(江苏专用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Growing pains练习(含解析)牛津译林版必修1.doc

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必修一 Unit 2 Growing pains检测评价A卷.单项填空1Jack, look at what you have done. You are supposed _ your job by now. Sorry, Miss Lee. Ill hurry up. Ato finish BfinishingCto have finished Dhaving finished解析:选C句意:“杰克,看看你都做了些什么。现在你理应已经完成了你的工作。”“抱歉,李老师,我会抓紧的。”be supposed to do sth.“理应做某事”,但语境中的时间状语为“by now”,表明此处应使用不定式的完成式to have done, be supposed to have done sth.“理应做过/做完了某事”。2(2019无锡模拟)While the house prices in WuXi keep rising, a lot of houses have been sold out, _ most were sold to buyers from Shanghai and Suzhou.Ain which Bamong themCof which Dof them解析:选C句意:尽管无锡的房价一直在涨,许多房子都已经卖光了,大多数卖给了来自上海和苏州的买主。of which most 相当于most of which, which指代 houses。3Our leader _ bright flashlights so we would not scare away the night creatures we hoped to find.Aforbade BshoneCremoved Dcollected解析:选A句意:为了不把我们希望找到的夜间生物吓跑,我们的领队不让我们使用手电筒。forbid“禁止”;shine“照耀,发光”;remove“去除”;collect“收集”。故选A。4(2019徐州质检)Its strange that some fundamental professions in our society rarely receive the respect or acknowledgement they_.Amatch BacceptCreserve Ddeserve解析:选D句意:奇怪的是,我们社会中的一些基础性的职业很少得到它们应有的尊重或认可。deserve“应受,应得”。5The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising _ we fall. Anow that Bevery timeCthe first time Dthe last time解析:选B句意:人生中最大的荣耀不在于从未失败过,而在于每一次跌倒后都能爬起来。除now that(既然,由于)引导原因状语从句外,其余三个名词短语都可引导时间状语从句。根据句意可知选B项every time(每一次)。6_ what would happen, Yang Jiyuan devoted himself to his great action in bravely fighting against thieves.ALeft ignoring BHaving left ignoringCLeaving ignoring DHaving left to ignore解析:选A句意:杨济源没多想会发生什么,就勇敢地全力投入到抓捕窃贼的行动中。此处考查leave sb. doing,其被动结构为be left doing,主语杨济源与leave之间是动宾关系,用过去分词表示被动。7We should protect our environment from being polluted _ our next generation will enjoy a blue sky and live a healthy life.Aas if Bso thatCeven if Din case解析:选B句意:我们应该保护环境使其免受污染,以便我们的下一代能拥有蓝天,过上健康的生活。连词so that引导目的状语从句。8There is someone playing the guitar over there. Lets go and listen, shall we? Free entertainment, _.Aanyway BthoughCtherefore Dsomehow解析:选A句意:那边有人在弹吉他。我们去听听吧,好吗?不管怎么说,这是免费的娱乐。anyway“不管怎么说,至少”;though“尽管,虽然”;therefore“因此”;somehow“不知为何”。根据句意可知选A。9(2019苏州质检)It was mainly because William _ a game on his phone that he didnt notice the deep hole in the sidewalk until it was too late.Aplayed Bwas playingChad played Dwould play解析:选B考查时态。句意:这主要是因为威廉正在玩手机游戏,等到他注意到人行道上的深洞时已经太晚了。根据句意可知用过去进行时,表示过去某一时间正在做的事。10When I arrived, I called her, but only her friend _ at my hotel. She was ill in bed.Apulled off Bset offCturned up Dbroke up解析:选C句意:我到的时候,给她打了电话,但是只有她的朋友出现在了我住的宾馆,她卧病在床了。根据句意可知选turn up“出现,露面”。11Have you heard that Lucy, along with her parents, _ to Hainan for the winter vacation?Really? No wonder I havent seen her these days.Ahas been Bhave beenChas gone Dhave gone解析:选C当主语后面有along with, as well as 等连接名词或代词时,谓语动词的数不受它们的影响,而是与主语保持一致,本题中主语是Lucy,故谓语动词用单数形式;根据答语中的“I havent seen her these days”可知, Lucy已经“去了”海南还没回来,而have/has been to 表示“去过某地”。故选C。12The children climbed up the hill, _ they picnicked.Aon its top Bon the top of itCon whose top Don the top of that解析:选C考查定语从句。句意:孩子们爬上了山顶,在那里他们进行了野餐。分析句子结构可知,此句为非限制性定语从句,且the hill与top之间为所属关系,whosen.then.of which,故选C。13(2019徐州质检)My husbands out of town. Im going to watch all the movies he wouldnt take me to see. Why not?_. AGreat minds think alikeBIt is good fishing in troubled watersCMake hay while the sun shinesDAmong the blind the oneeyed man is king解析:选C句意:“我丈夫出城去了。我要去看他不会带我去看的电影。”“为什么不呢?抓紧时机。”A项意为“英雄所见略同”;B项意为“浑水摸鱼很好”;C项意为“抓紧时机”;D项意为“在盲人中独眼人是国王;山中无老虎,猴子称大王”。14She has waited for the guest for two hours and reached the _ of her patience.Alimit BtopCpoint Dneed解析:选A句意:她等那位客人两个小时了,达到了忍耐的极限。limit“极限”,符合句意。top“顶部”;point“点”;need“必要”。15Shall we walk around the park or go for a bike ride?