2019-2020年八年级英语 Unit3 What are you doing for vacation 教案.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语 Unit3 What are you doing for vacation 教案Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)StructuresPresent progressive as future Where, when, how long questionsTarget languageWhat are you doing for vacation?Im spending time with my friends.When are you going?How long are you staying?Were staying for two weeks.Vocabularybabysitting, sightseeing, fishing, renting videos, How long, plan, decide, at home, get backLearning strategiesRole playing, Listening for key wordsSECTION AGoals To learn about present progressive as future and where, when, how long questions To talk about future plansProceduresWarming up by learning about Present Progressive TenseThe present progressive tense takes the form be + V- ing.The form of “be” is determined by the subject of the sentence.He is singing. She is listening. They are sleeping. I am going home. In English, the present progressive is used to indicate actions happening at the time of speaking, or right now. Jake is speaking to his mother right now.Please keep quiet. The baby is sleeping. The present progressive can also be used to indicate actions occurring over a period of time which includes the present.Im taking five classes at the university. Grace is working at a chemical factory. What are you doing these days? The present progressive is sometimes used to indicate ongoing, developing, imminent or future actions. Ongoing Dont bother Mr. Grumpy while he is watching the football game. Developing Im beginning to like this place! Imminent A: Honey, where are you? B: Im ing. Just let me put on my shoes. Future (Note the presence of future time words.) A: Are you going to the concert this weekend? B: I wish I could, but Im meeting an important client from Oklahoma. Warming up by learning grammarTo be able to understand and use English, knowledge of grammar is necessary. Now go to page 14. Look at the grammar focus for Present progressive as future: Where, when, how long questions.QuestionsAnswersWhat are you doing for vacation?Whats she doing for vacation?What are they doing for vacation?Im visiting my grandmother.Shes going camping.Theyre relaxing at home.When are you going?When is he going?When are they going?Im going on Monday.Hes going on the 12th.Theyre going next week.Warming up by talking about futureHello, everyone! Do you like sports? Do you like doing sports? What do you usually do in your spare time? National Day is ing. We all have a long vacation about 7 days. What are you doing for the vacation? Now lets talk about future plans. Answer my question. You may have lots of answers, and you may use useful expressions to express your ideas.What are you doing for vacation?1. Im going camping.2. Im visiting my aunt.3. Im watching TV at home.4. Im babysitting her sister.5. Im playing basketball.6. Im relaxing at home.7. Im going hiking in the mountains.8. Im going bike riding.9. Im going sightseeing.10. Im going fishing. 11. Im taking walks and renting videos. 12. Im playing the violin.13. Im playing the guitar.14. Im staying at home.15. Im going to the movies.1A: Making a list and adding some moreIn our book, there are lots of pictures about the activities. Please turn to page 1 and look at the picture and tell what you see in it.Answers:1. camping2. babysitting3. playing basketball4. watching TVGreat. Now write down the activities and add some more. Then read after me. I will make a list of all the added activities on the blackboard.5. visiting your grandmother 6. spending time with friends1b Listening and numbering Do you like your vacation? Look at the picture on page 13. Name each activity. Then listen to these three conversations. Some students are talking about what they are doing on vacation. Each picture has a letter. Three pictures have boxes in front of them. Listen to the recording and write a conversation number from 1 to 3 in each box.The first time, you only listen.The second time, you fill in the answers. Write numbers in front of the three pictures.TapescriptConversation1Girl 1: What are you doing for vacation, Jane?Jane: Im spending time with my friends.Girl l: That sounds like fun!Conversation 2Boy 1:What are you doing for vacation, Sharon?Sharon: Im visiting my grandmother.Conversation 3Girl 3: What are you doing for vacation, Michael?Michael: Im relaxing at home.Check the answers.3,2,1 ( from left to right ) Now read the tapescript to underline all the expressions.1c Doing pair workWhat are the people in the picture doing for vacation? Look at the dialogue. Zhao Fei and Li Jun, read it to the class. Then you must point to the picture that shows babysitting.A: Whats