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2019-2020年三年级英语上册期末试题(三) 班级 姓名 成绩 听力部分一 听录音选出你所听到的选项。(5分) ( )1. A. wg B. uk C. vj ( )2. A. O B. Q C. P ( )3. A. m B. n C. I ( )4. A. R B. I C. L ( )5. A. rs B. cd C. Ba二听录音选择你所听到的内容。(10分) ( ) 1. A. milk B. meet C. water ( ) 2. A.dog B. bag C.bear ( ) 3. A.elephant B. eraser C. Crayon( ) 4. A.eye B.bike C.eight ( ) 5. A.they B.these C.those ( ) 6. A.pear B.hair C.are ( ) 7. A.rabbit B.red C.ruler ( ) 8. A.car B.cat C.key( ) 9 .A.ball B.four C.five( )10. A.is B.this C.that 三 听问句,选答句。(5分)( )1.A.Me , too . B.Thank you. ( )2.A.I am kitty. B.It is a tiger. ( )3.A.yes ,I do. B.Yes, it is . ( )4.A.It is red . B.They are red.( )5.A.Nine B.Nice 笔试部分四、我会填:写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(5分)C_E_ _M_ h_ _k w_ _z _ P_R五、 我会填:补全下列单词。(10分) era e ju e b k g r yel o tig pp e r l r pl e l o n六、快乐连线我会做。(10分) ( ) 1. What color are these? A. I have cars. ( ) 2. Goodbye! B. Me, too. ( ) 3. How are you? C. They are ships. ( ) 4. Good night! D. Yes, they are. ( ) 5. What are these? E. They are blue. ( ) 6. What is it? F. Im fine. ( ) 7. Are those apples? G. Its a rabbit. ( ) 8. What do you have? H. Its green. ( ) 9. What color is it? I. Good night! ( ) 10. Nice to meet you. J. Bye-bye!七、做选择,我最棒。(20分) ( )1.I have a and some_. A. pencil crayons B. pencils crayons C. pencils crayons ( )2.Do you have a pen ? -No, I . A. do B. have C. dont ( ) 3. I have_ eraser and _ ruler. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a ( ) 4. Show me _ bag. A.I B. you C. your ( ) 5.How many _ do you have? -I have two planes. A. toy B. toys C. pens ( ) 6._ this? A. Its B. Whats C. Im ( ) 7.This _ Colin. A. Are B. is C. am ( ) 8 are white and black. A. They B. The C.This ( ) 9. B is _ “boy”. A. in B. On C. at ( ) 10.I am fine, _ you. A. Thank B. thanks C. thank八、根据情境选择最合适的表达法。(15分) ( )1.你想问他有蓝色蜡笔吗,你会说: A. Do you have a blue crayon? B. Do you have a green crayon? ( )2.你想问李珊的兔子是什么颜色的,你会说; A. How many rabbits? B. What color is your rabbit? ( )3.你想问远处那个东西是什么时,应说: A. Whats this? B. Whats that? ( )4.客人和妈妈道别时,他们会对妈妈说: A. Hi! B. Goodbye! ( )5.爸爸下班回到家,你会对他说: A. Good night,Dad! B. Good evening,Dad! ( )6.你喜欢红色的苹果,该怎样表达? A. I like apples. B. I like red apples. ( )7.刚认识了新同学,你会说: A. Nice to meet you. B. How are you? ( )8.你想知道大力的书包里有什么,可以怎么问他呢? A. Whats in your bag? B. Is this your bag? ( )9.你怎样赞美好朋友的书包漂亮呢? A. How many? B. How nice! ( )10.你想给好朋友展示自己的漂亮铅笔,可以怎么说呢?A. Here is my nice pen. B. Here is my nice pencil. ( )11.早晨,当你向别人打招呼时,应该说: A .Good morning! B.Good afternoon! ( )12.当你向别人问好时,应该说: A .How are you? B. How old are you? ( )13.你想知道这是什么,应该说: A .Whats this ? B .Whats that ? ( )14.你想知道别人的姓名,应该说: A . What class are you in ? B . Whats your name ? ( )15.你想让朋友看你的玩具,应该说: A .Thank you. B .Look at my toy. 九、给词宝宝排队。注意标点符号及大小写(10分)1. is your what name 2. I books some have 3. at toys look my 4. monkeys are these 5. pear is a this 十、给下面的对话排序(10分) ( )1,Me,too. ( )2, Good afternoon! ( )3, Good afternoon! Whats your name? ( )4, Nice to meet you. ( )5, My name is Li Shan. 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册期末试题1一、请把左右两组相同类的单词连线。(6分)1. dog A. blue2.book B. cake3. leg C. three4. green D. finger 5. Miss White E. pencil-case6. one F. mouse7、egg G. Mr Black8、juice H. milk二、看图,选出相应的单词。(9分) ( )1. Look at the _. A. monkey B. mouth ( )2. Touch your _. A. ear B. eye ( )3.I have a _. A. eraser B. sharpener ( )4. Lets make the _. A. cake B. cat ( )5. Have some_. A. coke B. coffee ( )6. How many _? A. balls B. balloons三、单项选择(20分)( ) 1. Can I have some rice?.A. Sure. Here you are. B. Very well, thank you.( ) 2. Whats your name?.A. This is Bai Ling. B. My name is Bai Ling.( ) 3. This is Li Lei,Mom.Good morning!A. Good morning, Li Lei. B. Whats your name?( ) 4. 我国国旗的颜色有:A. red and white B. red and yellow( ) 5. 当你与新朋友John遇到Sarah时,你应该介绍说:A. Good morning, Sarah. B. This is Sarah.( ) 6. 要把某样东西给别人,通常应该说:A. Here you are. B. May I have a look?( ) 7. 别人赞扬你的东西很漂亮时,你应该说:A. Thank you. B. No.( ) 8. 询问别人的年龄,你应该说:A. How old are you? B. How are you?( ) 9. 当别人感谢你时,你应该说:A. Thank you. B. You are wele.( )10. 要邀请别人喝牛奶,可以说:A. Have some milk!B. I like milk.四、对话连线。(10分) (一) 1. Lets paint. A. Great. 2. Can I have some milk? B. My names Amy. 3. Good morning, John C. Thank you. 4. Have some juice. D. Sure, here you are. 5. Whats your name? E. Good morning, Miss White. (二) 1. How old are you? A. Cool. 2. This is Sarah. B. Nice to meet you. 3. Happy New Year. C. I am nine. 4. How are you, WuYifan? D. Happy New Year. 5. Look, I have a bear. E. Fine, thanks.五、把下面数字从小到大排列,只填序号。three one four nine seven two eight ten six five 六、单词分类。red one cat cake two pen dog ruler rabbit eraser yellow three bread bag blue monkey bread nine black white 21.elephant 22.rice 23.crayon 24.eight 25.egg 1. 数字: 2. 颜色: 3. 动物: 4. 食物: 5. 学习用品: 十二、阅读小短文,用阿拉伯数字在括号里填上各动物的数量,并涂上相应的颜色。 Hello. My name is Chen Jie. I have many(许多) toys(玩具). Look, I have five dogs. They are black. I have two bears. They are blue. I have one squirrel. Its red. I have ten birds. They are green. 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


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