2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Module 3 On the radio备课教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Module 3 On the radio备课教案 外研版 第一课时 听说课教案题目Module 1 On the radio Unit 1 Remember to look out for the red light!教材分析本模块以电台广播活动为话题,通过对广播台的参观,文本主人公幼年时对广播收听的喜爱,长大后从事于广播事业继而成功的一系列事件展开。以求掌握动词不定式及动词的现在分词形式做宾语的句式;把握与电台广播相关的词汇及日常用语;并通过文本的学习能够放眼实事,领会成功人士光环背后所需付出的努力与勤奋。学情分析(一)本模块围绕电台播音及广电台的活动而展开,相信学生对此内容颇感兴趣。同时辅以主人公的早年经历为线索,联系现实,阐明兴趣的培养,对事业的执着与努力是将来成功的基础。(二) 动词不定式做宾语结构在八(A)Module 9、10中均有涉足,可通过复习回顾加深学生的印象,但是学生对动词ing形式做宾语的句式掌握不多,故需反复操练;并且可将动词不定式与动词ing形式相结合,采用并行操练的形式,相信会有利于学生更好的掌握。教学目标知识目标1. New words:presenter/reporter /article /manager /result /score /rain /prepare /glass等。 2Drills and phrases. 3. grammar: remember to do/doing /would like to/enjoy doing/stop doing/keep doing/ 能力目标熟练理解文本内容,并能通过课文听说训练,理解简单的英语广播播报。情感目标在课文文本的学习中,加强团队合作精神,调动学生的良性竞争意识;了解有关电台实况转播的要素,以及技术发明对人类文明发展的切实意义;了解当下名人成名的奋斗史,用理性的思维体会成功光环背后的努力勤奋与付出。教学重点1. New words:Collect, collection, tidy , tidy up, fan, stamp, take up, all the time等。 2Drills and phrases. 3 Listening skills. 4. The five kinds of structures of the sentences.教具 多媒体教学文化意识 了解不同国家不同人群的不同的兴趣和爱好,尊重对方的兴趣和爱好,接纳对方的各种兴趣爱好并能更好的理解他人。了解国家之间的差异和不同时期的差异。教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step1 : 1. Show a picture, lead-in the topic of this unit.2. Play a VOA.3. Talking. (Talk about listening to the radio.)-Do you like listening to the radio?-What do you like listening to? 学生活动 Look at the picture. Talking目的 通过给同学们展示图片,以活跃课前气氛,激发兴趣,同时,也是导入新知的一部分。Pre-listening教师活动Step 2: Have a Free Talk Teacher talks with the students about their hobbies.T: Do you like watching Tv?S: .T: What programme do you like best?S:.T: Why?学生活动Talk with the teacher about their hobbies, they can answer the teachers questions.目的 通过Free Talk的形式,和同学们讨论他们的爱好。 由于本模块的语法是动词不定式和动名词的用法,在初一和初二上学期的学习中早已见过用过很多,只是没有进行系统的归类和讲解,在听力中不会造成太大的障碍,所以,在语法课中再进行系统讲解,不在此进行“呈现新知和机械性操练”的活动和训练了。While-listening教师活动Step 3:Lead in the listening and show them the questions。 T: Now, class, Have you ever listened to the news in English? S: Yes. Then the teacher show them the questions: Listen and answer the question. 见课本学生活动 Listen to tape and then finish the chart. 目的 通过听力训练,提高同学们的听力能力。listen and read教师活动Step4:读前听1. Where are they visiting ?2. What is the weather like tomorrow?学生活动 Listen carefully and answer the questions.目的通过听对话材料,让学生有个整体印象。教师活动Step 5: 听后读 分角色朗读对话Step 6: 读后学Read the conversation and find out to+v.和v-ing.学生活动Then finish activity4、5。目的通过对本课所学知识进行输出练习,提高同学们口语表达的能力。Homework1. Remember what we have learnt this class.2. Finish Ex1.教学反思 第二课时 读写课教案教学目标知识目标1 new words:look down ,explain, voice, seem, ask for, article, look out of, sound 等。 2Drills and phrases. 3. grammar: verbs followed by v.ing form or (to) +v. It seemed that能力目标通过对本课的学习,能读懂谈论个人过去经历的文章,培养预测下文和评论文章的能力。 情感目标培养和强化学生的学习兴趣,锻炼克服困难的意志。教学重难点1 New words:look down ,explain, voice, seem, ask for, article, look out of, sound 等。 2Drills and phrases. 3Improve the students reading skills and writing ability.教具 多媒体、彩笔、素描纸等教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step1: Show the students some pictures and guess the words. T: Class, I want to show you some pictures , can you tell me what they do ? 学生活动Watch the pictures and think about the questions. 目的通过给同学们播放图片,讨论所给的问题,以活跃课前气氛,激发兴趣,同时,也是导入新知的一部分。Pre-reading教师活动Step 2: Talk about the pictures and lead in the reading.T: Class, what does the girl do?S: T: Can you list out some radio programmes?S: 学生活动Talk about the pictures with the teacher. And answer the teachers questions.目的通过讨论图片,讨论radio programmes, 然后很自然的导入文章。