2019高考英语一轮选练习题 模块7 Unit 1 Living with technology(含解析)牛津译林版.doc

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2019高考英语一轮选练习题 模块7 Unit 1 Living with technology(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019高考英语一轮选练习题 模块7 Unit 1 Living with technology(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第3页
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Living with technology一、阅读理解。Celeste Ng,a new writer,has gained recognition for her first novel,Everything I Never Told You.Ngs parents came from Hong Kong,China in the 1960s.Ng was born in America and grew up in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,and Shaker Heights,Ohio,in a family of scientists.Celeste went to Harvard University and earned an MFA from the University of Michigan,where she won the Hopwood Award.Although her novel is not about race,the characters are Asian.The main character is Lydia,a teenage girl,who is the favorite of three children born to a white mother and a ChineseAmerican father.The story is about Lydias disappearance,and the emotions the family goes through as the mystery unfolds.The whole family deals with sorrow,regret,and exposed secrets as they search for their lost daughter.Though the characters in this story are Asian,Ng says she didnt really want to include Asian characters.She was afraid people would think the story was about real people in her life.Because she grew up in America and doesnt speak Chinese,she was actually surprised that she included Asian characters in the book.The book has taken off,especially on Amazon,where it won the Editors Pick for No.1 Best Book of the Year in 2014.Ng is still getting used to the attention,saying she is still amazed when people tell her they have read her book.With so many readers,its safe to say this is a book you should read.But if youre looking for a simple mystery,this book might not be for you.Most readers warn that you should not read this book unless youre prepared to cry.1The novel Everything I Never Told You _.Afocuses on a family with a missing childBdiscusses the ways to get rid of regretCexposes the secret of the American worldDtalks about the life of teenagers in America2Which of the following is TRUE according to Celeste Ng?AShe wanted to help the Asian people.BShe was surprised she wrote about Asian characters.CShe was born in Hong Kong and grew up in America.DShe wanted people to know the characters were real people in her life.3How do most readers probably find the book?AIts about race.BIts a sad story.CIts a simple mystery.DIt has a surprising ending.4What is the text mainly about?ACeleste Ng and her family.BThe awards Celeste Ng won.CCeleste Ngs learning experiences.DCeleste Ng and her bestknown novel.【解题导语】本文介绍了美籍华裔作家伍绮诗所写的一部关于一个失踪的小女孩Lydia以及她的家庭经历的小说Everything I Never Told You。【难句分析】Because she grew up in America and doesnt speak Chinese,she was actually surprised that she included Asian character in the book.分析:本句为主从复合句。Because引导原因状语从句,and连接两个并列的原因状语,that引导宾语从句。译文:因为她在美国长大,不会说中文,所以她惊讶于自己能写出书中的人物包括亚洲人。1A考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“The story is about Lydias disappearance,and the emotions the family goes through as the mystery unfolds”可知,Everything I Never Told You这部小说是关于一个孩子失踪了的家庭,故选A项。2B考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“she was actually surprised that she included Asian characters in the book”可知,她惊讶于自己能写出书中的人物包括亚洲人。故选B项。A项文中未提及;C项错在“She was born in Hong Kong”,与文中“Ng was born in America”不符;D项与原文中的“She was afraid people would think the story was about real people in her life”不符。