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话题阅读滚动练(四)话题:计划与安排、对未来的预测、邀请.完形填空。Every year people write down their wishes and plans.But in fact,these resolutions dont always last.Sometimes I may say,“Im going to eat _1_ food this year.” But after a few days I find _2_ turning to junk food.Of course it does feel nice to _3_ a new resolution.We can just set better goals for the new year.Well,instead of making “resolutions”,I want to keep the following things in mind as the new year starts!I always turn to my _4_ for advice or just about anything.I need to _5_ how good my friends are and all that they do for me.I want to make it a point to travel this year.A trip to a _6_ place is better.I want to experience the life in other countries.For me traveling is fun _7_ I love experiencing different cultures.This year Im going to _8_ well.The hardest part for me is eating out.In the past I tried to be _9_ about the food I ate.But I was not happy _10_ the results.This year,Im going to take up cooking as a hobby.And I decide to eat more often at home.(B)1.A.less Bhealthier Cmore D.happier(D)2.A.ourselves B.themselves Cyourself Dmyself(B)3.A.stop Bstart Cimprove D.break(A)4.A.friends Bparents Cteachers Dclassmates(D)5.A.write Bsend Cpromise Dremember(A)6.A.foreign BpersonalCclose Dnice(C)7.A.so BbutCbecause Dalthough(C)8.A.dress BsleepCeat Dexercise(D)9.A.ready Blucky Csuccessful Dserious(B)10.A.for Bwith Cby Din.阅读理解。第一节根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)。Dear Liza,I will be ten years old on Friday,22nd July.To celebrate my birthday,I will invite several friends and I hope that all of you will be able to e to the party on that day.There will be two parts in my party.The first part will be at the swimming pool near our school.Please bring your swimsuit(游泳衣) and a change of clothes.We have planned some pool games.My parents will be at the pool to protect the swimmers.The pool party will be from 2 pm.to 3 pm.The second part of the party will be at my house.A bus will take us all from the pool to my house.A singer is ing to my house.He will sing popular songs for us.I am sure you will enjoy them.The home party may last till 5 pm.Please let me know by Friday,15th July,whether you will e to my party,so that I will know how much food to prepare.Love,Tracy(F)11.Tracy will be 7 years old.(T)12.The first part of the party will be at the swimming pool.(F)13.The pool party will last for 3 hours.(T)14.They will go to Tracys house by bus from the pool.(T)15.Tracy wants to know earlier whether her friends will e to her party.第二节根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ADear Sarah in xx,This is a letter from the year 2068.I want to talk about life in 2068.Life seems to go easy in 2068.Robots do most things for people,such as working,cooking and cleaning.Toys teach and play with children.Parents spend most of their time dreaming.However,thats not everything.The weather changes very fast.Sometimes,when you go outside on the street,it is raining hard,and then it stops the next minute.People easily get different diseases(疾病) in 2068.We cant breathe(呼吸) fresh air on the street because of air pollution.Forests die because the water gets polluted.Animals die because they lose their home,food and water.Everyone has to pay to see real plants and animals in museums.How does the world bee like this? Well,technologies (科技) came too fast in the past 50 years.Some were bad for the earth and people.This is really a good lesson for people in your time.What are we going to do with the money and technologies if we dont have our home? Please slow down and take time to think about technologies.Yours truly,Sarah in 2068(B)16.We can learn from the letter that in 2068 _Apeople will work for robotsBrobots will cook for peopleCparents will teach children themselvesDchildren will always dream (B)17.People may _ in 2068.Abreathe fresh air everywhereBspend money seeing real animalsCuse plants to improve the environmentDenjoy a beautiful world(A)18.Paragraph 3 mainly talks about _Abad things in 2068Bair pollution in 2068Cweather in 2068Danimals in 2068(C)19.The writer hopes people in xx can _Astop using technologiesBmake more moneyCslow down technologiesDtake more lessons(A)20.Which is the main idea of the passage?AWhat life in 2068 will be like.BWhy there will be water pollution in 2068.CHow technologies make a difference to life.DWhat people will do in 2068.BIt is the first day of the summer.George and his friend Carlos are planning to go on a camping trip,which will last three days.Last year,their camping trip was not a success.They got a burst tyre(爆胎) on the way to their campsite.They also found that a bear took some of their food.This year,they try to get things prepared.George is going to take a spare(备用的) tyre.Carlos is going to find a better method of storing food without attracting animals to their campsite.They dont want anything to ruin this years trip.On this trip,George and Carlos have invited ten of their friends.George has prepared his list of activities to do with his friends.They plan to go mountain climbing,hiking and fishing.For night activities,they plan to tell stories,sing songs along with Georges guitar,and play some board games.Carlos and his friends have prepared enough food.With the list Carlos made,they are going to have rice,noodles,vegetables,chicken,beef and fruit juice.The day of the camping trip is getting near.Everyone is excited.When the day es,George and Carlos doublecheck to see if they have their things ready.Everything is OK.They are ready to go.It is going to be the best trip they have ever made.(C)21.During George and Carlos camping trip last year,_Athey lost their wayBthey met a heavy rainCa bear took away their foodDthey forgot to take food(B)22.The underlined word “ruin” means “_” in Chinese.A阻止 B破坏 C打破 D重复 (D)23.There will be _ people to go camping together this year according to the passage.A8 B9 C10 D12 (D)24.The second paragraph mainly tells us _Ahow George and Carlos went camping last yearBwhere George and Carlos will take the trip Cwhen George and Carlos will buy the foodDwhat Carlos and George do for the trip (A)25.The purpose of the article is _Ato show the importance of planningBto show the importance of friendshipCto show the importance of loveDto show the importance of weather第三节根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Hangzhou will host the 2022 Asian Games._26_ So it will be a big year for China in terms of sports.China also held the Asian Games in Beijing in 1990 and in Guangzhou in xx,along with the beautiful display of tradition during the xx Olympics in Beijing.Hangzhou is a beautiful city._27_ People call the city “Heaven on Earth”If you go there,you cant miss the West Lake.In autumn,you can smell the sweet osmanthus(桂花) around the lake._28_ The moon seems very soft,and the lake is very quiet at that time._29_ The city has more than 1,000 years of tea history.Longjing tea is a popular kind of green tea.It tastes great and is good for your health.There are free bikes everywhere in Hangzhou._30_ After that,go to a restaurant and taste some delicious Hangzhou food.You can try the famous Dongpo Pork.After you spend time there,you may find that Hangzhou is not only a beautiful city,but also a happy one!AI have never been to Hangzhou.BYou can take a taxi everywhere.CMany people like boating there at night.DIt is the capital city of Zhejiang province.EYou can take a ride around the West Lake.FBeijing will host the Winter Olympics in 2022.GDont forget to drink a cup of Longjing tea in Hangzhou.26F27.D28.C29.G30.E


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