人教高中英语选修6-Unit 3~5课时练习及解析

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人教版高中英语 选修六 Unit 35 课时练习.单项填空1Nowadays,the children _ the habit of turning on the television as soon as they come back from school.Aget offBget acrossCget through Dget into解析:get into the habit“养成习惯”。get off“离开,动身”;get across“讲解清楚”;get through“用完,通过”。答案:D2I dont like _ you speak to her.Athe way Bthe way in thatCthe way which Dthe way of which解析:way作先行词且在其后定语从句中作方式状语时,定语从句的引导词可以用that或in which,也可以省略引导词。故A项正确。答案:A3The project had to be abandoned largely _ a lack of government funding.Aaccording to Bdue toCin the name of Din the eyes of解析:句意:这个项目不得不被放弃的主要原因是政府的资金短缺。according to“根据”;due to“因为,由于”;in the name of“以的名义”;in the eyes of“在眼中”。根据句意,选B项。答案:B4What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has been _?Agiven out Bput outCheld up Dused up解析:give out“用完,筋疲力尽”;put out“扑灭(火等)”;hold up“阻挡,举起”;use up“用完,用光”。句意:当世界上的石油都用完之后我们将用什么当能源?根据句意,选D项。答案:D5Father always put a lot of _ on good table manners when we were young.Aexcitement BnervousnessCcrisis Dstress解析:句意:我们小的时候父亲总是强调饭桌上的礼节。put stress on“强调”。答案:D6Their country is in a(n) _ state and the people there must all work hard and make her strong.Aconcrete BdesperateCflexible Dappropriate解析:句意:他们国家的状况危急,国民都必须努力工作使他们的国家变得强大。desperate“危急的,绝望的,拼命的”符合题意。concrete“具体的”;flexible“灵活的”;appropriate“适当的”。答案:B7They are quiet,arent they?Yes.They are accustomed _ at meals.Ato talk Bto not talkCto talking Dto not talking解析:be accustomed to“习惯于”为固定短语,其中的to为介词,后接名词、动名词等作宾语。句意:他们很安静,不是吗?是的,他们习惯于在吃饭的时候不说话。答案:D8You must quit _.Most important of all,you should start taking exercise.Ato smoke BsmokeCsmoking Dbeing smoked解析:quit意为“停止(做某事)”,其后一般接名词、代词或动词ing形式作宾语。句意:你必须戒烟。最重要的是,你该运动了。答案:C9I seldom agree with my managers words.In order to succeed here,you should overcome your _ against your manager.Apreference BcomprehensionCappeal Dprejudice解析:答句句意:为了能在这里获得成功,你应该消除对经理的偏见。prejudice意为“偏见”。preference“喜爱,偏爱”;comprehension“理解”;appeal“呼吁,恳求”。答案:D10What do you think of the travel to Jiuzhaigou?_,it was very wonderful,although the weather was a bit cold.AOn the whole BIn additionCIn other words DOn the other hand解析:on the whole“总体上看来”;in addition“而且”;in other words“换句话说”;on the other hand“另一方面”。根据空后的内容可知“虽然天气有点冷,但总体很棒”。故A项正确。答案:A11After a long sleep,I feel very weak.Then why not wash your face?The cool water will surely _ you.Arebuild BrescueCremain Drefresh解析:refresh意为“消除疲劳,使重新提起精神”。答句意为:那为何不洗个脸呢?凉水一定能让你提起精神。rebuild“重建”;rescue“营救”;remain“保持,仍然是”。答案:D12As far as I know,Mr Wang began jogging every morning to _ his body after he retired from the firm.Aset up Btake upCbuild up Dmake up解析:build up“加强,增强,逐步建立”。set up“建立”;take up“从事”;make up“编造”。句意:据我所知,自从王先生从公司退休以后,他每天早上慢跑以增强体质。故C项符合句意。答案:C13Mary has a great _ of interest,such as travel,hiking and playing chess.Akind BdifferenceCsort Ddiversity解析:指玛丽的兴趣“非常广泛”,即“多种多样”,应用a great diversity/variety of,相当于all kinds/sorts/many different kinds of。答案:D14_ you can finish the task on time,it doesnt matter how you do it.ASo long as BAs soon asCAs well as DSo far as解析:so long as也可说成as long as,意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句。as soon as意为“一就”,引导时间状语从句;as well as意为“和,也”;so far as意为“就而论”。答案:A15(2012年厦门月考)Im terribly sorry,Lucy.Ive left your notebook at home._?I reminded you last night.ASo what BWhy notCHow come DWhat if解析:So what“那又怎么样呢;Why not“为什么不呢”;How come“怎么回事”;What if“如果那样又如何”。根据语境特别是“昨天晚上我提醒过你”判断,应选C项。答案:C.