2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 16(3)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 16(3)教案 广州版Module/Topic 模块及话题MODULE6 Unit 单元Unit 16Title 题目 Could you tell me the way to the zoo? Period课时1st Type of lesson 课型DialogueObjectives:教学目标1.Language knowledge语言知识:Vocabulary词汇:Tourist, take, excuse. ,by the way, turn, straight, straight aheadSentences句型:. Excuse me .Could you tell me the way to -? Turn right out of the -; go straight ahead; take the first left/ right. Its on the left/right. You can take a NO._ bus to get there.l Daily Express习惯用语:by the way; excuse mel Phonetic语音:take,way,straight的发音以及excuse、tourist发音2.Language skill语言技能:学会asking the way and directing the way3.Affect 情感态度:让学生懂得问路时要有礼貌,别人需要帮助时要力所能及的提供帮助。4.Learning Strategies学习策略:联系生活实际在情景中体会并能运用学到的知识 Difficulties Analysis教学重、难点分析:本课的重点是单词句型的掌握并能运用所学进行问路和指路。本课时的四会词汇不是很多, 难点基本集中在句型上,句子Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to -? Turn left/right out of the - Go straight ahead. Take the first left/right. Its on the left/right.既长又不容易上口。如何让学生掌握并运用到实际中同时学会看简单的路线图是本课的难点。学生学习情况分析本班学生较活泼,经过一年多口语发展性评价课题的开展部分学生的自学能力和接受能力有所提高,本课将重点放在句型的操练和运用上,通过多种手段创设生活场景给学生大量的操练机会。TeachingAids/Media主要教学媒体 教学课件、CAI 、录音机、图片Teaching Procedures教学过程Teaching activity & Steps of the activity教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤Learning strategies学生学习策略Purpose设计意图1.Warming-up 2.Present and Practice3.consolidate and develop4.Summarya) Free-talk show.b) 将全班分成六组:Team Hotel、Zoo、School、Park、Bank、Museumc) 播放兔子舞a) T: Rabbits are my favorite animals. What place can we see many animals? Ps: Zoo.引出课题,学习wayb) T: How can I get to Guangzhou zoo,by bus or on foot? Can I take a NO.? _bus to get there? 引出You can take a NO. _bus to get there c) 利用课件操练You can take a NO. _bus to get there d) 接学生的回答P: You can take a NO. 177bus to get there. T: Is there a bus stop near our school? Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to NO.177 bus stop? 引出 Turn left out of the school, go straight ahead then take the first left. Its on the left. Learn the new sentencese) Play a game。f) 帮助出来玩游戏的同学找到回去的路g)利用课件操练、让学生在课室里实地进行操练。ah) T: Here is a tourist in Guangzhou. Watch the VCD. Could you tell him the way to Guangzhou Zoo? Which bus can he take to the Night Zoo?播放金太阳软件,学习课文i) 出示学校附近的地形图Tell the students that the tourist has e to our Yuancun. Make a dialogue like Unit 16.j) act out the dialogue.总结今天所学内容,教育学生问路时要非常有礼貌,而遇到有人问路时则要非常诚挚的运用简洁性的语言帮助别人成功的找到要去的地方。a) 学生表演b) 说出各组名称c) 全班学生边唱边跳兔子舞a) 学生回答问题,一齐读课题。b)通过老师示范及课件的帮助理解You can take a NO. _bus to get there .并学会第几路公共汽车的读法。c)看课件抢答d) 根据学校周围的实际情景回答老师的问题并通过回答和黑板上的简单路线图初步理解如何问路和指路。e) Do the action : turn left/right quickly f) Say after/with the teacher.g)操练新句型。h)跟录音读,齐读课文i)学生看出示的路线图两人或小组创编对话。j)表演对话念出所学新词及新句型b)通过分组学习新词hotel又为后面的实地操练做好了铺垫c)兔子舞的节奏强劲,能大大活跃课堂气氛同时复习巩固了left、right和turn这几个单词为下面turn right/left 的学习打下基础。a) 自然引出今天所学内容b)以旧引新,学习句型You can take a NO. _bus to get there.及第几路公共汽车的读法。c)巩固 操练d)利用学校周围恰好有公共汽车站且位置与教学内容基本一致引出学习内容Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to -? Turn left/right out of the - Go straight ahead. Take the first left/right. Its on the left/right.e)吸引学生注意力加深学生对turn left/right及out的理解f) 、g)通过多种形式的操练加深学生的理解,同时通过反复练习让学生上口新句型。h)进行课文的学习.让学生在模拟真实的情境中运用。.对本课时学习的知识进行总结、回顾Homeworka) copy the new words b) listen and read after the tapec) 自制从学校到家里的路线图并向同学介绍(选做)附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 16(8)教案 广州版.Objectives1. Language skill(1) Can ask the way.(2)Can tell the direction of some places.(3)Can tell some names of some buildings.2. Language knowledge(1)Vocabulary4 skills:excuse, Excuse me. Way, sorry, turn, hotel, take, then, by the way, wele, youre wele. station, train station, police, police station, bookshop, post office, bank, market, cinema, hospital, gym, science, lab, easy3 skills:tourist, straight, ahead, straight ahead, restaurant, lost, Im lost.(2)Language focusCould/Can you tell me the way to the zoo?Could/Can you tell me the way to the park?Go straight ahead.Take the first/ secondright/left.The zoo is on the right/ left.(3) Daily expressions in municationThank you very much.Youre wele.By the wayExcuse me. Wheres the gym?(4)Sub-topicUnit 16: Could You Tell Me the Way to the Zoo?Unit 17: Where Is the School Canteen?Unit 18: Lets Go Further3. Affects(1) Encourage pupils to municate with others by asking the way.(2) To have fun.(3)To provide more chances for practicing speaking.(4)To encourage pupils to think.(5)To challenge more able learners.4.Learning strategy(1) Cognitive strategy.(2) Regulating strategy.(3) municative resource strategy.5. Cultural Consciousness(1) To encourage openness to and curiosity about other cultures.(2)To extend the theme of famous places in London.Difficult pointsTo tell the direction of some places.Schedule: 6 long-periods.Materials:Textbook, Activity book, tape, Teachers book, cards, puter, TVUnit 16 Could You Tell Me the Way to the Zoo? 