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第十二课时八年级(下)Units 56.单项填空。(C)1.Dad,I need an alarm.My old one is broken.It is broken again? Let me have _ look.Aan B./Ca D.the(A)2.To be a good singer,you need to have a good _ and a lot of practice.Avoice B.noiseCsound D.shout(B)3.Do you know where my guitar is,Laura?What about the one _ the wall? Is it yours?Abelow BagainstCover D.across(A)4.It was so crowded today.I made _ way to the subway station.Amy B.hisCher D.their (C)5.Why did you get up late this morning,Tony?Because my alarm didnt _Aget off B.cut offCgo off D.put off (A)6.Lisas husband is _,so she has to stay at home to look after him.Aweak B.stupid Cclever D.strong(B)7.Why didnt you e to my birthday party,Kate?Sorry,I was so busy that I _ forgot it.Aluckily BpletelyChardly D.clearly (D)8.What was the result of the match yesterday?Our team finally _ another team.Abroke B.won Cdeveloped D.beat(A)9.Was Davids mother talking on the phone _ he was sleeping?Yes,she was.Awhile B.afterCuntil D.before(C)10.Where were you at this time yesterday?My bike was broken.I _ it.Arepaired B.have repairedCwas repairing Dam repairing .完形填空。Nan Hauser is an expert in sea animals.One day she was staying with a whale in the sea. _11_ the whale began to push Hauser with his head and his mouth to the surface of the sea.It seemed that he was trying to _12_ Hauser from something dangerous.“I had no _13_ what had happened,” Hauser said,“He kept pushing me around for over ten minutes.”Hauser didnt realize the real danger _14_ she saw a big shark swimming near them.The whale _15_ protecting her from the shark.As soon as Hauser came to the surface,she shouted for help.Luckily, _16_ heard her and saved her in time.When the kind man _17_ Hauser to the beach,the whale even came to the surface to make sure she was safe.For Hauser,it was an experience she would never _18_Hauser said she had never met the whale before that day.She thought she was _19_ to meet this kind whale.“In fact,its a little bit funny _20_ me,” Hauser said,“Ive spent the past 28 years protecting the whales,but at that time,I didnt even realize that they were protecting me.”(D)11.A.Usually BFinallyCMostly DSuddenly (A)12.A.hide B.catchCoffer D.shoot (C)13.A.plan B.adviceCidea D.habit (B)14.A.because B.untilC.unless D.when (A)15.A.kept B.preventedC.avoided D.stopped (B)16.A.everybody B.somebodyC.nobody D.anybody (D)17.A.passed B.sentC.turned D.led (A)18.A.forget B.remindC.regret D.remember (B)19.A.silly B.fortunateCcrazy D.nervous (C)20.A.on B.withC.for D.as .阅读理解。第一节根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)。A frog lived in a small well(井)He said to a turtle(乌龟) who lived in the East Sea,“Im so happy! When I go out,I jump out of the well.When I e home,I rest in the holes on the wall of the well.If I walk in the mud(泥土),it will cover up my feet.I look around here,and no one can pare with me.Im the owner of this well.My dear sir,why dont you e over and look around my place?”Then the turtle told the frog about the East Sea.“You have no idea how large and how deep the sea is.In the past,there were floods(洪水) for many years,but the water in the sea didnt bee more.And when it was dry for many years,the water in the sea didnt bee less.The sea doesnt change with time and it doesnt rise or fall as the rain falls,either.The greatest happiness is to live in the East Sea.” After hearing this,the frog was shocked.Theres always someone better than you and theres always something greater than you know.So everyone should be humble.(T)21.The frog said he was the owner of the well because no one there could pare with him.(F)22.The turtle knew how deep the East Sea was.(F)23.The turtle thought he could pare with the frog.(F)24.The turtle was surprised by the frogs words.(T)25.The passage wants to tell that people shouldnt be overconfident.第二节根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。My name is Nelly and Im in Colorado,America.I am one of the luckiest ones without flood(洪水) ing into my house.But some of my friends houses are in a mess after the flood.Today I went to a friends house and helped her do some cleaning.Some of her friends were helping her with the housework when I arrived in the morning.She asked me to move the broken things out of the room and clear the mud in the room.With another helper,I was busy cleaning the mud and broken things.There was a desk in front of a door and a tall cactus (仙人掌) was on it.My friend asked us to be careful with that plant,because it was the only one that meant a lot to her.It was once her mothers.I thought if we could clean the tiles(瓷片) under the cactus,it would make our friend feel better.So we moved the cactus and got the mud out from under it.Then I asked my helper to get some water to make tiles clean.She did it very well.When our friend came back,she was really moved by what we did for her mothers plant.To her,it was not little space without mud,but something that warmed her heart.(A)26.Nelly went to her friends house to _Ahelp her do some cleaningBhave breakfast with her friendCvisit her sick friendDsee her friends plant(D)27.Why did Nellys friend ask them to be careful with the cactus?ABecause it was small.BBecause it was tall.CBecause it would hurt someone.DBecause it was once her mothers.(B)28.What did Nelly want to do with the cactus?AShe wanted to water it.BShe wanted to clean the tiles under it.CShe wanted to throw it away.DShe wanted to move it to the room.(C)29.Who got some water to make the tiles clean?ANelly. B.Nellys friend.CNellys helper. DNelly and her helper.(B)30.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AA flood happened in Colorado.BNelly cleaned the room by herself.CThe cactus was on the desk.DNellys friend felt moved when she saw the cactus.根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。31Jack suddenly fell down and hurt his knees.(sudden)32You must tell me the truth(true)33Chinese medicine is very popular in western countries.(west)34Peter has made great progress in math recently(recent)35The king and his two wives were walking in the garden.(wife).将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。36My father was so tired.He fell_asleep as soon as he lay in bed.(睡着)37They walked into the room in_silence after they argued.(无声地)38They got_married ten years ago.(结婚)39Once_upon_a_time,there was a bad emperor.(从前)40The workers took_down that old house last year.(拆除).书面表达。Something Makes Me _提示:生活中总有一些事情会给我们留下深刻的印象,这些事情或有趣,或枯燥,或尴尬,或感人至深,或令人扼腕。正是这些看似平凡的小事让我们的生活更加绚丽多彩,令人回味。请你以“Something Makes Me _”为题,讲述一件令你的事。要求:1请先将题目补全后再做答;2语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个;3文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。Something Makes Me UnforgettableLast Saturday I invited my best friend Lisa to dinner.Her family moved to another city about two years ago and we hadnt seen each other for a long time.While we were enjoying the delicious food,we talked about the people we knew and the things we were interested in.We shared each others happiness.It was a great time.But when I was about to pay for the dinner,I realized I had left my wallet at home.This meant Lisa had to pay for the dinner instead of me. That made me very embarrassed.I will never forget this experience,and I learn from it that I should be ready for everything I do.


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