九年级英语上册 Module 10 Australia Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football教案 外研版.doc

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九年级英语上册 Module 10 Australia Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Module 10 Australia Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football教案 外研版.doc_第3页
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Unit 2The game that they like most is Australian football.【教学目标】词汇at the moment,period,spirit,relationship,relative, salad,grape,kangaroo,lazy 句型1.On the first day,we took a plane tour over the rock,and I was surprised at how big it was:3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high ! 2The Australians have a close relationship with the British. 3The foods that Australians like most are ham and beef with lots of salad. 4Because most Australians live near the coast,they also love going to the beach for swimming and surfing or just lying in the sun. 5The horse that I rode was lazy,so I was left far behind the others.But I enjoyed the slow and relaxing riding.重点难点1.本单元词汇和重点句子。2定语从句的用法。【教学思路】本单元整体以阅读为中心,通过让学生阅读一封托尼写给爸爸妈妈的信,进一步体会定语从句的用法,更多了解澳大利亚的历史及景色。并学习到一些固定搭配的短语,设计了以下几个活动来完成本课:单词游戏教学,让学生用小游戏的方式来学习词汇,使课堂变得活泼有趣;任务型阅读,教师布置不同的任务,让学生带着问题完成任务,让阅读的效果倍增;写作练习,主要对于“旅游”这一话题进行讨论并写作,锻炼学生的写作能力和思维能力。【教学准备】黑板,粉笔,录音机,磁带等。【教学过程】Step 1 Leading in1检查学生单词的预习情况。请学生领读单词,教师纠正读音,对于读得好的同学,要加分鼓励。2利用比赛的方式,让学生熟读单词。可以是男女比赛,也可以是左右两部分比赛,也可以是前后两部分比赛,教师要把朗读变化多样。3让学生三分钟快速背诵,并进行抢拼。活动小结:既可以锻炼学生的反应能力、听力能力,更能够提高学生的学习兴趣。Step 2 Reading and vocabulary1Reading and vocabulary(14)(1)教师用多媒体展示4张带有澳大利亚风情的图片,让学生讨论描述,并且让学生猜一猜托尼的信中有可能会谈到什么。鼓励学生踊跃发言。(2)这一环节主要训练学生的泛读能力。让学生快速地阅读托尼的信,并找出描述课本上右侧图片的句子。然后再读一遍,完成下面的阅读任务。Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions.aWhom was Tony writing to?bWhat transportation did Tony take on the first day?cWhen the writer saw the big rock,what was the writer surprised at?dWhat color do the rocks turn during different periods of the day?Read Paragraph 2 and answer the questions.aThe Australians are like the British in many ways.Can you give us some examples? bWhat sports do they like most?Read Paragraphs 3 and 4 and answer the questions.aWhats the weather like in Australia in Dec.bWhat language do Australians speak?cWhen we say“Hello”and“Dont worry about it”,how do Australians say?Read Paragraphs 5 and 6 and answer the questions.aWhat did the writer do on the second day after he arrived in Australia?bWhy was the writer left far behind the others when he went on a horse ride?cHow did the writer go back to Sydney?(3)完成活动3部分:找出文中的五种颜色、四种食品、三种动物和四项体育运动。(4)放课文录音,让学生听,伴随刚才阅读留下的印象再次更真实地理解全文。最后,给学生5分钟的时间完成活动4部分,然后组织小组讨论答案。2Reading and vocabulary(5)(1)要求学生从文中找到活动5部分的8个词,并齐读。教师让学生说出对于这8个词的理解。(2)完成活动5部分的练习。(3)除此之外,课文中还有部分重点知识,请学生讨论总结。(4)知识点运用。活动小结:分层次回答问题可以让学生理解文章更加透彻,为下面的习题练习打下良好的基础。Step 3 WritingDo Activity 6让学生选择一个他们曾经去过的中国的地方,写出来他们的所见所闻,注意要用过去时态,要求用上定语从句。教师给出范文:Last summer holiday my family went to Xiamen.I believe it is the most interesting place that I have ever visited.It left us a great impression.We went there by plane,and the guide took us to many places of interest.The scenery was beautiful. We climbed mountains,visited the famous temples,went to the beach and swam in the sea.What made me feel most interested in the city was that people there were very friendly.You know,since it was our first time there,we lost our way one day.The people who lived there helped us.They told us the direction very patiently.I was really surprised by their friendliness.I hope that I will have time to go there again some day in the future.活动小结:锻炼学生的写作能力和想象力。Step 4 Summary教师带领学生一起回顾本节课的重点。并以领读、齐读及反馈的方式进行巩固练习。Step 5 Homework1用活动6部分所给出的信息“the people”“food”“ways of life”“events during the trip”,来完成一篇短文。2预习第三单元内容。【板书设计】Unit 2The game that they like most is Australian football.Main words:Main phrases:period the centre of spirit at the moment relationship be surprised at relative in many ways salad in the sun grape lots of kangaroo on the second day lazy far behind


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