2019高考英语一轮基础自练题 Unit 2 Poems(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc

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Unit 2 Poems一、阅读理解。Dear Parents,Im delighted that you are considering The British International School for your childs education. Our school offers firstclass international education delivered by experienced and professional staff.We aim to provide a high quality Britishstyle education characterized by:The arrangement of the English national curriculum to meet the needs of international and local students and offering an insight into the local culture.High quality teaching provided by international and local staff.A broad personal development plan for students that encourages independence, confidence, tolerance, good manners and respect.A recognition of the schoolparent partnership in the successful education of the children.An acknowledgement that all students are individuals who deserve an environment to help them realize their academic and other potential, thereby preparing them for their chosen continuing education and career.A safe, caring, happy and stimulating environment benefiting from high quality facilities.Our school provides an effective framework for education through a broad, balanced and monitored curriculum. As students advance through the schooling, we make sure that their needs are met through progressive teaching and learning. Although our curriculum is based upon the national curriculum for England, it is adapted where appropriate, to ensure suitability for our diverse student body. Thus,we strive for the development of transferable skills through the years of schooling, as well as the acquisition(获得) of a broad body of knowledge.Students are given opportunities to develop many skills, which include skills in language, science, technology and mathematics, in the aesthetic(审美的) and creative fields of music, drama and art, and in physical education.We insist that students act in a responsible manner toward all members of the munity. Throughout the school years, students are taught to distinguish between right and wrong and show consideration for others. The qualities of honesty, kindness and good manners are always encouraged. Our friendly atmosphere provides a secure and happy environment in which children can grow as individuals and valued members of the school family.1What do you think the author is?AA school principal.BAn exchange student.CAn assistant professor.DAn experienced lecturer.【答案】A解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“Our school offers firstclass international education delivered by experienced and professional staff”可推知,本文的作者是文中所提到的学校的校长,故选A。2Why does the school change its curriculum when necessary?ATo develop some good students skills.BTo meet the needs of different students.CTo offer an insight into the local culture.DTo help students realize their potential.【答案】B解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的“Although our curriculum is based upon the national curriculum for England, it is adapted where appropriate, to ensure suitability for our diverse student body”可知,课程的调整是为了适应学生需求的多样性。3Which of the following about the students is NOT mentioned in the passage?AManners.BSelfdiscipline.CQualities.DIndependence.【答案】B解析:细节理解题。根据文中第五段的“A broad personal development plan for students that encourages independence, confidence, tolerance, good manners and respect”可知,文章中没有提到自律。