第一课时I. Objectives1. Work with language2. Vocabulary: TV station, train station, police station, market, cinema, bank, bookshop, restaurant, post office, hospital, tourist, straight3. Language focus: Could you tell me the way to the ? Turn right/ left out of the Go straight ahead. Take the first/ second/ third right/ left.II. Procedures:Pre-task(1) I am a tourist. I am walking along the road. There are many buildings here. I can see shoe shops, factories, parks, schools and shopping centers. (课件呈现)While-task(1) Game: match the pictures and the new words(2) Learn the new words and remember(3) Look at the pictures and write down the words(4) And write: first, second, third, fourth, fifth next to the pictures.(5) Present left and right.(6) Game: Simon says (left hand & right hand)(7) Chant: Turn left. Turn left. Turn right. Turn right. Go straight ahead. Go straight ahead. Are you right? Yes, I am right.(8) (Look at the map) T: I am the tourist. I live in the hotel. I want to buy some books about Guangzhou. Could you tell me the way to the bookshop?Ps: Yes.Ps: Could you tell me the way to the bookshop?T: Turn right out of the hotel. Go straight ahead. Take the first left. The bookshop is on the right.(9) Whole class read the sentences then read in pairs.(10) Copy the sentences on the textbook.Post-task(1) Group work: Asking the way.(2) Ask some groups to present their dialogue.HomeworkCopy the new words.Make dialogues with: Could you tell me the way?LayoutLeft right -Could you tell me the way to the bookshop? Bank - Turn right out of the hotel. Bookshopstraight Go straight ahead. hoteltourist Take the first left. cinemafirst The bookshop is on the right. marketsecond hospitalthird restaurantfourth post officefifth TV station train station police stationUnit 16 Could You Tell Me the Way to the Zoo? 第二课时ObjectivesUnit 16 DialogueVocabulary: Excuse me. sorry, then, by the way, Youre wele.Can ask the way.ProceduresWarming upT: Boys and girls. Are you happy today? Lets sing. (Rabbit dance.)T: Very good. Lets chant together.Turn left for the school. Turn right for the bank. Straight on for the pool. You have the map to thank.Turn left for the car. Turn right for the camp.Straight on for the park. You have the map to thank.Pre-taskT: First, lets play a guessing game. What word is it?(cinema, restaurant, market, hotel, hospital)How do you spell? You get one point.Heres a map. Please stick on the right place. (Match Chinese and English)Whole class spells the words.Lets go on with our game. Look, what word is it? How do you spell?Stick on the map, please.Look at the map, please. If youre a tourist at the hotel. Could you ask the way? (Ask to pupils)- Could you tell me the way to the ?- TurnGo straight ahead.Take The is on theIm a tourist now. Could you tell me the way to the zoo? This is our new unit. Unit 16 Could You Tell Me the Way to the Zoo? Teach: zooIs there a zoo on this map? No. So lets sign the zoo on another map. Look at here. And you have the map too. Please listen to the dialogue and sign the zoo on this map.Listen again and lets check. Is that right? Are you right? Raise your hands if youre right.This time. Open your books. Listen to the dialogue and find out the new words. Lets learn the new work together. (Excuse me. sorry, then, by the way, Youre wele.)Practice: Look at the map. If heres the Guangzhou Zoo. Im the tourist at the hotel. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Guangzhou Zoo?By the way, is the Night Zoo near here? Yes or no?Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.Whole class read the dialogue.Read the dialogue with your partner. If youre OK, raise your hands.Ask one or two pairs to read the dialogue.While-task and post-task(1) Im going to the Night Zoo this Sunday. But I want to go to the restaurant now. Look. Whats in the restaurant? A mouse. Lets help the cat to catch the mouse. The mouse is running out of the restaurant. For example. Im the cat. Im at the restaurant. youre the mouse. Ill ask you: Wheres the mouse? You should tell me: At the How can I get there? Please e here and draw the route where the mouse is running?(2) Practice in groups.Ask a group to act out their dialogue.Thats great. The cat can catch the mouse. Lets go to the McDonalds to have a celebration together. Oh, Ben, Janet and their parents are at the McDonalds too. What are they talking about? Look at the dialogue and plete the map. Which shop is the clothes shop? Which one is the shoe shop? How about the flower market and the bakery? Write A, B, C and D on the map.Check the answers.Lets plete the form together. For examplePlease design another shopping route for Ben and his families with your friends.HomeworkDesign the shopping route with your friends and make a dialogue. Listen and read Unit 16 Dialogue.Remember the new words.Layout Unit 16 Could You Tell Me the Way to the Zoo?- Could you tell me the way to the? Excuse me.- Turn sorryGo straight ahead. thenTake by the wayThe is on the -Thank you very much. - Youre wele.


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