2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 It’s raining教案2 鲁教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Its raining教案2 鲁教版一 . 话题(Topic) The weather二 .重点词组(Key Phrases) 1Thank you for doing2on vacation3take photos4have a good time5on ones head6some.others.7wear a kind of scarf8look cool9five thousand years10thousands of11sound terrible12ride camels13look at14play basketball15.play puter games16. a kind of 一种17.beach volleyball 沙滩排球18In different kinds of weather19.be surprised to do sth./that +句子三 .交际用语 1. Hows the weather?Its raining.2. Hows it going?. Its great./not bad/terrible3. Is aunt Sarah there? Yes, she is .4. Whats she doing? Shes cooking. 四. 重点难点释义(Language Points)1. it 可用来指代天气。在句中可不译为中文。要根据上下文理解。如:It is windy. (天气)在刮风。Its cold today. 今天很冷。2. rain 名词。“雨,雨水”。动词。“下雨”。Its raining cats and dogs. 正下倾盆大雨。其形容词为:rainy 下雨的。“下雨了”可说:Its raining. 也可说:Its rainy.3. windwindy cloudcloudy sunsunny 这三组表天气的词都是“名词+y = 形容词”。4. snow 名词。“雪”;动词。“下雪”。其形容词为snowy. “下雪了”可说:Its snowing.或Its snowy.5. 表“风、云、雨、雪”等天气的名词都是不可数名词。但有时可在前面加上“a”,表示“一团、阵”等,这时就是可数。如:a wind 一阵风 a cloud 一团云 a rain 一阵雨 We can see many clouds in the sky. 我们能看到空中有许多云彩。6. Hows the weather? 天气怎么样?1)后可接时间、地点。如: Hows the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?Hows the weather in Sichuan? 四川天气怎么样2)回答用“Its + 天气”,如:-Hows the weather today? Its cloudy. 3) 同义句为:Whats the weather like? 如: Hows the weather in Beijing?= Whats the weather like in Beijing?4) 对“天气”提问用“Hows the weather?”如: -Today is sunny. Hows the weather today?7. weather 天气。不可数名词。如:Its a bad weather. (错。去掉a)8. Moscow 莫斯科。俄罗斯首都。9. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!10. Uncle Joe 乔叔叔。类似的有:Aunt Sarah 萨利大婶 Mr. Smith 史密斯先生 Miss. Wang 王小姐11. study 学习。第三人称单数为:studies. 如:He studies in a Middle School. 他在一所中学学习12. cook 1) 动词。烹调,煮。 2)名词。厨师。如: His father is a cook. 他父亲是一名厨师。 3)cooker 炊具。13. Hows it going? 最近怎么样?最近好不好?后可接with sb/ sth.用来表达对朋友、家人的关怀。如:Hows it going with Peter? 彼特最近怎么样?Hows it going with your study? 你最近学习怎么样?14. Not bad 还不错。15. Just so-so. 马马虎虎。16. pretty good. 相当好。Pretty 还可指女子美丽的。17. This is Bob. 我是鲍勃。打电话说“我是某人”用“This is”。你是某某用“That is”。如:Hello. This is Dale, Is that Mr. Green? 喂,我是戴尔,你是格林先生吗?18. hot 热的。反义词是:cold。 hot dog 热狗 hot food 辣的食物19. cold 寒冷的。have a cold 患感冒20. cool 凉爽的。反义词为:warm. Cool 还可指人或物“酷”。21. Thank you for 因而感谢。for是介词,后只能接名词、代词、动词的-ing形式。如:Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。22. CCTVs Around The World show. 中国中央电视台环球节目。23. on vacation.在度假。Summer vacation 暑假 winter vacation 寒假24. take photos 照相。Take a photo of sb/ sth 给某人某物照相。如:Please take a photo of my baby. 请给我的孩子照一张相吧。25. other, others other 别的,其他的。相当于一个形容词,作定语,后通常有一个名词,人或物不明确。如: What other animals can you see? 你还能看见什么动物?Other students are cleaning the room. 其他学生在打扫房间。Others 别的(人或物),其他的(人或物)。相当于一个名词。后不再接名词。如:He always thinks of others. 他总是为别人着想。Someothers 一些另一些。如:Some students like singing. Others like dancing.一些学生喜欢唱歌,另一些喜欢跳舞。The other 与the others 区别与前面相同。加定冠词后表特指某一范围的人或物,人和物非常具体。