2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 8 Lesson Two教案 重大版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 8 Lesson Two教案 重大版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 8 Lesson Two教案 重大版教学内容与分析1、Look and listen目的是让学生感知语言“m hungry.”“Do you like”“I like”“I dont like”并学习milk、biscuits。2、Listen and say学习新语言“Do you like?”“No,I dont.”“What do you like?”“I like”学习新单词egg ,chocolate.3、Your time to act操练语言学习新单词bread, 4、Childrens garden复习巩固字母Jj,Kk,Ll,Mm和数字1-9,通过游戏的形式让学生能够将字母和读音联系起来。培养学生听懂简单指令、做事情的能力。教学目标 1、看图听音,理解对话内容,模仿正确的语音语调。2、能用英语表达“肚子饿” 、“很喜欢”等3、通过开展各种活动进行操练,熟记对话,能进行角色表演。教学重点1、能表达喜欢或不喜欢的食物。2、综合运用新旧知识进行交流练习。3、呈现食物单词,为交流和下一课时的学习作准备。教具准备1、课件2、实物及相关图片教学过程热身/复习1、唱上课时的歌曲“like apples”复习“I like”“I dont like”句型,为新课的学习做准备。2、Lett chant(21页)复习字母J,K,L,M.3、Letdo(24页)把这部分放在前面来学,既让学生动起来,又让学生在做动作的同时进入新课学习准备状态。教师边说边做动作,学生跟着做。T:Stand up!Bend down! Straighten up! Sit down! Hands back! Hands front!新课呈现Look and listen1、做完动作后,教师做饥饿状。说“Im hungry。Are you hungry?Lets eat some food.”并将准备好的食物(面包、夹心饼干、牛奶、巧克力等)一一拿出来。T:Do you like bread?Ss:Yes,I do/No,I dont.同样的方式呈现biscuit,egg,chocolate,milk。2、放Listen and say部分的录音,并看书上的图片,然后提问。T:We are hungry. Stanly is hungry too.Look and listen,What does he like?放完之后,教师再一一呈现实物问:T:Does he like milk/eggs/chocolate/bread?Ss:No.T: What does he like?Ss: Biscuits.再放一遍录音之后师生分角色朗读对话。3、练习:老师扮演服务员,用盘子将所有食物装好,一个一个询问学生:“Do you like ?”“What about”Listen and say1、引入:小白兔有许多鸡蛋想卖出去,看,小朋友喜欢吃鸡蛋吗?课件出示这部分内容。2、要求学生用Yes.I do./No, I dont回答。教师出示各种花卉,水果,食物图片询问,学生回答。Your time to act1、教师总结要不挑食,营养才全面,如果挑食,会怎么样呢?一起来看这个小女孩,课件出示这部分内容。2、角色扮演,同桌分角色扮演练习对话,让后再指名到讲台表演。Childrens garden.Lets play做Bingo游戏。拓展活动听本课的录音磁带,制作食物卡片。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 8 第43-44课时教案 人教新起点教学内容: 1Listen, find and say. 2Lets play. 3Read and write.教学重点:1My pet 话题。 2复习Unit1,Unit.Unit5单元的重点语汇和句型。教学难点: 能以My pet 为主要话题进行交际运用。教学过程:一、Greeting二、Review the words and some important sentences.Whats your name?Whats this?What color is it?Do you have a pet?What is it like?三、Presentation(一)Listen, find and say.1Listen to the tape twice.2Whats the dialogue about? Try to say some words or sentences.3Open the book, Read it by yourself.4Ask some questions about the test.5Make a dialogue in pairs and show it.(二) Lets play1Play game “ what animal is it?”2Please describe your pet.(三)Read and write.1Ask some questions.Do you have a pet?What can he do?(四) HomeworkDescribe a pet which you like best.Lesson 44教学内容:1Listen and match. 2Draw and say. 3Lets read and write together.教学重点:1Season话题2服装和天气的有关内容。教学难点:能以Season为主要话题进行交际运用。教学过程: 一、Greeting二、Review1Sing a song “twelve months”.2接词游戏3Ask some questions.How many seasons are there in a year?What are they?What season is it now?Which is the first month?三、Presentation(一) Listen and match1listen to the tape.2Open the book and make a dialogue in pairs and show it (可以加新世纪内容)(二)Draw and say.1Sing a song “ who is wearing a purple dress”.2What color is your dress?3Review the color.4Make a short dialogue.(三)Lets read and write together.(四)Home work Make a short dialogue about lesson 44.


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