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2019年六年级英语下册Module2Unit1练习题外研版(一起) 1. Where is Kate? She _ to England. A. has been B. has gone C. will be D. will go 2. What _ he_ when his mother opened the door? A. did, do B. had, done C. will, do D. was, doing 3. How long _the man_? For 4 years. A. has, died B. did, die C. was, died D. has, been dead 4. She told us that she _ our factory the next day. A. had visitedB. was visited C. would visit D. will visit 5. We _ not go to the cinema if it _this afternoon. A. will, will snowB. will, snows C. do, snows D. do, will snow 6. Mr. Lee said he _ never _to Japan. A. has, gone B. has, been C. had, gone D. had, been 7. The earth _ around the sun all the year. A. has moved B . moved C. moves D. will move 8. He _ his bike, he has to walk to school. A. lost B. loses C. has lost D. had lost 9. I was late for the meeting. When I reached there, all the people_. A. had left B. has been left C. has left D. had been away 10. Two years has passed since I _you the first time. A. meet B. have met C. met D. had met 11. I _in Beijing for half a year now. A. was B. have e C. had e D. have been 12. When we _the railway station, the train _for 5 minutes. A. got to, had been away B. reached, had left C. arrived, has been away D. arrived at, has left 13. _ we go and see Liu Ming tomorrow? Good idea! He _be very pleased. A. Will, will B. Shall, will C. Shall, shall D. Will, shall 14. The story _in London in1940. A. happened B. has happened C. happens D. was happening 15. Look, the birds _ towards the south. They _ to the south every year. A. are flying, flies B. fly, are flying C. are flying, fly D. were flying, flew 16. How long have you _the book? A. boughtB. borrowed C. keep D. had 17. I have _the USA for two months. A. been to B. gone to C. been in D. went 18. We _ millions of trees on the hills in a few years time. A. have planted B. planted C. will plant D. plant 19. They _ a film this evening. A. see B. are seeing C. shall see D. are going to see 20. My brother _a League member for three years. A. has been B. has beeC. has joined D. was 21. He knew Beijing very well because he _there many times. A. had been B. went C. has been D. was 22. His uncle _the Army two years ago. A. joins B. joined C. has joined D. has been in 23. He _ there already. A. arrivesB. arrivedC. has arrived D. has been 24. Please _ to me as soon as you _ there. A. write, get B. wrote, gotC. writing, get D. write, will get 25. He _ some friends and he often _ them during his stay in Tokyo. A. has, visits B. has, visitedC. had, visited D. had, visits 26. How often _you _to the park when you were in Tianjin? A. do, go B. did, go C. will, go D. have, gone 27. What do you_ do tomorrow? A. want to B. going to C. go to D. like to 28. The students _ on a farm for ten days. Then they _ to a factory. Though they _ back at school, they still remembered those farmers and workers. A. have stayed, went, were B. had stayed, go, are C. have stayed, go, have beenD. had stayed, went, were 29. It _ Thursday tomorrow. A. is going to be B. will going to beC. will D. will be 30. I _ him since we last met in xx. A. dont see B. havent seen C. didnt see D. have seen 31. My mother often _ clothes last summer. A. wash B. washes C. washed D. is washing 32. He _ always late for school when he was young. A. is B. was C. will beD. were 33. He usually _to school by bus. A. go B. went C. goesD. will go 34. Last summer I went to Beijing and _ there for one month. A. have stayedB. stays C. stay D. had stayed 35. Last night, my father _ reading the book for about 2 hours. A. keeps B. had kept C. kept D. has kept 36. Do you know that sound _ much more slowly than light. A. go B. went C. goes D. will go 37. As soon as he _ home, he will have a bath. A. get B. will