she doing for vacation?B: Shes babysitting her sister.Now work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the people in the picture.A: Whats she doing for vacation?B: Shes visiting my grandmother.A: Whats she doing for vacation?B: Shes playing basketball.A: Whats she doing for vacation?B: Shes relaxing at home.A: Whats she doing for vacation?B: Shes spending time with friends.A: Whats she doing for vacation?B: Shes camping.2a Listening and filling Look at the chart on page 14. WhoWhatWhenHectorSusanMollyThere are three columns in the chart. Lets read the headingS: Who? What? and When? Well hear a conversation. On the recording, Molly, Susan, and Hector are talking about what they are doing for the vacation. Listen carefully and fill in the answers under What?For example, Hector is visiting his cousins on Friday. The answer under What? is visiting cousins.The first time, you only listen.The second time, fill in the answers.TapescriptMolly: Hey Hector! What are you doing for vacation?Hector. Im visiting my cousins in Canada. Im leaving on Friday. How about you, Susan?Susan: Im going to sports camp.Molly: Oh, cool. When are you going?Susan:On the 11 th.Molly: Sounds great.Hector. How about you, Molly? What are you doing forvacation?Molly:Im going to the beach with my family. Were leaving this weekend.Lets check the answers.WhoWhatWhenHectorVisiting cousinsSusangoing to sports camp Mollygoing to the beach 2b Listening and fillingListen again, please. This time fill in the answers under “when”.AnswerS:WhoWhatWhenHectorVisiting cousinsOn FridaySusanGoing to sports camp On the 11thMollyGoing to the beach This weekendRead the tapescript, underlining all the useful expressions and blacken examples of Present progressive as future.2c Doing groupworkWhat are you and your classmates doing for your next vacation? Now talk about your vacation plans. Use the given conversation as an example.A: What are you doing for vacation, Li Chen?B: Im going camping.A: That sounds nice. Who are you going with?B: Im going with my parents.Then write down the vacation plans for all the people in your group. NameVacation plansLi Chen Hes going camping with his parents.Zhu Fang Shes camping.Zhang LiShes spending time with friends.Hou FeiHes relaxing at home.Ma YangShes playing basketball.Hua Li Shes visiting my grandmother.3a Reading and fillingNow turn to page 15, please. Read the conversations in the box, underlining all the useful expressions and shadowing examples of Present progressive as future Where, when, how long questions. Then Ill ask two students to read the conversation for the class. You two, please.Tony: What you doing for vacation, Lin Hui?Lin Hui: Im going to Tibet for a week.Tony: That sounds interesting! What are you doing there?Lin Hui: Im going hiking in the mountains. How about you, Tony? What are you doing for vacation?Tony: Im visiting my friend in Hong Kong.Lin Hui: Oh yeah? How long are you staying?Tony: Just for four days. I dont like going away for too long.Lin Hui: Well, have a good time! Send me a postcard from Hong Kong!Tony: Sure. Show me your photos when you we get back to school.Now read the conversation again and fill in the chart.Answers;TonyLin HuiWhere are they going?Hong KongTibetHow long are they staying?four daysa week3b Doing pairworkFirst lets practice the conversation in 3a on page 15.Then read the conversation in 3b on the right. This conversation es from the first line of the chart.A: What is Dave doing for vacation?B: Hes going to his cousins house.A: How long is he staying?B: Hes staying for a week.Now have conversations using information from the chart. Davecousins housea weekZhu YanSan FranciscoFriday-TuesdayMary beachfive daysMike sports camp11th-22ndIn pairs, one student asks all the questions. Then the other student asks the questions.4 Vacation DreamsLook. This is a note about a dream vacation. Lets read it and then write about your dream vacation. You can imagine your dream vacation. On a piece of paper, write what you are doing for vacation, when you are going, and how long you are staying.Im going to Hawaii for vacation. Im going in December, and Im staying for three weeks.Now put your paper in the paper bag. Then take out a piece of paper without looking at it. Please go around the class. Ask each other questions to find out if you are holding the paper they wrote. What questions can you ask? For example: What are you doing for vacation? and How long are you staying?Closing down by asking and answeringA: What you doing for vacation?B: Im going to Tibet for a week.A: What are you doing there?B: Im going hiking in the mountains.B: What are you doing for vacation?A: Im visiting my friend in Hong kong.B: How