2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5 Lesson 1(1)教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5 Lesson 1(1)教案 人教PEP一、教学目标与要求1.能够听、说、认读句子:“Look at the tiger! Its jumping! The rabbitis running” 。2.能够听说读写动词短语的ing形式:flying, jumping, walking, running, swimming。二、教学重点:1.Lets learn部分的单词:flying, walking, running, jumping, swimming.2.在情景中使用对话中的句子,并能恰当的替换句中的单词。3.听、说、读、写单词:flying, walking, running, jumping, swimming。三、教学难点:walk, run, jump, swim的末尾字母与ing连读的发音。四、课前准备:1.教学过程中所需的图片(lets start)、录音(lets learn, Lets chant)、课件、动画素材。2.本课时的五张单词图片和卡片。五、教学过程:1. Warm up ( 热身)活动一:唱一唱 教学参考时间:2-3分钟教师播放三年级上册“hello”歌,预热课堂。活动二:做一做教学参考时间:2-3分钟通过课件,转动图片,回顾以往所学的动物单词。(为下面的教学做好准备)2. Preview情景教学:通过前面的活动,提议:“Lets go to the zoo.”出示课件,在汽车行进过程中,回顾三年级上册歌谣,(让学生切实体验在车中开心的和同学们唱歌的情境)3. Presentation (新课呈现)情景教学环节一随着汽车的到达声,和导游米奇的话:Hello! Boys and girls! follow me please! 出示动物园图片。随着导游米奇的带领,去动物园各处进行参观,看到动物(鱼.鸟.大象.老虎.兔子)从而教学进行时态的单词:swimming,flying, walking, running, jumping。环节二在参观后做略微的休息:Play a game(复习并巩固进行时态单词)环节三分散活动,对句型进行教学。让学生自主的选择所去的地方,并运用句型Look!The( )is ( )并为学生合影留念。环节四参观完动物园以后,告诉学生该回去了,让学生以为将结束了,但回去途中却发生了一些家畜过马路的情景,此时渗透另一类似句型:Look at the ( )! Its ( )!并进行操练。环节五:写日记终于回到学校后让学生就自己这一天的情境写一篇日记。(在此过程中渗入写的教学)4.作业:完成日记听录音附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 5(1)教案 新世纪版教育学生从小热爱学习,热爱自己美丽的家园。教育学生自觉遵守校规,从而使校园生活更完美。二、知识目标:基础目标:学习本单元单词:visit, century, social studies, begin, true, puter science, arts and crafts and thousand复习巩固一般现在时的句型结构,并与一般将来时进行比较。听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题写6-8句话。掌握元音音标 朗读Rhyme语音、语调、节奏基本正确。发展目标:能用英语来表达自己的学校生活,并表达自己对学校的热爱之情。根据自己学校的实际情况,写一篇有关学校和学校生活的短文,并在班级中交流。三、 能力目标: 学生能用英语描述自己的学校和学校生活,以体现学生对学校和学习的热爱。四、 情感、策略和文化目标:1 .情感态度: 养成良好的学习习惯。2. 学习策略: 培养小组合作学习,在充满合作机会的个体和群体的交往中,学会沟通,互助和分享。3. 文化目标:了解西方国家的校园风貌和学生的学习生活。五、教学资源:Students Book 5B P30-P37 cassette 5B unit 5, Work Book 5B P35-P42, pictures of signs, teaching transparencies.六、 教学时间:七课时。 (其中5课时新授,2课时练习和复习,练习册随教学进度完成。)Lesson plan (1) WonderlandI. Pre-task preparation1. Daily talk.2. Ask students to e to the front to talk about their favourite subjectsII. While-task procedureLearn the new words (social studies, puter science, arts and crafts,)Heres a timetable. It is our timetable for next term. What subject will we take?Show a timetable of a school (Review English, Chinese, science, maths, art, history, subject and so on.)What else will we learn? (social studies, puter science, arts and crafts)New words (visit, century, hundred, thousand, true, begin)This term we will visit New Century Primary School. Please guess: Is the school big or small? (big)Thats true. The school has one hundred teachers and one thousand students. And the school is modern. At 7:45 the students of this school begin to have their morning classes.According to these new words. Ask students to imitate the phonetic symbols.Play the cassette: Wonderland. Students listen and follow with their books open.Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.Let students ask some questions about the new words.III. Post-task activities.Ask the students to remember the new words as soon as possible.Do exercises of students Work Book on Page 37 (3) (4)Divide the students into groups of four. Ask them to make sentences with the new words.Invite individuals to talk the sentences they have made.Lesson plan (2) FarmlandPre-task preparationReview the sentences of wonderlandTopic: my school or my school life. (Invite students to e to the front to talk about it.) While-task procedure. Expand the English phrasesFor example:do some reading 1) read books 2) read newspapers 3) read English or Chinese.do cleaning 1) clean the classroom 2) clean the window 3) clean the deskdo some listening . do writing do washing . do housework .do some shopping . do some cleaning .Show the pictures of the farmland, and make dialogues with students.Im a reporter. I want to interview