2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Lesson3 Book4学案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Lesson3 Book4学案 冀教版Lesson 3: Postcards! (Book4) 1. Spring has arrived in Shijiazhuang. 1) arrive in 到达较大的地方They will arrive in the city next week.arrive at 到达较小的地方They arrived at our school yesterday. 2) arrive/ reach/ get to2I didnt need my jacket! 1) v. 需要 sb. need to do sth. He needs to go to school today. He does not need to tell me. Does she need to know? sb. need sth. He needs a new coat. sth. need doing My shoes need mending. 2) aux.(无时态、人称变化,用于否定句和疑问句)必须 He need not know. 他不必知道。 Need anybody know? 有必要让所有人都知道吗? Need he go? Need I stay? 我必须留下来吗? Need you go now? Yes, I must. No,I neednt. 你现在得走吗?是,我现在得走. 不,我不必现在走。 3) n. 需要;必要(抽象概念,不可数) He felt the need of a better education. 他感到有必要受到更良好的教育。 There is no need to hurry. 没有必要着急。 3. The days are getting longer.1) get/bee 都可以指一个人的暂时性身心、天气或自然的变化。 The girl is being more and more careful.bee 也表“成为” He wants to bee/be a doctor. 2) turn 人/事物颜色的变化(与以前不同) Trees turn green in spring. 3) go 肉体或精神上由强变弱/事物由强变弱,表示变坏、变质。 The milk goes bad.4. Every morning I see many people in the park exercising.1) see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在干某事I saw a boy reading under the tree. He saw the old man carrying a heavy bag in the street.I saw the boy running in the street. 2) see sb. do表示看见某人干了(干过)某事。I saw the boy run into a house. 我看见那个男孩跑进了一座房子。3) 与see用法相同的词还有hear, watch, notice等。如:I heard the girl singing in the next room.I heard the girl sing a song in English. 我听到那个女孩用英语长了一首歌。5. The sun will set in about fifteen minutes.太阳将在大约15分钟后落下。1) in以现在的时间为起点,表示“在以后”,用于将来时态 They will arrive in two days. He will be back in a year. 2) after以过去的时间为起点, 表示“在以后”,用于过去时态.另外,在表示几点钟之后用after不用in。They left Shanghai after three days. 3天后他们离开了上海。Hell e here after two oclock. 6. Thank you for the postcard. 谢谢你寄来的明信片。Thank you for 因而感谢,也可以说成Thanks forThank you for your last letter. 谢谢你上次的来信。Thanks for the gift you gave me. Thank you for helping me.Thanks for telling me that. 7. We wont see any flowers until May. 直到五月我们才能看到花。notuntil直到才My father didnt e back until eleven yesterday. They didnt work out the math problem until the teacher told them the key. I wont leave here until my mother es. 我母亲一来我就离开这儿。8. We needed our jackets and boots, but it was fun. but“但是”,表示转折,在一个句子中如果用了though或although,就不再使用but,如果用了but,则不能再用although或though。Although she is quite young, she is very strong. 虽然她十分年轻,但是她体格健壮。The city is small, but it is very beautiful. 9. we will play in our shorts and T-shirts! 我们将穿着短裤和T恤衫玩!in prep. “穿着;披着”It is a wolf in a sheeps skin. 它是一只披着羊皮的狼。Do you know the girl in red? The tall man in blue pants is my brother. 10. Imagine you are traveling in another city or country. 假设你正在另一个城市或国家旅行。 another city or country 另一个城市或国家1) another意为“另一;另外”,用于没有前提范围时。I want another cake.2) another+数词,意为“又、再、还”。We need another two pens.=We need two more pens.11. Write a postcard to one of you friends. one of+(adj.最高级)+n.pl .当中的一个one of 作主语, 谓语用第三人称单数形式。One of my friends can speak French. 我的一个朋友会讲法语。He is one of the tallest boys in our school. One of my friends is in Class Five. Exercise: I. 完成下列句子。 1. He goes to the park at six every day and sees many old people _(exercise). 2. When we walked along the beach last night, the temperature _ (drop) to twenty degrees. 3. He was cold. He _ (need) his coat to keep him warm.4. The sun rises _ (early) in summer than in winter.later, after, in 5. Just _ seven, the rain began to fall. Luckily, I had taken my umbrella with me. 6. He went to the west a few days _. I thought he would e back soon.7. I shall e round _ a day or two. What kind of present do you want?8. Many people came to watch the balloon _(上升).9. 你或许也发现阅读已经变成是有趣的事,而不是工作。You many also find that reading _ _ _ than work.10. 直到他来,我们才开会。我么不想让他错过这次会议。We _ have the meeting _ he came. We didnt want him to miss the meeting.11. 昨天上午我看见他正过马路。I saw _ _ the street yesterday morning. 12. 他大概一周以后就会回到学校,我认为他会给我们带礼物。He will probably e back to school _ _ _. I think he will bring some presents for us. II. 句型转换,没空一词。1. It often snows in winter in Northern China. (一般疑问句)_it often _ in Northern China?2. Danny falls in the snow. (一般过去时)Danny _ in the snow.3. Yesterday was March twenty-first. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ yesterday?III. 连词成句。1. they, in, many, of, took, flowers, the, park, pictures_2. yesterdays, at, was, half, past, sunrise, six_3. traveling, they, to, another, are, city_4. more, China, is, getting, more, and, beautiful_


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