完形填空(2012年浙江卷)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“Just sign here,sir,” the deliveryman said as he handed Oscar Reyna a package.The package consisted of a long,narrow box _16_wrapped in brown paper._17_the box,Oscar saw an umbrella insidea very old one with a beautifully carved wooden handle._18_he had not seen it in more than 20 years,he recognized it _19_.Oscar was 16 when he first saw the _20_umbrella.He had gone to a concert with his grandparents.As they were leaving,he noticed an umbrella on an empty seat.Impressed by its _21_,Oscar felt a strong desire to find its _22_.Oscar _23_the manager to look in the record of advance ticket sales.Just as he thought,a name matched the seat _24_Oscar had found the umbrella.The name was Mrs.Katie OBrien.Oscar talked his grandparents into going by Mrs.OBriens _25_on their way home.He rang the bell,the door opened,and an elderly woman appeared.“May I _26_ you ?”she asked.“Id like to return it if its yours,” Oscar said,_27_the umbrella as if presenting a _28_that had long been wished for.“Why,yes! Its mine,”replied Mrs.OBrien with a _29_smile and shining eyes.“It was given to me by my father years ago.Thank you so much for returning it.May I offer you a reward for your _30_? ”“No,maam,” he said,“My grandmother says that a good deed is its own reward.”“Well,thats _31_what my father used to say.What is your name,young man?”Years later Oscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrella as he remembered Mrs.O Brien.It was in perfect condition,considering how_32_it was.Why had it arrived here today? As if_33_,a note fell from the paper.It read: Mrs.OBrien wanted you to _34_this umbrella as a present for a kind,_35_gesture long ago.16A.strictly BcarefullyCroughly Dcasually 解析:根据后文可知,那是一件珍贵的礼物,所以肯定是被精心包装过的。strictly严格地;carefully仔细地;roughly粗略地;casually偶然地,随便地。答案:B17A.Opening BSeizingCObserving DSearching解析:句意:打开盒子,Oscar看到里面有一把伞。open打开;seize抓住;夺取;observe观察;search搜寻。答案:A 18A.After BWhenCSince DAlthough 解析:句意:尽管他已经二十多年没见过这把伞了,他依然可以立即辨认出它。although引导让步状语从句。答案:D19A.clearly BfullyCimmediately Dsuddenly解析:见上题解析。clearly清晰地;fully充分地;immediately立即;suddenly突然。答案:C20A.average BunusualCplain Dtypical 解析:由前文a very old one with a beautifully carved wooden handle和后文the finely carved handle of the umbrella可知这把伞应是不同寻常的。答案:B21A.beauty BshapeCorigin Dhistory解析:句意:被这把伞的漂亮所打动,Oscar有一种要找到它的失主的强烈欲望。由上下文对伞的特征的描述也可选出A项。beauty美丽;shape形状;origin起源,出身;history历史。答案:A 22A.designer BsellerCuser Downer 解析:见上题句意解析。答案:D23A.convinced BforcedCencouraged Dadvised解析:句意:Oscar说服了经理去查询以往的卖票记录。convince说服,使相信;force强迫;encourage鼓励;advise建议。A项符合语境。答案:A 24A.until BbeforeCwhich Dwhere 解析:考查定语从句。where引导定语从句修饰先行词the seat并在定语从句中作地点状语。答案:D25A.family BtheaterChouse Dneighborhood解析:根据后文可知,Oscar是去了Mrs.OBrien的家里。答案:C 26A.invite BhelpCbother Dknow 解析:May I help you?交际用语。意为“我能为您做点什么?/需要我帮忙吗?”答案:B27A.putting up Bturning outCpicking up Dholding out解析:句意:Oscar说着,拿出那把伞,就好像是在呈现一件已被期待很久的礼物。答案:D 28A.chance BfactCgift Dresult解析:见上题解析。答案:C29A.wide BconfidentCproud Dshy解析:固定搭配。a wide smile指“灿烂的笑容”。答案:A30A.patience BkindnessCcourage Ddetermination解析:patience耐心;kindness善良,善意;courage勇气;determination决心。答案:B 31A.obviously BnaturallyCexactly Dprobably解析:句意:那正是我爸爸过去曾经给我说过的话。obviously明显地;naturally自然地;exactly正好,刚好;probably可能地。答案:C 32A.old BrareCprecious Dnice解析:已经二十多年没有见过这把伞了,所以肯定是想着它有多“老”。答案:A 33A.in contrast Bin returnCin exchange Din answer解析:in contrast作为对照;in return作为回报;in exchange作为交换;in answer作为回答。答案:D 34A.possess BacceptCcarry Dvalue 解析:句意:上面写着:Mrs.OBrien想让你作为一件礼物接受这把伞,为了多年前那善良、无私的举动。答案:B35A.attractive BsignificantCunselfish Dsympathetic解析:attractive吸引人的,有魅力的;significant重要的,有意义的;unselfish无私的;sympathetic同情的。