you about your school life.3. Work out a form of interview.What questions can you ask with the English phrases above?Such as: Do you do some reading in you school every day?Do you do listening exercises at school every day?Do you play ball games after school?4. Ask students to discuss how to answer questions above.5. Play the cassette: Mini dialogue, Student listen and follow.6. Ask students to act out the dialogue.Encourage the students to make dialogues with their own words.Post-task activities:1. Fill in the form. What questions do you want to ask?For exampleaskanswer1. which class are you in?2. How many classes are there in your school?3. How many students does your school have?4. Do you do listening in your school?5. Do you play any sports after class?6. What subjects do you take?7. Do you love your school?Students interview their friends about school.Tell your classmates about your survey results.Lesson plan (3) Grand Theatre Pre-task procedure1. Ask and answer questionsHow many students are there in you school?What subjects do you take at school?How long is your school day?When do you play sports?2. Topic: my school lifeWhile-task procedureShow the title of the text. (School in Shanghai)What school does the text talk about?(New Century Primary School). Show the students questions on the board, then listen to the tape.Who is visiting New Century Primary School?(a group of students from America)Is New Century Primary School in Shanghai big?How many students are there in the school?(over one thousand students)Are all Chinese school in Shanghai big?(most)Do all students take the same subjects?What subjects do they take?When do their morning lessons begin?When do they finish their school?How long is the school day?When do the students play sports?3. Read and make the students understand some phrases new Century Primary School in Shanghai a group of students from America all Chinese schoolover one thousandsmost primary schools most of take the same subjectsfinish school get homework each week4. Read questions and answer5. Play the cassette. Students listen and follow the tape6. Divide the students into groups of three. Practice talking about the text.7. Invite student to act out the text in front of the class.Post-task activities1. Suppose you are a student of New Century Primary School in Shanghai, Fill in the blank and retell the text._from America is visiting our school. Our school is _big. There are _students in it. But _arent usually so big. We usually _. Our school day is _. It begins _ and _at three thirty. We usually _ homework. We have two PE lessons _. After school we _.2. According to the questions in your work book, on page 40,make a dialogue about your school or school life.3. Write about your school. Workbook on page 42. Lesson plan (4) DisneylandPre-task preparation1. Ask and answer questions about the text.2. Ask and answer question about your own school.3. Students listen to the rhyme and repeat Try to understand the rhyme and practice.While- task procedure.Pair work on page 35. Students listen to the tape carefully.Play the cassette again. Students Listen and repeat.Practice the pair work with his or her partner.Encourage the students to make a similar dialogue or a longer dialogue.Invite some groups act out the dialogue in the front of classroom.Music boxFirst let students listen to the tape, then fill in the blanks.sh_p sh_t n_t n_th d_ll d_fr_g fl_ c_st c_n b_x b_nkids palaceStudents read the passage by themselves, then ask questions which they dont understand.Read and matchPost- task activities.Page 39 in Work BookStudents finish the work individually. Ask a student to write the keys on the board. The others check the answer.Students try to plete the following dialogue on Page 41 in Work Book, then have a check.


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