3B考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Most readers warn that you should not read this book unless youre prepared to cry”可知,大多数读者认为这是一部看了会哭的悲剧小说,故选B项。4D考查主旨大意。通读全文尤其根据第一段中的“Celeste Ng,a new writer,has gained recognition for her first novel,Everything I Never Told You”可知,本文主要介绍了Celeste Ng的情况及其写的一部小说,故选D项。A项“Celeste Ng和她的家人”,B项“Celeste Ng获得的奖项”,C项“Celeste Ng的学习经历”均是以偏概全,都不正确。二、单项选择。1.Leaving a promising career is just one of the _ which my mother made for my family as we moved around the worldA. programs B. sacrifices C. contributions D. cooperation【答案】B【解析】program 节目;sacrifice 牺牲;contribution 贡献;cooperation 合作。句意:因为我们要不停地搬家,所以母亲常常要离开自己很有前途的工作岗位。这是她为这个家所做的牺牲之一。2.Through municating with others, people _ the rapid development of modern society.A. take advantage of B. keep pace with C. run out of D. catch up on【答案】B【解析】keep pace with(与)并驾齐驱,跟上。句意:通过与人交流,人们才能与现代社会的快速发展同步。3.Fear is something that you are born with. You cant _ yourself of it pletely but you can _certain fears under certain conditions.A. break; get rid of B. get; overe C. overe; rid of D. rid; overe【答案】D【解析】rid sb of sth 使某人摆脱某物;overe fears 克服恐惧,get rid of fears 摆脱恐惧,由第一空可以确定只能选 D。句意:恐惧是某种与生俱来的东西。你不可能完全摆脱恐惧,但你可以在某种情况下克服某种恐惧。4.Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies and delicious fruits, _, many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.A. therefore B. though C. moreover D. otherwise【答案】B【解析】句意:生活宛如一条蜿蜒曲折的小径,周围满是鲜花、蝴蝶和可口的果实,但是我们中很多人还是花费大量的时间到下一个拐角处寻找幸福。前后两句之间为转折关系,故使用 B 项表示转折之意。5.Whats a reasonable tip to leave to the waitress?_, I usually leave 20% of the dinner price.A. Help yourself B. Its up to you C. Thats the point D. Its a deal【答案】B【解析】句意: “给服务员合理的小费应该是多少呢?” “你自己做主,我通常给用餐价格的 20%。 ”所以选 Its up to you。Help yourself“自便” ; Thats the point“这正是问题的关键” ; Its a deal“成交” 。6.I am not so violently bent upon my own opinion _ as to reject any offer proposed by wise menA. as to rejecting B. as to reject C. to reject D. as rejecting【答案】B【解析】so.as to.“如此以至于(结果状语)” 。句意:我并不刚愎自用,以至于对贤人高见一概排斥。7. That pany is bound to lose the case in court because no one can _ their selling pirated software and breaking intellectual property.A. justify B. testify C. confirm D. prove【答案】B【解析】句意:那个公司在法庭上肯定败诉,因为没有人证明他们出售盗版软件,违背知识产权是不当的。justify 及物动词,证明是证当的或有理的,justify sth /doing sth ;它们之间的区别:testify (尤指在法庭上)作证,testify for sb 为某人作证;confirm 及物动词,(以事实)证实。8.I was _ in the middle of my call because I had no more coins to put in the box.A. broken in B. cut off C. hung up D. put down【答案】B【解析】句意:因为我无硬币可投了,所以我的电话被中途切断了。cut off“切断”符合句意。break in“强行进入,插嘴” ,是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态;hang up 挂断电话;put down 取下,写下。9.Before we accept their conditions, we must _ the lawyer first.A. advise B. consult C. consult on D. advise on【答案】B【解析】consult 为及物动词,此处意为“向咨询/请教” 。句意:在接受他们提出的条件之前,我们必须先咨询一下律师。10.The engineer has spent one year working in the US and discovered how things _ overseas.A. manage B. promote C. operate D. allocate【答案】C【解析】句意:那位工程师在美国工作了一年,并发现了海外的事情是怎样运行的。operate“操作,运行”可以用作不及物动词,符合题意。manage“经营,管理,对付”是及物动词;promote“促进,提升”是及物动词;allocate“分配”是及物动词。11.The soldiers were put in prison because they _ to obey orders.A. refused B. rejected C. denied D. objected【答案】A【解析】refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事;reject 拒不接受,不采纳,后面直接跟名词或代词作宾语,不跟不定式;deny 否认,不跟不定式;object(后跟介词 to)反对。句意:士兵们因为拒绝服从命令而被关在监狱里。12.He is feeling even worse.That is because he _ following the doctors advice then.A. rejected B. refused C. objected D. led【答案】A【解析】句意: “他感觉更糟了。 ” “那是因为他拒绝接受医生的建议。 ” refuse 后通常跟动词不定式;object to doing“反对做” ;lead to“导致” 。13.They advocate the proposal we were opposed _ re-discussed at the next meeting.A. to be B. should be C. to was D. was【答案】A【解析】句意:他们主张我们反对的那个提议应该在下次会议上重新讨论。be opposed to sth.为固定短语,由此可知此处首先需要将句子补充完整,故排除 B、D 两项;再分析句子成分可知,advocate 后的从句为宾语从句,需要用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形” ,故 A 项正确。14.I dont like any humor in serious speech because I cant think of any circumstance _ this would be beneficial or useful.A. where B. which C. whether D. as【答案】A【解析】句意:我不喜欢任何在严肃讲座中讲述的幽默笑话,因为我想不到在任何场合这样做是有益的或是有用的。先行词是 circumstance,定语从句中缺少地点状语,用关系副词 where。15.The artist is among the few who continue to draw after childhood is ended without the _ of academic training.A. evolution B. assumption C. distinction D. interruption【答案】D【解析】evolution 演化;演进;assumption 假定;假设;distinction 区分;interruption 中止,打断,打扰。句意:什么样的人最后能成为艺术家?只有那些在童年就开始学习绘画,并在童年结束以后不被传统的学习打断而继续一直画画的人才有可能成为艺术家。三、完形填空。Before he sailed round the world single-handed, Francis Chichester had already surprised his friends several times. He had tried to1 round the world but failed. That was in 1931. The years passed. He2 flying and began sailing. He enjoyed it greatly. Chichester was already 58 years old when he won the first solo 3race across the Atlantic. His 4 dream of going round the world came back, but this time he would sail. His friends and doctors thought it was a(n)5attempt, as he had lung cancer. But Chichester was determined to 6 his plan. In August, 1966, at the age of nearly 65, an age at which many men 7, he began his greatest 8 of his life. Chichester covered 14, 100 miles9 stopping in Sydney, Australia. This was more than twice the distance anyone had previously sailed 10. On shore, he could not walk 11 help. Everybody said the same thing: he had done 12; he must not go any further. 13 he did not listen. After14 in Sydney for a few weeks, Chichester set off once more in spite of lots of 15. The second half of his voyage was by far the more 16 part, during which he sailed round the risky Cape Horn. After succeeding in sailing round Cape Horn, Chichester sent the following radio message to London, “I feel as if I had woken up from a nightmare. Even a wild horse could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that Ocean 17. ”Just before 9 oclock on Sunday evening May 28, 1967, he arrived18 in England, where tens of thousands of people were waiting to wele him. Queen Elizabeth honored him with a very valuable sword. The whole voyage from 19 and back had covered 28, 500 miles. It had taken him nine 20, of which the sailing time was 226 days. He had done what he wanted to acplish. 【文章大意】 本文是一篇故事性记叙文。主要讲述Francis Chichester喜欢环游世界。他曾试图环球飞行, 但失败了; 58岁时他赢得了个人帆船横渡大西洋比赛第一名; 在将近65岁时他开始了一生中最了不起的航程, 独自一人航海到好望角, 最终伊丽莎白女王二世授予他一把非常珍贵的剑。1. A. runB. travelC. flyD. ride【解析】选C。单枪匹马驾船环游世界之前, Francis Chichester已经好几次让他的朋友们感到吃惊。他曾试图环球飞行(fly), 但失败了。第二段第二句中有提示。 2. A. picked upB. gave upC. lifted upD. made up【解析】选B。 从上下文语境可知他环球飞行失败后开始航海了。即放弃(give up)了飞行。3. A. sailingB. flyingC. horsingD. running【解析】选A。从上文可知他开始航海了, 而且后面有the Atlantic大西洋。sailing航行。4. A. newB. horribleC. ambitiousD. old【解析】选D。从句意可知他赢得横穿大西洋比赛后, 他以前的(old)周游世界的梦想又回来了。old旧的, 老的, 以前的。old符合题意。5. A. crazyB. reasonableC. acceptableD. hopeless【解析】选A。 因为他患了肺癌, 所以他的医生和朋友都认为他(环球航行) 疯了(crazy)。6. A. find outB. put forwardC. carry outD. bring out【解析】选C。但Chichester决意实施自己的计划。根据句意可知他要实施(carry out)自己的计划。7. A. settle downB. retireC. go sightseeingD. entertain【解析】选B。