2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 15 Period 1教案 上海新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 15 Period 1教案 上海新世纪版一、教材分析:本课是新世纪英语1A Unit 15,主要学习的内容是四种学习用品的名字:ruler, eraser, pen, ballpen. 对于学习用品学生在学习准备期就已接触过book、bag和pencil,学生较为熟悉, 本课教学时可将Wonderland和Fantasyland这两个板块整合起来进行教学,让学生注意eraser的发音和Ive got 的连读。教学时可创设多种情景,让学生介绍自己所拥有的物品,并用所学句型整合学过的语言材料来介绍。第二课时可让学生猜猜,演演所学内容,教师要注意引导学生学会真诚地赞美别人的物品,并对别人的赞美表示感谢。二、学情分析:本单元单词都是学习用品,在教学准备期学生已初步接触过一些单词,如:book, bag, pencil. 所学的内容非常贴近学生的实际生活,学生乐于学习,乐于用Ive got 句型介绍自己所拥有的东西。在教学时可拓展一些描述学习用品的单词,如:old, short, tall, big, small.等,以丰富学生的语言用语,激发学生的学习兴趣。三、教学目标:1能看图或实物说出单词:ruler, eraser, pen, ballpen,pencil, pencil-box2能进行单词与图片的配对。、3能用“Ive got”来向他人介绍你所拥有的东西。4能听懂简单的英语描述性语句。5能听懂Grand Theatre的对话内容,并能模仿Grand Theatre录音的语音语调表演对话。6能运用一些简单、准确的语句,如:Ive got a new pencil-box.来介绍你的一件物品。7学会大大方方地向别人介绍你所拥有的东西。8引导学生学会真诚地赞美别人的物品,并对别人的赞美表示感谢。四、课时安排:2教时五、教学准备:图片,实物,多媒体课件,录音机 The first period一、教学目标:1能看图或实物说出单词:ruler, eraser, pen, ballpen2能进行单词与图片的配对。3能用“Ive got”来向他人介绍你所拥有的东西。4学会大大方方地向别人介绍你所拥有的东西。二、教学内容:Wonderland and Fantasyland三、教学过程:(一)Pre-task preparation1. Quick responses: (1) Whats this?(2) Whats that?(3) Is it a cat?(4) Is it your book?(5) What color is it?(6) What color is your T-shirt?2. Chant: (1) A bag, a book, I can see A bag, a book, for you and me.(2) A bag, I can see. A book, I can see. A pencil, I can see.(设计意图:以chant的形式复习所学过的学习用品,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣,而且为新授内容作好了铺垫。)(二)While-task procedure1. Learn: Ive got (1) T: Whats this? (出示书包) What color is it? Have you got a bag? (引出新授句型:Ive got a bag.) (2) Repeat: Ive got a bag.Say after the teacher (3) 出示所学单词的图片,用Ive got_.说句 (4) Chant: Ive got, Ive got, and Ive got a bag. Ive got, Ive got, and Ive got a book. Ive got, Ive got, and Ive got a pear. Ive got, Ive got, and Ive got a banana.2. Learn: ruler (1) T: Oh, look. Ive got a bag. How is it? S: Its new. Its nice. Its beautiful. Its big. Its small. T: Whats in it? Please touch it. (出示不同的物品, 让学生摸一摸) S: Look, a pencil. / Look, a book. / Look, a ruler. 引出单词:ruler, 学生跟读(出示不同的尺) (2) Chant: A ruler, a ruler A long ruler, a short ruler, A pink ruler, a white ruler, Ruler, ruler, I love you. 3. Learn: eraser T: Whats in the bag? (出示bag, 让学生再摸一摸) T: Is it a book? Is it a pencil? Is it a ruler? S: No, it isnt. T: Whats this in English? Its an eraser. (引出eraser) 举例:an _. Chant: An apple, an apple, I can see. An orange, an orange, I can see. An elephant, an elephant, I can see. An eraser, an eraser, for you and me. 4. Learn: pen, ballpen T: (出示Sandy)Im Sandy. Ive got a pencil. What color is it? T: Look, (出示pen)Is it a pencil? No, its a pen. 学生跟读pen T: Look, Ive got a pen. Ive got a new pen. (抽读) T: (出示ballpen)Is it a pen? No, it isnt. Whats this in English? Its a ballpen. (跟读)Chant: a pencil, a pencil, Ive got a pencil. A pen, a pen, Ive got a pen. A ballpen, a ballpen. Ive got a ballpen.(三)Post-task activities1. read after the tape.2. Do actions: Show me your pencil, show me your eraser, and show me your ballpen. Show me your ruler.(师生,生生互做)3. 图文配对4. Work in pairs: e.g. Hello, Im _. Ive got a ruler. Its long. Its blue.5. 小朋友们扮演魔术师,让学生猜猜。附送:2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 15 Period 2教案 上海新世纪版一、教学目标:1能听懂简单的英语描述性语句。2能听懂Grand Theatre的对话内容,并能模仿Grand Theatre录音的语音语调表演对话。3能运用一些简单、准确的语句,Ive got a new pencil-box.来介绍你的一件物品。4引导学生学会真诚地赞美别人的物品,并对别人的赞美表示感谢。二、教学内容:Grand Theatre三、教学过程:(一)Pre-task preparation1. Quick response 2. Review: 复习上节课所学的chant. 3. Do actions: Show me your ruler / eraser / pen / ballpen / pencil(二)While-task procedure1. T: (创设情景)Look, Whats this? Its box. (引出box) 跟读: boxToday is Tommys birthday. Hes got a birthdays gift. Whats in it? (跟读)Please guess. S: Is it a pen? Is it a pencil? T: Look, its a pencil-box. (打开盒子引出pencil-box) Tommy, here you are.(给班里的某一个学生) S: Thank you. S:(请Tommy介绍自己的生日礼物)Hello, Children. Ive got a new pencil. T: How is the pencil? S: Its nice. Its beautiful. T: 当别人称赞你的物品时,你应该说什么?S: Thank you. 2. Work in pairs: A: Ive got a new pen.B: Its beautiful.A: Thank you.B: You are wele.3. T: Look at the pencil-box. Whats in it? Open it and see. S: Oh, a pencil.(多次打开pencil-box练习)4. Work in pairs: A: Whats in it? B: Look, a ballpen. A: How nice. B: Thank you.(三)Post-task activities1. Listen to the tape and read.2. Act out the dialogue.3. Make a dialogue:


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