我要当学霸商务英语翻译实例 3001. Bill of Lading 提单A title to goods isnt like a bill of lading.货物所有权不同于提货单.2. A bill of lading may be either freight prepaid or freight payable at destination.提单所规定的运费,可以预先支付,或在目的地支付.3. The bill of lading should be marked as “ freight prepaid .提单上应该注明“运费预付 ”字样.4. The ship - owner has issued a clean on board bill of lading.船东已签发了清洁装运提单.5. Is it enough that we can have an on board bill of lading to claim a settlement? 我们有已装船提单就可索赔了吗 ?6. Oh, by the way, remember that we want extra copiesof the Bill of Lading.噢, 还有, 记住,我们要一份提货单.7. Well send you two sets of the Shipped, Clean Bill of Lading.我们将寄送两套已装运清洁提单付款.8. The third party ocean Bill of Lading is not acceptable.第三方的海运提单是不被接受的. cover note 担保书;承保单9. Cover Note (Insurance Certificate) follows as soon as we receive it from the underwriter. 一接到保险人的保险凭证,我们就立即寄给你方10. 风险指数 - economic indicator 经济停滞 -economic stagnation 风险资本-venture capital合并和兼并-mergers and acquisitions产品系列-product line我要当学霸11.我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本。We confirm cables exchanged as per copies (cable confirmation) herewith attached.12.兹随函附上及分说明书并另寄样品,供你方参考。For your conference, we are enclosing a few copies of leaflets, and will send you samples under separate cover.13. 出口导向的 增价税 export-oriented value-added tax廉价出售 sell-off 公共支出 public spending14.对这问题不必太固执,因为有许多方法可以解决。Dont be so stubborn about this problem because there is more than one way to skin a cat.15.价格降到了最低点。Prices have reached rock bottom.16.我还不能马上说定。I cant say for certain off-hand.17.如果对某些细节有意见的话,请提出来。If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.18.所有这些产品都是我们的畅销货。All these articles are best selling lines.19.进口部请我通知你:一个月前从贵公司订购的 150 吨煤至今仍未发货,能否请你过问一下此未发货事宜?请尽快发货,不胜感激。I am requested by the Import and Export Department to inform you that the 150tons of coal ordered from your company one month ago have not been delivered. Will you be so kind as to institute enquiries concerning this non-delivery? It will be appreciated that you give your reply as soon as possible.20.为了推广这些产品,本目录中的所有价格都可以打特价,给予 15%的折扣。我要当学霸In order to popularize these products, all the catalogue prices are subject to a special discount of 15%during the month of January.21.贵方若可能在今后六个月内需要任何一种此类货物,我们建议贵方现在下订单,因为价格上涨很快。If you are likely to require any of these items during the next six months, we advise you placing the order now as prices are rising rapidly.22.我方很高兴就我们的产品向贵方报盘、报价。We are very pleased to make you an offer/ a quotation for our product.23.该产品市场需求量极大,供货有限,宜从速接受该报价为好。As this product is in great demand and the supply limited, we would recommend that you accept this offer as soon as possible.24.原油价格曾经一个月内涨了两倍。At one time the price of the crude oil went up two-fold in a month.25.诸如新加坡等避税港对印度的直接投资急剧上升了五倍。Foreign direct investment to India from tax havens such as Singapore witnessed a sharp rise by five times.26.我们很遗憾地告知,我们的一位客户已经决定减少四分之一的订货。We regret to notify one of our clients have decided to cut down their order by 25%.27.在国际市场上该商品的价格比此高 25%。The price for this commodity is 25% higher in the international market.28.如果你方能够将价格降低 20%,此生意则有望达成。Business is possible if you can lower the price by 20%.29.海外投资近年来在珠三角地区增加了三倍。Overseas investment in the Pearl River Delta has quadrupled in recent years.30.在国际市场上我们新生产的数码相机取得了接二连三的胜利。