答案:C.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。An online post listing office peoples four most hated modern inventions is gaining popularity.Read on to discover what modern professionals dislike.Number one:The punch(打卡) machine.32yearold Mr. Zhang works for an IT company.He lists the punch machine as his number one workday enemy after a number of unavoidable incidents made him late to punch in for work.Zhang says most of his colleagues are hardworking people,but they feel like the boss doesnt trust them when he uses a machine to evaluate their performance.Zhang plans to find another job at a company that does not use a punch machine.Number two:Instant noodles.More and more people today realize that instant noodles do not make a healthy meal,but lack of time forces many whitecollar workers to eat them instead of a regular dinner.27yearold Mr. Zhu is a salesperson who is so busy at work that he doesnt even have time to wash his socks.He regularly eats fast food takeaways or instant noodles for dinner.Number three:Mattresses.Some elder employees tell newcomers that having a mattress at work is just like having a home at the company.To encourage their employees to work overtime,a number of companies have issued their employees with mattresses so that they can take a rest under their desks at any time of a day.People have started refusing the mattress and taking better care of their health after the media reported on a number of people who died due to overwork last year.And last,but not least,the mobile phone.A surgeon from a Beijing hospital says more and more whitecollar workers are turning up with a strange disease which they call “mobile phone elbow”The patients elbows are painful,and sometimes they cant even raise their hands.The doctor says the disease occurs when patients spend more than 4 hours on their mobiles.【语篇解读】你想知道白领最痛恨的四个现代发明吗?请看网上公布的结果。36Why do some employees want to find a job in a company without punch machines?AThey often meet with unavoidable incidents on their way to work.BThey feel less trusted when evaluated with the punch machine.CIt is unnecessary for them to punch in for work every day.DThey can work less hard in companies without punch machines.解析:细节理解题。从第二段的第三句中的“but they feel like the boss doesnt trust them when he uses a machine to evaluate their performance”可知,当使用机器来评估他们的工作表现时,雇员们会有一种老板不信任他们的感觉。答案:B37Whitecollar workers have to eat instant noodles because they _.Acant make a healthy mealBcant afford a regular dinnerCdont have time to wash their socksDare always so busy at work解析:细节理解题。从第三段的第一句可知,白领们吃方便面是因为工作忙,没有时间。答案:D38In the eyes of the boss,the mattresses can _.Amake employees work more timeBmake the new comers love the companyCmake employees have a good rest at any timeDtake care of the employees health解析:细节理解题。从第四段的第二句中“To encourage their employees to work overtime”可知,老板把床垫放在办公室是为了让雇员延长工作时间。故选A项。答案:A39According to the doctor,_.Athe painful elbow caused by mobile phone cant be curedBonly whitecollar workers turn up with the painful elbowClong time of using mobile phones possibly causes the painful elbowDif your elbows are painful,or you cant raise your hands,you catch the disease解析:细节理解题。从最后一段的最后一句可知长时间使用手机的人易患“手机肘”这种病。答案:C40What is the best title of this passage?AMost hated modern inventionsBModern inventions are gaining popularity onlineCModern inventions bring us inconvenienceDModern inventions and overwork解析:主旨大意题。第一段点明了全文的主旨,本文主要说了办公人员不喜欢的四个现代发明。故选A项。 10


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