2020版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 24 Society讲义 北师大版选修8.doc

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Unit 24 Society(一)课前自主学习.阅读单词知其意1inequality n不平等2abortion n. 堕胎,人工流产3household n. 一个家庭4currency n. 货币5taxpayer n. 纳税人6ownership n. 所有权7pension n. 退休金,养老金8pregnant adj. 怀孕的9format n. 格式10leisure n. 闲暇,空闲11framework n. 结构,构架12feast n. 盛宴,宴会13merchant n. 商人14collision n. 相撞15consumer n. 消费者.重点单词写其形1deposit vt. & vi. 存储,储蓄2burden n. 重担,负担3vacant adj. 未住人的,空置的4resign vt. & vi. 辞职5delete vt. 删除6choke vi. 窒息,噎住7shrink vi. 纵联1 (使)收缩,缩小8virtue n纵联2 优点,长处9skip vt. 跳过10cast vt. 投下11undertake vt. 着手做,从事12squeeze vt. 挤13fine n. 纵联3 罚款14sentence n. 判决15abolish vt. 废除16moreover adv. 纵联4 再者,此外 17furthermore adv.纵联4 此外,而且18homelessness n纵联5 无家可归19accumulate v. 积累20poster n. 海报.拓展单词通其变1voluntary adj.自愿的volunteer v自愿做n.志愿者2abundant adj.大量的abundance n大量3signature n签名sign v签名;打手势n.招牌;迹象;符号4govern vt.统治,管理governor n统治者,总督government n政府5adjustment n调整,调节adjust vt.调整,调节vi.使适应6elect vt.选举,推选election n选举;当选;选择权7merciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的mercy n宽容,仁慈8thirst n口渴thirsty adj.口渴的9consequently adv.所以,因此consequent adj.作为结果的;必然的consequence n结果,后果10resistance n反抗,抵制resist vi.& vt.抵(反)抗,抵制11robbery n抢劫rob vt.抢劫robber n抢劫犯12diverse adj.各种各样的;不同的diversity n多种多样;多样性纵联1.由shrink想到的动词extend延伸;伸出 increase增加enlarge扩大;放大 expand扩大;膨胀decrease减少 reduce减少纵联2.“virtue”相关词汇小结optimism乐观 modesty谦虚bravery勇敢,勇气 justice正义 diligence勤勉 generosity慷慨纵联3.“一词多义”小聚fine n罚款 fail v衰退,衰弱engage vt.吸引 express n快车drive v迫使某人做不好的事 desert v抛弃,离弃caution v告诫,提醒纵联4.“再者”过渡词集锦moreover再者,此外 furthermore此外,而且besides况且,再说 in addition此外whats more更有甚者纵联5.“ness”结尾的名词homelessness无家可归 uselessness无用,无效helplessness无能为力 hopelessness绝望sleeplessness失眠单元话题社会生活子话题1休闲场所store n商店 supermarket n超市mall n购物中心 cafeteria n自助餐厅cinema n电影院 bar n酒吧cafe n咖啡馆,小餐厅子话题2商业管理与经营invest v投资 export n&vt.出口import n&vt.进口 negotiation n协商,谈判trade n贸易 increase n& vi.增加capital n资本 account n账目finance n资金,财政,财务,金融decline n& vi.减少,下降,衰退学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词汇应用1(2016北京高考阅读B)In the following few days, the men and women helping Rockaway recover inspired Natalie. Volunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys. Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping others rebuild. Teenagers climbed dozens of flights of stairs to deliver water and food to elderly people trapped in powerless highrise buildings.写出加黑词在本单元的同根形容词:voluntary,加黑词除作名词外,也可作动词,意为自愿写出加黑词在本单元的同义名词:leisure写出加黑短语在本单元的同义词:abundant,该同义词可构成be_abundant_in_.,意为“在方面充裕”2(2016北京高考阅读D)Learning to deal with the social world is equally important. Because a college munity (群体) differs from the family, many students will struggle to find a sense of belonging. If students rely on administrators to regulate their social behavior and thinking pattern, they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity within a larger and plex munity.写出加黑词的同根名词在本单元的反义词:inequality写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:household写出加黑词的同根动词在本单元的同义词:govern,加黑词的另一个名词形式为administration3(2014陕西高考阅读C)According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a health expert, the French see eating as an important part of their lifestyle. They enjoy food and therefore spend a fairly long time at the table, while Americans see eating as something to be squeezed between the other daily activities. Mercola believes Americans lose the ability to sense when they are actually full. So they keep eating long after the French would have stopped. In addition, he points out that Americans drive to huge supermarkets to buy canned and frozen foods for the week.