2019年高中英语 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes单元综合检测卷 外研版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes单元综合检测卷 外研版必修2第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1How many kilos has the woman lost?AFive. BSeven. CEleven.2What does the woman like doing?ASwimming.BWatching pingpong matches.CPlaying pingpong.3When will the woman likely see Billy?AAt 4 pm.BAt 5 pm.CAt 7 pm.4What was the man bored with?AThe match.BThe exam.CThe meeting.5Why does the man want to exchange the book?ABecause the printing on the last pages is very poor.BBecause the book is not interesting.CBecause the book is short of pages.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6What is the man good at?AEnglish. BPhysics. CArt.7What does the mans father do?AAn artist.BA writer.CA journalist8Who only send emails to the man?AHis teachers.BHis family.CHis friends.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9How will the man go to Liverpool?ABy train. BBy air. CBy bus.10How long does it take to go from the Liverpool airport to the centre by taxi?AOne hour.BFifty minutes.CForty minutes.11What time does the flight leave in the morning?AAt 5 oclock.BAt 6 oclock.CAt 7 oclock.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12Whom does the woman want to see?AA boss. BA friend. CA doctor.13Whats the matter with the woman?AShe has got a headache.BShe has got a backache.CShe has got a toothache.14When can the woman e again?AAt 9 oclock.BAt 10 oclock.CAt 11 oclock.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15Where can the man smoke?AIn the bedroom.BIn the kitchen.CIn the living room.16What does the man like doing in his free time?ACooking.BPlaying music.CTaking exercise.17Which can NOT be used by the man?AThe cooker in the kitchen.BThe fax machine in the hall.CThe phone in the living room.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18What does Ling Bing mainly want to do?ATo introduce himself to others.BTo talk about the way he learns English.CTo ask others to learn from him.19How does Ling Bing improve his spoken English?ABy listening to English programs on the radio.BBy keeping a diary in English.CBy municating with others in English.20Which of the following is most useful in learning English?AIts necessary to remember something.BTheres no need to learn English grammar at all.CThinking in English can help you remember something important well.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21The director had the girl play _ important part in the film when she was at _ age of thirteen.Aan;an Bthe;/Can;the Dthe;an22I dont want to waste time arguing_ you_ this matter.Please do what you are told.Awith;for Bwith;aboutCabout;over Dover;with23How did you find your visit to the museum?I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was _ interesting than I had expected.Aeven much Bfar moreCso more Da lot much24Eager to show himself as a new leader in the party,he _ out and kept getting his attempts televised.Aleapt BpickedCcarried Dput25China is a big developing country _ the Third World.Abelonging to Bbelonged toCbelongs to Dbelong to26My brother opens a gym and there are many kinds of sports such as golf and bowling that are both _ and relaxing in it.Really?Im looking forward to experiencing them in it.Aamazing BmovingCsurprising Dentertaining27You were very impolite to him,for_you should make an apology to him,I think.Athis BwhichCwhat Dthat28How did it _ that the car fell off the bridge into the river?Im not sure.Ae out Be acrossCe about De back29Mary and I see each other _,but not as often as we used to.Asooner or later Bonce in a whileCin the end Dmore or less30He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _ was seen at its best when he worked with others.Atemper BappearanceCtalent Dcharacter31_ is generally agreed that people should love and protect the environment.AThat BAsCWhich DIt32To our great surprise,the twins show their plans about building the new public square _ similarly.Amore or less Bby and byChere and there Dnow and then33It is Russia _ will hold the xx World Cup.Athat BwhichCwhere Dwhen34Why didnt you show your surprise to your aunt in the party last night?By the time I got there,most of the guests _.I had no time to prepare it.Aarrived Bhad arrivedCwere arriving Dhave arrived35Mum,I got the first prize in the English speech contest!_!ABest wishes BGood luckCGood for you DI see第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The film starts out on a normal day in a typical American high school.Friends _36_ in the dining room and boys play football.But theres a big surprise when the movie _37_ with two students going crazy in the _38_shooting and killing people.This is “Elephant”,_39_ in just 20 days;it stars real high school kids.American _40_ Gus Van Sant had no readymade lines(台词)The student actors made up their own _41_,with Van Sant asking them to base their characters on their own _42_._43_ it may not sound very high quality,the _44_ won the Palme dOr(金棕榈奖)for Best Film and the award for Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival in _45_ on May 25th.The film is based on the _46_ at a high school in the US,where two boys killed 13 people and then themselves in xx.The _47_ of the movie refers to the old expression about a problem thats as hard to ignore (忽略) as an elephant in the house.The film takes a close look at a few hours in the lives of the victims (受害者) and the killers.It shows how high school is a _48_ experience for everyonefun and friendly,or hard and lonely.In many ways,the two _49_ who carry out the shooting,act like ordinary kids.They joke around with one boys mother as _50_ serves them cakes and plays the piano.But,there are hints (暗示) of the _51_ they feel inside.One of the boys is bullied (欺负) at school.The other plays _52_ video games.But Van Sant isnt _53_ their killings on either bullying or violent games.In fact,the film doesnt offer any reason why school violence happens.