2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 8(第二课时)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 8(第二课时)教案 广州版教学内容的分析: 本课是Unit 8 的第二课时,主要的句型有:Were going to. We must We mustnt Can I ? 主要的教学内容是学习课文对话,通过大量的口头、笔头操练,达到熟读课文对话,能根据课文提示词背诵课文,并能表演课文的目的。教学目标:语言目标 : 1能用英语谈论植物。2能用英语说出一些植物名称。3 能用must、mustnt对别人的行为提出规劝。思想感情目标:通过本课的学习,知道在公共场所应遵守的行为规则,教育学生做个讲文明、有礼貌的小公民。教学过程 一、Warm-up1.Read a chant:(复习学过的chant )What can you do ?2. 复习unit 8 单词。学习策略:帮助学生热身,并巩固旧知识,为下面的学习做好准备。二、Leading-inT: Have you been to the Park? What can you see in the park? (some flowers, some trees)Can we climb trees in the park? Can we pick the flowers in the park? Why mustnt we pick the flowers? Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.学习策略:情景的创设接近学生的实际生活,引发学习兴趣。三、 Presentation and practice1.分段学习和操练课文的对话内容。(1)运用多媒体,呈现对话的内容,让学生在视听的情景下,理解对话内容。(2)每听完一段,都让学生小组讨论后回答问题:1.Where are they going to?2.Can jiamin leave his bag? 3.What will Jiamin need?4.Can we call the kapok the Hero Tree?5.What flower is the city flower of Guangzhou?6.What s the tulip look like?7.Why mustnt Sally pick the flowers?(3)出示课文重点句子。(4)让学生跟读课文后,把每part的句子朗读上口,再分角色朗读。(5)小组内操练对话。四、Sum-up1学习了用must、mustnt对别人的行为提出规劝。2能用英语说出一些植物名称。3懂得了在公共场所应遵守应行为规则。五、Practice and feedback(1)分角色表演课文。(2)看提示词试背对话。(3)做手册29第一题听力练习。(4)Check out the answers.学习策略:通过对学生听说读写的检查,巩固课文句型,并对学习情况进行及时反馈,以便及时调整自己的教学方法。Homework1. Listen the dialogue.2. Act out the dialogue.3. Copy the dialogue.Board Writing:1. Were going to the park for our lesson.2. Can I leave my bag here?3. Youll need your notebook and pen.4. Kapok is the city flower of Guangzhou.5. Everyone likes flowers.6. We must leave them in the park.7. We mustnt pick the flowers.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 9 (二课时)教案 广州版Unit 9 第一课时一、内容:Story Time and 二、语言点:Vocabulary: take good care of , wind, sand, hold, earth, air, hole, dig, step, lightly, yummySentence Structure: DontCan you?can/cant三、任务:Understand the story and can talk about what we can do and what we cant do.四、教学过程: (一)Leading in 1. Check the answer of the 2. Dictation. (二)Pre-task1. Show the pictures.2. According the pictures tell what we can do and what we cant do. (三)While-task1. Show the story in puter2. Answer the questions3. Read.4. Try to act out the story,(四)Pro-taskCheck the acting (五)Homework. Unit 9第二课时一、内容: Project, Did you know? , Additional words, Self-assessment and .二、语言点:Vocabulary: The words in “Did you know? And additional words.Sentence Structure: mustnt can/can/三、任务:Can talk about the what we can do or not can do.四、教学过程: (一)Leading in 1. Check the answer of the 2. Sing a song . (二)Pre-task1. Talk about the rules in the park.2. Show the sentences.3. Design signs for the park keeper.4. Review the plants.5. Learn some countries national flowers. 6. Fill the table.7. Learn the Additional Words. (三)While-task1. Play a board game.2. (四)Pro-task1. Check (五)HomeworkSelf-Assessment.


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