根据常识可知, 多数人在65岁时已经退休(retire)了。8. A. workB. flightC. taskD. voyage【解析】选D。句意: 他开始了他一生中最伟大的旅程。从上文可知他要航海(voyage)。9. A. afterB. beforeC. untilD. since【解析】选B。Chichester航行了14 100英里才在澳大利亚的悉尼停下来。before在之前, 比早些, 多久才。根据句意, B符合题意。10. A. togetherB. happilyC. aloneD. successfully【解析】选C。句意: 这是以前独自(alone)航行的距离的两倍多。从后面的文章可知是他一人航行的。11. A. withoutB. forC. withD. beyond【解析】选A。句意: 他上了岸后, 如果没(without)别人帮助他连路都不能走。12. A. littleB. allC. muchD. enough【解析】选D。分析句意可知, 每个人都说他已经做得非常好, 足够了。 enough充分, 足够。13. A. Even thoughB. OtherwiseC. ButD. So that【解析】选C。根据语境可知别人认为他做得足够了但他却不听, 前后意思相反, 故用表示转折关系的“但是”。14. A. planningB. workingC. restingD. sailing【解析】选C。从上文可知他是停在悉尼, 在那儿休息(rest)了几周。15. A. helpB. preparationsC. discussionD. objections【解析】选D。从句意可知, Chichester再一次出发, 不顾许多的反对(objection)。16. A. rainyB. dangerousC. interestingD. fortable【解析】选B。从下文的内容“I feel as if I had woken up from a nightmare”可知是更危险的(dangerous)。17. A. againB. thenC. finallyD. quickly【解析】选A。根据句意可知是说即使是一匹野马再也不能把我拖到好望角和那片海洋上。again表示“再一次”。故选A。 18. A. forwardB. backC. shortlyD. opposite【解析】选B。从下文的“Queen Elizabeth honored him”可知他返回了英国。故back符合题意, 故选B。19. A. EnglandB. AmericaC. FranceD. Australia【解析】选A。从上文可知, 他是从英国出发的, 故选 A。20. A. seasonsB. weeksC. yearsD. months【解析】选D。句意: 全程他花了9个月的时间, 其中航行的时间是226天, 通过分析可知226天是9 个月中的大部分时间。因此按月计算。故选months。四、七选五。Selfconfident people face their fears headon and they know that no matter what obstacles e their way,they have the ability to get past them.Wouldnt it be amazing to have this kind of selfconfidence?Guess what?You can.1. Stay away from negativity.2 This is a tough one,but its time to seriously consider getting away from those individuals who put you down and shred your confidence.Even a temporary break from Debbie Downer can make a huge difference and help you move toward more selfconfidence.Be positive.Put some positive enthusiasm into your interactions with others and hit the ground running,excited to begin your next project. 3. Instead,begin to focus on solutions and making positive changes.Dont accept failure.Never give up.Never accept failure and get rid of the negative voices in your head.There is a solution to everything.4. Make this your new mantra(真言)Succeeding in a difficult or unpleasant situation is a huge confidence booster(激励)5 Learn everything there is to know about your field,job,presentationwhatever is next on your“to conquer”list.If you are prepared,and have the knowledge to back it up,your selfconfidence will rise very quickly.ABe prepared.BCreate a great list.CGet out of your fort zone.DStop focusing on the problems in your life.ETherefore,why would you want to stop trying?FHeres how you can learn to be confident of all you do.GEvaluate your inner circle,including friends and family.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了提高自信的一些方法。1F解析:根据空前的“Wouldnt it be amazing to have this kind of selfconfidence?Guess what?You can.”及下文罗列的内容可知,此处需填一个承上启下的句子,故F项“这是你可以学会对你所做的所有事情感到自信的方法。”符合语境。2. G解析:根据小标题“Stay away from negativity.”以及G项中的“friends and family”与空后句子中的“those individuals”的对应关系可知,G项符合语境。3D解析:根据小标题“Be positive.”及空后的“Instead,begin to focus on solutions and making positive changes.”可知,空处所填内容与其后面的内容之间存在转折关系,故D项“不要再关注你生活中的问题。”符合语境。4E解析:根据空前的“Never give up.Never accept failure and get rid of the negative voices in your head.There is a solution to everything.”可知,空处所填内容与上文存在因果关系,故E项“因此,你为什么想要放弃努力呢?”符合语境。5A解析:根据最后一段中的内容尤其是“If you are prepared,and have the knowledge to back it up.”可知,本段介绍的提高自信的方法是要做好准备,故A项符合语境。


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