“I didnt want to _54_ anything.Its up to the _55_ to draw its own conclusions,”said the 51yearold director.36A.chatBsleepCswimDfight37A.startsBendsCbeginsDtalks38A.cinemaBchurchCschoolDstation39A.discussedBlastedCshownDfilmed40A.presidentBdirectorCfilmDactor41A.facesBdialoguesCmindDclothes42A.teachersBparentsClivesDfamily43A.SinceBBecauseCAlthoughDHowever44A.victimsBboysCfilmDdirector45A.FranceBGermanyCHong KongDAustralia46A.playingBfightingCteachingDshooting47A.actorsBdirectorCkillersDtitle48A.differentBsameChappyDsad49A.teachersBboysCactorsDgirls50A.theyBheCitDshe51A.shockBangerCjoyDsorrow52A.sexyBlivelyCviolentDhealthy53A.blamingBpraisingCscoldingDspending54A.tellBshowCexplainDstop55A.audienceBstudentsCkillersDlisteners第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ALand Art,sometimes referred to as Earth Art or Earthworks,is a form of art which means using physical landscapes to create art,taking art out of the museum and into the outside world.Modern Land Art movement really got going in the 1960s,when American artists began creating Land Art on a large scale (范围)Today,works of modern Land Art can be seen all over the world,sometimes right alongside much older pieces of Land Art created by people who lived thousands of years ago.Land Art,which is not necessarily unchangeable,can take a number of forms.For example,in 1970 Robert Smithson created the Spiral Jetty (螺旋码头),made of a collection of stones and mud,in the Great Salt Lake.The American artist made a large jetty in a spiral shape which stuck out into the waters of the lake.Reshaping the landscape is a mon feature of Land Art.It can be created by moving ponents (组成部分) around.People can also add things to the environment to create Land Art,like salt,which is added to the Spiral Jetty.It is also possible to use plants.In all cases,Land Art is immovable.Land Art is designed to evolve (发展),change,and eventually decay (衰落)Thats one of the biggest differences between Land Art and most of the art one sees in the museum.Some works of art can exit only for a few hours or days.Others are exposed to rain and wind so that they evolve and decay over time,which is part of the attractiveness in the eyes of the artists.56From the first paragraph,we can learn that _.ALand Art aims to get people interest in natureBAmerican artists were the first to create Land ArtCLand Art was the most popular art in the 1960sDpeople have been creating Land Art for thousands of years57All of the following are used to design the Spiral Jetty EXCEPT _.Astones BplantsCsalt Dmud58What do we know about Robert Smithson?AHe is an American artist.BHe is a pioneer in creating Land Art.CHe created the most famous Land Art.DHe lives near the Great Salt Lake.59From the passage we know Land Art _.Acannot exist foreverBcan be moved everywhereCcan be created in a few hoursDcant be changed once createdBOne cold morning in winter,I went alone to a hillside to do some hunting.I sat there waiting for about an hour.Suddenly,a big beautiful deer appeared less than 20 feet away from me.There was no cover near him.Surely I could shoot him.To my surprise,he came toward me!He was curious,I suppose,or maybe he was stupid.For this was not a youngster,but a fully grownup one.He must have known about men and their guns.But this deer came closer,and I still waited.His wonderful head with a set of antlers(鹿角) was clearly in sight.I was getting a bit nervous as he walked closer.A big deer can do a lot of damage.Well,he walked right up to where I was sitting.Then he stopped and looked at me.What happened next was hard to believe.But it all seemed quite natural.I held out my hands and scratched his head right between the antlers.And he liked it.The big,wild,beautiful deer bent his head.I scratched and touched his head and body.His nose touched my shoulder.I fed him with my last sandwich.Well,he finally went his way,down the hill.Shoot him?Not me.You wouldnt,either.Not after that.I just watched him go,a strong deer carrying a proud head.I picked up my gun,and started walking back.Suddenly,I heard two shots,one after another.If you have hunted much,you will know what two shots mean.They mean a kill.I had forgotten that there were other hunters around.You will now understand why I gave up hunting from that day on.60How the deer behaved toward the writer shows that_.Ait pretended to be friendly to the writerBit wanted to attack the writerCit was quite friendly to the writerDit was too scared to run away61Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?AThe writer didnt shoot at the deer when he first saw it.BThe deer bent his head so the writer could scratch it.CThe writer gave up hunting after he killed the deer with two shots.DThis story happened on a cold morning in winter.62You can infer from the passage that_.Aa grownup deer usually will not get close to men with gunsBthe writer was a little nervous at first as he had been attacked by a big deer beforeCthe writer decided not to kill the deer the moment the deer walked up to himDthe writer had waited for about an hour before the deer appeared63After reading the whole passage,we can know that the passage is written in _ tone.Aworried BexcitedCsad DhappyCLondon has a new magazine.But it is not printed on paper.Everyone who has a television can receive it because it is on TV.In order to read this magazine,you have to have a decoder.Each page of it is numbered,so you only have to dial the number to choose which subject you want to read about.There is a wide choiceeverything is included from cooking to the latest sports news.If you want to read the news,the first thing you have to do is to turn to the index(索引) page which has an easytoremember page number,100 for example.Then you start choosing what you want to read.The news is on Pages 101 to 109,so you push out the numbers and the news appears written across your screen.Perhaps you want to go out in the afternoon,so you press 181,and a brightly colored weather map appears on the screen.But the weather is terrible,so you decide to go shopping and dial 162 for a list of the weeks best bargains.But should you drive or take the train?To answer that question you only have to press 189 for