写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:consequently 写出加黑词在此处的汉语意思:挤出写出加黑短语在本单元的同义词:moreover/furthermore 高考采撷(二)写作中的词汇应用(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)1(2018浙江高考书面表达)以下是我的长处。首先,我能说一口流利的英语,所以我和以英语为母语的人交流没有困难。(virtue)The_followings_are_my_virtues.First,_I_can_speak_English_fluently,_so_I_have_no_difficulty_municating_with_native_speakers.2(2017全国卷书面表达)你知道中国有丰富的传统艺术形式,剪纸是最受欢迎的艺术形式之一。(abundant)You_know_there_are_abundant_traditional_art_forms_in_China,_of_which_papercutting_is_one_of_the_most_popular.3(2016北京高考书面表达)在地球日的前一周,我们学校周围张贴了海报,呼吁我们加入绿色地球的行动。(poster)A_week_before_Earth_Day,_posters_were_put_up_around_our_school,_calling_upon_us_to_join_in_the_actions_for_a_greener_earth. (二)课堂重点释疑1burden n负担,重担 vt.(使)担负(沉重或艰难的任务、职责等)记牢(1)a burden on/to .是的负担bear (take on)/carry/reduce/share the burden 承受/担负/减少/分担重担(2)burden sb./oneself with sth. 装载;使负担be burdened with . 负重;为所累练通单句语法填空His invalid father is being a burden on/to him.Nowadays students are burdened (burden) with heavy homework.He took a parttime job in summer holiday to burden himself with his school fees.完成句子There will be many challenges ahead, but I have confidence that Ill take_on/bear_the_burden.尽管前面会有很多挑战,但我有信心勇挑重担。写美He was burdened with endless paperwork, so he didnt have time to acpany his family.(过去分词作状语)Burdened_with_endless_paperwork,_he_didnt_have_time_to_acpany_his_family. 2undertake vt.着手做,从事,承担;允诺,答应记牢undertaken./pron.承担undertake to do . 着手做;答应做undertake that . 答应undertake for . 为负责练通单句语法填空The team will undertake for this experiment which is important to the whole countrys security.He undertook to_improve (improve) the working conditions and the workers were expecting it.句型转换/完成句子Tony undertook that he would never make fun of his deskmate again.Tony undertook never to make fun of his deskmate again.We are supposed to undertake_the_responsibility to lead a lowcarbon life, which is of great significance.我们应该承担过低碳生活的责任,这意义重大。写美(2014湖北高考书面表达)作为社会中的一员,我意识到为创造一个更美好的社会负责那是必须的。As_a_member_of_the_society,_I_am_aware_that_it_is_necessary_to_undertake_for_making_a_better_society.3abundant adj.大量的;丰富的;充裕的记牢(1)be abundant in be rich in富有;很丰富(2)abundance n. 丰富an abundance of 丰富的,许多的in abundance 大量;富裕练通完成句子The country has great potential in economy partly because it is_abundant_in natural resources.这个国家在经济方面有着巨大的潜力,部分是因为它有着丰富的自然资源。If you travel in China, you will see an_abundance_of ancient buildings.如果你到中国旅行的话,会看到很多古代的建筑。There is still a growing need for raw materials, and some wildernesses contain them in_abundance.我们对于原材料的需求日益增长,而有些荒野中就蕴藏着丰富的原材料。写美(2016全国卷书面表达)此外,通过做兼职工作我能获得丰富的经验,这样我就能更好地适应社会的发展变化。Moreover,_by_doing_the_parttime_job_I_can_get_abundant_experience_so_that_I_can_better_adapt_to_the_development_and_changes_of_society.4resign vt.& vi.辞职,辞去;使顺从记牢resign ones job/post/position辞去工作/职位resign from . 从辞职resign oneself to (doing) sth. 顺从;使自己安于(做)某事resign as . 辞去当的职务resign . to . 把托付给练通单句语法填空Mary resigned her pet dog to her neighbour while travelling abroad.Lots of young people resigned from the pany to the small cities because of the higher house price in the big cities.完成句子In order to look after her sick mother, my friend decided to resign_her_position_as_manager.为了照顾生病的母亲,我朋友决定辞去公司经理的职务。The team refused to resign_themselves_to_defeat/being_defeated.该队不甘失败。写美(2014山东高考书面表达)虽然我浑身是汗并且很累,但我不想中途放弃。Although_I_was_sweating_all_over_and_became_very_tired,_I_didnt_want_to_resign_myself_to_giving_up_halfway.5elect vt.选举,推选;选择记牢(1)elect sb. to .选举某人进入elect sb.as/to be . 选举某人为elect to do sth. 选择做某事(2)election n. 