While-reading教师活动Step 3: Lead the students to read the text and answer the questions.1. Fast-reading: Read the whole text fast and answer the questions:(1) What is the writers job?_(2) When did the story happen?_ 2. Careful-reading:Read conversation and finish the questions:True or false questions:. A radio studio manager interviews the writer. ( ). The writer liked to listen to the radio when he was four. ( ). When the writer grew older , he lost his interest in radio.( ). The writer started making radio programmes with his friends at junior high school.( ). The writer began his work in radio when he was 15.( )学生活动1. Read the passage fast and answer the questions.2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.目的1 通过fast-reading训练同学们速读、略读和扫读的能力技巧。2 通过careful-reading训练同学们精读的技巧和能力。Post-reading教师活动Step 4: Lead the students to read the passage and :1. Find the difficulties they dont know.2. Teach them the important language points.Lead them to read and try to retell or say something about the passage.学生活动1. Read and find the difficulties they dont know.2. Learn the important language points.3. Read and try to retell or say something about the passage.目的1. 通过朗读,寻找不明白的问题,小组讨论解决。2. 再读学习重点知识。3. 朗读试着复述或概述文章内容。教师活动Step 5: Writing Write a passage describing an important event in the past.学生活动Finish the passage and then show them to the other groups.目的通过写自己做过的事情,充分展示自己。Homework1. Remember what we have learnt this class.2. Finish Ex3.教学反思 第三课时 语法课教案教学目标知识目标学习动词不定式和动名词的用法。能力目标 理解动词不定式和动名词的用法情感目标运用这些句型和所学知识,与他人进行交流和沟通,增进同学友谊,与他人维持良好的关系。教学重难点 动词不定式和动名词的学习和运用。教具 多媒体教学教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step 1: Play the song Yesterday once more. Teacher show them a song Yesterday once more, and let the students try to remember some of the sentences of the song. 学生活动 Watch and listen to the song, try to remember the sentences of the song. 通过歌曲,活跃气氛,同时也是导入的一部分,为下文导出要学句型做铺垫。Lead in 教师活动Step 2: Talk about the pictures.(用decide try decide 造句子) 学生活动Talk about the pictures。The cat enjoys sleeping.The girl loves reading.They decided to study hard.目的呈现例句,让同学们讨论、总结、归纳其用法。Specific structureteaching教师活动Step 3:After they talk about the sentences, the teacher shows them the structure of the sentences: The cat enjoys sleeping. 主 谓 宾The girl loves reading. 主 谓 宾They decided to study hard. 主 谓 宾 Then ask the students: T: Do you like reading? S: Yes, I like reading. . .So the teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard: Ask the students to talk about the sentences, talk about the structure of them . Then teaches them the structure: The cat enjoys sleeping.The girl loves reading.They decided to study hard. 主 + 谓 + 宾 。 。Use this kind of method to teach the students the grammar学生活动Look , think, and talk about the sentences, ask the teacher for help, listen to the teacher carefully, remember and understand the structure of the sentences.目的呈现句型,让同学们观察、思考、讨论、询问,认真听,仔细记,深入理解。Consolidationpractice教师活动Step 4:1. The teacher shows them some basic exercises.2. The teacher shows them some consolidation exercises.3. Use what we have learned to make a dialogue .学生活动Finish the exercises that the teacher gives.目的通过基础训练、巩固训练和应用训练,以练习和巩固所学句型结构,在语言应用过程和写作过程中不要出现句子结构错误。Homework1 Remember what we have learned this class.2 Finish the exercises on the workbook.教学反思第四课时 复习课达标课教学目标知识目标1. New words2. Phrases and drills3. Grammar4. Useful expressions 5. listening methods, reading methods and writing methods能力目标Use the new words, phrase, drills, listening methods, reading methods and writing methods to do exercises and talk in the daily life.情感目标From the learning, the students can learn how to help each other, and how to learn from each other.