2019年五年级英语下册 Unit 5《When’s your birthday》教案 湘少版.doc

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2019年五年级英语下册 Unit 5Whens your birthday教案 湘少版第1课时 总第 教时教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August 及月份缩写形式和词组International Childrens Day ;能听、说、读、写单词May , month , year , birthday 。2、能用“Whens your birthday ?”及回答“My birthday is in ”“Its on the of ”进行对话。重点难点重点:能听懂、会说、认读一至八月的单词。能用“Whens your birthday ?”及回答进行交流。难点:新单词的读音;新单词一至八月的正确排列顺序。教具准备日历,单词卡片,教学课件教学过程设计备注课题引入:Step1 Warm-up/Revision1. Greetings2. Sing a song : What Day is Today ?3. Free talk 教学步骤及主要内容Step 2 Presentation1. New words (1)教师利用日历、图片或单词卡片教单词month , year 。T:How many weeks are there in a month ?S1 : 教师板书以下内容:7days = 1 week 4 weeks =1month 12 months =1 year教师带读单词month , year 教师利用日历、图片或单词卡片教单词March , April , May .教师呈现一张表示四季的图片。T : Spring is warm and nice .Which months are in spring ?教师翻开日历,呈现March, April和May 的月份。板书并带读单词。(2)教师日历、图片或单词卡片教单词June , July , August 。T: Its very hot in summer . Which months are in summer ?教师翻开日历,呈现June , July 和August 的月份。板书并带读单词。(3)同样方法教读January , February 和词组International Childrens Day 。(4)Game 1 :Listen and do 游戏规则:以小组为单位,每个小组代表一个月份,听到相应的月份单词,迅速起立。Game 2 :Watch and speak 看口型说单词2.The dialogue 第一步:Listen and choose要求学生不打开书,听录音前,给出任务:完成连线题。(1)Linglings birthday Its on the first of June .(2)Peters birthday Its on the fifth of March .(3)International Its on the Childrens Day fourth of May .第二步:Listen and check 要求学生打开书,听录音,核对答案。第三步:Listen and repeat 听录音,跟读,引导学生正确模仿语音和语调。Step 3 Practice1. 教师呈现几张学生喜欢的公众人物的照片,让学生猜照片中人物的生日月份。(提供具体日期)2. 教师呈现不同节日的图片,学生两人一组,看图连线。3.老师提问,学生快速抢答。Step 4 Homework1. 听录音,读对话,并试着表演对话。2. 制作一月至八月的单词卡片。3. 收集一至八月中的中外节日,并尝试用英语表达日期。本课教学后记课题: Whens your birthday ?第2课时 总第 教时教学目标1、字母组合er在单词中的发音2、复习和巩固已学单词。能听懂、会说、认读新单词September , October , November , December 及其缩写形式。3、能熟练运用“Whens your birthday ?”及回答“My birthday is in ”“Its on the of ”进行对话。重点难点重点:复习巩固已学单词难点:表示月份单词的正确排列顺序。教具准备日历,单词卡片,教学课件教学过程设计备注课题引入:Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. Greetings 2. Sing a song : The Months of the Year3. Game 1 : Listen and do 游戏规则:学生将上次家庭作业制作的一月至八月的单词卡片摆在桌上, 教师说单词,学生举起相应的卡片,可以开展男女生或小组竞赛。Game 2 : 快速抢答教师呈现不同的节日图片,并提问“When is the ”,让学生抢答。教学步骤及主要内容Step 2 Presentation1. 教师呈现日历,并板书单词:September , October , November , December .September = Sept . October = Oct .November = Nov . December = Dec .2. 让学生认读朗读,仔细观察,找出共同点。3. 教师带读4.看图连线Step 3 Task1. 学生生日情况调查(1)学生两人一组自由问答。(2)教师问,学生答。(3)学生问,学生答。2. 学生父母生日情况调查。T: When is your mothers birthday ? When is your fathers birthday ?S1 : My mothers birthday is on the My fathers birthday is on the 3.填写Family Birthday Card 活动。My name is .My birthday is on the of .My mothers birthday is on the of .My fathers birthday is on the of .I love my family .Step 4 Lets read and learn 1. 第一遍阅读短文要求学生独立阅读,快速说出收信人和写信人的名字2. 第二遍阅读短文要求学生完成选择题 Frans birthday is ( ) A today B tomorrowTomorrow is ( ) A Simons B FransWere going to meet at ( ) A 7p.m B 7:00a.m.Were going to meet at ( ) A Room 305 B Room5033. 第三遍阅读短文学生画出不懂的单词和句子4. 听录音,分句跟读。5.回答下列问题:When is Frans birthday ?What are Simon and his friends going to do ?When are they going to meet ?Where are they going to meet ?(1)学生两人一组,回答问题(2)全班核对答案Step 5 Homework本课教学后记课题: Whens your birthday ?第3课时 总第 教时教学目标进一步巩固和复习本单元所学单词和句型。重点难点重点:进一步复习和巩固已学单词。能进一步熟练运用所学句型难点:能借助图片和提示完成E部分的写作练习教具准备日历,单词卡片,教学课件教学过程设计备注课题引入:Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. Greetings 2. Sing a song : Happy Birthday3. Revision(1)Game 1 :认读单词并将月从排序游戏规则:教师出示12张月份单词卡片,按春夏秋冬四季分为绿红黄白四种颜色,请学生快速认读,并按顺序给卡片排好位置 。(2)Game 2 :单词接龙游戏游戏规则:各组依次参与游戏,教师说出一个表示月份的单词,组内的第一个学生要说出下一个月份的单词;如果说到了December,下一个学生从January 接着说。(3)Game 3 : Throw and Catch 抛文具袋游戏规则:一位学生抛出文具袋,同时提问,接到文具袋的学生立刻回答。教学步骤及主要内容Step 2 Lets write1. T : What do you usually do at your frienda birthday ?呈现图片并板书give presents blow out the candles cut the cakesing dance tell stories2. 请学生24人为一组,充分发挥想象力,说句子。3. 学生上台展示,教师及时评价4. 学生动笔写句子Step 3 Lets have fun1. 教师呈现精美的生日贺卡T: Lets make a birthday card .2. 用课件呈现贺卡的制作过程,老师边示范,边用英语讲解步骤。Make a birthday card . First , find a piece of paper and fold it in half. Second , draw a cake and some decorations on it. Then , write “Happy Birthday !”in the centre . Lastly , write your greeting inside . Now , design your own card .3. 学生动手制作4. 作品展示,评选“最佳设计奖”Step 4 Homework1. 听录音,读对话2. 为最近即将过生日的长辈或朋友制作生日贺卡,并用英语写上祝福。本课教学后记小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 8 页 共 8 页


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