get C. gets D. is getting 38. He fell asleep while he _a book. A read B was reading C is reading D had read 39. Look, someone _a picture on the blackboard. How beautiful it looks! A. draws B. is drawing C. has drawn D. drew 40. Look at the empty room. All the guests_. A. are leavingB. left C. have left D. will leave 41. Look, Susan! What a beautiful dress my mother _me! A. is buying B. has bought C. buys D. bought 42. His father died when he _ a child. A. is B was C had been D has been 43. We arrived after the film_. A. has started B. had startedC. was started D. had been started 44. Lets wait till the rain_. A. has stoppedB. will stop C. is stopping D. stops 45. It _5 years since we knew each other. A. is B. had been C. will be D. was 46. She _sad since you went away. A. has been B. is C. was D. had been 47. I _him for two months. A. got to know B. have got to knowC. have know D. knew 48. Thats why you _so worried in the last few days. A. are B. have been C. had been D. were 49. The scientist _us a talk on air by then. A. gave B. will give C. gives D. had given 50. _5:30 yesterday, they had finished the work. A. At B. InC. On D. By 51. I think he will be back _three days . A. after B. in C. on D. later 52. I think he will be back _three oclock. A. after B. in C. on D. later 53. Where is Jim? He _his lessons in the classroom. A. does B. is doing C. has done D. did 54. Where is Jim? He _to London. A. has gone B. goes C. went D. will go 55. When he got to the cinema, the film had _for half an hour. A. begun B. been on C. startedD. been in 56.Did you see him last night? No, he _to bed when I got home. A. went B. had gone C. has gone D. had been 57. _you _the medicine? Yes, I _it after lunch. A. Did take, took B. Have taken, have taken C. Have taken, took D. Will take, takes 58. Judy _ the Great Wall twice, and now she still _to go there. A. went to, wanted B. goes to, wants C. has gone to, wants D. has been to, wants 59. Excuse me. Look at the sign:No smoking. Sorry, I _ it. A. dont see B. didnt seeC. havent seen D. wont see 60. Tom has worked there _ two years ago. A. forB. atC. inD. since 61. I _ you for a long time. Where _ you_? A didnt see, did go B didnt see, have gone C havent seen, have beenD havent seen, have gone 62. He has _been to Shanghai, has he? A. already B. never C. ever D. still 63. Tom _out. Oh, has he? What time _ he _ out? A. is, did, go B. went, is, going C. has gone, did, goD. is going, does, go 64. Where is Li Lei? He _ his sports shoes in the room. He _football with his friends. A. is putting on, is playing B. puts on, will play C. is putting on, will play D. put on, played 65. Lily and Lucy can speak good Chinese because they _China for 6 years. A. have been in B. have been toC. have e toD. were 66. The students will go to the West Hill Farm by bike if it _fine tomorrow. A. will be B. is C. was D. does 67. Henry _a birthday card for Sam yesterday. A. has bought B. buys C. boughtD. will buy 68. How long _at this factory? A. have you e B. has he in C. will he be D. had he been 69. Ive _this dictionary _a year. Its still new now. A. bought, for B. had, for C. bought, since D. had, since 70. When I got to the factory, the workers _about the film. A. are talking B. have talked C. were talking D. talked 71. Our knowledge of the universe _all the time. A. grow B. is growing C. grows D. grew 72. He remembered he _a new jacket, but he _for it. A. has chosen, has paid B. has chosen, hasnt paid C. had chosen, had paid D. had chosen, hadnt paid 73. Ill catch up with Lucy before she _the finishing line. A. reach B. is reaching C. reachesD. will reach 74. Meimei, why didnt you give the book to Ann? Well, she _a copy for herself last week. A. buys B. had bought C. has bought D. bought 75. Stay inside. It _hard outside