选举;推举;当选run for an election 参加竞选练通单句语法填空They have a more than even chance of winning the next election (elect)It is said that only two students will be elected to_take (take) part in the ing English Contest.Before we elect him to parliament, we want to know what he stands for.完成句子He has already stated his intention to_run_for_the_election.他已声明打算参加竞选。写美(2015陕西高考书面表达)我精通英语,以至于我被选为英语老师的助手。I_have_such_a_good_mand_of_English_that_I_am_elected_as/to_be_assistant_to_my_English_teacher.6sentence n& vt.判决;宣判;判刑记牢(1)serve a sentence服刑pass/give sentence on sb.给某人判刑 (2)sentence sb.to .给某人判刑(常用被动语态)be sentenced to death/three years in prison 被判死刑/三年徒刑练通完成句子His family hope he will be allowed to return to the UK to serve_a_sentence.他的家人希望允许他回到英国服刑。The driver declared guilty was fined 25,000 and was_sentenced_to_3_years_in_prison.宣布有罪的那位司机被罚款25 000美元,被判入狱3年。Its reported that the judge passed_sentence_on the murderer on May 18.据报道,法官于5月18日宣布了对杀人犯的判决。写美He has served his sentence and will be released tomorrow.(现在分词短语作状语)Having_served_his_sentence,_he_will_be_released_tomorrow.词汇过关综合训练.单词拼写1The sad news cast (投射) a shadow over the proceedings.2Guests can deposit (寄存) their valuables in the hotel safe.3My sister tries to squeeze (挤) her feet into shoes that are too small.4To his disappointment, his name has been deleted (删除) from the list.5Jack was sentenced (判刑) to six months in prison because of family violence.6The manager was forced to resign (辞职) his position after that serious accident.7The girl is only fifteen years old, but she has to be burdened (负担) with her family.8Due to the heavy rain, there were many vacant (空的) seats in the theatre this evening.9It is said that their government has abolished (废除;取消) ine tax for the lowpaid.10Its reported that this pany will undertake (承担) the construction of the new subway.单句语法填空1He is a voluntary (volunteer) worker at the hospital.2He undertook to_contribute (contribute) 5,000 yuan to the earthquakestricken area.3The headmaster is merciful (mercy) to his employees.4This is a good district with abundant (abundance) fish and rice.5The nonsmoking policy was introduced with little resistance (resist) from staff.6She was a bright and eager student and, consequently (consequent), did well in school.7He accumulated (accumulation) a lot of experience in finance while he was working abroad.8You are more likely to acplish what you want if you know how to make necessary adjustments (adjust) in a new environment.9Its a fact that people from diverse (diversity) cultures often have difficulty understanding each other.10Police are investigating a series of bank robberies (rob) in South Wales.单句改错1Because of a serious murder, he was sentenced to die.diedeath2As we all know, Shanxi Province is abundant with coal sources. within3I have to resign myself to stay at home again tonight. staystaying4He was elected to be a chairman of the Students Union at school. 去掉a5A volcano in Indonesia erupted on November; consequent,hundreds of people were killed. consequentconsequently.完成句子1She got off the bus, burdened_with_two_heavy_suitcases.她提着两只沉重的手提箱下了公共汽车。2They undertook_to_finish the task by Monday.她们答应在星期一之前完成任务。3As is known to us, China is_abundant_in_agricultural_produce.众所周知,中国农产品丰富。4The young man was_sentenced_to_six_years_in_prison for stealing too much money.那个年轻人因偷了太多钱而被判了六年徒刑。5Two members resigned_from_the_board in protest.董事会的两名成员辞职以示抗议。(一)课前自主学习1e_into_being 形成,存在2wind_sb.up_ 故意惹恼某人3show_off 炫耀,夸耀4knock_into_sb. 撞上某人;偶然遇到5break_into 闯入;突然开始(笑、唱等)6on_principle 串记1 根据原则7sentence_sb.to_death_ 判某人死刑8take_.seriously_ 认真对待9be_well/better_off 过得好/过得更好10above_all串记2 最重要的是;首先11do_away_with_ 串记3 废除;摆脱,消灭12contribute_to 促进,有助于13play_an_important_role_in 在中起重要作用14to_start_with_ 首先15take_._into_account 考虑;注意,体谅16keep_an_eye_on 串记4 注意,留意同根短语串记串记1.