓励。T: Whats this?S: Rulers.T: Yes, there are some rulers.T: How many rulers?S: One ruler/Two ruler/T(尺子在手中出示):Please count there rulers. Who can cout?S: One, towfive.T: How many rulers are there?S: Five rulers.板书并教学句型:“How manyare there?”。2、 出示课文A部分教学挂图(或多媒体课件)。听课文A部分录音,了解课文大意。3、 听录音,跟读。4、 分组练读并表演。Step 3 Practice 游戏Blowing up the blockhouse (炸碉堡) 黑板上简单地勾画出几座山和几座桥,假设这是红军长征的必经之地。将画有各种不同数量物品的图片背面朝外贴在“关卡”处,作为敌方的“碉堡”,要过“关卡”,必须先将“碉堡”炸掉。将本班学生分成两组进行游戏,每组五名“红军战士”,回答教师所提问“How many rulers/pens/pencils?”,一次或两次答对的代表“炸掉一个碉堡”,三次没答对则该名“战士”牺牲,换下一个上。通过全部“关卡”后“战士”牺牲少的一方为胜。Step 4 Consolidation1、 创设情景,自由会话。情景:学校开展向边远山区小朋友献爱心活动,同学们纷纷踊跃捐献学习用品。各班上交前需将所有物品进行统计,教师要求学生先分小组统计。每小组选一名学生当统计员。S1: How many pens are there?S2: three pens.S1: How many bags?S2: Four bags.2、 评价。对学生在活动中的表现给予肯定和鼓励,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。3、 练习。(见练习册P13P14)4、 家庭作业。(1) 熟读并背诵课文A部分。(2) 识记本课新单词。Period 2一、教学目标1、 能熟练地运用“How manyare there?”. “There are”就物品的数量提问和回答;2、 能理解、会读课文C部分英语韵律小歌谣;3、 理解课文D部分故事;4、 培养学生的阅读理解能力。二、教学重点及难点1、 教学重点:运用“How manyare there?” “There are”就物品的数量提问和回答。2、 理解并朗读课文C部分英语韵律小歌谣。三、教学准备文具若干、教学磁带等四、教学过程Step 1 Warming up1、 师生问候。2、 唱已学的英语歌曲。Step 2 Presentation and drill1、 出示一个文具盒T: Whats this?S: Its a pencil-box.T: Whats in it?S: Pens/Pencils/Rulers/T: How many pens/pencils/rulersare there?S: There are five pens/two pencils/four rulers/(引导学生回答)2、 让学生 们自由交读,谈论各自的文具。3、 听课文B部分录音,跟读。4、 利用人物头饰表演对话。Step e Practice 游戏Whispering(悄悄话) 分组进行游戏。教师将写有“There are six pens./There are two books. /There are seven pencils.”等句子的纸条发给每组最后一名同学,该学生将这句话小声地往前传,依次前传,第一名学生将这句话大声说出来。传得又快又准的一组为胜。1、 听课文C部分录音,教师解释单词和句子的含义,然后让学生们跟读模仿。2、 挑选读得好的学生充当小老师带读。Step 4 Consolidation1、 课文D部分。(1) 阅读短文,回答问题。How many stars are there?(2) 解释“twinkle”“I wish there could be more.”的含义,帮助学生理解短文大意。(3) 听录音,跟读模仿说故事。(4) 分角色表演。2、 评价。对学生在活动中的表现给予肯定和鼓励,培养学生的表达能力。3、 练习。(见练习册P15-P16)4、 家庭作业。背诵课文D部分。Period 3一、 教学目标1、 能掌握字母R r在单词中的发音;2、 能读出由含有字母R r 的单词组成的句子;3、 能掌握字母R r的书写;4、 能诵读课文F部分的趣味歌谣。二、 教学重点及难点1、 教学重点:字母R r在单词中的发音。2、 教学难点:朗读课文E部分句子。三、 教学准备字母卡片、单词卡片、教学磁带等四、 教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1、 师生问候。2、 配上动作表演课文C部分英语韵律小歌谣。Step 2 Presentation and drill1、 将第14单元E部分含有不同字母的单词卡片打乱分发给学生,让学生们将含有相同字母的单词归为一类,并读出这些单词,剩下的为含有字母Rr的新单词。2、 听课文E部分录音,感知单词的发音。3、 听课文E部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Practice1、 听课文E部分录音,跟读句子。2、 详细讲解句子的发音,帮助学生理解句子的含义。3、 自由练习朗读句子。4、 教授字母Rr的书写。Step 4 Consolidation1、 课文F部分:(1) 解释说明各句含义,并详细讲解其发音。(2) 自由练习朗读。(3) 有节奏地诵读。(4) 挑选若干学生上台边画边诵读,可举行小型竞赛。2、 评价。对学生在活动中的表现给予肯定和鼓励,提高学生学习兴趣。3、 家庭作业。(1) 熟读并背诵课文。(2) 朗诵课文F部分趣味歌谣给爸爸妈妈听。