right now. A. is raining B. has rained C. was rainingD. rains 76. Would you please not draw pictures on the wall? Sorry, I _it again. A. am not doing B. dont do C. didnt do D. wont do 77. How long have you _there? About 4 years. A. e B. gone C. left D. worked 78. He _ his homework and now is listening to music. A. finished B. will finish C. has finishedD. finish 79. The Reads _ lunch when I got to their house. A. were having B. was having C. are having D. is having 80. His hair _ white these days. A. have turnedB. are C. has turned D. will be【试题答案】 1. B has been to 表示去过某地,但现在已回来。has gone to表示去了某地,且现在还未回来。C、D选项不符合题意。 2. D 本题强调他妈妈开门的一瞬间他正在做什么,而非做了什么。B,C选项不符合题意。 3. D How long,for 均暗示本题应用完成时,且 die 为终止性动词,不能与for+时间段连用,C 为干扰项。 4. C told,the next day 均暗示本题应用过去将来时,A 不符合题意,B 为干扰项。 5. B 在if 引导的条件状语从句中,要求主句为一般将来时,从句为一般现在时。 6. D said,never 均暗示本题应用过去完成时,而此题又强调主语从未去过日本。 7. C 此题为客观真理,必须用一般现在时。 8. C 本题表示发生在过去的丢车事件对现在造成步行上学的影响。 9. A 到达会场发生在过去,人已离开又发生在到达会场之前。应用过去完成时。本题中没有动作持续的暗示,故不选D。 10. C since 引导的时间状语从句中,主句为现在完成时,从句应为一般过去时。 11. D for 引导的时间段必须要用持续性动词。 12. A 本题时态应为过去范畴,车开在先,人到在后,且for的出现标志从句动词应为持续性动词。 13. B Shall we/I do sth. 是征求对方意见或建议的常用句型,且shall只能用于第一人称。 14. A 本题为过去范畴,且不强调某一具体时刻的动作,所以选A。 15. C 本题 look 暗示现在进行时态,every year 则表规律性动作,用一般现在时。 16. D 与 How long 搭配应用持续性动词,keep 不是过去分词故选 D。 17. C 与 for+时间段搭配应用持续性动词。 18. C in+时间段用于将来时。 19. D 本题 this evening 可考虑为将来的时间状语,故只能选D。 20. A 与 for +时间段搭配应用持续性动词。 21. A 因过去多次去北京才导致了解该城市,而主句已为过去时,故选A。 22. B 本题为过去时,与动词持续性或终止性无关。 23. C 本题为现在完成时第一种用法,与动词持续性或终止性无关。 24. A 本题主句为祈使句,相当于一般将来时,谓语动词用一般现在时,故选 A。 25. C 本题 during his stay in Tokyo表明动作发生在过去。 26. B 根据从句中的谓语动词时态提示主句应为过去时,而不能单独看How often就用一般现在时。 27. A 本题虽有tomorrow,但因出现助动词do,故不考虑将来时,且want具有将来色彩。 28. D 本题最后一句出现remembered,说明动作发生在过去,而去农场又发生在去工厂之前,且有for+时间段做时间状语,故选D。 29. D 星期变化为客观规律,不是推测或打算。故选D 不选A。 30. B since 引导时间状语从句,主句为现在完成时,从句应为一般过去时。see为终止性动词,但其否定形式可用于由since 引导的时间状语从句中。 31. C 32. B 33. C often,always,usually 等副词若与过去时间状语同时出现,则服从后者。 34. D 35. B for+时间段若与过去时间状语同时出现,则服从后者。故此两题用过去完成时。 36. C 宾语从句的主句为过去时,但从句为客观真理,所以仍保留一般现在时。 37. C as soon as要求主句为一般将来时,从句为一般现在时。 38. B while 后面应跟着进行时态,而主句的felt 则暗示过去范畴。 39. C 本题易错选B和D,但后面的感叹句表明画画已成事实,且对现在产生影响。故选C。 40. C 41. B 此两题思路与No 39.相同,均应考虑过去动作影响现在。 42. B 本题必须用过去时态,但没有迹象表明动作的先后顺序,所以选B不选C。 43. B 本题必须用过去范畴,但有迹象表明动作的先后顺序,电影放映在先,人随后到,且电影开演不必用被动,所以选B。 44. D 主句为祈使句,till 引导时间状语从句要求用一般现在时。 45. A It is+时间段+since引导过去时为固定句型。 46. A since 引导时间状语从句,主句为现在完成时,从句用一般过去时。与上句的固定句式不同。 47. C for 前面应跟完成时和持续性动词。get to do sth.属于终止性动词搭配。 48. B in(during) the last(past)+时间段用于现在完成时。 49. B by then 在这里理解为“届时”用于将来时。 50. D 本题不应见到具体时刻便选A。应考虑到后面的过去完成时。 51. B in+时间段用于将来时。D选项应为three days later。 52. A after+时间段用于过去时,若在将来时中应带具体时间点。 53. B 54. A 试比较这两题,虽问句相同但侧重点不同,故答案不同。 55. B sth. begin的持续性对应词为 sth. has(had) been on。 56. B 我到时他已去睡觉了而不是去睡过觉。故选B。 57. C 本题用现在完成时询问是否完成某事,经肯定后再用一般过去时说何时完成。 58. D 前一分句有 twice 表示去过,后一分句now,still 表现在还想去。 59. B 说没看见应是谈话之前发生的,经提醒现已看见。故选B不选C。 60. D since+过去时间段用于现在完成时中,for 后跟时间段。 61. C for 后跟时间段用于现在完成时。问对方上哪去了说明对方已回来,即去过某地。 62. B 反意疑问句中附加问句部分是肯定形式,故前面应为否定。 63. C has he 部分说明应用现在完成时,而具体外出时间则在过去。 64. C 此时此地问人在哪里,回答为正在某地做某事。下一步要做的动作用将来时。 65. A have been in表示在某处居住或逗留了一段时间。 66. B if 引导条件状语从句,主句是将来时,从句为一般现在时。fine是形容词。 67. C yesterday是一般过去时的时间状语。 68. C How long不仅可与现在完成时连用,还可与现在时,过去时,将来时连用。此题用排除法。A为终止性动词,B为干扰项,D无迹象表明过去的过去。 69. B buy是终止性动词,其代替词是have。 70. C 当从句某一突然动作发生时,主句动作一直在持续,又在过去范畴。故用过去进行时。 71. B 72. D 上面两题均为课文原句。一题强调知识一直在不断增长,用现在进行时。一题强 调“记起”的内容发生在“记起”这一动作之前。并要考虑转折的关系。 73. C before引导的时间状语从句对于将要发生的事情也是主将从现。 74. D last week 是一般过去时的时间状语。 75. A right now表现在。 76. D 道歉后应许诺将不会再做。 77. D 四个词中只有 work 是持续性,可与How long 同时使用。 78. C 发生在过去的完成作业的动作,对现在造成可以欣赏音乐的结果。 79. A 姓氏前有the后有s,谓语动词应用复数形式,从句是由when引导的表示过去的时间状语从句,所以用过去进行时态。 80. C hair是不可数名词,these days 表现阶段的变化结果。小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 8 页 共 8 页


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