Our new digital camera has achieved one success after another in the 我要当学霸international market.31.每多售出 10 架钢琴,给你方加 0.2%的佣金。For every additional 10 pieces of pianos sold, well give you 0.2% more commission.32.每箱货都装好了,讫待装船。Every box of goods is packed and ready for shipment.33.现寄上一份适合贵公司业务的,并附有图解的机械目录副本。We are sending you by this post a catalogue, containing quotations for large orders taken from our existing stock.34.如果贵方第一批运来的货令人满意,随后将由大批续订。If the quality of your initial shipment is found satisfactory, large repeats will follow.35.我们要检查一下这批瓷器是否有破碎的。We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage.36.很抱歉未能寄上全套样本。I regret to say that we cannot send you the full range of samples.37.美国的经济下滑会导致中国经济增长放缓,但是媒体对于出口额在 GDP 中所占的影响过分夸大。An American downturn will cause Chinas economy to slow. But the likely impact is hugely exaggerated by the headline figures of exports as a share of GDP.38.我方目录上产品并非全部终年有售。Everything in our catalogue is not available all year round.39.我不能保证一月份发货。I dont think I can promise you any January shipments.40.本合同应以英文写成,一式四份,双方各持两份。This contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall 我要当学霸keep two copies.41.承包商应向工程师提供所有的图纸、规格和其他文件一式四份。The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer four copies of all Drawings, Specification and other documents.42.由此合同履行而引致的所有争议都应由双方友好协商解决。All disputes arising from the performance of this Contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be settled by the Parties hereto.43.你方 6 月 5 日来函收悉,谢谢你对我方加热器产品的兴趣。Thank you for your interest in our electric heaters, expressed in your letter of June 5.44.特此奉告,我方愿与你方建立业务关系。We are pleased to inform you that we like to enter into business relations with you.45.欣然告知,你方订货明日交付。Im pleased to tell you that your order will be delivered tomorrow.46.随函附上我方最新产品目录与价格单。We have enclosed our latest catalogue and price list.47.敬复你方 8 月 3 日来函,特寄去我公司产品手册两份,仅供参考。In reply to your letter of August 3, we are sending you two copies of our brochure for your reference.48.本公司深表遗憾,订单 216 号项下的货物因 7 月 8 日的大雨不得不推迟装运。We regret to inform you that the shipment of orderNo.216 has to be delayed due to the heavy rain of July 8.49.专门经营化工产品 specialize in chemical products50.在平等互利的基础上on the basis of equality and mutual benefit51.出口产品的最新目录 the latest catalogue for exports我要当学霸52.财政状况稳定,声誉卓著stable financial status and high reputation53.与外国公司建立贸易关系enter into trade relations with a foreign company54.促进公司间的友好关系promote goodwill between the two firms55.另封航寄 by separate airmail56.按照他们的要求in compliance with their requirements57.一仡收到你们的询盘upon receipt of your enquiry58.为了在中国打开市场with a view to opening up a market in China.59.承蒙商会介绍,得知贵公司专门经营玻璃器皿出口业务。我们愿与贵公司建立贸易关系,互利互惠。We learnt from the Chamber of Commerce that your company specialized in glassware, and we hope to establish trade relations with you to our mutual benefit.60.我们已经营金属矿产多年,希望能有机会与贵公司合作。We have been in line of metal and mineral products for years and hope to have a chance of cooperation with you.61.我们了解到你方对中国瓷器很干兴趣,因此冒昧致函给您We learnt that you were very interested in china, so we take the liberty of writing to you.62.按照贵方要求,今特寄去我们的新产品样品,但愿样品能及时到我要当学霸达贵处。In compliance with your request, we are pleased to send you the samples of our new product. Hopefully they can reach you in time.63.我们对中国的各种工艺品颇感兴趣,如能收到你方的产品目录和报价,将不胜感激。