2019-2020年一年级英语下册 1B Unit9 Revision教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 1B Unit9 Revision教案 沪教牛津版 I. Teaching Contents: Unit 1—Unit 3 II. Teaching Aims: 1、能听说和辨认单词 2、能运用已学句型进行对话交流 III. Difficult Points: 1、单词的认读 2、句型:I see . How many ? Is it (colour) ? IV. Teaching Aids: some pictures, word cards, tape recorder, OHP V. Teaching Procedure: 一、Warming up 1. Sing a song 2. Read a rhyme P16 one, two… 二、Daily talk 1. T & P What do you like? Do you like…? What do you see? I see . How many ? Is it ? 2. P & P Happy New Year! 三、Revision 1.words: ⑴ Show the word cards. Then ask the students to read the words. Invite some students to match the words and pictures on the board. ⑵ Ask the student to make some phrases. eg. green frog 2.Have a rest. T: Let’s act. Ask the students to say and act. eg. One, two, three, I am a bee. 3.Sentences ⑴ T & P The students look at the OHP. Ask and answer eg. T: What do you see? P1: I see . ⑵ Ask the students to be a little teacher. Ask some questions. P1: How many ? P2: . P1: What colour is it? P2: It’s . ⑶ The students make a short dialogue according to the OHP. ⑷ Invite some students to act it out. 四、Homework Ask the students to introduce something they see in the family. 实践与反思: Revision II I. Teaching Contents: Unit 4—Unit 6 II. Teaching Aims: 1、正确认读单词 2、掌握to be句型:He/She is .的肯定句和一般疑问 句 3、能听懂Let’s act的句型,能做出快速反应 III. Difficult Points: 1、单词的辨认和读音认读 一般疑问句和肯定句区别 2、Is he/she ? Are you ? IV. Teaching Aids: some pictures, word cards, tape recorder, OHP,masks V. Teaching Procedure: 一、Warming up 1. Sing a song 2. Read a rhyme P26 Look at the doctor 二、Let’s act Ask the students to be a little teacher and say some orders. Ask the other students to act out. 三、Revision 1. 引出单词 T: Look! I am a teacher. I’m tall. I’m old. I’m thin. (Stick the word on the board) She’s a nurse. She’s short. She’s young. She’s fat. 2. Look at the picture and talk about it. (根据老师的模式看图说话,说到职业的单词,把它出来) 3. Read these words together. 4. Have a rest: Read a rhyme P31 Thin pig, fat pig… 5. Look at the OHP. Ask and answer (Pair work) eg. Is he/she…? 6. Have a contest (看谁说得多,赢者来主持下面的游戏) 7. Play a game Ask the students to put the masks on their heads and make a circle or some circles. Ask one student to close his/her eyes and touch one classmate. Then guess: Are you…? 四、Homework Tell a story to your friends. 实践与反思: Revision III I. Teaching Contents: Unit 7,8 II. Teaching Aims: 1、能正确认读单词 2、掌握句型I like…. I don’t like…. Do you like…? 及回答 III. Difficult Points: 1、已学的事物中,哪些用drink…,哪些用eat… 2、I like 句型中,可数名词和不可数名词的 正确运用。 IV. Teaching Aids: some pictures, word cards, tape recorder, some objects, OHP V. Teaching Procedure: 一、Warming up Sing a song 二、Revision 1. Say some food you like(结合复习I like .句型,引出单词) eg. I like cakes. a. Ask the students to find the words among the word cards and stick them on the board. b. Read these words c. Make some sentences. eg. I don’t like . Do you like ? 2. Write ‘eat, drink’ on the board eat drink a. Match the words b. Read these words in your group 3.Act (创设生日party 的的情景) a. T: Today is Anne’s birthday. We are going to her party. b. The student go to the party with their presents. (结合Unit 8句型,分组准备) c. Act 三、Homework Introduce your hobbies to your mother and father. I like…. I don’t like… 实践与反思: 附送: 2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit1教案 外研版(一起) 一、教学目标 1、 知识目标 (1) 学习单词:doctor ,driver, he is =he’s ,she is =she’s (2) 能够听懂、会说并认读句子he’s/she’s a...理解课文内容,能够看图认读课文。 2、 技能目标:学会运用he’s/she’s a....介绍职业,运用this is My ....he’s/she’s a...谈论家庭成员及职业,发展综合语言运用能力。 3、 情感目标:培养教育学生要爱家人、关心家人。 二、教学重难点 1、重点: (1)学会单词:doctor ,driver, he’s ,she’s (2)句型:he/she’s a……. 2、难点:区分he和she,区分he’s和she’s….. 三、教具准备:单词卡片,幻灯片,课文光盘 四、学生准备:学生活动用书、预习单词和课文。 五、教学过程 1、 step1 warm-up and lead in (1) greeting how are you ? what day is it today? What do you do on the weekend? (2) lead in show a picture(花木兰) Today Lingling and Amy are visiting the art exhibition .Lingling is introducing the Chinese works to Amy .in the first picture she is introduce HuaMulan 2、 step2 presentation and practice (1) listen the tape and point to the picture for example : this is hua mulan .she’s a girl this is ma liang.he’s a boy (2)teach the sentences(the teacher move around the class points to students and get them to practice) He’s ……. She’s……. (3)listen ,point and say ‘she’s...’or ‘he’s…’ for example: she’s my teacher he’s a doctor (出示单词卡片,教授doctor) (4)show some picture at the screen and practice the sentences she’s a …… he’s a…….. (morther ,father ,grandma ,grandpa ,sister ,brother ) 3、 step3 extension (1) students show their family photos and discribe what are they?and what are they doing? For example:look ,this is my morther ,she’s a techer This is my ....,he’s/she’s a .... 4、 step4 homework (1) Listen the text 3 times. (2) Tell your friend about your family 5、 Blackboard design Module1 Unite 1 He’s=he is She’s =she is a Doctor Boy Girl
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