“onn.”常用短语大全on principle根据原则 on average平均on purpose故意地 on show/exhibition在展出on sale出售 on business出差串记2.“首先”短语聚集above all first of allfirst and foremost to begin/start with串记3.do短语集汇do away with废除;摆脱 do harm to对有害do ones best尽力 do ones duty尽职责do up重新整修 do without没有也行串记4.聚焦eye短语keep an eye on 注意,留意have a good eye for 对有鉴赏眼光look sb.in the eye 直视(正视)某人catch ones eye 引起某人的注意1a huge adjustment 一个巨大的调整2keep control over the city 控制整个城市3be trapped in a spending circle 陷入一个消费圈子中4advertising aimed at children 针对儿童的广告5put our signatures on credit cards在信用卡上签名6change our money into different countries currencies把我们的钱换成不同国家的货币7sleep on the streets or in vacant buildings 睡在街上或空置的建筑物中8share the joy and sadness of everyday life 分享日常生活的快乐和悲伤1As a society, its_high_time_that_we_took these issues more seriously.作为整个社会来讲,到了我们应该更加认真地考虑这些问题的时候了。2Id_rather you didnt mention that.我宁愿你没有提及那一点。3What_if some married people have affairs?要是一些已婚的人有了婚外情怎么办?4They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, which made_it_easier to keep an eye on peoples movements.然后他们就可以在各个胡同路口设置哨兵,这样更便于监视人们的举动。学考对接活学活用高考采撷(一)阅读中的词块与句式1(2015安徽高考完形)How did we bee a throwaway society? First of all, it is now easier to replace an object than to spend time and money to repair it.(用本单元短语替换加黑短语)Above_all/To_start_with2(2015重庆高考阅读B)Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers senses. Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping, so they make their own bread each morning and then fan the bread smell into the store throughout the day.(用本单元短语替换加黑单词)keep_an_eye_on 高考采撷(二)写作中的词块与句式(根据汉语及提示翻译句子)1(2018北京高考书面表达)首先,热烈欢迎你来北京学习,我相信你在北京的大学生活一定会很愉快。(to start with)To_start_with,_warmly_wele_to_Beijing_where_you_are_going_to_study,_and_I_am_sure_that_you_will_have_a_good_experience_during_your_college_in_Beijing.2(2016四川高考书面表达)夏天让我充满活力,我觉得我有力量做生活中最困难的事情。(make宾语宾语补足语)Summer_makes_me_full_of_energy_and_I_feel_I_have_the_strength_to_do_the_most_difficult_things_in_my_life.(二)课堂重点释疑短语集释1knock into sb.撞上某人记牢knock down/over撞倒;打倒;拆除knock at/on 敲(门、窗、墙等)knock out 撞出;敲击knock off 减价;中断,停止练通单句语法填空I knocked into an old friend of mine in the park.Be careful with the little trees, and dont knock them down/over.Please knock on/at the door before you e in next time.写美(2015湖南高考书面表达)昨天下午,我和李明放学后一起回家。突然,我们看见一位老太太被一辆汽车撞倒了。Yesterday_afternoon,_Li_Ming_and_I_went_home_together_after_school.Suddenly_we_saw_an_old_lady_knocked_down_by_a_car.2show off炫耀,夸耀;卖弄;显示记牢(1)show sb.(a)round/in/out带领某人参观/进来/出去show up 出席,露面;暴露(2)(be) on show(be) on display在展出练通完成句子Mike has only driven to the pub to show_off_his_new_car he usually walks.迈克开车来酒吧只是为了向大家炫耀他的新车,他通常是步行的。The headmaster showed_the_visitors_around_our_school yesterday.昨天校长带领那些来宾参观了我们的学校。A policeman put some chemicals on the piece of paper, and a line of words showed_up_clearly.一位警察在那张纸条上涂上一些化学药品,一行字迹清晰地显示出来了。A series of agricultural produce are_on_show in this exhibition.一系列的农产品在本次展览会上展出。写美(2014辽宁高考书面表达)所有的创意作品将于6月16日至18日在体育馆展出。All_the_innovations_will_be_on_show_from_June_16_to_18_in_the_gym.3e into being形成,存在记牢e into existence开始存在,建立,产生e into effect/force 生效e into use 开始使用e into power 掌权e into sight/view 看见;进入视野e into fashion 开始流行练通单句语法填空When did the term of “newnew people” e into existence (exist)?The Irish Free State came into being (be) in 1922.The mountain town came into sight/view as we turned the last corner.完成句子When did this word e_into_use?这个词是什么时候开始使用的?The electric bike es_into_fashion because of its unique design.这种电动自行车因其独特的设计而流行起来。When did the labour government e_into_power in the UK?在英国工党政府什么时候执政的?The new tax regulation will e_into_effect/force at the beginning of the new year.新税法将在来年年初开始生效。