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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit9Haveyoueverbeentoamuseum(第1课时)Newwordsandphrases教案新人教版Teaching and Learning Goals:一、语言知识和语言技能:1. 能争取使用下列词汇:Camera, unbelievable, progress, rapid, unusual, toilet, encourage, social, peaceful, perfect, itself, collect,German,ride,province,thousand,safe,simply,fear,whether,Indian,Japanese, fox, whenever, spring, mostly2.能争取在具体情景下学会使用下列常用单词或短语:amusement, amusement park, somewhere, invention, invent, tea art, performance, a couple of, theme, thousands of, on the one handon the other hand, all year round,equator, location3. 能认读下列词汇:( Non-curriculum words)National Science Museum, International Museum of Toilets, Hangzhou National Tea Museum, Donald Duck, Disney Cruise ,the Terracotta Army, the Birds Nest, Singapore, Southeast Asia,Night Safari4.能够利用故事记忆所学的新单词。二、学习策略: 1.学会依据图片在语境中理解和记忆新单词2.学会根据图表和构词规律理解和记忆新词3.通过小组内互助交流的方式学习词汇。三、情感态度:通过学习“有趣的地方”,让学生欣赏到中外的名胜古迹,鼓励学生多走出去感受外面精彩的世界。Teaching and learning steps Step 1. Warming up and leading inT: Which place would you like to visit?S1: Id like to visit the Birds Nest. T: What about you?S2: Id like to visit the Terracotta. T: What about you?S3: Id like to visit Disneyland.T: What about you?S4: Id like to visit Singapore.T: What about you?S5: Id like to the amusement park.T: There are a lot of fun places in the world, arent there? Would you like to know more about fun places?Ss: Yes, wed like to!T: OK, now lets learn Unit 9. First, lets learn the new words and phrases. Open your books to Page 123-124. Look at the new words and phrases in this unit.Step 2Learn to read the words on P123-124 1. First, ask the students to read all the words by themselves using the phonetics. At the same time ask them to underline the difficult words. 2. Encourage the good students to read the difficult words to their partners. The teacher can give some help when necessary.3. Get three middle-level students to read all the words, the others listen and correct their mistakes in pronunciation. If necessary, the teacher helps them.4. Play the tape and ask them to read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation. 5. At last, the students read aloud to memorize the words. The teacher walks around to see whether the students have any questions. (设计意图:首先学生自己根据音标字读单词,并标出试读难点。接着组内读给同伴听,解决遇到的发音问题。然后教师检查学生朗读,及时纠正错音。最后让学生跟录音读。单词的学习坚持从个体同伴小组整体的原则,培养学生自主学习和小组互助学习的能力,以保证所有学生都能熟练读出单词,语音纯正,发音准确。)Step 3 Learn the new wordsIRemember the words by guessing the meaning of pictures. T: We have done a good job. Lets look at some pictures now. 1. Singapore is a beautiful country. 2. Its close to the equator . 