_. They are both good activities to me.AYes, I like them very muchBIt makes no difference to meCThats all rightDId prefer a bike ride解析:选B根据“They are both good activities to me”可知不管是逛公园还是骑单车对说话者均可。make no difference“没差别”,故选B项。.完形填空(2019徐州高三模拟)Were sitting at the breakfast table, and were in a hurry. But the kids are _1_ to get dressed for school, and we _2_ need to get out of the door soon. “Clank!” My fiveyearold son spills (洒出) his milk all over the table and the floor. He and my daughter bee _3_ as they gaze at the mess. I feel my mind begin to race and an _4_ to raise my voice.And then, I remember to take a _5_. “What do you need to do, buddy?” My son _6_ out of his seat and gets a towel to _7_ the mess. Im able to _8_ critical ments, and he feels better after cleaning up. Yet I know it is a close _9_. It is another incident that might easily go a(n) _10_ direction, a direction that could _11_ my son dearly in terms of selfrespect and confidence.One of the most _12_ parts of being a father is learning to _13_ your childrens mistakes. Its easy to be loving them when kids are all right, but most fathers dont find too many periods of their kids lives _14_ of mistakes.Lets be clear about this. Kids dont enjoy making mistakes. They usually try to do their best; but theyre doing their best considering the _15_ they have at the time. Sometimes theyre tired, and sometimes theyre easily distracted (使分心), but they _16_ do the best they can.Making mistakes is _17_ a way that kids learn about the world! When our kids make mistakes, we have _18_ to make. Fathers can help create kids who are _19_ and who lie to them, or they can help create kids who learn from their mistakes and _20_ them.语篇解读:本文作者通过自己孩子犯了错误但自己却没有对其发火的经历告诉我们:孩子也不喜欢犯错,他们已经尽力做到最好了。犯错是孩子了解世界的一种方式。1A.preparedBafraidCslow Dpleased解析:选C根据上文中的“were in a hurry”及But的转折可知,此处所填词与“hurry”相对,表示孩子们动作很慢,故用slow“迟迟不;不乐意;慢吞吞的”。2A.eventually BdesperatelyCpunctually Dimmediately解析:选B作者他们急需很快出门。desperately“极其,非常”,符合语境。eventually“最终”;punctually“准时地”;immediately“即刻”。3A.victims BtargetsCstatues Dfocuses解析:选C结合语境和常识可知,孩子把牛奶洒了,肯定害怕家长批评,故此处指的应是作者的儿子和女儿(被吓得)像雕塑一样一动不动。statue“雕塑”,符合语境。victim“受害者”;target“目标,对象”;focus“焦点”。4A.urge BexcuseCanxiety Dencouragement解析:选A根据语境可知,此处指作者在做思想斗争,并感到一种提高声音的冲动。urge“强烈的欲望,冲动”,符合语境。excuse“借口”;anxiety“担心”;encouragement“激励”。5A.break BbreathCseat Dmeasure解析:选B此处指作者深吸一口气,暗指作者压制了自己的怒火。take a breath“吸一口气”,符合语境。take a break“休息一下”;take a seat“坐下”;take a measure“采取措施”。6A.springs BstepsCskips Dslides解析:选A根据语境可知,此处指作者的儿子从座位上跳下来,拿起毛巾把脏东西擦掉。spring“跳,蹦”;step“迈步,踏”;skip“蹦蹦跳跳地走”;slide“滑行,滑动”。7A.wipe up Bpack upCbuild up Dsplit up解析:选A参见上题解析。wipe up“擦干净,抹掉”;pack up“打包,收拾行李”;build up“增强,积累”;split up“分手;分解”。8A.make BweleCavoid Dappreciate解析:选C此处指作者没有对儿子作出批评的言论。avoid“避免,避开”,符合语境。make“做”;wele“欣然接受”;appreciate“重视,欣赏”。9A.race BcallCsolution Daccident解析:选B根据下文中的“It is another incident that might . direction”可知,此处指作者知道这(指作者没有批评儿子)是一次侥幸避免的事故。a close call是固定用法,意为“死里逃生,侥幸脱险,躲过一劫”。10A.unexpected BconventionalCpractical Ddifferent解析:选D这件事可能很容易走向一个完全不同的方向,即作者可能会大发雷霆,而这可能会对儿子的自尊与自信造成非常严重的伤害。different“不同的”,符合语境。unexpected“意外的”;conventional“常规的,传统的”;practical“实际的,切实可行的”。11A.cost BspoilCmislead Dtrick解析:选A参见上题解析。cost“使丧失,使损失”,cost sb.dearly“使某人付出沉重代价”, 符合语境。spoil“糟蹋;溺爱”;mislead“误导,使误信”;trick“欺骗,欺诈”。12A.promising BnobleCrelaxing Ddifficult解析:选D作为父亲,最困难的其中一个部分是学会接受孩子们的错误。此处与下文中的“easy”相呼应,故用difficult“困难的”。promising“有希望的”;noble“高贵的;崇高的”;relaxing“令人放松的”。13A.undertake BacceptCremove Dforget解析:选B参见上题解析。undertake“承担”;accept“接受”;remove“移开”;forget“忘记”。14A.free BindependentCtypical Dfull解析:选A根据上文中的“Its easy to be loving them when kids are all right, but . mistakes”可知,此处指大多数父亲没有发现太多他们孩子不犯错误的时候。free“不受伤害(或影响等的),不受之苦的”,符合语境。independent“不相关的,自主的”;typical“典型的”。15A.experience BresponsibilitiesCknowledge Dresources解析:选D鉴于他们目前的才智,他们正在付出最大的努力。resources“勇气,才智,谋略”,符合语境。