long are you staying?A: Just for four days. SECTION BGoals To learn to use Wh- questions To talk about vacationProceduresWarming up by asking and answeringGood morning, class. Lets talk about the activity you plan to do. Please work in pairs.A: What you doing for vacation?B: Im going to Tibet for a week.A: What are you doing there?B: Im going hiking in the mountains.B: What are you doing for vacation?A: Im visiting my friend in Hong Kong.B: How long are you staying?A: Just for four days. 1A: Matching the words Do you like your vacation? Do you like to talk about the vacation? Look at the pictures and talk about them. 1. Look at this girl. Shes happy. Shes sightseeing.2. Look at this girl. Shes happy. Shes walking.3. Look at this boy. Hes happy. Hes riding.4. Look at this man. Hes happy. Hes renting videos.Now read the phrases and match each phrase with a picture by writing the letter of the picture in the blank in front of the correct phrase.Answers:1. d go bike riding 2. b go sightseeing 3. c take walks4. a go fishing 5. e rent videos1b Doing pairworkGood. Now work with your partner. Talk about what you would like to do on vacation. Talk about the activities in 1a at beginning of this unit. Talk about other activities you know.What are you doing for vacation?1. Im going bike riding2. Im going sightseeing3. Im taking walks4. Im going fishing5. Im renting videos6. Im babysitting her sister.7. Im playing basketball.2a Listening and checking Look! This is a talk show program. The reporter is interviewing an actress named He Yu. I will play a recoding of their conversation. Listen to the conversation. Put a checkmark next to the question you hear the reporter ask.TapescriptMale Reporter: Hi, He Yu! Im Jeff Blake from Lives of the very Famous magazine. Thank you for talking to me today.He Yu: Oh, youre wele. Its nice to meet you, Jeff.Male Reporter: He Yu, our readers wants to know whatfamous people do for vacation. Where are you going for yournext vacation?He Yu: Its beautifulAnd its always sunny and warm!Male Reporter: Really? What are you doing there?He Yu: Oh, going to the beachmaybe playing volleyballMale Reporter: Anything else?He Yu: Oh yes, going sightseeing, going shopping, you know,the usualMale Reporter: And how long are you staying?He Yu: Oh, only for three weeksMale Reporter: Well, that sounds wonderful.Answers:Reporters QuestionsHe Yus Answers1. Where are you going for vacation?2._ Whats it like there?3._Hows the weather there?4.What are you doing there?5. _Who are you going with?6. How long are you staying?Read the tapescript to underline all the useful expressions and shaow the examples of Present progressive as future Where, when, how long questions.2b Listening and matchingNow listen to the tape again. Write He Yus answers to the questions on these lines.Answers Reporters QuestionsHe Yus Answers1. Where are you going for vacation?Italy2._ Whats it like there?3._Hows the weather there?4. What are you doing there?going to the beach, going shopping, playing volleyball, going sightseeing5. _Who are you going with?6. How long are you staying?three weeks2c Doing pairworkImagine you are an interviewer. How do you make an interview? Read the conversation in the box. Now work in pairs. Student A, you are the reporter. Student B, you are He Yu. Ask and answer questions about He Yus vacation. Then switch roles.Then Ill ask pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.A: Hello, He Yu. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans?B: Yes.A: What are you doing ?3a Reading and writingRead the article and pay attention to the five numbered picture.Ben Lamberts Vacation Plans!Ben Lambert, the famous French singer, is taking a long vacation this summer! He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada. I always take vacations in Europe, he said. This time I want to do something different. I heard that Canada is beautiful, and I know there are many people there who speak French.Ben is going to Canadas Great Lakes. He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation. Im taking walks(_),going fishing(_),and going bike riding(_)Im planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside. I love nature. I hope I can forget all my problems! At night, Im renting videos(_)and sleeping a lot(_) A great vacation! I cant wait!”Look at the article again. One of the things Ben Lamberts is going to do is taking walks. Which of the items in the pictures does he need for a walk?S: Hiking boots. T: Right. Then write 5, the number next to that picture, on the line after “taking walks” .Lets check the answers.Ben Lamberts Vacation Plans!Ben Lambert, the famous French singer, is taking a long vacation this