
上传人:tian****1990 文档编号:5592068 上传时间:2020-02-02 格式:DOC 页数:5 大小:971.50KB
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2019-2020年二年级英语下册期中试卷一、 将下面的单词填写完整,并译成汉语。1. gg ( )2. ju e ( )3. li t ( )4. h d ( )5. w ther ( )6. spr ( )7. sn y ( )8. s m ( )9. b k ( ) 10. pl e ( )二、 英汉互译:1. 放风筝: 2. make a model plane 3. 去公园: 4. play football 5. 堆雪人: 6. in this season 7. 回家: 8. warm and windy 9. 骑自行车: 10. pick the peanuts 三、 单项选择:( )1. I fly a kite .A. want B. want to ( )2. the weather like ?A. What B. Whats ( )3. I can make a snowman winter .A. in B. at ( )4. Lets go play football .A. or B. and ( )5. Can you a bike ?A. ride B. rides 四、 连词成句:1. fly , now , I , a , kite , can .2. season , is , your , favourite , What ?3. peanuts , Here , you , for , are , some .4. us , them , Let , plant .5. want , the , Do , to , go , you , to , park ?五、 对话连线:1. Lets go to the park . A. Sorry , I cant .2. Whats the weather like ?B. Yes , I do .3. Can you play football ?C. I love rain .4. Look ! I can swim !D. Three .5. Do you like bananas ?E. OK ! Lets go !6. Whats your favourite season ?F. Great !7. Lets water the peanuts .G. Warm and windy .8. I dont like rain .H. Its 11:30 .9. What time is it ?I. Autumn !10. How many are there ?J. No , not me .六、 圈出句子中的一处错误并改正:w W w .1. I can make a snowman on this season . 改: 2. Lets eating them . 改: 3. This is funny . 改: 4. Whats you favourite season ? 改: 5. can you make a model plane ? 改: 七、 画出喜欢的天气并写出英文单词: 八、 默写字母AaZz, 在元音字母下面画“”在半元音字母下面画“”。 附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册期末复习题一、 找出下列不同类的一项,填写在括号里。(10分)( )1.A.drinking B.eating C.shopping D.hot( )2.A.warm B.cool C.swim D.cold( )3.A.stop B.right C.left D.down( )4.A.fly B.class C.sleep D.cook( )5.A.he B.she C.me D.I二、 根据所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1 My grandma usually_(cook).2 Today my mother is_(go) shopping.3 Now we are_(help) Uncle Wang.4 What do you usually_(do) on Sundays?5 Today he isnt_(play) football.三、 根据词组的含义画出相应的图标。(10分)1go straight on 2.turn left 3.turn right四、 根据答语选问句,抄写在横线上。(20分)1._I like swimming.2._Its over there.3._I live in Apple Street.4._She is singing a song.5._I usually ride my bike.A.What do you usually do on Sundays?B.Whats Amy doing now?C.Where do you live?D.Excuse me, where is the toilet?E.What do you like doing in summer?

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