如:There are 32 students in our class. Two boys are Americans, the others are Chinese. 我们班有32位学生。有两位男孩是美国人。其余的都是中国人。26. lie 平躺。Lying 是它的现在分词。Lie on the beach. 躺在海滩上。He is lying on the road . 他正躺在路上。27. beach 海滩;沙滩。复数加-es。Two beaches 两个海滩。28. a group of 一群。作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。如:A group of students is reading. 一群学生正在读书。29. this group of people playing beach volleyball. 这群正打沙滩排球的人。Playing beach volleyball 是现在分词短语作定语,放被修饰词后。注意与句子区别。如:Some people are playing basketball. 一些人正在打篮球。(句子)some people playing basketball 一些正打篮球的人。(短语)Lucy_China is my friend.来自中国的露西是我的朋友。 (答案:B)A. is from B. from C. does from D. es from The boy _ (write ) is Dave. 正在写字的孩子是大卫。 (答案:writing)30. They look cool. 他们看起来很酷。Look “看起来”,是一个连系动词。后只能接形容词作表语。如:They look very happy. 他们看起来很高兴。Linda looks young. 琳达看起来很小。学过的连系动词还有:be 动词、sound (听起来)That sounds good. 那听起来不错。31. I am surprised that they can play in this heat. 我很惊讶他们能在这么热的天玩。Be surprised 后可接:1)句子 2)at sth 3) to do sth都表对感到惊奇。如:I am surprised he is a policeman. 我很惊奇他是一位警察。He is surprised at you. 他对你的行为感到惊讶。We are surprised to meet him on the street. 我们很惊讶在街上遇到了他。To ones surprise 令某人惊奇的是。如:To my surprise, he is ing. 令我惊奇的是,他居然来了。In surprise 惊奇的He is looking at his wife in surprise.他惊奇的看着他的妻子。32. in this heat. 在这种热度下。注意用介词“in”。33. The people are really very relaxed. 人们真的很放松。Be relaxed. 放松;轻松。常用人作主语。如:After the weekends, we are all relaxed. 经过一个周末,我们全都很轻松。34. scarf 围巾。 复数为:scarfs 或scarves. 35. everyone 每人,人人。作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:Everyone is here. 大家都在这儿。Everyone has his own name.每人都有自己的名字。36. have a good time 玩得高兴;过得愉快。= have fun = enjoy + 反身代词。 如:We are having a good time in the park. 我们在公园里玩得很高兴。= We are having fun in the park. = We are enjoying ourselves in the park. have a good + 其他名词。表愉快、高兴。如have a good trip 旅途愉快。Have a good summer vacation 暑假愉快。五.语法知识初步掌握现在进行时的用法:1).现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作 e.g. She is singing. 她正在唱歌。 2).现在进行时也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作。We are working on a farm theses days.这几天我们在农场干活.I am writing a book this month.这个月我在写书.3).现在进行时是由be( am /is/are) + 动词现在分词构成形式的。4)现在分词的几种构成形式: 一般动词后直接ing. e.g. dodoing seeseeing flyflying 以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing. e.g. taketaking writewriting rideriding 以一个元音加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词,先双写那个辅音字母,再加ing. e.g. sitsitting cutcutting stopstopping 以ie结尾的单词,先变ie为y,再加ing. e.g. lielying diedying tietying 5).注意主语不同时,后面动词be应随主语改变: e.g. He is writing. We are running. I am doing my homework. 6).与现在进行时连用的时间状语最多的是now“现在”,有时会有其它词作为提示词,如look, listen等。 e.g. Look! Who is running? 瞧!谁在跑步? 7)Listen! Jim is singing in the next classroom.听!吉姆正在隔壁教室唱歌。询问“某人正在干什么?”用这个句型: What be 主语doing? e.g. What is he / she / Mr. Wang doing? What are you / they doing?现在进行时转换口诀:肯定主语在句首,am is are 跟在后。现在分词跟着走,其他成分不可丢。一般问句这样变,把be提到主语前。否定句式也简单,be后再把not 添。句中提问v.ing ,What 一定首当先。


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