4、What is the purpose of the passage?AThe author thinks schools and parents play an important role in teaching.BThe author is stressing that responsibility is the most important thing for a student.CThe author is encouraging more parents to send their children to this school.DThe author implies students bee valued people with a friendly atmosphere.【答案】C解析:写作意图题。根据全文的整体内容可推知,本文是一封校长致家长的信,介绍了学校的特色和优势,目的在于向家长推广这所学校,鼓励更多家长把自己的孩子送到这所学校来学习,故选C。【解题导语】该文是一封学校校长致家长的信。二、语法填空。Have you ever heard that we humans use only ten percent of our brains? This myth holds _1_ certain appeal because if it _2_ (be) true, then we could instantly bee ten times _3_ (intelligent) just by firing up that sleepy majority of the brain!The idea that we use only a small fraction of the brain dates back to animal experiments in the 19th century. When scientists _4_ (stimulate) a specific part of the brain, the animal moved _5_ (it) leg or tail. And some scientists assumed that large parts of the brain were simply useless.Then, in the early 20th century, scientists observed that stimulating certain regions of the brain had no physical effects, which _6_ (call) the “silent cortex”. Today we know that much of the “silent cortex” is actually devoted to plex activities like language, learning and imagining.Actually, _7_ we sleep, many areas of the brain are extremely active. Would you be smarter if your entire brain constantly worked to maximum capacity? _8_ (interest) enough, the opposite is probably true. The less brain activity you need to perform a _9_ (give) task, the more the brain as a whole is capable _10_ doing.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。我们人类只使用了大脑的百分之十?是否激活沉睡的大部分大脑我们就可以比现在聪明十倍?很遗憾,科学证明事实并不是这样的!1a考查冠词。hold a certain appeal “有一些吸引力”。2were考查虚拟语气。根据空格后的“then we could instantly bee .”可知,此处是与现在事实相反的假设,要用虚拟语气,故此处用were。3more intelligent考查形容词的比较级。由设空前的“ten times”可知,此处表示比较,指(比以前)聪明十倍,应填形容词的比较级,而intelligent是多音节形容词,故填more intelligent。4stimulated考查动词的时态。本句描述19世纪科学家所做的实验,因此用一般过去时。5its考查代词。这里its指代the animals。6are called考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。which引导非限制性定语从句,which在从句中指代regions,此处描述一种研究发现,且call与regions是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填are called。7as/when考查连词。这句话的意思是“事实上,当我们睡觉的时候,大脑的很多区域都是极度活跃的”。8Interestingly考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空格处修饰后面的整个句子,因此此处要用副词Interestingly。9given考查非谓语动词。此处given作定语修饰task,由于give与task之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。10of考查介词。be capable of doing sth. “有能力做某事”。三、完形填空。That was my first ballet performance and I was the lead role. A huge black curtain 1 me from the crowd. My heart raced so rapidly that it would 2 out of my chest. A rush of 3 shot through my body when the music began and I took my 4 at the center of the stage. I pushed off the floor as hard as I could and 5 into the air. Then I started to e 6 for my landing, preparing to jump again, and yet my foot 7 . I fell, facefirst. For a moment I couldnt 8 , wondering if I should go on. 9 , trained for thousands of hours for twelve years, my muscles ignored the 10 of my mind and I 11 myself back on my feet. I finished the part and left the stage. Bending over a table, I tried to 12 tears. I didnt want to go back to finish the last twenty minutes. I didnt 13 the lead role.Then came my teacher. “The 14 thing on stage is to fall. Youve gotten it, so whats left to 15 ? Just go and give it all.” Her words 16 me. Minutes later, I went back onstage and pletely let go of 17 I just danced, letting the music guide me through the movement.Now, as a Principal Dancer, I often think about that performance. We fall when we try our hardest. There is no 18 ,only pride. Falling is 19 and sometimes it is easier just to stay on the 20 But if we never get up,we will never experience what it is like to fly.