We are interested in various kinds of Chinese Arts and Crafts and should appreciate your catalogue and quotation.64.非常感谢贵方对此事的迅速处理。Your immediate attention to it was greatly appreciated.65.鉴于其他客户都已经接受此价格,我们不能考虑你们的还盘。Inviewof the fact that all other customers have accepted this price, we can not give consideration to your counter-offer.66.我们将此大订单提交你方,请慎重处理。We entrust you with the task?67.我们委任你方在上海独家代理我公司的产品。We entrusted you with the sole agency for our products in Shanghai.68.这与我们的愿望恰好一致。It happens to agreewith our desire.69.兹通知贵方,你们所订购的货物仍在准备中。Please be informed that your order is yet in preparation.70.如果你方同意购买这些商品作为回头货,我们会很高兴向你们报优惠价格。If you agree to buy the commodities as counter purchases, we would be glad to make you a special quotation.71.我们可以以低于你们 3%的价格,从印度的另一公司购得相同质量的此商品。We can obtain the products of the same quality at the price 3% lower than yours from another source in India.(来源;供货厂商)72.请即回信,如果可能,赶上下一班的回邮。我要当学霸Please let me have your reply at once, by return of post if possible.by return (of post)-立即;尽快;立即回复73.我们随信寄上可供出口商品的附有插图的目录。We are enclosing an illustrated catalogue of our exportable goods with our letter.74. 随函附上修订后的报价单,以你方本月底之前接受有效。Enclosed is our revised quotation, subject to your acceptance by the end of this month.75.如你方价格有竞争力,交货日期合适,我们打算大量购买。Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.76.我方银行已于昨天开出以你方为受益人的不可撤销信用证,金额为全部货值。Our bank issued yesterday an irrevocable L/C in your favor for the total value.77.我们报给你方同样的货物,按我方上次价格打 3%的折扣。We give you the same goods at a discount of 3% off our last prices.78.正是交货的延误引起了所有的这些麻烦,而且导致我们不得不取消以后的订单。It is the delay of delivery that has caused all the trouble and led to our having to cancel the later orders.79.请向我们报最低价。Please quote us your lowest price.80.美元坚挺并有上升趋势。The US dollars are firm with an upward tendency.81.销售季节来临,希望你方抓住机会提高销售额。On (With, At) the approach of the season, we hope you make use of it and increase profits.我要当学霸82.关于包装我方将与你们进一步的讨论。Asregards packing, we will have a further discussion with you.83.他利用此销售旺季,将存货全部卖完了。He took advantage of the season by selling out all the stock.84.我们另行邮寄全套样品。We sent you a full range of samples by separate post.85.大量的销售已使我们的存货消耗殆尽。Heavy sales have depleted our stocks.86.我们的粮食卖完了,所以想进货物补充库存。We desire to replenish our depleted stock of grains.87.如果你方没有及时发运,我们有权对造成的损失提出索赔。 We shall have the right to claim compensation for our losses, if you fail to dispatch the ship in time.88.如果你方对这些商品感兴趣,我们可以报价,货物数量有限,五月份发货。If you are interested in these goods, we shall be in a position to offer youfor limited quantities for dispatch during May.89.他们对费用的估算没有吧通货膨胀考虑在内。 Their estimate of the cost didnt take inflation into account.90.请惠寄一份供应 25 吨 45 号化肥的报价。Please send us a quotation for the supply of 25 ton No.45 chemical fertilizer.91.感谢您 7 月 10 日的询问,我方很高兴以每台 110 美元的报价供应 50 台扫描仪。With reference to your enquiry of July 10th, we shall be pleased to supply 50 sets of scanner at the price of $110 each.92.冒昧随信寄去最新的样品及新修改的目录和价目表,供贵方参考。我要当学霸过去的价格表取消,以此表为标准。We take the liberty to enclose herewith for your reference the newest samples and our revised catalogue and price lists.93.随函寄上 3 号样品,报价为 FOB 旧金山,每丝绢 2.89 美元。希望这些商品能适合贵公司的需要。I enclose today of No.3,which quote $2.89 per silk handkerchief FOB San Francisco, in the hope that you may find something to suit you.94.破例所提供的优惠报价,以贵方回信确认为准。