教学重难点1.New words2. Phrases and drills3. Grammar4.Useful expressions 5.listening methods, reading methods and writing methods教具导学案、笔记、粉笔、黑板等教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step 1: Let the students read the words together before the class学生活动 Read the words together loudly.目的课前读词,营造良好的学习气氛。Remember the notes教师活动Step 2: Let the students take out their notes , read and remember them by themselves.学生活动Take out their notes , read and remember them by themselves.目的复习笔记限时记忆。Basic practice教师活动Step 3: Show the students basic exercises and let them finish the exercises by themselves.学生活动Finish the exercises by themselves.目的 效果检测,专项训练,对笔记等基础知识进行考察。Ask and answer教师活动Step 4: After the basic exercises, the students can ask the teacher some questions that they dont know. And the teacher explains them for the students. And teaches them some of the important language points.学生活动After the basic exercises, the students can ask the teacher some questions that they dont know.目的专项训练后,进行疑难解答。 TestHave a test or exam.Homework Remember what we have learned this class and the difficulties that the teacher explained.教学反思 学生使用材料一(听说课)1. Have a free talk. 讨论自己的爱好: _2读对话,尝试复述对话。 3学习语言点:(模仿造句) (1)look out for 当心,注意e.g.Look out ! There is a car ing .Look out for spelling mistakes when you check your homework.拓展:look out of 向外看_ (2)Thank you的答语有:Not at all, Youre wele , Thats all right, Its my pleasure, Dont mention it.Thanks for +doing sth_(3)show sb.around +swh.=take sb. around +swh.领某人参观某地_(4)need to do sth.=need doing sth. 需要做某事(5)keep doing sth, 一直做某事 keep from doing sth. 阻止做某事4. 听后说:questionanswerprogrammes you likeprogrammes you hatename of the last programmewhat to do to bee a newsreaderwhat and when you decide to listen5作业: Remember what we have learnt this class. 学生使用材料二(读写课)1看图片special hobbies. 1)What do they do ? Can you guess? _. 2) Can you list out some radio programmes? _.2读中读:(1)Fast-reading: (速读全文,回答问题)What is the writers job?_When did the story happen?_ (2) Careful-reading: Read conversation and finish the questions:True or false questions:. A radio studio manager interviews the writer. ( ). The writer liked to listen to the radio when he was four. ( ). When the writer grew older , he lost his interest in radio.( ). The writer started making radio programmes with his friends at junior high school.( ). The writer began his work in radio when he was 15.( )3学习语言点:1. Look down (at),向下看; 其反义词组为look up (at) ,向上看。 e.g. The girl was very shy. She looked down at her feet. 拓展:讨论并总结含有look的短语和句型: _2. Shouldnt you be at school? 难道你不应该上学? 这是否定一般疑问句,常用来表示惊奇,责难,建议,看法等,意思为“难道不吗”eg: -Doesnt he want to go to Beijing? 难道他不想去北京吗? -Yes, he does. 不,他想去。模仿造句:_3. It seemed +that 从句。 拓展:seem to do sth. 似乎,好像;seem +adj./n. 看上去好像 _4. in person 亲自 Eg: You can ask him in person. _5. ask for sb. 找某人, ask for sth. 要某物, ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物, _6. As I grew older,my interest in radio grew. As 此处为连词,“随着”,引导了一个时间状语从句。7. learn about /of sth. 听说某事。拓展:learn from 向学习;learn by oneself 自学。8. in front of 在前面(外面) 拓展:in the front of在前面(内部)9. begin with以开始10.This was how my first real job in radio began.“how 引导的句子做表语,称为表语从句”。4写作训练 Writing :Write a passage describing an important event in the past._5作业: 1. Remember what we have learnt this class.2. Write something about your friends or parents special hobbies. 学生使用材料三(语法课)1. 听儿歌,记歌词: _2. 观察、归纳、总结句子结构: The cat enjoys sleeping.The girl loves reading.They decided to study hard3. 专项训练:找找主语、谓语、宾语。 (1) The cat enjoys sleeping _ (2) The girl loves reading. _ (3)They decided to study hard _ (4) The cakes taste very sweet. _4.完成课本练习5. 巩固训练:(见课本workbook)6作业:1Remember what we have learned this class.2Finish the exercises on the workbook. 学生使用材料四(复习课)1.