summer! He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada. I always take vacations in Europe, he said. This time I want to do something different. I heard that Canada is beautiful, and I know there are many people there who speak French.Ben is going to Canadas Great Lakes. He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation. Im taking walks(5),going fishing(3),and going bike riding(4)Im planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside. I love nature. I hope I can forget all my problems! At night, Im renting videos(1)and sleeping a lot(2) A great vacation! I cant wait!”Read the article again to underline the expressions and show the connectives.While reading try to notice examples of Present progressive as future.3b pleting the articleRead this paragraph, please. Saying blank each time when you e to a blank line. Julia Morgan, the famous movie star, is taking a vacation. She is going to_ “I just finished making my last movie,” she says. Im_ and I really need to_ .I asked her about her plans. Well, Im going_ and_. Im also_ and_. I want an exciting vacation!”Now read the paragraph and fill in the blanks. Please finish the activity individually.Julia Morgan, the famous movie star, is taking a vacation. She is going to Beijing. “I just finished making my last movie,” she says. Im tired and I really need to relax .I asked her about her plans. Well, Im going taking walks and going bike riding. Im also going fishing and planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside. I want an exciting vacation!”(The answers will vary.)3c Writing an article We have read about Julia and Bens vacation. Pretend you are a famous singer or football player. What kind of vacation would you like? Please write an article. You can use the words in this unit. You dont have to write your true plan.Im a pop singer. I am always busy. Im tired and I really need to relax. Im going taking walks and going bike riding. Im also going fishing and planning to have a very relaxing vacation with my friends. 4 Making a surveyT: Do you want to relax? SS: Yes.T: Ok. Lets make a survey. Please pay attention to the chart on page 81.Find someone who isNamegoing to the beach.visiting family.staying home.playing sports.going shopping.taking a walk.reading a book.renting a video.You will ask your classmates what they are doing this weekend. Write your classmates name next to the correct activity.A: What are you doing this weekend?B: Well, Im going shopping on Saturday.Closing down by asking and answeringA: What are you doing for vacation?B: Im going shopping.A: What are you doing for vacation?B: Im going hiking.A: What are you doing for vacation?B: Im going fishing.A: What are you doing for vacation?B: Im going visiting my grandma. A: What are you doing for vacation?B: Im going visiting the Palace Museum.SELF CHECKGoals To revise the vocabulary To revise the target language in this unitProceduresWarming up by giving a dictationToday we are going to do the SELF CHECK to revise the target language. But first, lets have a dictation.babysitting, sightseeing, fishing, renting videos, how long, plan, decide, at home, get back1 Filling in the blanksThere are five sentences in the box. First use the words given to you to fill in the blanks. Then check the answers. leave hear plan ask hope 1. I_ that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing.2. Shes_ for Hong Kong on Tuesday.3. Im _ the weather is nice in the mountains.4. I want to_ you about places to visit in China.5. Im_ my vacation to Italy this weekend.AnswerS:1. hear 2. leaving 3. hoping 4.ask 5. planningNow make sentences with your own words.1. We left the party at 8 oclock2. We often hear her sing this song.3. Is there anything planned for tonight?4. The teacher asked a lot of questions.5. We hope to see you tomorrow.2 Writing the scheduleImagine you are a tourist guide. You plan schedules for tourists who visit your city. Write the schedule for this weekend. You can answer the questions below in your schedule.1. Where are you going?2. What are you doing there?3. What should tourists take with them?4. Where are you leaving from?5. When are you leaving?6. What are you eating?For example:SaturdaySunday morningWe are going to the Great Wall in the morningmorningWe are going to the Summer Palace in the morningafternoonWe are going to have a picnic in the afternoon.afternoonWe are going fishing in the afternoon.eveningWe are going to try some Chinese food in the evening.eveningWe are going to visit some Chinese homes in the evening.Just for fun!Lets sing a song in English.Wee Willie Winkie Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,Upstair


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