16A.hopefully BobviouslyCgenerally Dinitially解析:选C有时他们很疲惫,有时他们很容易分心,但大多数时候,他们尽了自己的最大努力。generally“通常,大体上,大多数时候”,符合语境。上文中的“usually”亦是提示。hopefully“有希望地”;obviously“显然”;initially“开始,最初”。17A.even ByetCever Djust解析:选D犯错恰恰是孩子们了解这个世界的一种方式。just“正好,确实”,符合语境。18A.promises BeffortsCreferences Dchoices解析:选D根据下文中的“Fathers can help create kids . or they can help create kids”可知,此处指当孩子们犯错时,我们需要作出选择(choices)。promise“承诺”;effort“努力”;reference“说到的事”。19A.abusive BaggressiveCdefensive Doffensive解析:选C根据下文中的“and who lie to them”可知,此处指父亲们可以(选择)造就这样的孩子,他们怀有戒心且会撒谎。defensive“戒备的,怀有戒心的;自卫的”,符合语境。abusive“辱骂的,恶语的”;aggressive“好斗的,挑衅的”;offensive“冒犯的,无礼的”。20A.improve on Bgo throughCmake up for Dstand out against解析:选A或者父亲们可以(选择)帮助造就这样的孩子,他们从他们的错误中学习一些东西,并加以改进,做得更好。improve on“改进,做出比更好的成绩”,符合语境。go through“检查;仔细琢磨”;make up for“补偿”;stand out against“坚决反对”。.任务型阅读Profits of PraiseAre we too quick to blame and slow to praise? It seems that while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow unwilling to give others the warm sunshine of praise.Its strange how mean we are about praising. Perhaps its because few of us know how to accept praise gracefully. Instead, we are embarrassed and ignore the words we are really so glad to hear. Because of this defensive reaction, direct praise is surprisingly difficult to give.Do you ever go into a house and say,“What a tidy room!” Hardly anybody does. Thats why housework is considered such a boring job. Shakespeare said, “Our praises are our wages.” Since so often praise is the only wage a housewife receives, surely she is worthy of praise.Mothers know naturally that for children an ounce of praise is worth a pound of scolding. Still, we are unaware of childrens small achievements and we seldom apply the rule. One day I was criticizing my children for quarreling. “Can you never play peacefully?” I shouted. Susanna looked at me confused. “Of course we can,” she said. “But you dont notice us when we do.”Teachers agree about the value of praise. “I believe that a student knows when he has handed in something above his usual standard,” writes a teacher, “and that he is hungry of a brief ment in the margin to show him that the teacher is aware of it, too.”Behavioural scientists have done countless experiments to prove that people have a tendency to repeat an act which has been immediately followed by a pleasant result. In one such experiment, a number of schoolchildren were divided into three groups and given arithmetic tests daily for five days. One group was constantly praised for its previous performance; another group was criticized; the third was ignored. Not surprisingly, those who were praised improved dramatically. Those who were criticized improved also, but not so much. And the scores of the children who were ignored hardly improved at all. Interestingly the brightest children were helped just as much by criticism as by praise, but the less able children, who reacted badly to criticism, needed praise the most.To give praise costs the giver nothing but a moments thought and a moments effort perhaps a quick phone call to pass on good ments, or write an appreciative letter. It is such a small investment and yet consider the results it may produce. We will not only bring joy into other peoples lives, but also, very often, add happiness into our own. “I can live for two months on a good pliment.” said Mark Twain.