写美(2014湖南高考书面表达)因此,这种新型的鞋子是最近才出现的。 Therefore,_this_new_kind_of_shoes_has_e_into_being_recently.句式集释1What if .?教材原句What_if some married people have affairs?悟拓展例句(1)(2018天津高考)What_if they talked a long time about a painting you werent that interested in?如果他们长时间谈论一幅你不感兴趣的画将怎么办?(2)(2017天津高考)Michael was late for Mr. Smiths chemistry class this morning.How_e? As far as I know, he never came late to class.迈克尔今天上午在史密斯先生的化学课上迟到了。怎么会呢?据我所知,他上课从来不迟到的。(3)He is fifteen years younger than you!So_what?他比你小十五岁呢!那又怎么样?析用法规则用法归纳What if .? 如果将怎么办?how e 是怎么回事,为什么So what? 那又怎么样?注意事项(1)What if .可以看作What will happen if .?的省略形式;还可表示“即使又有什么关系”,看作是What does it matter if .的省略形式。(2)how e可以单独出现在对话的语境中,也可以在how e后接语序完整的陈述句。背写作佳句(1)(2018全国卷满分作文)In your last letter, you asked me what if you were a guest to a Chinese friends home.Now, I am writing to inform you of some relevant details.(开头句)(2)(2017浙江高考满分作文)However, what if you dont have spare time for this trip?(要点句)(3)(2017江苏高考满分作文)How e? We can stay at home and watch films online.Its convenient with our new and faster network.(要点句)2make宾语宾语补足语教材原句They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, which made_it_easier to keep an eye on peoples movements. 悟拓展例句(1)(2016江苏高考)Smartphones make_it_easier_and_more_convenient to check reality, watch video clips, read weibo.智能手机让查看现实、观看视频片段、阅读微博变得更容易、更方便。(2)People in the West make_it_a_rule_to_buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.西方国家的人在圣诞节时给亲属和朋友购买礼物已成为一个常规。(3)They didnt know the native language, so they couldnt make_themselves_understood.他们不懂当地的语言,所以他们不能使当地人理解自己的意思。(4)Our English teacher often makes_us_retell the texts, which is beneficial to our English study.我们的英语老师经常让我们复述课文,这对我们的英语学习有益。析用法规则用法归纳(1)本句使用了“make宾语宾语补足语”结构。it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式短语to keep an eye on peoples movements。(2)在“make宾语宾语补足语”这一结构中,宾语补足语可以由名词、形容词、过去分词、动词不定式(不带to)等来充当。背写作佳句(1)(2014辽宁高考满分作文)Your contribution will certainly make the event a huge success.(要点句)(2)(2015全国卷满分作文)Well also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy.(总结句)词块、句式过关综合训练.选词填空e into being, break into, above all, sentence sb.to death, on principle, do away with, be well off, wind sb.up, knock into sb., show off1The judge sentenced him to_death for the murder.2The society today offers the young generation more chances to show_off their talent and skills.3Although he is not well_off,_he lives a happy life.4Nobody knows exactly when the universe came_into_being.5I knocked_into the star you had talked about in the town this morning.6He didnt mean to hurt her, but the way he winded_her_up made her unpleasant.7He was always late on_principle.His principle was that punctuality is the thief of time.8People thought that the use of robots would do_away_with boring lowpaid factory jobs.9I would like to rent a house, modern, fortable and above_all in a quiet neighbourhood.10Did I tell you about the time that a thief broke_into my hotel room?.完成句子/一句多译1如果下周的数学考试我不及格怎么办?What_if I fail the maths exam next week?2我记得我向你清楚表示过我不会来。I remember I made_it_quite_clear to you that I was not ing.3那是那位电影明星最后一次出现在公众面前。It was the last time that the movie star had_shown_up_in_public.4我宁愿你暂时先不要采取什么措施。I_would_rather_you_didnt_do anything for the time being.5在街上走的时候我遇到了一位老朋友。I_knocked_into_an_old_friend when I was walking in the street.(knock)I_came_across_an_old_friend when I was walking in the street.(e)I_met_with_an_old_friend when I was walking in the street.(meet).分步写作在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是良好人际关系的具体体现,如何与人合作呢?请你根据下表中提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Partner”的英文演讲稿。为何合


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