【解题导语】作者通过讲述自己第一次芭蕾舞演出的经历告诉我们,当我们尽了最大的努力,即使跌倒了,也不是耻辱,而是骄傲。如果我们跌倒了再也不爬起来,我们就永远不会体验到飞翔的感觉。1A.coveredBhidCprotected DdroveB解析:演出还没有开始,巨大的幕布把作者藏在后面,与观众隔开。cover 意为“覆盖”;hide 意为“隐藏”;protect 意为“保护”;drive 意为“驱赶;驾驶”。故选B项。2A.beat BdropCrun DshoutA解析:此处描写作者紧张激动的心情:作者的心跳得很快,几乎要跳出胸膛。选项中只有 beat 有表示心脏跳动的含义。故选A项。3A.amazement BexcitementCsadness DsatisfactionB解析:由上句可知,作者非常激动、紧张,所以音乐响起时内心应该是激动的。 amazement 意为“惊异”; excitement 意为“兴奋;激动”;sadness意为“悲伤”;satisfaction意为“满意”。B项符合语境。4A.time BturnCplace DorderC解析:根据常识可知,作者是领舞,所以音乐响起后会站到舞台中央。take ones time意为“不慌不忙”;take ones turn意为“轮到某人”;take ones place意为“某人就位”;take ones order意为“为某人点餐”。故选C项。5A.flew BspunCrose DlookedA解析:根据空前的pushed off the floor 可知,这是作者在努力蹬离地面跃到空中。fly意为“飞翔”,表现芭蕾舞的腾空动作,符合语境,故选A项。spin意为“旋转”;rise意为“升起”;look意为“看”。6A.out BinCdown DoffC解析:上文提到跃到空中,再根据空后的preparing to jump again可知,此处是准备落地。故选C项。7A.slipped BstoppedCstepped DadvancedA解析:根据后面的I fell,facefirst.可推测,此处指作者摔倒了,可能的原因是脚下打滑了。slip意为“打滑”;stop意为“停止”;step意为“踏步”;advance意为“前进”。故选A项。8A.think BcryCmove DbelieveC解析:根据空后的wondering if I should go on 可知,作者当时不知道是否应该继续表演,由此可以推测,作者当时摔倒后不能动弹(move)。故选C项。9A.Therefore BHoweverCOtherwise DInsteadB解析:根据上文可知,作者不知道自己是否应该继续表演,然而十二年无数小时的训练使作者的肌肉本能地忽略了内心的犹豫,作者发现自己又站了起来,上下文之间是转折关系,故选B项。10A.loss BpainCrelief DhesitationD解析:根据上文中的wondering if I should go on 以及空格后的mind可知,作者当时在犹豫。loss意为“损失”;pain意为“疼痛”;relief意为“宽慰”;hesitation意为“犹豫”。故选D项。11A.found BdraggedCaccustomed DallowedA解析:作者发现自己又站了起来。find意为“发现”;drag意为“拖动”;accustom意为“使习惯”;allow意为“允许”。故选A项。12A.dry up Bwipe outCburst into Dfight backD解析:表演告一段落之后,作者回到了后台,伏在一张桌子上努力抑制住泪水。根据空前的tried to以及当时的舞台表演场合可知,作者应该是强忍泪水。dry up意为“使干涸”;wipe out意为“彻底毁灭;抹去”;burst into意为“突然起来”;fight back意为“抗争;克制;忍住”。故选D项。13A.play BdeserveCget DfinishB解析:作者在舞台上摔倒,觉得自己没资格当领舞。play意为“玩耍;参加;演奏”;deserve意为“应得;应受”;get意为“获得”;finish意为“完成”。故选B项。14A.unexpected BawkwardCmon DworstD解析:此处是老师的鼓励:舞台上最糟糕的事就是摔倒,你已经摔倒了,还有什么可失去的?unexpected意为“出乎意料的”;awkward意为“尴尬的”;mon意为“常见的”;worst意为“最坏的”。故选D项。15A.go BdoClose DsayC解析:没有什么比舞台上摔倒更糟糕的事了,所以不用害怕再失去(lose)什么。故选C项。16A.awoke BenrichedCexcited DsurprisedA解析:根据下文Minutes later, I went back onstage and pletely let go of .可知,作者又回到舞台继续表演,因此,此处指老师的话点醒了作者。awake意为“唤醒”;enrich意为“使丰富;充实”;excite意为“使兴奋;使激动”;surprise意为“使惊讶”。故选A项。17A.the music BmyselfCthe teacher DothersB解析:根据下文I just danced, letting the music guide me through the movement.可知,作者随着音乐尽情舞蹈,释放自己。故选B项。18A.excuse Bfear Cbenefit DshameD解析:结合上文作者认为自己摔倒是一种耻辱,而本句和下文则认为摔倒是一种骄傲。excuse意为“借口”;fear意为“害怕”;benefit意为“好处”;shame意为“羞耻”。故选D项。19A.shocking Binteresting Crare DterribleD解析:根据上文作者摔倒后的想法可知,此处应为摔倒很糟糕。shocking意为“惊人的”;interesting意为“有趣的”;rare意为“稀有的”;terrible意为“糟糕的”。故选D项。20A.spot Broad Cground DstageC解析:根据下文的get up和fly可知,此处是说摔倒后待在地上不再站起来更简单。spot意为“地点”;road意为“道路”;ground意为“地面”;stage意为“舞台”。故选C项。四、短文改错。