3. Singapore has a special zoo called 4. We can see a couple of foxes in the zoo. Night Safari . the International Museum of Toilets in IndiaT: Have you ever heard of the International Museum of Toilets in India?Ss: No, we havent!T: It collects (收集) thousands of toilets . (数以千计的) tea art performance Hangzhou National Tea Museum T: Whats the girl doing?Ss: Shes is performing tea art with beautiful tea sets.T: Where is she performing tea art?Ss: She is performing tea art in Hangzhou National Tea Museum. Donald Duck DisneylandT: Who is this?Ss: He is Donald Duck.T: Whats he doing?Ss: He is taking photos with a camera.T: Where is he from? T: He is from Disneyland. It is an amusement park with a special theme (设计意图:利用图片创设语境,教授新词,直观形象,先让学生猜测词义,可增加印象,使其轻松地把英语和汉语对应起来。运用图片能让学生直观地理解单词的意思,通过建立语境和语义之间的关系,促进理解、加深记忆,培养学生用英语思维的习惯,减少了学生对汉语的依赖,避免孤立地理解和记忆单词。通过授课,效果良好。) IIRemember the words by conversion(转换) 、plex words (合成)、 derivative(派生)and parison(对比) 1.Conversion(转换) I ride ( 动词 ) my bike to school every day. This is a boat ride (名词)with a Disney theme. I fear (动词)I am late. Do you have this fear(名词?2plex words (合成) it + self = itself when + ever = whenever some + where = somewhere3.Derivative(派生)invent + ion = invention locate + ion = location perform +ance = performance simple + y = simply most + ly = mostlypeace + ful = peacefulun + believable = unbelievable un + usual = unusal(设计说明:依据读音规则、词的转换,词的派生、合成等构词规则识词,可以帮助学生学会系统的记忆单词。)IIIRemember these words and phrases by matching their Chinese .on the one hand on the other hand 社会的all year round 进步social 搜集progress 一方面,另一方面.encourage 全年collect 鼓励(设计意图:通过连接本单元新词或短语的英语释义,旨在培养学生在语境中猜测词汇的能力,体现了温故知新的教学理念。)VIRemember the words by filling the chart.国家 n.国人的 n.& adj.语言 n.China ChineseChineseJapan Japanese JapaneseIndia Indian IndianGermany German German Step4 Consolidation of words 1. Give the students a few minutes to try to memorize the words first . 2. Ask the Ss to write down the words and phrases.1._ n. 照相机 2._ adj.难以置信的;不真实的3_ v. 进步;进展 4._ adj. 迅速的;快速的5._ adj. 特别的;不寻常的 6._ n.坐便器;厕所7._ v.鼓励 8._adj.社会的9._ adj.和平的;安宁的 10. _ adj.完美的;完全的 11._ pron.(it的反身代词)它自己 12._ v.收集;采集 13. _ adj.德国的; 14. _ n.省份 15._ num.一千 16. _ v.害怕;惧怕17._ adj.安全的;无危险的 18. _ adv.仅仅;只;不过 19. _ conj.不管(还是); 20._ adj.日本的;21._ n.狐狸 22. _ conj.在任何时候; 23._ n. 春天 24._ adv. 主要地 (设计意图:将本单元的词汇及短语提前打印下发给学生,学完后,集中检测,在规定时间内完成,让学生互换批阅,增强竞争意识。不过关的课下再进行二次过关。)Step 5 Learn how to use the new words and phrases in a story Wele to Singapore! It is in Southeast Asia. Its a good place for thousands of tourists to take a holiday. Its warm all year around, because its close to the equator. Singapore has an amusement park called Disneyland. Its unbelievable. You can take photos with Donald Duck. Disney Cruise is a good choice. You can also enjoy the tea art performances. If you like, you can collect a couple