2019-2020年九年级英语上册TV Programmes(1).doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册TV Programmes(1)课文祥解 1. Im far too busy to go shopping. 我实在太忙了,没时间去买东西。 far用作副词,意为“很”“非常”,常修饰形容词、副词、比较级或最高级,强调程度,表示“很多”。如: Hes fallen far behind in his work. 他的工作无远没有做完。 Their room is far larger than yours. 他们的房间比你们的大很多。 This room is far too warm. 这个房间太热了。 He is a man of far sight. 他是一个目光远大的人。 Im far too busy to go shopping. 我真的是太忙了,没时间去购物。 far用作副词,意为“远”“遥远”“久远”,指表示空间与时间上的距离。如: How far did you go? 你走了多远? He always works far into the night. 他总是工作到深夜。 The plane is flying far above the clouds. 飞机在云霄上飞。 far用作形容词,意为“远的”“遥远的”。如: I like to travel to a far place. 我喜欢到远处去旅行。 She was sitting at the far end of the room. 她坐到房间的那一头。 They live in the far south of the city. 他们住在那个城市的南面。 In the far north, days are short in winter. 在较北的地方,冬日的白天较短。 as far as意为“与一样远”,强调到某一地方,as far as还可表示“就而言”的意思,表示某种程度。如: I cant swim as far as you. 我游不到你那样远。 We walked as far as the station. 我们一直走到火车站。 I only walk as far as the foot of the mountain. 我仅走到山脚那么远。 As far as I know, he will be away for two weeks. 据我所知,他要离开两星期。 As far as I know, shes not ing, but I may be wrong. 就我所知,她不打算来,但我或许会错。 so far意为“到目前止”,可以放在句首,也可放在句尾。如: So far the weather has been good, but it might change. 直到现在为止,天气都很好,但也许有变。 I have been here for three months, and so far Ive enjoyed myself. 我来这里已经有三个月了,我一直过得很愉快。 I have written to Jim, but I havent received his letter so far. 我已经给吉姆写过信了,但到目前为止我还没有收到他的回信。 2. Then Ill have lunch and a little sleep between 2 and 7. 然后,在两点至七点之间我吃午饭并睡会儿。 between用作介词,意为“在和之间”,常与and连用。如: You can sit between him and me. 你可以坐在我和他中间。 A football match is going on between a Chinese team and a Japanese team. 中国队和日本队之间正在进行一场足球赛。 between强调在两者之间,而among一般指三者或三者以上。如: There is a picture hanging between the two windows. 两扇窗户中间挂着一幅画。 The animals usually hide among the trees in the daytime. 野兽白天通常藏在树林里。 I couldnt find him among the crowd. 我在人群里找不到他。 【注】当表示三者以上的事物每两两之间时,仍用between。如: There is a canal between the three cities. 这三个城市之间有条运河。 Agreements have been made between different countries. 不同的国家之间已达成了协议。 3. Every one of them has their own favourite TV programme. 他们每个人都有自己最喜欢的电视节目。 everyone通常情况下写成一个单词,但在后面接一个表示范围的of短语时,应写成两个单词。如:原句中every one of them。当anyone后面接of时,也写成两个单词,即any one of。如: Every one if the students in the class has passed the exam. All the students in the class have passed the exam. 这个班上的所有的学生都通过了这次考试。 Every one of the them has their own idea. 他们每个人都有自己的主意。 Any one of the boys can do what the two grown-ups are doing. 这些男孩中随便哪一个都能干那两个成年人在干的活。 I like all the novels, any one of them. 我喜欢所有这些小说,它们中的任何一本。 every用作形容词,表示“每一个”,在句中只作定语,与单数名词连用,着重于整体中每个人或事物,即把分散的项目集中成为一个整体来看待,强调整体。如: Every minute is important to us. 每分钟对我们都是重要的。 There are TV stations in every big city in China now. 现在中国每个大城市都有电视台。 We make experiments in chemistry every day. 我们每天都做化学实验。 