The quotation we offer you at exceptionally low prices are subject to reply by return of post.95.感谢贵方的报价,但遗憾的是,我公司目前不需要这些货物。我们会记住贵公司,并在将来有需要时接洽贵方。We thank you for your offer, but we regret that we are not in need of these goods. We will surely bear you in mind for future demand.96. 此外,如果从发票日期起一个月内付款,还可以享受 2%的折扣。In addition, there will be a discount of 2% on total cost of payment within one month from date of invoice.97.所报盘有效期为七天之内。The offer made in subject to the acceptance within a week.98.很抱歉我方无法考虑任何还盘,因为这是一个实盘,并以 12 月21 日以前收到我方回复为准。We are sorry that we are unable to entertain any counteroffer, for this offer is firm, subject to the receipt of reply by us before December 21st.99.该报价为最惠价,恕不还价。We have quoted our most favorable prices so that we can not be able to entertain any counter offer.100.此产品需求量很大,且供应有限,建议尽快接受该发盘。This products are in heavy demand and the supply is limited, we strongly recommend you to accept this offer as soon as you can.我要当学霸101. Write a letter with the following given particulars.1.确认收到来函并感谢对方的询价;2.所询问的男女羊皮手套均有现货,售价优惠;3.如订单金额超过 500 美元,可享受九折优惠。Dear Sirs,We are grateful for your letter of July 4th,enquiringour products.We now have mens and womens lamb leather gloves on offer. Our offer of mens gloves at $15 each pair and womens at $16 each pair will be kept open until the end of this month.In view of your previous order, we allow you 10% discount on the condition that your order is more than%500.As this product is in great demand and the supply limited, we would recommend that you accept this offer as soon as possible.Yours sincerely,102.如果贵方愿意减价,比如 5%,我们就可以成交。Should you be ready to reduce your price by, say 5%, we might conclude terms.103.上个月我方递盘每吨立邦漆 310 美元,现在我方可以出价再高一些,比如,每吨 315 美元。We bid US $310 per ton for Nippon Paint last month. Now we can do a little better, say, US $315 per ton.104.在前一次的报价中减价 3%是我方所能做出的最大让步。The best we can do is to make a reduction of 3% in our previous quotation.105.从贵方的来信中,我们遗憾地获知贵方公司产品目前价格与上次报价相比上涨 25%。但是,我们最近从其他公司得到的同样产品的报价比贵方的低大约 5%。We regretfully learn from your letter that your present price is 25% higher than your last quotation. But the offer we obtained recently from other sources for the same product is around 5% below yours.我要当学霸106.希望此还盘能够得到贵公司的同意,一俟收到贵方的确认,我们将定期订购。We hope that this counter offer will meet with your approval and we shall place regular orders with you on receipt of your confirmation.107.现答复贵方的报价,很遗憾地告知贵方我们的客户认为你们的价格偏高而且与市场行情不相符。In reply to your letter of quotation, we regret very much to say that our customers here find your price rather on high side and out of line with the prevailing market level.108. 希望贵方从善考虑我方的还盘,如接受,请及早告知为盼。It is hoped that you will consider our counter offer most favorably and inform us of your acceptance at your earliest convenience.109.正如贵方所知道的,行市坚挺且有上涨趋势。在这种情况下,不久后价格上涨的可能性很大。As you see, the market is firm with an upward tendency. Such being the case, there is much likelihood of price increasing in the near future.110.考虑到我们双方长期友好的贸易关系,我们同意在原价基础上让利 4%。Considering our long-standing friendly business relationship, we can allow you reduction of 4% in our price.111.同样品质的货很容易在本地市场上以较低价格买到。 Goods of the same quality are easily obtainable at a lower price in the local market.112.我们愿发送 50 台计算机给你方试销,包退包换,运费由我方承担,你方无任何责任。