of tea sets. They are perfect inventions. If you e to Singapore, on the one hand, you can enjoy German, Indian and Japanese food; on the other hand, you can make progress in your English.Whenever you e to Singapore, you must go to Night Safari. Its an unusual zoo. Its safe and peaceful. If you dont fear, you can even touch a foxs tail! 1. Underline the new words in this unit and translate the passage into Chinese in pairs.欢迎到新加坡!她在亚洲的东南部,是数以千计的游客度假的好地方。全年气候温暖,因为它靠近赤道。新加坡有一个迪斯尼乐园游乐场。那真的令人难以置信。你可以和唐老鸭一起拍照。迪斯尼环游是个不错的选择。你可以欣赏茶艺表演。如果你喜欢,你还可以收集几套茶具。他们是完美的发明。如果你来到新加坡,一方面,你可以享受到德国、印度和日本的美食。另一方面,你还可以使你的英语取得进步。无论你何时去新加坡,你必须去夜间动物园。那是一个非同寻常的动物园。那儿既安全又宁静。如果你不害怕,你还可以摸狐狸的尾巴。 2. Read the stories aloud and check the pronunciation to each other. Then try to tell these stories to your partners. (设计意图:在学生记忆本单元单词的基础上,再学习由本单元的生词编成的一篇文章, 体现了词不离句的教学原则,有助于学生学习理解和使用本单元的词汇,让学生学习单词有了语境,在语境中了解词汇的意义和词汇的表意功能,这为学生学习、实践和运用英语创造了条件,有助于学生有效记忆和使用英语词汇。通过找主题句、生生互译短文、互读短文等形式对单词进行强化巩固理解。)Step 6 Retell the story .T: I can see you have understood the story well. Now lets try to retell it . You can use the mind-map. LocationDisneylandmaFood and study Night SafariSingapore(设计意图:本段文章以 “欢迎到新加坡”为话题,巧妙地把本单元的词汇融入其中,用图片的形式呈现既直观又实用,能很好地帮助学生把故事串成一个整体,这样既巩固了新单词又锻炼了学生在语境中理解和记忆单词的能力,也体现了词不离句,句不离篇的教学理念。复述时,提供了两种形式供学生选择,程度好的同学,可借助图片的形式自己组织语言,要求较高。中等生可以采用第一种形式复述,体现了分层教学的理念。在学生复述短文后,教师及时地进行情感教育,让学生在潜移默化中使情感得到升华。) Step 6 当堂检测一. 用所给词的适当形式补全句子。1. Its _(believable) he passed the exam because he didnt study hard.2 .This library has two_(thousand) books, but that one has_(thousand) of books.3.West Lake is a _(peace) place to take a holiday.4.The girls_ (perform) is perfect.5. The International Museums of toilets is _(usual).Step7. HomeworkTask1. Retell the story with the help of the mind map. ( )Task2. Ask the Ss to make up a story with the new words and phrases in this unit. ( )(设计意图:本单元的知识树是老师编好的,其实学生也能编出来类似的故事,所以这个作业便于学生学会生词的运用。)答案当堂检测一用所给词的适当形式补全句子。 1.unbelievable 2 . thousand; thousands 3. peaceful 4. performance 5. unusual【亮点】1. 本教案按照“生本教育”的理念进行备课,强化学生自主学习的理念。教学的每一步都让学生自己进行学习,教师仅作指导和解决学生疑难的引路者。2. 教学单词避免了纯粹的教读单词,而是借助情景展示、语境导入、图片识词、拼读规则、结构规律、拆分巧记、故事背诵等方式记忆单词,既丰富了学生记忆单词的方式,也引导学生懂得并学习如何用多种方式巧记、活记单词。引导学生在句子中学习新单词,调动了学生的积极性。3.单词的拼读注重了学生自学能力和小组合作能力的培养。首先要求学生进行自读,然后读给同伴听,再读给全班同学听,老师予以纠正。为保证发音的纯正,让学生分组朗读,再跟着磁带读,最后相互纠正发音,直到所有的学生都能正确读音。 【不足之处】一节课的时间毕竟有限,不能面面俱到,要求学生当堂复述有难度,还需在以后的复习中查缺补漏和加大检查的广度。【使用建议】1. 教师首先要熟练掌握本单元教学内容,明确每个单词及词组在单元中的位置及其用法,同时注意两人或多人小组合作或帮扶学习的方式使用, 加大检查普及率,加大学生合作学习活动的广度和力度,才能有效地增加课堂效率。本节课是以小组互助合作完成的,课前必须合理分组,以3-4人为一组,课堂中要求小组合作学习的,要让学生进行师徒互助,及时帮扶,保证人人进步,个个过关。并且要注意评价手段的运用,对学习小组及时评价,以保证学生旺盛的积极性。2. 本节课容量大,词汇较多,为保证教学目标的顺利达成,需要提前安排学生进行充分的预习,至少通读词汇,能根据音标认读单词。必须提前准备课件及相应学案,让学生有本可依。复述环节优生可当堂完成,允许后进生第二天晨读后完成。


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