the traffic report.It is very simple to use.But probably the best thing about the service is that it is being updated all the time.Journalists type new material directly onto the screen and whole pages of the magazine can be replaced in minutes.London already has three services.One,transmitted(输送) by ITV,is called ORACLE while the other two,on BBC,are called CEEFAX because they let you see facts.Although CEEFAX and ORACLE have been operating for some time,they have not been well publicized.BBC engineers do not think that their idea will ever replace books and newspapers because they can be taken with you everywhere.But many people would agree that this is a breakthrough(突破) as great as the invention of printing,which could change not just our reading habits but our whole way of life.64The novelty(新颖) of magazine lies in _.Aits paperlessnessBits unique viewpointCits simplicity in operationDits quickness in transmission65In the sentence “Each page of it is numbered”,here “it” refers to the _.Adecoder BmagazineCprogram Dsubject66According to the passage,the underlined word “decoder” is used to help people _.Acalculate the sum of certain figuresBreceive some special TV program for entertainmentCgo shopping and have other entertainmentDget the information transmitted by TV signals67The passage is mainly about _.Aa new magazine printed in LondonBa popular TV program about magazinesCan advanced technology helping people to municateDan uptodate way of keeping up to dateDIt all happened by chance.Frank Buonanotte,54,a CEO of two panies,was going through some junk mails when he came across a postcard named Into the Fire.For some reason,Buonanotte clicked (点击) and he was attracted.“One scene was about what its like to be in a fire.The smoke makes it impossible to see;firefighters are crawling (爬) along the floor;people are trapped in rooms far away,” he recalled.The short film explained how a new technology could “see” through smoke and walls so firefighters could make sure of the place of the injured and the source of a fire.But the portable (便携式的) cameras cost more than $10,000 each,and few fire stations could afford them.About 80,000 firefighters are injured every year in the line of duty;last year,114 died.“But its not like cancer,” said Buonanotte.“A solution exists.The only reason why its not used is the shortage of money.Thats a pity.”After retiring from his fulltime job,Buonanotte decided to do something for the firefighters.At first,Buonanotte thought he would simply buy a few portable cameras.But he found that would be far from enough pared to the great need of all the fire stations.Buonanotte decided to set up and run a charity,“500 for Life”Since its founding in xx,the charity has given 40 cameras to fire departments in 25 states.The Buonanotte family,which includes wife Michele,daughter Alyx,22,and son Eric,19,helped to deal with the business so that all money they got can be used directly to buy new cameras.Besides,the family itself bought several cameras a year,and Buonanotte traveled around the country to speak to raise money,and give out cameras.The Crockery Township Fire Department in Nunica,Michigan,received one of the first portable cameras and shared it with two neighboring departments.Buonanotte said,“Usually,it is giving back that makes someone feel whole.Ive been able to help firefighters save more lives.There is nothing better than that.”68How did Buonanotte find the short film Into the Fire?ABy going through advertisements.BBy watching TV.CBy reading newspapers.DBy surfing the Internet.69The underlined word “trapped” in the first paragraph probably means _.Aforgotten in the cornerBleft aloneCkept in a dangerous situationDmade fun of70The passage is mainly about _.Athe importance of technologyBnot fearing firesCan introduction to a short filmDhelping firefighters save lives第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to use speed reading to go through newspapers or magazines?71. _You will not only save time, but also your focus will increase and you will have fun reading even the uninteresting reports.72_This plays to the advantage of the tired reader who wants to stay current but has very little time to read. Often all you need to understand a news piece is the first paragraph.Here the reporter will tell you whats happening, who its happening to and where its happening.Sometimes you dont even need to read the entire paragraph because the first sentence or the first couple of sentences give you all the information. If you still have more time you can move on to step two.73._Read the last paragraph. Some news pieces are followups of events that were earlier reported. In such a situation, the first paragraph may not give you all the information you need.74._Its usually in the last paragraph that the user is given the background information that leads to the story.Read the “quotes” after youve read the first and the last paragraphs and you still feel you need more information or have more time to play with, you can e into middle of the piece by reading the direct speech of the sources of the news item. In all forms of writing where quotations are used, the writer leads the reader into the quotes and then leads the reader out. This takes too much space and therefore, robs the reader of some precious time.75_A. Read the first paragraph.B. But the last paragraph will do the job.C. The first paragraph may be not important at all.D. Otherwise, you can stop reading.E. Here are three techniques you can use.F. So glide directly to the quotation marks and read whats within them.G. If you follow these steps, its possible to get about 80 percent of a news piece.第二卷第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Miss Brown,We have received your application last week. We regret to informing you that our pany has hired other girl for the job of secretary. Having careful studied your certificate, we decided that we should need someone with more offices experience for this particular position. You have impressed us,bu


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