We are pleased to send you 50 sets of our computers on approval at our own expenses, and without any obligations on your part.113.我们专门经营中国产蜂蜜多年,中国蜂蜜以其独特的风味而受到欧洲顾客的喜爱。We wish to inform you that we are specialized in the export of Chinese honey for years. Chinese honey is popular with European customers with its special flavour.我要当学霸114. 我们深信,贵公司对即将投放市场的这种新式电热器定会感兴趣。We are confident that you will be interested in the new electric heater which is very shortly to be placed on the market.115.你们很快就会发现,该种机器具有许多独特的优点,位居同类竞争货物的榜首。You will find that the machine possesses many unique features which definitely place it ahead of its many competitors.116.这些童装由上等面料做成,裁剪考究,设计精美,款式新颖,颜色喜人,肯定会成为畅销品。Made of superior material with fine cutting, exquisite designs,latest styles and pleasing colors,these children clothes will surely make aquick-selling line. 117.如果你需要额外数量的订货,我们愿给予 1.5% 的折扣。If you require an additional quantity, we shall grant you a 1.5% discount.118.我们可以为你方供应不同品种的绿茶,这些绿茶一直出口到许多欧洲国家,并赢得了顾客对我方产品质量的满意。We can supply you with several variety of green tea, which has ever been exported to many European countries. Customers consider the quality satisfactory.119.我们愿再次向贵公司保证,我方提供的货物品质优越、价格合理。We would like to assure you again that the goods we offer are of superb quality at a reasonable price.120.我们寄送给贵公司的两本产品目录中收有很多新颖玩具,相信你方会对其感兴趣。我们将热烈欢迎贵公司成为我们的客户。The two catalogues we are sending you include a numberof new toys with which we feel sure you would be delighted, and we should be very glad to welcome you as one of our customers.121.上个月我们为德国客户生产了一种设计极为精美的地毯,尚未列在产品目录中,随函附寄该地毯彩照一张供参考。我要当学霸Last month we produced a carpet of a very attractive design for our customers in Germany. This carpet is not yet in our catalogue. A color picture is enclosed for your reference.122.我们相信这种新产品在贵国定会受到青睐。接到贵公司复函,便速给予最优惠的报价。We believe that the new product will find a good market in your country. We send you our best quotation as soon as we hear from you.123.凡五月底前试订货的客户,均可享受特别优惠条件。Special terms will be allowed to customers who place trial orders before the end of May.124.敬请光临,并从我方大量的现货中选择您想要的最佳货品。We advise you to come in and select your goods at once so that you may get the best from the extensive goods in stock.125.我们是一家专门生产机械设备的大型公司,我方75%的产品远销世界各国。We are a large-sized company specializing in manufacturing mechanical equipment and export 75%of our products all over the world.126.非常感谢贵方的 123 号订单向我们订购 2500 件女士衬衫。随信附上我方的 45 号销售确认书一份。It is appreciated that you handed us your order No.123 for 2500 womens shirts. Enclosed is a copy of our Sales Note No.45.127.非常高兴向你方订购商品,并希望贵方尽快发货。We have pleasure of placing the following order with you,and hope you kindly send by fast freight.128.很高兴收到贵方订单,并确认全部所需商品都有现货。We are glad to receive your order and confirm that all the items required are in stock.129.我们保证此次订单和以后的订单均会得到我们立即的重视。 We assure you that this order and future orders shall have our immediate attention.我要当学霸130. initial order 第一次订购131. to close an order 决定成交132. to fulfill an order 履行交货133. to duplicate an order 将订货增加一倍134.a set of sales literature 一套产品说明书135.special terms 特惠条款136.作为一项特殊照顾,我们接受付款交单方式支付你方这笔试订货。As a special accommodation, we will accept document against payment for this trial order.137.我们希望你们照顾,允许给我们 3%的佣金。We hope you will accommodate us by allowing 3% commission.138.因我们必须坚持我们的习惯做法,希望你们不要认为我们不肯通融。