检测效果,专项训练: 翻译单词和词组1.注意_ 2.不用客气_ 3.领某人参观_ 4向下看_5.亲自_ 6.在岁时_ 7.请求_ 8.听说,了解_ 9.在前面_ 10.以开始_ 2疑难解答,重点突破: (1)复习和专项训练中遇到的问题: _ (2) 答疑解惑:小组合作,讨论解决。 _3用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空1) They have to stop_(talk) when the red light is on.2)Keep _(study) English to work in radio. 3)You need_(speak) English to work in radio.4)He started_(make) his own radio programme.5)He remembers_ (get) his first job in radio.4. 作业:Remember what we have learned this class and the difficulties that the teacher explained.达标测验题一短语互译: 1.注意_ 2.不用客气_ 3.领某人参观_ 4向下看_5.亲自_ 6.在岁时_ 7.请求_8.听说,了解_ 9.在前面_10.以开始_ 二用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. Id like _(learn) English well, because I want to travel around the world one day. 2. Tom hates _(see) his team lose. 3.Daming enjoys_(listen) to music. 4.They decided _(visit) Radio Beijing with Sally. 5.They have to stop_(talk) when the red light is on. 6.Keep _(study) English to work in radio. 7.You need_(speak) English to work in radio. 8.He started_(make) his own radio programme. 9.He remembers_ (get) his first job in radio. 10.He learned_(speak) on the radio. 三单项选择:( )1. He went straight to his friend to _help. A. ask for B. ask from C. ask of D. ask to ( ) 2. -What did the man say over there ? -He told us _any further. There is danger ahead. A. dont goB. not go C. to go D. not to go( ) 3. Im afraid to _ from the top of a tall building.A.look upon B. look afterC. look down D. .look on( ) 4. You can improve your English _listening more and reading more. A. by B. from C. in D. with( ) 5.-Have you finished_your position? -Not yet. A. write B. writes C. was writing D. writing( ) 6. This morning my mother asked me _. A.why he is not here B how did my brother do itC. what time is it Dwhat Judy did over the weekend( ) 7. Would you please _ the Tv ? I want to do some reading. A. turn on B. close down C. tidy up D. take up ( ) 8. - Thanks for helping me find my way home . - _. A. Dont say so B. Yes, please C. No, thanks D. Dont mention it ( )9. -_will you be away? -In a couple of weeks. A. What time BHow soon C.How often D.How long ( ) 10. -I suppose well go to plant trees next week. -Terrific!Planting trees is a lot of fun.Id like to _you.A. visit B. join C. follow D. meet四. 汉译英:1. 你可以领我们游览一下这个博物馆吗? _.2. 他昨天亲自告诉了老师事情的真相。 _.3. 请这边走!老师的办公室在那儿。 _.4. 驾驶时请注意街道上的孩子。 _.5. 新闻联播播完了。 _.五请根据材料内容回答下面的问题。 In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution(污染). They join “environment(环境) club”. In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean. Here are some things students often do. No garbage(垃圾) lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school. No car day. On a no- car day, nobody es to school in a car- not the students and not the teachers. cars give pollution to our air, so remember: walk, jump, bike, or run! Use your legs! Its lots of fun! Turn off the water! Did you know that toilets(抽水马桶) can waste twenty to forty tons(吨) of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In the environment clubs, students mend those broken toilets. We love our environment. Lets work together to make it clean.1. environment clubs ask students_A. to run to school every day. B. to take exercise every day.C. not to forget to take cars D. not to throw away lunch bags2. From the passage we know the students usually have lunch_.A. at school B. in shopsC. in clubs D. at home3.on a no car day, _ will take a car to school.A. both students and teachers B. only studentsC. only teachers D. neither students nor teachers4. After students mend toilets, they save_A. a small river B. a clubC. a lot of water D. a toilet5. The


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