2019年六年级英语上册 Module 1Unit 1 Meet my family教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Module 1Unit 1 Meet my family教案 沪教牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019年六年级英语上册 Module 1Unit 1 Meet my family教案 沪教牛津版TitleOxford English 6A Module 1 Unit 1 Family and Relatives Period 4Three-dimensional ObjectivesKnowledge and skill objectives1. Students will be able to tell what they are in their families.2. Ss will have the ability to write a position about their families.Process and method objectives1. Ss will have an idea of the procedures to write sentences introducing their family members.2. Ss will have an idea of the procedures to write sentences about the activities they do with their family members.3. Ss will know how to write a concluding paragraph about a family.Emotion, attitude and value objectives 1. Ss will recall their memories of the good times they have spent with their family members.2. Ss will arouse a feeling that they are a happy family and love their families even more.Teaching Focus1. Using demonstratives to refer to peoplee.g. These areThis is2. Using adverbs of frequencye.g. I alwayswithTeaching AidsCAISome family photos ProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activityPurposePre-task preparation1. Review: son, daughter, sister, brother, grandson, granddaughter, cousin. Write the vocabulary on the board.2. Give the Ss time to read Look, think and tick. 3. Remind the Ss to refer back to Look and learn on page 2 to find out Alices role in her family.4. Ask the Ss to think about what they are in their families.5. Ask the Ss to talk with one of their classmates and find out what they are in their families.Review the vocabulary on the board.Refer back to Look and learn on page 2 and find out Alices role in her family.Ss think about their roles in their own families by themselves.Ss find out what their classmates are in their families.Warm the class up.Get students ready for the task that follows.Ss will be able to find out Alices role in her family, their own roles in their own families, and their classmates roles in their families.While-task procedure1. Ask the Ss to read Think and write. 2. Show the Ss how to write a position step by step with the help of CAI.T: Suppose you are the boys in the picture, and now you are telling your classmates about your family.Paragraph 1: Introduce your family members.Paragraph 2: What do you do with your family members?Paragraph 3: Tell others that you are a happy family.Conclusion: Before writing, ask yourself the following questions.1) How many people are there in your family? And who are they?2) What do you do with your family and relatives?3) Is your family a happy one?Listen to the teacher carefully and do as the teacher instructs.Learn and remember these steps to write a position about our families. Ss learn how to write a position about their families step by step.Post-task activities1. Ask the Ss to write a position about their own families in a given time. 2. Ask individual students to read their positions.Write a position about their own families according to the steps they have been instructed.Some students read their finished positions to the whole class.Enhance the students ability of writing. Assignment 1. Ask the Ss to draw three pictures or find three photos of the activities they do with their family members and relatives.2. Ask the Ss to write the sentences according to the pictures or photos.小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 4 页 共 4 页


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