2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit1词组、句型及语法教案.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit1词组、句型及语法教案一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1在许多方面in many ways在某些方面in some ways2照顾;照料care for = take care of = look after被照顾;照料be cared for = be taken care of = be looked after3火星上的生活life on Mars4够到我的食物get to my food5能够做某事be able to do sth.6帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth.=help sb. (to) do sth.7呈现药片的形状in the form of pills8使某人感到非常难受make sb. feel very ill9使某人镇定下来make sb. calm down10使这人梦想成为现实make this dream bee true11提供某物给某人provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.12变得越来越拥挤bee more and more crowded 13目前;现在at present = at the moment = now14以.速度at the speed of 以光速的一半运行travel at half the speed of light15首先first of all16许多large numbers of = a number of = many17漂入太空中float away into space18飘浮在空中float in the air19因住在那里而生病get ill from living there20将A连接到B上面connect A to B将A和B相连接connect A with B21被连接到be connected to 22进行考试take exams23和.一样美味as tasty as 24压缩食品;干缩食品dried food25数码相机digital camera26伤害某人do harm to sb. = harm sb.损伤某物do harm to sth.= harm sth.27去火星的旅行the journey to Mars28太空睡袋space sleeping bag29准备做某事prepare to do sth.30愿意做某事be willing to do sth.31在太空旅行travel in space32在地球的表面on the surface of Earth33在电脑的控制下under the control of puters34以.开始start with= begin with35搬到地球之外move out of Earth36第一个住在火星上的人the first to live on Mars37让某人做某事have/make/let sb. do sth.请某人做某事(让某事被做)have sth. done38担心(做某事)worry about (doing) sth. = be worried about (doing) sth.39某事让某人担心sth. worry sb. 40害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth. = be afraid to do sth.41让某人远离.keep sb. away from .42花费某人一些时间做某事It takes sb. some time to do sth.43阻止某人做某事keep/stop/prevent sb. from doing sth.44防止飘浮prevent floating45拍高质量的图片take high-quality images46有许多存储空间have lots of memory space47被储存很多个月be stored for many months48地球直径的一半one-half the diameter of Earth49不太阳系里in the solar system50很难发现be hard to find51最不重要的the least important52代替.(动词短语)take the place of .53坐在窗户旁边sit by the window54匆匆浏览;快速阅读run over55值be worth = cost值得做某事be worth doing sth.562100年火星生活指南a guide to living on Mars in 210057某个安静的地方somewhere quiet58更喜欢做某事prefer to do sth.59起飞take off60确信某事;对某事有把握be sure/certain of确信做某事;有把握做某事be sure/certain to do sth.be sure/certain _+ that 宾从 13.I am wondering if/whether there will be many people willing to move to Mars.


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