答案:1.criticism2.rather3.difficulty/trouble4.worthy5apply6.hungrily/eagerly/desperately7.tends8reacting/responding9.Conclusion/Summary10.effort检测评价B卷阅读理解A(2019苏州高三模拟)e to visit the bar of Red Dot Design Museum and enjoy superior craft beers (特色啤酒) and redesigned traditional food.Happy Hour5 pm. to 7 pm. Every day10 All beersPerfect Chilling Out (放松) LocationSit in a lazy way along the Waterfront Promenade where the museum bar enjoys a nice constant light wind and beautiful view of the Marina Bay. The outdoor seating is perfect to enjoy the evening with friends and loved ones in Singapore.Local Craft Beers and WineThe museum bar serves beers from Singapores Archipelago Brewery (啤酒厂). This brewery has been brewing local craft beers with passion and purpose since 2006. Its internationally recognized brew masters have delivered outstanding awardwinning craft beers. All the beers are individually handmade with only the freshest, quality materials and cared for as if they were dairy milk. Moreover, they are proudly brewed pure and 100% natural. In addition, the museum bar also serves a variety of beer, wine and sparkling wine.Luxury Bar BitesEnjoy local cuisineinspired bar bites created by Food Anatomys Sean & Jiaxin. Expect delicious and extraordinary food selections to pair with your beer and wine.Visiting InformationRed Dot Design Museum11 Marina BoulevardSingapore 0189401The author may agree with the statement that _.Athe bar opens around the clockBsingles are not wele at the barCthe bar offers a relaxing atmosphereDpeople can taste all beers with 10 at the bar解析:选C细节理解题。根据Perfect Chilling Out (放松) Location部分中的“Sit in a lazy way”“enjoys a nice constant light wind and beautiful view . in Singapore”可知,博物馆酒吧营造的是轻松的氛围。故选C。2What can we learn about Archipelago Brewery?AIts beers enjoy an international reputation.BIts beers are machinemade on a global scale.CIt has expanded its business into the dairy industry.DIt has been founded and operated for decades.解析:选A推理判断题。根据Local Craft Beers and Wine部分中的“Its internationally recognized brew masters have delivered outstanding awardwinning craft beers”可知,该啤酒厂的酿酒大师得到了国际认可,他们酿造出了一流的、优等的特色啤酒。由此可推知,该啤酒厂的啤酒享有国际声誉。故选A。B(2019南京、盐城模拟)Decades ago, scientists had a much more fixed conception of the brain. They believed that how it develops when youre a kid more or less determines your brain structure for the rest of your life.But now we know thats not true. A landmark studied in 2000 looked at grey matter in London taxi drivers. The drivers had more grey matter volume in the hippocampus, a little seahorseshaped part of the brain that deals with memory. Here was real evidence of neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to change and form new neural (神经的) connections.In 2010, Swedish scientists tested a group of younger (2130) and older (6580) adults for six months, and did not detect any significant agerelated differences in neuroplasticity of whitematter microstructure. Translation: older brains can change too.So what happens to the brain of an adult who learns languages? A group of adult students learning Chinese were tested over a ninemonth period in 2012, during which they showed improved whitematter quality. White matter is what connects neural cells, so the better they are connected, the better you can acplish a cognitive (认知的) task.Still want more? Oh, alright then. Language learning builds up your “cognitive reserve”, which makes you more resistant to brain damage. If youre bilingual (双语的), congratulations! You may have just delayed the beginning of dementia (痴呆) by several years.If youre upset about not being quite as quick as you used to be, or your memory, theres a silver lining. Youve got something going for you that no teenager has. Youve learned how to learn. You know the strategies that work for you and what not to waste your time on. You have better “metacognitive skills”. Another name for this is “selfdirected learning”A few years ago, scientists tried to test this. They got groups of older people and younger people and showed them words with point values attached, ranging from low to high. Then they allowed the subjects to review whatever they wanted. They noticed that the older subjects spent more time on the valuable words but their recall was just as good as the younger subjects. The scientists later discovered that theyd sneakily (偷偷地) reviewed the highvalue words just before the test.So, there you have it: theres absolutely no reason why you cant learn a language up to a ripe old age.