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初三句型转换复习 初一中 熊玉梅 Shewantedtoseethedoctorbecauseherbackhurtbadly 对划线部分提问 shewanttoseethedoctor 2 Ihavesomenewstorybooks 改为否定句 I have newstorybooks 3 I dratherreadEnglishthangoshoppinglastyear 改为同义句 I readingEnglishto shoppinglastyear 4 我不知道接着做什么 完成译句 Idon tknow donext 5 Thereweremanystudentsinthisschoollastyear 改为否定句 There manystudentsinthisschoollastyear Why did don t any prefer going what to were not 6 Thekidisplayingthepianoattheschoolmusicclub 对划线部分提问 isthekid thepiano 7 MoreandmorepeoplespeakChineseintheworld 改为被动语态 Chinese bymoreandmorepeopleintheworld 8 Mycousinusuallywalkstoschooleverymorning 改为同义句 Mycousinusuallygoestoschool everymorning 9 他太累 在公交车上睡着了 完成译句 Hewas tired hefellasleeponthebus 10 Myclassmatesaregoingtoskateintheafternoon 改为否定句 Myclassmates toskateintheafternoon Where playing is spoken on foot so that aren t going 11 Mr Zhaogoesfishingeveryweekend 改为反意疑问句 Mr Zhaogoesfishingeveryweekend 12 Brucehasartlessonstwiceaweek 对划线部分提问 doesBrucehaveartlessons 13 Ispendhalfanhourdoingmorningexerciseseveryday 改为同义句 It mehalfanhourto morningexerciseseveryday 14 请等待我们的好消息 完成译句 Please ourgoodnews 15 Ihavealreadyseenthefilm 改为一般疑问句 Haveyou thefilm doesn t he How often do takes wait for seen yet 16 Theyhavebroughtusverygoodnews 改为感叹句 theyhavebroughtus 17 Haveyouevermeteachotherbefore 作否定回答 18 She sneverlateforschool 改为现在完成时 She never lateforschool 19 I llnotgothereunlessyougowithme 同义句转换 I llnotgothere you gowithme What good news No never has been if don t 20 TheSmithshavelivedinthecountryforfiveyears 对画线部分提问 theSmithslivedinthecountry 21 Beingagreenerpersonissoeasy 同义句转换 Itisnot agreenerperson 22 WhatwillyoudoforProjectHope heaskedme 改为间接引语 Heaskedme doforProjectHope 23 Thisshopopenedthreedaysago 同义句转换 Thisshop forthreedays How long have hard to be what I would has been open 24 DidyourfathergotoJapan 改为现在完成时 yourfather toJapan 25 TolearnEnglishwellisveryimportant veryimportant learnEnglishwell 26 KatebegantostudyChinesein2004 It overtwoyearssinceshebegantostudyChinese 27 Aretherehomelesspeopleinyourcity IaskedWangTao IaskedWangTao there homelesspeopleinhiscity Has gone It is to has been if were 28 MillionsofpeoplespeakEnglishastheirsecondlanguage English bymillionsofpeopleastheirsecondlanguage 29 Hedoesn tknowwherehecanfindapenpal Hedoesn tknow findapenpal 30 LucycametoBeijingin2001 同义句转换 Lucy inBeijingforaboutsixyears 31 Whatareyoudoing Tom Kateasked 改为间接引语 KateaskedTom he doing is spoken where to has been what was 32 You llfailintheexamifyoudon tworkhard 同义句转换 Workhard youwon t theexam 33 I mgoingtoShanghaibyplanenextmonth 同义句转换 I m Shanghainextmonth 34 Thegovernmentshoulddosomethingtocontrolthepollution 同义句转换 Thegovernmentshould tocontrolthepollution or pass flying to take some measures 35 Everyyearthefarmersplantmanytreesonthosehills 改为被动语态 Manytrees onthosehills thefarmerseveryyear 36 Idon tknowwhatIshoulddowiththebrokenbike 同义句转换 Idon tknowwhat thebrokenbike 37 Don tgiveuplearningEnglish it shelpfultoyou 同义句转换 Don t English it shelpfultoyou 38 ThechildrenhadagoodtimeinDisneyland 同义句转换 Thechildren inDisneyland 39 Janewouldliketoeatsomefish 同义句转换 Jane somefish are planted by to do with stop learning had fun wants to eat 40 ChenPingreceivedane maillastFriday 改为否定句 ChenPing ane maillastFriday 41 Therearefiftystudentsinourclass 对划线部分提问 studentsarethereinyourclass 42 IoftenborrowadictionaryfromBruce 改为同义句 Bruceoften hisdictionary me 43 交卷前你应仔细检查 完成译句 Youshouldcheckyouranswerscarefullybeforeyou yourpaper didn t receive How many lends to hand in Thankyou


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