(3)(4) 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Peter is writing教案 湘少版Periods: ContentsPeriodsPart A, BOne PeriodPart C, DOne PeriodPart E, FOne PeriodLanguage Function:Getting to know somebidy is doing something. Language structure:Peters mothre is cooking.He is sleeping.Vocabulary:The word should be grasped: writing, sleeping, working, reading, sweeping, cooking, painting, playing.Understanding words:book, wood, hood, hook, cook, merry-go-round, let others.Sounds:Know the oo-s sound in the words. How to write: reading and writing. Period 1Basic aims of this lesson:understand and say the new words “writing, sleeping, working, reading, sweeping, cooking, painting, playing.”retell the Part A.can say somebody is doing something.Teaching difficulties:Grasp the four-skill words.Can say somebody is doing something.Teaching aids:Type-recorder, picture, puter, words cards Step 1 Warming up:Greetings.Song: Are you Betty?Step 2 Presentation and drill Show the word cards of Part B.T: Look and read the words.Ss: writing / sleeping / working Let the Ss do the action.Teacher is sweeping.T: Look, what am I doing?S: Show the wall picture.T: Look, this is Peter. What is Peter doing?Ss: Peter is writing.T: Whats Peters mother doing?Ss: She is cooking.Learn Part B.Listen to the tape (Part A, B), read after the tape.Step 3 Practice Group in four act the Part A.Game: A little actor.Let a student e to the front and act Part B. others describe.Ss: is writing.Step 4. Consolidationfree talk.Assessment.Exercises book P13-14.Homework: recite Part A.Teaching NotesPeriod 2Basic aims of this lesson:1. Grasp the new words and phrases of this unit.2. Correct use the sentence “someone is doing ”Understant Part C, D.Teaching difficulties:Review the words and sentences.Free talk with the sentences have learned.Teaching aids:Type-recorder, picture, puterStep 1 Warming up:1. greetings.2. Look the cards and read the words.3. Look the mouth and guess the words.Step 2 Presentation and drillGame: Best partner.Group is 2, one show the word card, anther one do the action.Step 3 PracticeGame: Guess, guess, guess.Let a student draw a picture on Bb, others guess “What is he/she doing?”Listen to the tape of Part D.3. Act the story wear the headwear as Dino and Tim.Step 4. ConsolidationFree talk.Assessment.Exercises book P15-16.Homework.Teaching NotesPeriod 3Basic aims of this lesson:1.The ability to know the sound in “oo-”, and understand the words “book, wood, hood, hook, cook2. Review the words and sentences.Teaching difficulties:Find the ruler of the sound in “oo-”.Drill the dialogue.Teaching aids:Type-recorder, word cards.Step 1 Warming up:greetings.sing a song “Sunday morning.”Step 2 Presentation and drillTeacher write “book” on Bb, let Ss read.Mark “oo”, let the Ss find the rule.Write other words with “oo”, wood, hood, hook, cook Let Ss try to read.Step 3 PracticeListen to the tape of Part E.Chant the words and sentences Write “reading and writing ” on book.Learn to sing “Are you sleeping?”Step 4. ConsolidationGroup in 4 act Part F.Free talk.Homework.Teaching Notes


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