every与数字连用,可表示“每一次的”“每隔的”。如: You must change the oil in the car every 5000 miles. 你必须每行上5000里给汽车换一次油。 I usually go to my uncles every three days(every third day). 我通常每三天(每隔两天)去我叔叔家一次。 every可与other+单数可数名词连用,表示“每隔”。如: Please write on every other line. 请隔行写。 They planted a tree every other meter along the road. 他们在马路边每隔一米栽一棵树。 each用作形容词,意为“每个的”,强调一个群体(至少两个)中个别的个体。如: Each child learns at his/her own plan. 每个儿童均按自己的进度学习。 There is a tree on each side of the house. 房子两边各有一棵树。 Each day is better than the one before. 一天比一天好。 each用作代词,意为“各个”“每个”,作主语时,谓语用单数。如: Each of the houses is slightly different. 每座房子都稍有区别。 Each of the students had his own bike. 孩子们各有自己的自行车。 each放在主语后,作主语(一定是复数)的同位语时,谓语用复数。如: We each have an orange in the hand. 我们每人手里有一只桔子。 They each have different opinions about it. 他们对那件事各有不同的意见。 4. on与about on用作介词,意为“关于”,意味着具有严肃的学术性内容。如: Have you read the article on France in the newspaper? 你读过报上那篇关于法国的文章吗? That book is on an important subject. 那本书是讲一个重要的问题。 about用作介词,意为“关于”,是一个普通用词,强调一般性和通俗性。如: They held a discussion about dinosaurs. 他们举办了一次关于恐龙的讨论会。 He likes watching a TV programme about school life. 他喜欢看有关学校生活的电视节目。 5. They are writing their own TV programmes for a writing petition. 他们正在编写自己的电视节目来参加一场写作比赛。 ones own用作形容词,意为“自己的”“特有的”。如: That is my own camera. 那是我自己的相机。 I saw it happen with my own eyes. 我亲眼目睹了那件事的发生 The orange has its own scent. 桔子有它独特的香味。 own用作代词,意为“自己”。如: May I keep it for my own? 我可以把它作为己有吗? Ill do the work on my own. 我将独立地工作。 Why didnt you tell her to use her own? 为什么你不叫她用她自己的呢? on ones own是一个习惯短语,意为“独自”“独立”。如: He runs a factory on his own. 他独立经营工厂。 She still lives on her own. 她仍然独自一人生活。 own用作动词,意为“拥有”“有”,指具有法律上的所有权,其主语往往是人。如: Who owns this land? 这块地为谁拥有啊? He used to own a lot of houses. 他过去拥有好几处房子。 His family owned neither land nor house. 他家既无田地又无房子。 6. A weekly round-up of what is happening in sports, with lots of up-to-date information. 体育方面所发生的事件一周综述,为你提供大量的最新的体坛信息。 weekly用作形容词,意为“每周一次的”“每周的”。如: They are doing the weekly cleaning. 他们在进行每周一次的大扫除。 Have you read the weekly newspaper? 你看过周报了吗? weekly它还可以用作名词,表示“周刊”,monthly表示“月刊”。如: I have subscribed to a weekly. 我已经订了一份周刊。 This is a monthly magazine. 这是一个月刊。 Our club has a monthly meeting. 我们俱乐部每月开一次会。 weekly也可以用作副词,意为“每周地”。如: He receives his wages weekly. 他每周领一次工资。 Mr. Davies pays me rent weekly. 戴维斯先生每星期付我一次租金。 7. happen的用法小结 happen用作不及物动词,意为“(偶然)发生”,指具体客观事物的发生,往往带有偶然的意味,其主语往往是物。Happen不用于被动语态。如: This story happened in Shanghai. 这个故事发生在上海。 A fire happened in his factory last night. 昨晚那个工厂发生了火灾。 happen to sb. / sth. 意为“某人/物出了某事”,to为介词。主语一般是某物。如: If anything happens to the machine, do let me know. 假如机器出了什么毛病,务必通知我。 What has happened to him (=Whats wrong / the matter with him?) 他怎么了? What finally happened to the boy? 这男孩最后怎样了。 happen to do sth. 意为“碰巧做某事”,如: Her birthday happens to be New Years Day. 她的生日碰巧是元旦这一天。 I happened to be out when you called. 