语篇解读:本文是一篇科普说明文。大脑的结构不是儿时就决定的,我们成年了,还可以通过学习双语或者多种语言来开发自己的大脑。不要让自己老了成为我们不想学习的借口。3What is the main theme of this passage?AHuman brain structure can develop at any age.BA ripe old age is no excuse for quitting language learning.CThere is little difference in the brain ability between the young and the old.DOlder people actually perform better in language learning than younger ones.解析:选B主旨大意题。文章一开始否定了大脑的结构儿时就已经决定的说法,然后用研究来证明,第四段提出观点:那些学习双语的成年人的大脑会怎么样?最后得出结论,年龄越来越大的时候,通过学习语言可以延迟痴呆。不要借口自己老了,就不想学习语言。故选B项。4What is the structure of the passage?解析:选A文章结构题。纵观全文我们不难看出本文是总分总结构,开头提出问题,最后得出结论,故选A项。5What can we infer from this article?AGrey matter is of less importance to the brain than white matter.BLearning another language can bring benefits to your cognitive ability.CYour childhood will determine your brain structure for the rest of your life.DMetacognitive skills have no significant influence in young peoples language learning.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第五段第三、四、五句可知语言学习可以增强你的认知保护区,这个能让你对大脑的破坏有抵抗力。如果你会双语,你可以推迟老年痴呆的发病时间。这说明学习语言对我们的认知能力是有好处的。故选B项。CMum, its me. Hopefully, this Mothering Sunday you will get to hear those three words. I will, of course, try to phone you. I hope we will be able to speak for the allowed 10 minutes. But I suspect many inmates will be using the phone, so if I dont call and if we dont speak, then this is what I would have said:Its not your fault that I am here. I know that deep in your heart you have questioned whether my current circumstance is somehow your fault, if the reckless stupidity of my past is somehow a failure on your part. It is not. Only one person is to blame, only one person should hurt me. You have always taught me that when the room goes dark, you can wait for the lights to be switched back on or you can search in the dark and turn the light on yourself. You are my light. You always have been and always will be. There is nobody I admire more, nobody I have strived harder to please in my life, which is why my current failure hurts me so much.I am so sorry that I will not be there to see you, but I want you to know that now, as always, you are here with me. In my darkest hours, and in the coldest loneliness of my past few months, my mind has so often wandered to the past, to when it was you and me and I have been able to smile. Yours is the strength that I draw upon.A parents job is to make sure that they pass on the best of themselves to their children. You have done that. It is the inner you in me that will get me through this.I have failed you so epically, but you have never failed me. If I think back to the tears I shed when Dad left, all those years ago, I see you through their misty glaze. You holding me and you telling me wed be OK, and we will be. We are and always will be the best team.Childhood heroes such as footballers, actors and rock stars are cliched. If the job is done right, a childs heroes should be their parents you are mine. The strength you showed after the divorce from Dad to find your biological parents, to go to university and get your teaching qualifications, to begin your life again, is the strength that I draw on now. It is the belief in myself, it is the belief you have in me, that tells me that once I am released I can and will rebuild my life. I will make you proud again. I will make you happy to have me as your son. Yours is the will that gets me through every day.I dont believe you can judge a person for the mistakes they make, as we all make them, but you can judge them for w


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