Dear Steven,I would like to invite you to the annually ingofage Ceremony of our school.This big event would be held in the school auditorium from 9 am to 11 am in March 12. All the Senior Three students are expect to attend it with the pany of their parents and teachers.The ingofage Ceremony is really a good chance for we students to express our gratitude to our beloved parents as well our patient teachers. Meanwhile, it will turn a new page in our life, that means we have grown up and it is time we shoulder more responsibilities for the family and society.Id appreciate it if you could e and share with the unforgettable moment with us. Im looking forward to your arrive!Yours,Li Hua答案:Dear Steven,I would like to invite you to the ingofage Ceremony of our school.This big event be held in the school auditorium from 9 am to 11 am March 12. All the Senior Three students are to attend it with the pany of their parents and teachers.The ingofage Ceremony is really a good chance for students to express our gratitude to our beloved parents as well our patient teachers. Meanwhile, it will turn a new page in our life, means we have grown up and it is time we more responsibilities for the family and society.Id appreciate it if you could e and share the unforgettable moment with us. Im looking forward to your !Yours,Li Hua难项分析:第四处:expectexpected考查被动语态。expect与Senior Three students之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,因此应用被动语态,故把expect改为expected。第七处:thatwhich考查定语从句的引导词。that不能引导非限制性定语从句,且引导词指代主句整体内容,故只能用which。第八处:shoulder前加should或者shouldershouldered考查虚拟语气。“It is (high) time that从句”结构中,从句谓语动词要用过去式或用“should动词原形”,且should不可省略。五、七选五。Shortness of breath has many different causes,and the treatment of it is specific for each cause.1. There are, however,some following first aid steps you can use to treat it,at least until the ambulance arrives or youre able to get the victim to a hospital.2 The more energy you spend, the more oxygen you use and the more short of breath you feel. Think about a good workout at the gym.Exercise hard enough and you will feel short of breath.The cure? Take a break.Let the victim sit, stand or lie wheres the most fortable. Therere lots of myths about how some body positions supposedly provide more airflow.Coaches regularly tell players to hold their arms above their heads to maximize chest expansion.Nursing staff assume the “tripod position” is the best position. 3. Use oxygen.This is a special case used only for people with chronic lung problems. If the victim has oxygen available, this is what its for. 4. The victim may have been told by his or her doctor that too much oxygen for too long might cause more problems.Assure the victim that sudden increases in shortness of breath are the instances in which oxygen is needed most.Treat the cause of shortness of breath.5. Asthma patients,for example,often have multiple tools and drugs to fix sudden shortness of breath. Victims of lung infections may need to see a doctor and heart attack victims may need an ambulance.AHave the victim rest.BTake more exercise at the gym.CThe victim should use his or her oxygen as directed by a doctor.DTherere many causes of shortness of breath and many of them are treatable.EThe victim can try to avoid making use of his or her oxygen whenever possible.FEvery person is different, however,so let the victim decide what position is the most fortable.GIn many cases,the only way to treat shortness of breath is to call 911 or take the victim to a doctor.【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要讲述了呼吸困难的发生有很多原因,同时提出了四种急救方法。1G解析:本段主要讲呼吸困难有很多原因,治疗呼吸困难有不同的方法,因此空处应讲治疗呼吸困难的一般方法,且与下文构成转折关系,故选G。2A解析:根据本段中的“The cure? Take a break.”可知,本段主要讲让患者休息这种方法,故选A。3F解析:根据第三段的主题句可知,此处表示每个人感觉舒服的方式都不同,所以空处应讲让病人决定最舒服的姿势,故选F。4C解析:根据本段的主题句可以判断此处指要使用氧气,故选C。5D解析:根据空处上下文可以判断,此处表示呼吸困难有很多原因,但是可以治疗的,故选D。


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