As we must adhere to our customary practices, we sincerely hope that you will not think us unaccommodating.139.对于你方以电汇方式不晚于 11 月 30 日预付全部货款,我方表示感谢。We should express thanks that you pay the total amount to us in advance byT/T not later than 30 November.140.我们从应付的总额中扣除 3%的佣金,现随信附寄1 000 美元的汇款单以结清账款。We have deducted the commission agreed of 3% from the total amount due and enclosed a remittance bill for $1 000 infullsettlementof account.141.随信附寄上即期汇票 57.29 美元以补齐差额,收到后请回复。Enclosed is Demand Draft for the difference of $57.29. Please let us have your acknowledgement of receipt.我要当学霸142.如发票无误,请立即汇款为盼。If the invoice is correct, your prompt remittance will be appreciated.143.请尽快寄给我方支票以结清去年年底之前的账款。谢谢。 Please kindly send us the check for the settlement of your account to the end of last year at your earliest convenience.144.按你方要求,我们破例接受即期付款交单,但只此一回下不为例。Incompliancewith your request, we exceptionally accept deliveryagainstD/P at sight, but this should not be regarded as a precedent.145.由于金额很小,我们同意向你方开出即期跟单汇票。As the amount involved is rather small, we agreed to draw on you by documentary sight draft.146.很抱歉,贵方订单中规定的付款条件不能为我方所接受。 We regret to say the payment terms stipulated in your order are unacceptable to us.147.请将 15%的首笔付款电汇给我们,余额分三次付清。Please remit the 15% down payment to us by T/T. Payment of the balance is to be made in three installments.148. 开立信用证费用很高,会影响到像我方这样小公司的资金周转,因此最好采用付款交单或承兑交单的方式。It is expensive to open an L/C and ties up the capital of small company like ours. So it is better for us to adopt D/P or D/A.149. sight draft 即期汇票150. tie up the founds 占压资金151. draw a time draft on you 向你方开具远期汇票152. pay by D/P at 60 days 按 60 天付款交单方式支付153. telegraphic transfer 电汇我要当学霸154.鉴于此笔交易的金额较小,我们准备接受以即期付款交单方式向你方收取货款。In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped.155.一收到你方汇款,你方所订购的所有货物即可现货供应,马上进行包装和装运。All items included in your order can be supplied from stock and will be packed and shipped immediately upon receipt of your remittance.156.荷兰一家进口商要求我们按承兑交单方式运去一批试销商品。The importer from Holland requests us to ship them a trial order on D/A terms.157. 希望尽快收到由中国银行保兑的信用证,我方将会立即执行你方订单。We are looking forward to receiving an L/C confirmed by the Bank of China, and your order will have our immediate attention.158.信用证中的条款必须与双方所签订合同中的条款完全一致。The stipulations in the L/C should be exactly in accordance with the terms stated in the contract signed by both parties.159.我们同意接受见票后 60 天付款的远期信用证付款的要求。We grant your request for payment by L/C with draft at 60 days sight.160.由于装船日期临近,应该尽可能早地开立有关的信用证。As the date of shipment is approaching, it is advisable for you to open the relevant L/C as early as you can.161.该信用证在装运后至第 15 天在伦敦议付有效。The L/C is valid for you to negotiate in London before the 15th day after shipment。162. 兹收到你方由中国银行开具的第 215 号信用证。仔细审阅后,我们发现该信用证不允许转船装运,而这恰恰与我们的销售确认不我要当学霸符。We have received your letter of credit No.215 issued by the Bank of China. After reading it carefully, we found that transshipment is not allowed, which is just on contrary to our S/C.163.烦请修改信用证:“允许分批装运和转船” 。We have to request you to amend the L/C to read “Partial shipment and transshipment are allowed”.164.接到信后,请速开立有关信用证,以便及时装运。Please expedite (ekspdat 加快进展)the establishment of the relevant L/C upon receipt of this letter so that we can effect shipment in time.165.很遗憾,尚未收到