你来访时我碰巧出去了。 He happened to be watching TV when his father came home. 父亲回来时,他碰巧晨看电视。 It happened that + 从句。意为“碰巧”。如: It happened that I saw him yesterday. 昨天我碰巧见到他了。 It happened that she was thinking of something when the teacher called her. 当老师叫她时,珍妮碰巧在想事情。 It happened that he had seen the film. 他碰巧看过那部电影了。 【注】happen注意其否定句中否定词的位置转移。如:“我碰巧身上没带钱”可有多种译法。 I happened not to have any money with me. I didnt happen to have any money with me. I happened to have no money with me. It happened that I had no money with me. It happened that I didnt have any money with me. take place也表示是“发生”的意思,指事先布置或策划好,然后发生,没有偶然的意思,是不及物动词词组,没有被动语态。如: Great changes have taken place in our city in the past 5 years. 过去的五年里,我们市发生了巨大变化。 The October Revolution took place in 1917. 十月革命发生在1917年。 Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 1980. 自从1980年以来,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。 He asked me whether the sports meet would take place the next week. 他问我运动会是否在下星期召开。 8. up-to-date的用法 up-to-date是复合形容词,意为“现代的”“新式的”“最新的”。如: This book is up-to-date. 这本书是最新的。 The equipment here is really up-to-date. 这里的设备很新式的。 out of date意为“过期的”“过时的”。如: Her clothes are about ten years out of date. 她的衣服已经过时十年了。 This information is out of date. 这资料已经过时了。 9. The programme covers different sports, such as basketball, swimming, badminton and football. 本节目涵盖了不同的体育项目,诸如篮球、篮球、游泳、羽毛球和足球。 cover用作动词,意为“包含”“包括”“涉及”。如: The lectures covered a lot of subjects. 这些讲座涉及的内容极为广泛。 The survey covers all aspects of the business. 调查包括这个企业的各个方面。 The exhibition covers an area of 5,000 square metres. 展览会展出面积为5,000平方米。 cover用作动词,也可以“盖”“遮盖”。如: Flood water covers our fields. 洪水淹没了我们的田地。 Lies cannot cover up facts. 谎言掩盖不了事实。 Please cover the bowl with a piece of paper. 请用纸把碗盖上。 A passing lorry covered us in mud from head to foot. 一辆驰过的卡车溅了我们一身泥。 cover用作动词,意为“报道”“(记者)采访”。如: He is covering the sports meeting. 他正在报道运动会的情况。 He was sent to cover the traffic accident. 他被派去采访了那起交通事故。 cover用作动词,还可表示“行过”“走过(路程)”。如: They covered three hundred miles that day. 那一天他们走了三百英里。 He wants to cover 100 miles before it gets dark. 他想在天黑之前走100英里。 I covered 10 miles today. I never guessed that I could walk that far. 我今天走了10英里路,我从没想过我能走那么远。 be covered with意为“覆盖”“遮盖”,表示一种状态。如: The ground is covered with snow. 地上覆盖着雪。 The trees are covered with fruit. 树上结满了水果。 The table is covered with dust. 桌子上都是灰尘。 cover也可作名词,表示“盖子”“罩”“封面”。如: The cover of a pot is called a lid. 盖壶的盖子叫作壶盖。 My book needs a new cover. 我的书需要一个新封面。 He always reads the paper from cover to cover. 他总是把报纸从头到尾看一遍。 10. However, if you are not a football fan, you might find this weeks programme a bit boring. 然而,如果你不是一个足球迷,那么你可能会觉得本周的节目有点乏味。 原句中的a bit boring是谓语动find的宾语补足语。find可接多种形式的宾语补足语。如: You will find it a difficult book. 你会发现这是本很难的书。(名词) He found


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